I have never cared about all of these stories about teen stars who are fat or not fat. I have never cared about how the press, public, and fans feel about these teen music stars with the three year, three album career that are all the hype and then disappear just a few years later.
That is until my daughter turned 9.
Miley Cyrus right now is the hottest music star for your girls. Not only is Miley Cyrus huge but so is her show and alter ego Hannah Montana.
This week Miley Cyrus made a comment on twitter about her legs being jiggly when she shook them. This for many people is normal since you have muscle on your legs and if you have much bodyfat at all then it will cover your legs and when you leg muscles are loose then you will be able to shake that muscle around.
She also said this:
“Talk all you want. I have my flaws. I’m a normal girl there’s things about my body I would change, but stop calling my fat in post. I don’t even like the word. The ones that scar people and cause them to do damage to themselves of others,”
If you look at the pic on the side here Miley Cyrus does not seem to be fat at all.
One of the things that drives me even crazier than people pandering to the new mini pop stars are people hurting young peoples self image. There needs to be an easy way to have young girls stay fit, not worry about body image, and still not crush their frail self confidence.
As parents I think this is our job. We have to have the kids eat right, exercise right, and after all this teach our kids that their bodies are not the sole way for them to buld their confidence on. My daughter is fine, maybe a little under but I see her worrying about her appearance as kids will and my wife and I are always telling her that school and grades are more important than looks and we try to minimize the importance of appearance and fashion and the big trap that all this does for nothing.
How do you balance this for your kids? Do you have the same issues?
Oh, and no, Miley Cyrus certainly is not fat.