I heard an interview late last week of Sanjiv Chopra on James Altucher's podcast. Sanjiv is Deepak Chopra's brother and is also a world renowned doctor that has written a couple of books. The latest being The Big Five. In the interview Dr Chopra was very open with what was important for better … [Read more...] about The Big Five: Simple Things You Can Do to Live a Longer, Healthier Life
Fitness Books
Sample Turbulence Training Workout
I received an email from the creator of Turbulence Training and that is a guy named Craig Ballantyne. Craig told a story about how he created Turbulence Training and the techniques the way he made them but the part I was most interested to show you was the way that his Turbulence Training … [Read more...] about Sample Turbulence Training Workout
Eat This Not That! for Kids Book Review
David Zinczenko's [easyazon_link identifier="160529943X" locale="US" tag="calputerbusin-20"]Eat This Not That! for Kids[/easyazon_link] is part of the best-selling author's popular series of Eat This Not That! books. It addresses the need to educate children and parents on restaurant and prepackaged … [Read more...] about Eat This Not That! for Kids Book Review
Paleo Diet ebook
I have come across a Paleo Diet ebook. Many people are looking to eat closer to the ground, and by that I mean are interested in eating food that is less processed and better for them. This Paleo Diet ebook does exactly that telling you exactly what the diet is and how to do it. This book is … [Read more...] about Paleo Diet ebook
The Happiness Project
Well I started reading this book called The Happiness Project. My wife bought it a while ago and after I stumbled through Eat, Pray, Love I thought it would be great to get another soul.empowering type book under my belt Gretchen Rubin who wrote this book is a real pro in the writing game and … [Read more...] about The Happiness Project