Today I am starting a 30 day fitness challenge. I know that it may seem strange that the owner of a blog dedicated to fitness is starting a fitness challenge with himself but it is high time.
We all move forward in lurches, making changes small and large and then coasting a bit until the next go round and I am the same as anyone. This Summer I have been doing a lot of coasting, exercising randomly, eating only so so and just letting myself enjoy Summer in a somewhat lazy way.
Not Anymore
We got back from camping a few days ago and now I have decided that it is time to do a 30 day fitness challenge to get myself back in tip top shape. I weighed myself last night and I am sitting at 203.4 pounds and my daughter took before pics of me (not sharing those till later) and so today I am getting everything cleaned up as far as diet and exercise are concerned.
30 Day Fitness Challenge Starters
Preplanning meals – I will be preplanning the weeks meals so we don’t eat take out as much
Portion control – This is a big one for me. My wife cooks very healthy stuff but I don’t always say no when I should
Junk Food – I am not very good lately. I have more than my one allotted treat per day but at least I have given up the coke and coffee that were such a problem over the years
Everyday Exercise – I am not exercising daily and I can feel it in my strength, agility, energy, and concentration on tasks. Also I get tired easily (sleepy tired I mean)
Prioritize Rest and Fun – I have not been prioritizing much lately and it is starting to show. I need the “To do” and “Not to do” lists to come back into my life
Keep my mind sharp – I have to start trying new things and getting my mind sharp by doing the things that I am not familiar with, maybe a new sport but at least changing a few things up in my regular daily routine.
So that’s me. how about you? Are you interested in following along or taking part? I will be posting lots of my findings, feelings, and frustrations, so we can all go through this together.