I heard rumblings about the Swine Flu last week but nothing really to worry about. Yesterday everything changed. I think that weekends create a lot of backlog of news and yesterday all the news was about the flu. My wife is following everything to do with the swine flu and says that she is very thankful that we did not go to Mexico for Spring break (I couldn’t afford to take the whole family anyway). The CDC is reporting today that people should not be going to Mexico City, I am not sure about Mexico resorts but expect we will hear more about that today.
Apparently 40 people have the swine flu in the US and to date no one has died. All the dead I believe are in Mexico
This morning I have heard of some news reports that most of the flu dead in Mexico are between 20 and 50 years old, which if it is true is a staggering number. Most people will recover from a common flu within a couple of weeks but the people most in danger are the very young and very old not people between 20 to 50. Did you know that up to 250,000 people every year worldwide die from the flu? This is not to say that swine flu is not important but the flu itself is a huge health issue worldwide.
That stat aside, one of the big reasons that I have for staying in shape and being fit is to have a strong immune system and to be in top form and healthy all of the time. I may occasionally get sick but I miss most of the colds and flus going on around me. The CDC though has some good info on how to avoid the flu, especially the swine flu. And Med News Today tells us about the treatment of the swine flu.
So in looking around I found a few links to swine flu info and with all the hype right now I am hoping we get a grounding today on how bad this may be and how many people may be affected by it.
I am sure I will be writing more about this but in any case keep yourself safe and out of situations that could get you in contact with the swine flu and make sure that you stay clean and follow the above tips for avoidance.