April 18, 2024

Stress is terrible but if you can reduce stress by uncluttering you will live a much happier life. We all live life as best we can but almost always there are conflicting priorities and way to much to do in a day. Over time we will find that there are things that just never get done until they become a big priority.

I fight with this all the time just like I am sure you are. And I just want to give you a few tips that I hope will help you to lower your stress level, get more done, and be more happy with your life.

Reduce Stress by Uncluttering

Reduce Stress By Uncluttering
Reduce Stress By Uncluttering

I have had some experience with this great method to reduce stress. It takes just five steps to drop your stress level and you can make a big difference today although it may take a couple of weeks to straighten out your schedule completely. So if you are interesting in doing this to change your life then here are the five steps.

1. Assess your current situation – The first thing to do is to see what it is holding your thoughts and getting in your way. Do you have too many clothes that don’t fit? Do you have a spare room or storage room that is a mess? Do you have paperwork that you need to file. There are lots and lots of problems that people have that are not a big problem (like outstanding credit cards, or lack of cash) and it takes a day or two to clean up.

2. Use the “Getting Things Done” method of Processing – This means that all of those things, items, thoughts, junk, and undone tasks can all be written down and available to be done. This may seem redundant to the actual doing and the previous step as well but don’t worry. Just get each of these things and write them down on a piece of paper each by themselves.

3. Setup an action schedule for just the next 7 days – This means that out of all of those things outstanding what can you complete in the next 7 days completely. Try to get some tough things and some easy things so that you can have victories that you can build on. Some of these may be one step like “Take old clothes to Goodwill” or “Organise the Garage” but it is amazing to feel the stress lift once these stupid little jobs are finally out of your head and out of the way.

4. Run through the next 7 days and act, act, act! – Action is the only important thing at this point. The planning and schedule are done and now you can get some stuff completed. Make sure that you make a big deal in your own mind of each and every task completed.

5. Celebrate and Re-assess – After the week of action you can sit down again and reassess what you have completed, how much you have been able to reduce stress in all parts of your life, and what is still outstanding. This exercise should have led to a much better frame of mind and most importantly a realization that through action you can make a lot of changes in your life. You can now see if these are more things that you can complete or if you can cut back on what may have been a hectic week.

The Results of this Uncluttering Stress Reduction Process

I find that I do this kind of thing at home as well as completely separately at work. There are many parts and places in our life that become stress points for us and by reduce stress by uncluttering  in one spot will help you live a much more calm and fulfilling life in another part of your home, marriage, or worklife.

Try to run through this process to reduce stress at least once a month to make sure you are always staying ahead of the game.

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