I have written quite a few times about the importance of drinking water but last week I restarted a strategy that I had followed for a long time and then gave up.
Benefits of Drinking water first thing in the morning.
The idea is to get up and immediately drink four glasses of water and nothing else. Wait at least 45 minutes before having any coffee or tea or breakfast.
Why would you want to do this? Well I have always known the benefits of drinking waterand used to do this drinking water before getting on the bike to ride to work, actually I did it for a couple of years and had a lot of energy in the morning. I never knew if the energy was from drinking the water or from the bike ride itself. There is is a benefits of drinking water that I really agree with and I have to agree that over the last week I have had a lot more energy and a much better level of concentration to get more done in the early morning,
Water Softeners Can Be Used for Drinking Water
Softeners replace the calcium and magnesium contents in hard water by sodium. Sodium does not accumulate in pipes and also does not react to soap. This means hard water effects are eliminated. The principle of the softener system is easy to understand. Hard water is allowed to enter the water softener. It contains a layer of plastic beads and in some instances, the material used is called Zeolite. The layer of materials inside the water softener is soaked with sodium ions. Sodium is exchanged with the contents of the hard water, calcium, and magnesium. When water comes out of the softener, the water is said to be of the soft water type. Here are some of the best rated best descalers that you must check to have healthy water.
Although some people are worried about the extra Sodium that they will be taking in by using a water softener, and indeed it can raise your blood pressure if you are struggling with that, for most people a water softener can make the water taste better.
Water softener prices can vary so it’s sensible to shop around in order to get the best deal. Once you have managed to narrow down your search you will need to consider running costs, the size of your tank, efficiency ratings and whether an extended warranty is included in the price.
If you do live in a hard water area you probably spend a fortune on bottled water every week. Any section online about the best water softener reviews will explain that softened water tastes so much better than hard water.
Both the taste and the smell of your domestic water will improve dramatically. By not buying bottled water you will be doing your bit for the environment as well.
There are several reasons why you would want to drink a lot of water first thing in the morning
- Drinking water in the morning will give you energy – The water you drink first think will kick up your metabolism right away and the coldness seems to be a bit invigorating, but you need to drink quality water.
- Drinking water in the morning will start your rehydration – We lose our hydration at night from breathing out moist air and since we take nothing in and are losing water to digestion we really do get dehydrated.
- Drinking water in the morning will help you lose weight – When you drink water in the morning you will find that you have less appetite since you already have the water in your stomach fooling your brain into thinking that you are not hungry.
There seems to be a very popular notion that drinking water or anything in the morning will kickstart your metabolism.
Try it and see if it works.
There are many more benefits of drinking water that I have not mentioned that you will find very quickly when you go just a few days of drinking water in the morning.
Post your comments about what you think firsthand of these benefits of drinking water in the morning idea.