April 28, 2024

People fail to lose not because they are lazy but because they follow fad diets. If you too are following or want to follow fad diets, don’t expect to lose and become slim. In this article I will tell you about three reasons why you shouldn’t use fad diets.

If fad diets were really so good, why not everyone is losing with their help? Weight loss cannot be achieved simply by dieting; there are a whole lot of things to consider here. If you are serious about loss, you need to modify your lifestyle habits: you need to change your unhealthy eating habits, you need to stop sitting on the couch, and you need keep your body active at all times.

Can a fad diet force you to do all these things? No. That is why even if you lose a few pounds initially with those fad diets, you will regain them all back as soon as you get back to your unhealthy lifestyle habits. So, if you really want to lose fast, don’t follow any fad diets; rather, be ready to change your lifestyle habits.

More often than not, fad diets put you into such a strict food restriction that you virtually remain hungry most of the time. Two things can happen here. Either, out of extreme hunger, you will eat loads of junk foods and gain loads of pounds in the process, or if you are one of the ‘self-disciplined’ types, then you will try hard to bear with your hunger, in which case, your body would take over.

When your body receives inadequate food supply, it would assume that you are going to kill it. In such a case, your body would move into a ‘starvation’ mode where it would horde fad deposits instead of burning them. Naturally, you

You have a third reason for not dieting. Why the hell would you starve when you can eat and lose ? Believe it or not, if you eat healthy foods and stay away from calorie-rich junk foods, you will automatically start losing weight. Plus your body would love the fact that it is getting more nutrition than before from your meals.

Make sure that you include foods such as natural fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, apples, legumes, soy, lean chicken meat, etc., in your diet. Also don’t forget to drink green tea regularly. These are special loss foods which would not only keep you full but also help you burn fat and lose weight.

I don’t know about you, but if I am offered the option to choose between losing through starvation and losing by eating, I would choose the latter.

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