May 11, 2024

fat burning furnaceDieting is a complicated subject, Fat Burning Furnace tries to change this. Even professional nutritionists disagree over the best way to do it. Some suggest you cut carbs; others suggest you cut the fat; and some suggest that you count calories. But with all of these seemingly contradictory claims, who can you really trust? Fat Burning Furnace is another Diet plan to consider in your quest

Who can you Trust to Lose Weight?

Is it simply the case that no one knows? Or is really the case that big corporations know exactly how you can lose weight, but simply don’t want to tell you because they think you’ll lose and stop buying their products? Or is there some other third reason?

If you look at most products being sold by small, Internet-based businesses, they’ll tell you that the companies know, but don’t want to tell you. But, as you can probably see immediately, this is exactly what they would want you to think. After all, they’re selling a product, too.

Enter Fat Burning Furnace

Not surprisingly, the author of The Fat Burning Furnace, Rob Poulos, takes the same tone. He claims that big corporations won’t let you know the truth, but he will.

He claims that his system will allow you to pare away all of the complexities related to exercise and nutrition, so that you can get in shape quickly and without having to rely on questionable, outmoded techniques.

In particular, The Fat Burning Furnace makes a set of five claims, which turn out to be the pillars of the program.

Fat-Burning-Furnace-bannerThe first of these pillars is that you need to lose fat, not (hence, the product’s name) weight. Poulos claims that many diets put an emphasis on loss, rather than fat loss – and argues that this ultimately only leads you to burn water and become dehydrated.

Next, Poulos pans low carb diets. He claims that they rob your body of energy; and can do nothing other than slow down loss in the long run.

He also claims that celebrity-endorsed, boxed-food diets-while they might work-are generally expensive and highly inefficient (i.e. they might help you lose a little , but for a large cost and over a long period of time).

Additionally, Poulos makes two very controversial claims. First, he argues that long cardio routines do almost nothing to burn fat. And then claims that he can show you how to burn more fat in 45 minutes each week than you could burn from all of your long, cardio routines combined.

Finally, fat burning furnace rules out restrictive dieting as an option. He claims that severely cutting calories simply doesn’t work; and, in fact, can be very harmful to your body in the long run.

The Fat Burning Furnace Magic

So what does that leave you with for options? It leaves you with Poulos’s Fat Burning Furnace Diet. And if you believe his claims, it helped him to lose 42 pounds and his wife to lose 60 pounds.

There is 35 pages of good responsible eating and diet concepts that should help you get your diet in check. These are a very important key so that you have the energy for short intense workouts that burn calories but leave you lots of free time instead of spending your life in the gym.

And of course fat burning furnace includes very detailed systems to exercise properly and effectively

Of course, not all buyers of fat burning furnace have been completely satisfied by fat burning furnace authors claims. While his product generally receives positive reviews online, some have pointed out that the product actually focuses on exercises and don’t provide very many guidelines on dieting, as the salespage appears to claim.

What Do People Like About Fat Burning Furnace?

Those who enjoyed fat burning furnace generally found the exercise routines to be helpful. As they were normally used to doing long cardio workouts, the switch to 20 minute, no-warm up sessions provided helpful and sustainable in the long run.

So, with all of this said, you’re probably wonder what to do next: should you buy fat burning furnace or not? Well, if you’re looking for a powerful dieting guide, this may not be the place to go. However, if you want to make your exercise routines highly efficient, then fat burning furnace may be one of your better options.

8 thoughts on “Fat Burning Furnace – Another review

  1. Actually – I fell for the scam… The product is JUST ANOTHER DIET AND EXCERCISE plan… Just like all the others! – Don’t believe them when they say that it is something differnent!

  2. It seems like the program is full of info that can be found for free online, provided someone is willing to do the work.
    As far as the claims that there is a well kept “secret” to losing fat and keeping it off, we all know it’s not a secret- it’s proper exercise and proper nutrition 🙂

  3. Thanks for the kind reply. I to hate those what fantastic advise by my fake testosterone cream post!

  4. Thanks for actually providing a real review instead of just saying how incredible the product is and telling everyone to go buy it. I’m sure people will appreciate a real, honest review of this.

    Ken Rogers

    1. Well I am kind of torn. I could review everything but I would run out of time so I tend to just do reviews of good stuff. One thing I am trying to do more of is say who these different programs are good for and who they are not good for

  5. at first look I thought you were just selling everything. I too believe in the Fat Burning Furnace as a way for younger people who can work out to lose . I admire your honest you call it as you see it! I do the same on my blog…

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