Are you looking for new loss information? I was fortunate enough to get a hold of some great loss materials and I want to offer it free to the people that read my blog. All I ask is that if you have not signed up for my 21 day fitness email mini course that you do that now.
So here are the free loss products
Free Email Fitness Course
Jon Benson, the creator of Fit Over 40 is offering a free 10 day course on how to lose 10 pounds in a week. This offer is apparently only good for a couple of more days. The info is gold and even if you have been through my email course you will still learn a lot from Jon. What does this include? Well Jon is including the following stuff in this 10 day loss program.
* FREE 10-Day Fat-Burning E-Course (Starting Today!)
* Two Mystery Gifts worth over $180!
* A FREE Chapter Sample from my book, Fit Over 40!
* My FREE Weekly Newsletter, Success For Life!
Free Fat Loss Workout Ebook
The second product is a (right click and save the link) free loss ebook that was created by Craig Ballantyne, the creator of Turbulence Training. I reviewed the Turbulence Training program a few days ago but Craig just offered to let me give you a very extensive overview of the Turbulence Training program. The loss Ebook includes a full lifting program of four weeks including pictures of how to do the exercises.
I am very excited to offer these free loss tools to. Both are free but I have a lot of free crap sitting on my computer. These are very good fat loss resources and I am sure you will see the value. If you want to fat burn you should to read the weight loss tips at Slinky slender and discover how to lose weight fast.
Again all I ask is that if you have not signed up yet that you sign up for my 21 day fitness program and if you have any questions on any of this please email me.