My wife has been surfing around looking for some better choices for kids lunches. Our daughter starts grade three and our son starts kindergarten in just a couple of days so this seemed to be a good time to start getting serious about lunchbox contents.
I asked my wife to show me what she had found and this is the list:
8 Great tips for back to school lunch boxes
10 Tips and lunch ideas your child will love
5 easy changes that can shake up lunch so your kids enjoy it
10 new lunch ideas
15 new lunch ideas to pack for the kids
6 recipes that are a bit more work but very unexpected for the kids
Spark People forum post with a bunch of good ideas that parents have for kids lunches
8 complete lunch ideas for the kids from snacks to lunch
A top 10 list of what to make sandwiches with plus a bunch of other ideas for kids lunch
A breakdown on how to create a very balanced lunchbox using all of the food groups. Lots of examples
9 more lunch ideas from Kraft plus a bunch more tips
This is a pretty extensive list. I am thinking that maybe I should have my wife start blogging some recieps and stuff for us here on the blog.
To everyone that has kids starting school in the next few days, or maybe even started already I hope these tips help you shake things up and keep them interested in the food that they are bringing in the lunchbox this fall.