May 4, 2024

Acne is caused by follicles also known as pores becoming blocked.This can lead to the cause of natural skin secretions of SEBUM being prevented from escaping to the surface of the skin. (SEBUM is a natural oil present in everybody needed to keep skin and hair supple and lubricated).

The outcome of this is the growth of bacteria in the pore.

It is not yet fully understood why the blockage of pores occurs but contrary to popular belief acne is not caused by dirt. The pores get blocked below the surface of the skin where there is no presence of dirt. Washing frequently will not have any effect on acne, it can actually cause more irritation making the problem worse.

There are two main categories of acne. Non Inflamatory Acne and Inflamatory Acne

Non Inflamatory Acne

How To Get Rid of Blackheads
How To Get Rid of Blackheads

Non inflammatory acne is the most common form and will show a presence of either a whitehead or a blackhead.

If they are visible Whiteheads will stay below the skin surface and appear as small white spots,they can also be so small they will not be seen by the naked eye.

Blackheads however are the result of when the skin pore opens to the surface this allows sebum to react with the atmosphere and turn black and appear as dirt.

The contents of a blackhead or a whitehead can eventually escape to the surface and heal up leaving no trace.Alternatively the follicle wall can rupture and cause inflamatory acne.

A common cause of the latter occuring is picking at the spots or simply touching the infected area.Inflamatory Acne

Inflamatory acne is a more severe form of acne.

When a rupture of the follicle wall occurs white blood cells rush in to the pore and cause it to become inflamed,a yellow head will form just below the skin surface causing what we all refer to as a “Zit” or a “pimple”.

In the occurence of the base of the follicle rupturing it can result in total collapse with the result of a very large inflamed bump and is very often sensitive to the touch. This can also cause inflamation to adjacent follicles and surronding skin you can also experience a severe inflamatory reaction which can result in very large amounts of pus filled lumps on the surface of the skin.

Treatments for the different types of acne vary and are freely available.

In very severe cases of acne proffessional medical advice should always be sought.
About the Author

I hope this article has given you an insight into the different types of acne.

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