I have always pushed my kids to eat a better breakfast by having toast and natural peanut butter or cereal but there is anew study out today proving me right. It seems that cereal and milk are a great, easy to digest form of protein.
Exercise physiologist Lynne Kammer, from The University of Texas at Austin, led a group of researchers who investigated the post-exercise physiological effects of the foods. Kammer and her team studied 12 trained cyclists, 8 male and 4 female. In contrast to many sports nutrition studies, however, the exercise protocol was designed to reflect a typical exercise session. After a warm-up period, the subjects cycled for two hours at a comfortable work rate, rather than the more frequently seen test-to-exhaustion.
“Our goal was to compare whole grain cereal plus milkwhich are ordinary foodsand sports drinks, after moderate exercise,” said Kammer. “We wanted to understand their relative effects on glycogen repletion and muscle protein synthesis for the average individual. We found that glycogen repletion, or the replenishment of immediate muscle fuel, was just as good after whole grain cereal consumption and that some aspects of protein synthesis were actually better”.
So this morning, or tomorrow anyway break open the whole wheat cereal and milk (1% in my house) and get a good start to the day