One of the things that happens when you have kids is that often you just go from season to season and as much as you sign the kids up for stuff and do things, the mundane of the regular schedule seems to just fill up all of your time if you aren’t careful.
A nice way to change things up is a dreamboard or even a bit of family planning (not that kind of family planning). This is best done on a monthly basis but even on a weekly basis.
The grandaddy of them all for us is a Family Dreamboard
What is a DreamBoard?
One of the things that we do every year on new years eve is create a dreamboard.
In past years we have sometimes done it right and put pictures on there and done a lot of research into what would be great but this year (11 months ago now) we just made one at 8:00 new years eve.
You can see our 2013 dreamboard here. It seems these have worked out well so far mostly. But there are always things that sometimes get missed anyway.
Well I was looking back at some twitter posts earlier tonight and I ran across an even better idea that Carla at MizFitOnline posted about at the end of Summer.
She and her kids had a Summer list of things they wanted to do and she was lamenting about how Summer is ending and the list was ending too, how about a new list, maybe even a monthly list?
Here we are in the middle of November and we are already apparently prepping for Christmas.
I think that Winter really did start a couple of weeks ago and now I am thinking that I had better start to make some plans for these last 6 weeks of the year or they will just slip by in the business of the season.
I think we are going to have to make one of these “Fun Lists” not goals, not dreams, just fun stuff to do so that we don’t go crazy. Stuff to let off steam and to have fun.
How about you? Do you have plans? What are you going to be doing these last few weeks of the year?