Do you suffer from panic, fear and anxiety? You may be aware of several methods of dealing with your negative emotions, but are looking for alternative ways to cope with anxiety.
Laughter Is The Best Medicine
One technique that may be easy to discuss but difficult to achieve is just letting go and laughing at life.
When you stop taking life so seriously, you can use your sense of humor to overcome the feelings of dread and worry.
There is also the belief that laughter can create endorphins in your body, which help relieve pain and create a sense of relaxation.
Watch a funny movie or television show, attend a comedy night at a local club, or just tell a joke with your friends.
There’s Power In Action
Empowering yourself through planning your future can also help you alleviate stress and anxiety.
When you feel you have no control over things, make a plan in order to gain that control. Change comes through action. If your anxiety is around money, create a budget or seek financial advice from a professional.
If you are worried about your relationship, discuss this with your partner or try couple’s therapy. Create study plans and schedule tutoring sessions if your concerns around about your classes.
Alternative and Medicinal Therapy
Medicinal therapy is also an option. In addition to the Western pharmaceuticals available through your doctor or psychiatrist, you can also look into alternative therapies such as herbs, acupuncture, or even chiropractics.
If you are looking to go down the route of herbal remedies, though, make sure you seek professional advice, as these can have as many adverse reactions and side effects as those medications that you get from a pharmacist.
Meet With A Counselor
You may also look to get help from a third party such as a counselor or psychologist. Having another person who you can talk to about your feelings will in fact help to alleviate those emotions.
Whether you choose to go down the route of one-on-one sessions, couples or family therapy or group therapy, you can use the professionals involved to discover your underlying issues and come up with appropriate coping strategies.
Many mental health professionals also suggest changing your diet and exercising more when they have a patient who is dealing with stress and anxiety.
The chemicals in some pre-packaged foods can alter the chemistry of your mind and body and exacerbate negative feelings. You may also be told to limit the use of alcohol, and seek help if you are on any drugs.