Is it possible for a dieter to drink beer without getting a beer belly? Good news: Yes (with the right low calorie beers)! Bad news: No you cannot accompany that beer with nachos, pizza and peanuts. Calories make us fat - whether they come from beer or chips and dip. Of course not all beers … [Read more...] about Drinking Beer on a Diet
Weight Loss
20 Tips How To Stick To Your Diet
There are many reasons that you might have decided to diet right now. You may be preparing for a big event. You may have made a big New Year’s resolution. Or it may be that you’re just ready to lose some to improve your health. Whatever your reasons, starting a diet can be an exciting and … [Read more...] about 20 Tips How To Stick To Your Diet
How to Increase and Boost Your Metabolism
This great article from Sheri Strykowski about metabolism boosting foods and how to increase metabolism that is sure to have you nodding your head in agreement but there are a few that will probably be new to you as well. Here are 10 metabolism boosting foods that will increase your metabolism … [Read more...] about How to Increase and Boost Your Metabolism
Simple Trick To Force Your Body To Burn Fat Fast
When it comes to fast fat loss, there is no shortage of tips and tricks you can find online. However, truth to be told, most of these tips is either ineffective or just rehashed stuff from old weight loss methods which hardly go well with the modern lifestyle. That said, the trick I am going to … [Read more...] about Simple Trick To Force Your Body To Burn Fat Fast
Why do the Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers diets work?
As someone that follows the ebb and flow of diets I get a chance to see a lot of diets as well as the reports as to whether they work or not. Over the last few years there have been probably 100 diets released on an unsuspecting public, some gain traction and others don't but the big diets over … [Read more...] about Why do the Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers diets work?