April 29, 2024

Anyone that has been on a diet knows that one day there is no easy way to get past the first day of the diet. On the first day of a diet everything is fine and exciting. On the second day of a diet there is no way that all of those great thoughts of the first day will still be carrying you forward.

Here are some cant miss diet tips to help you after the first day of the diet.

Have a great bunch of reasons

Everyone has goals when they start a diet but these goals are usually far out. You know a picture in your mind of you and a bikini in Hawaii or something like that. Well if you have reasons then it will make things a lot easier. How about thinking about how much better your health is today when you are reaching for a cookie. Another great thing is to make a day of how great your day is today. Look back at the day from the beginning and only notice your successes. Keep your head in the sand about the bad things unless you have to and make sure that you dwell on great things so that you can do more of them all of the time.

Start your day with success

What is success to you? Is your diet supposed to help you lose weight, make you feel better, or make you healthier. What is your final goal? Start your day by thinking hard about how you are going to make that big picture to you a reality. picture yourself in 5 days , one month one year and 10 yyears from now with that goal in progress or already achieved.

These are two simple visualization and success mindsets that are going to get you past the first day of your diet. Know now exactly why you are on a diet and improving your health. Once you know what your diet is for then you can use these tools to succeed maybe succeed for the first time.

6 thoughts on “Visualize to succeed on your diet

  1. My husband does visualization and reading his goals everyday. At first I thought he look a little silly going through this whole routine everyday but now he has lost 50 pounds since last summer and I am so proud of him. Glad to see there are other people out there using this too.

  2. I think visualization is very valuable, but can be difficult to see yourself at an ideal , especially after many failures. But it is worth working at it!

  3. It is funny that when blogging was fresh and new people loved the idea of just using it as an online journal and now people do not do that as much. I think that just journalling publicly about your successes and struggles is a great way to move forward. Sometimes when I am struggling with my own fitness issues I will move through the older article on my blog here and get myself reenergized.

    And I love that you are updating your blog everyday. Thanks for the great reads

  4. Great article… very motivating… One way I keep myself on track is by using my blog – http://www.takefit.com – and updating it every day. It makes me want to workout and help others at the same time.

  5. Those are great tips. Seeing yourself in a positive light in the future can be very beneficial and can take some time to be able to achieve. Once you get good at it, the results will accelerate as well.

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