When should I start working out again after cold or flu?
I got back to the gym this morning after being off for a couple of weeks due to a flu. It was an OK exercise after being sick
Anyway, often when we get sick we are not sure when to start back exercising and working out. I know that I have been through this just through laziness in the past but this past Friday I was itching to get back to the gym and it bothered me a lot that I did not have the energy or health to workout.
Exercise after being sick
Finally this morning I went to the gym again.
So when are you ready? I think that the question of when to exercise after being sick can only be answered by deciding what you want to do in the gym and what your transition will be to hard workouts.
In retrospect I think I may have been able to go back to the gym yesterday and for this reason I am pushing my wife to get back today even though she feels crappy. Today I actually had a very full and tough workout but I would have liked to have gone earlier without a need to break a sweat, just get a chance to move your muscles and stretch. The one thing I hate most about being sick is the inactivity and the crappy feeling that I have in my muscles.
The important thing to be careful with during flu season is to not workout when you are really sick or pushing yourself back into sickness when you work out to hard.
How to Exercise after being sick
So here is a bit of an idea of what you should look at for a workout for exercise after being sick.
1. No sweating until you are better.
2. No Cardio, goes back to rule number one
3. Do some s. Drop your weights to 30% of your regular lifting and try to have a quick couple of sets of each exercise that you do.
4. Do lots of stretching afterwards. My biggest idea of working out while at the tail end of a sickness is to make sure that I am not getting worse and instead getting some blood moving a bit
5. Drink lots of water while working out. This is another chance to really flush your body with much need water to make you healthier and heal you quicker.
What do you do? Do you rush back too quickly to the gym? Do you skip exercise a little longer than your should and do you know when to exercise after being sick