I used to read a lot of blogs by RSS. RSS feeds were a great way to keep up with what people were writing a couple years ago but now there is so much more on Goolge+, Facebook, and Twitter that I seemed to have just kind of lost my way with RSS.
This morning I looked through my feeds and lo and behold there are lots of people besides me still blogging up a storm about health and wellness.
Here are a few good articles I have been reading today.
5 Primal Meals in 35 Minutes – Marks Daily Apple is a great place to find everything about Primal eating and lifestyle. I am not sure if he invented it himself but he offers a lot of great stuff on how to eat way better and how to exercise in a different way than be are all taught. In this article he shows us how to make 5 great meals in just 35 minutes that taste great and are great for you
Cardio vs Weights for loss – Brandon from Fitbuff has been writing for a few years and always has great stuff on exercise and nutrition and this long and well thought out article on the value of workouts and cardio workouts on fat loss is really well done and complete to let us know what targets loss west.
Finally, I have been following Laura at Starling Fitness forever. I think she was one of the first fitness bloggers I ever ran across and she is still at it all these years late. She posts a lot of motivation but also is not shy to tell us when she is demotivated or has running injuries. Very opionated and really smart. I loved this poster she posted about how success does not happen overnight
Hope you enjoy these blog posts and let me know what you find that teaches, inspires, and makes you think and act.