One of the most important things that you can do when you are trying to get in better shape or to get in shape in the first place is to have a weekly schedule.
There are three things to look at in this schedule and if you set your priorities or goals in each of these area you will be more successful in your workouts
Here are the important structure parts of your workout
1. When do you workout – We all know, at least your should know that working out in the morning is the best time to workout. The reasons for this are obvious.
By working out in the morning you have less excuses, a fresh mind, no plans already, and this is also the best time because you will be able to get the metabolism running right away.
If you do not workout in the morning than the next best time would be lunch or in the evening. The eveing is good for a lot of people but depending on your social life this may be a problem.
So make sure you are not going to have trouble with your workouts getting in the way of the rest of your life or you will start to resent the workouts and start skipping them.
2. Energy to workout – It is important to make yourself have the energy to workout or the workouts will go badly.
This means that you should workout well hydrated as well as making sure that it is far enough away from a meal so that you are not bloated.
Also make sure that you are eating well all day long. Eating 6 meals a day is not jsut a good idea but instead is a great way to keep your blood sugar level.
3. How to workout – No matter what you do you need to have a schedule for what kinds of workouts that you want to have.
You should have at least one weight workout, preferably two and these workouts should work your entire body. I choose to do these workouts on Monday and Friday.
Next you need to figure out your cardio workouts. I like to mix up my cardio and that is to do biking, running, street hockey, and using an elliptical trainer.
You don’t have to do this all at once and really you want to work up a sweat in at least a 30 minute workout for three days a week. This altoegether will lead to five days working out a week wich I think is easily enough to get in great shape in no time.
Working out with these three ideas in mind should help you out to get your body and mind in the shape that you need to make sure that you are always feeling and looking great.