As we all know tennis is great exercise for brief periods of time. When I was younger I played a lot of tennis and really enjoyed the sport becase of the competition, skill, startegy and also because it was the funnest way that I knew of to get some good exercise. If you play tennis for an hour you could expect to burn 500 calories if you were running you would burn over 1100 calories so tennis is not the best workout from a caloric burning standpoint.
Enter Cardio Tennis.

I was listening to a interview on an online health radio station today and heard a great interview with on of the people involved with Cardio Tennis.
Cardio Tennis is a series of drills that you do as a group that instead of really correcting your game instead the goal is to make you burn more calories. Cardio Tennis was recognized at the US Open tennis championships last year and is a great new way of getting great exercise and still having a lot of fun. If you are a tennis player already then Cardio Tennis si a great way to improve your fitness and stamina for your game. If you are not a tennis player then you get a nice hard workout and because of the way the workout is set up you will not have to be a good player to start with.
The website has a fair amount of information on the workouts and there are certified trainers that can get you started and conduct classes