I have written about Eczema cures before but just tonight I was putting some Hydorval on my son behind his knees and I realized I had never mentioned Hydroval.
Hydroval for Eczema
Hydrocortisone valerate also known as hydroval topical is used to help relieve redness, itching, swelling, or other discomfort caused by skin conditions. This medicine is a corticosteroid (cortisone-like medicine or steroid).
Appropriate studies have not been performed on the relationship of age to the effects of hydrocortisone valerate topical in the pediatric population. However, because of this medicine’s toxicity, it should be used with caution.
Children and teenagers who must use this medicine should be checked often by their doctor since hydrocortisone valerate topical may be absorbed through the skin and can affect growth or cause other unwanted effects.
Safety and effectiveness have not been established.
We have been using this stuff for years. First on my daughter, then my son, and now my wife as well. If you have any other great ideas for eczema that is not a cortisol steroid please let me know. Otherwise there may be some other stuff that are natural eczema cures.
I would really reccomend using Hydroval for eczema we use it one the evening and then in the morning when the kids have eczema outbreaks and although it stings a little bit for a few minutes it is really good. Make sure if you use Hydroval for eczema that you wash your hands afterwards.