Serving sizes are a confusing issue for many people, lots of people eat to much during each meal and therefore even though they think that they are doing everything right they just do not know why they are not losing weight.
I know around my house I have to watch it as it is really easy to eat a lot of food at each meal because there is so much food on the table, sound familiar?
Anyway here is a short list of how big a serving size is:
1 tsp. . . . . . . . . . . . quarter, tip of thumb
1 Tbl . . . . . . . . . . . . silver dollar, whole thumb
2 Tbls (1/8 cup) . . . . . . .one sandwich cookie, nailpolish bottle
1/4 cup (4 Tbls) . . . . . . golf ball, large egg
1/3 cup . . . . . . . . . . . compact, espresso cup
1/2 cup . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 orange, small fist
1 cup. . . . . . . . . . . .. baseball, light bulb
1 oz meat/cheese. . . . . . . computer disk, tube of lipstick
1 oz snack food . . . . . . . rounded handful
2 oz meat/cheese . . . . . . 3 fingers, 4 dominoes
3 oz meat/cheese . . . . . . deck of cards, computer mouse
4 oz meat/cheese . . . . . . palm of man’s hand
1 muffin or piece of fruit . tennis ball
1 bagel . . . . . . . . . . . 6-oz can of tuna
Well OK I thing that the bagel is a little small as well and we all know tht bagels are packed with carbs so they may be a bad choice on a losing diet anyway.
One thing that you may notice is that if you ate a meal based on these serving sizes then you would probably eat a lot less.
Try eating smaller servings at every meal of the day and see if it makes a difference to how you feel. I am gusessing that it won’t as you will be eating what you need not what your eyes think that you need.
Athlete Serving Sizes
Another way to reduce serving sizes is to eat mroe often. Bodybuilders for at least 30 years have eaten six meals a dsay all year round. In the off season they eat six big meals, with huge serving sizes of carbs, protein and OK amounts of fat.
More interestingly is in the competition season a bodybuilder will still eat six small meals a day high in protein and low in carbs and fat and will actually be starving themselves as their six meals are enough to keep most of their muscle but will help them drop their weight.
One other way to drop the serving size of your meal is to drink a large glass of water, really big glass at that a half hour before you eat. Then when you eat you will not be so hungry and you can leisurely eat instead of just shoving the food down your throat.
Eating slowly will allow you to enjoy your food more, help you digest better and fill you up easier.