If you’re looking to lose weight and improve your health, then one of the first things you need to do is to choose from the huge amount of different diet plans out there.
Essentially, you need to decide who you’re going to listen to and what theory of weight loss you want to subscribe to.
And things get tricky right away. What you’ll find is that everyone has a different opinion – and that these opinions vary hugely. Some people to tell you to stay away from fats while others tell you to dunk them in your coffee! Who do you listen to?
And one of the strangest and most polarizing subjects you’ll come across is the debate regarding milk and bread. Some people say they’re healthy things to have in your diet, other people say they cause weight gain, brain fog and all manner of other evils.
So what’s the truth?
Where the Worries Come From (And Why They Need to Stop)
In the case of bread, people first started worrying that it could cause tiredness and weight gain as the incidence of Celiac’s disease increased.
Celiac is a condition caused by an allergy to gluten that prevents the ‘villi’ in the stomach from absorbing nutrients.
Unfortunately, Celiac’s disease (and the less serious gluten sensitivity) often go undiagnosed due to similarities with other conditions such as ME and IBS.
Thus many people suffer with the conditions without being any the wiser. When they eventually do come across their intolerance, they feel much better and tell everyone.
But the thing is, that won’t be the case if you don’t have a gluten sensitivity of some sort. If your digestion operates normally, you can digest bread just fine. And there are plenty of studies to prove this.
There’s a similar problem with milk. Surprisingly, a huge proportion of the planet’s population is actually lactose intolerant due to the inability to produce lactase.
The caveat? The percentage is far lower in the US and Europe. Again – it just doesn’t apply.
Of course there is no harm in trying to remove food from your diet and seeing if this improves your health.
But at the same time, recognize that 99% of the world’s leading athletes and thinkers eat both bread and milk and are perfectly fine!
Unfortunately, there is no ‘quick fix’ when it comes to improving your energy and your health.