I have a new workout partner, and he is kicking my ass. Late last year my 13 year old son Jaiden decided he wanted to get a fitness membership to join the gym. My wife took him for his first workout and then I went with him a few times after that. Then one weekend we took a couple days off and … [Read more...] about My Son – My New Gym Training Partner
Family Health
Weekend, Pokemon and Dad – Son Time
This weekend, well most of the weekend anyway, my son and I were hanging out together while my wife was out at a wedding Stagette with my daughter. I haven't posted about this before but Pokemon Go is a big hit with my son and I and with no rules we had lots of time to hang out, playing walking … [Read more...] about Weekend, Pokemon and Dad – Son Time
Four Months Post Kidney Donation – My Experience
Four months after kidney donation. Wow, have times changed in my life. A couple days ago I reached my 4 months post kidney donation. Back on August 11th, I donated a kidney to my daughter in a surgery that was pretty exciting for our family and all of those around us. Back in May by daughter … [Read more...] about Four Months Post Kidney Donation – My Experience
Further Recovery from Kidney Donation
I am sitting just about four weeks after my Kidney donation to my daughter. Although my recovery has been pretty good so far I am always wanting to push harder and it is my wife and daughter that are holding me back, well until last Monday that is. On Monday I went for a follow up with the … [Read more...] about Further Recovery from Kidney Donation
2 Week Kidney Transplant Countdown
I will be writing a couple of articles about kidney disease over the next couple weeks and even though you may not be touched by it yourself, kidney disease is crazy popular as a diease to watch out for. 1 in 3 people is at risk today for kidney disease and 1 in 20 is currently struggling with … [Read more...] about 2 Week Kidney Transplant Countdown