Exercise helps smokers quit and remain smokefree, according to new data presented today at the World Congress of Cardiology. Moreover, exercise increases life expectancy in smokers and non-smokers alike. The study of 434 190 people who went through medical examination program at a private … [Read more...] about Exercise Helps Smokers Quit
Quit Smoking
How To Quit Smoking Easily
If you are wondering how to quit smoking, you are not alone. Just about every smoker wants to quit, if they are honest. They may not want to stop smoking right now, but they hope that they will stop sometime in the future. They may even think it is something that they can do any time that they want … [Read more...] about How To Quit Smoking Easily
The Best Quit Smoking Aids
The best quit smoking aids will help you to stop smoking by reducing your withdrawal symptoms when you stop. Some work by replacing the nicotine that you get when you smoke, others address the psychological side of cigarette dependency, and some are prescription meds that you can get from a doctor. … [Read more...] about The Best Quit Smoking Aids
Smoking Effects On Health
It is well known that there are many negative smoking effects on health. Nicotine is a poison and other substances in the inhaled smoke can have a bad effect on the lungs too. In fact, the downside of smoking is so significant that most non-smokers have trouble understanding why anybody would smoke … [Read more...] about Smoking Effects On Health
Quit Smoking With Exercise
One Great way to help you with kicking the legal weed is to quit smoking with exercise. When you decide to stop smoking, you'll bring on other changes in your life as well. Smoking is a very addictive habit, meaning that it is very hard to quit. There are a lot of changes that take place, although … [Read more...] about Quit Smoking With Exercise