April 28, 2024

Having a clear understanding of sugar diabetes diet principles is very important if you or a family member is diabetic or has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. Sugar diabetes is simply another name for the condition. Pre-diabetes is a condition where the blood sugar level is abnormally high, but not so high that diabetes itself has been diagnosed.

People can often recover from pre-diabetes through careful management of their food intake so that their blood sugar returns to normal levels. Even some people with diagnosed type 2 diabetes are able to do this.

This is a highly desirable thing to do because living with diabetes has long term dangers for other areas of your health including problems with vision, vascular problems including heart attacks and strokes, and also a risk of kidney failure.

Good management of blood glucose levels through diet can put diabetes into remission which reduces the risk of many of these complications.

Diabetes Diet Guidelines

dieticiansPatients will almost always be advised by their doctor to see a dietician to set up a personalized diet plan.

It is important to check back regularly to report on how things are going and tweak the plan to take account of changes in your general health and lifestyle as well as glucose levels.

Even though this condition is often related to being over, it is not a great idea to try to lose fast.

Crash diets cause big swings in blood sugar levels which can be very dangerous for diabetics whose bodies are not equipped to deal with them.

Unless your medical practitioner advises otherwise, your aim should be to keep your steady in the beginning. When you have adjusted to the new foods and restrictions that you will be advised to apply, you will probably find that your automatically stabilizes and perhaps begins to fall slowly. A loss of 10 to 20 pounds a year is fine.

Most new diabetics are recommended to eat more of the following foods:

  • starchy carbs, especially whole grains (brown rice, whole grain bread, etc)
  • vegetables
  • most fruits

And to cut out or restrict the following foods:

  • sugar and anything containing it (check labels)
  • fruit juices
  • fats
  • alcohol
  • salt

Some fruits such as bananas and mangoes are very sweet but can usually be eaten in normal quantities at the end of a meal. Don’t eat a lot of sweet fruit or eat it alone.

If you do eat foods with a high glycemic index, it is important to take them with fibrous foods to slow down the impact of the sugars in the food on the blood. That is why whole fruits are often okay for most people following a sugar diabetes diet but fruit juices are not.

3 thoughts on “Sugar Diabetes Diet Guidelines

  1. Diabetes can be prevented by just having a physically active lifestyle. Just exercise everyday and avoid eating too much. Avoid sweets and high carb foods too.

  2. The advice to eat more starchy food, wholegrains, brown rice etc., is completely wrong. Starch is made up of many sugars or mono-saccharides (one sugar molecules). The more saccharides food contains, the more sugar it contains. For example, cane sugar is a di-sacchride and contains only two molecules of sugar glucose and sucrose. Starch which is a poly-saccharide, contains many saccharides hundreds, perhaps thousands. This is why when you eat starchy foods, more sugar is released into your bloodstream even than when you eat ordinary table sugar. Diabetics who follow the advice to eat starchy foods end up having to rely on prescription insulin to cope with increased sugar levels in their blood. It’s a vicious circle. Because they are being prescribed medicated insulin, doctors tell them to eat starchy food to mop up the additional insulin. If your sugar levels are too high, then eat less sugar. But get to know which foods contain sugar the starchy foods. Sugars are the building blocks of starch. All starchy foods contain many, many sugars. That goes for potatoes, rice, all foods made from gains, such as bread, cakes, pastries etc. Most fruit contains sugar but fruit sugar, or fructose, is a mono-saccharide and contains only one molecule of sugar. However, if you drink fruit juice, you’re drinking concentrated fructose. It will be worse for you than eating the fruit which also contains cellulose and roughage. Learn the truth about sugar get yourself a good nutrition text book or buy The IBS Low-Starch Diet by Carol Sinclair, and learn how to tell which foods have the most sugars. Also contains over 200 recipes

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