May 7, 2024

You have probably heard that old stat that most people gain 10-20 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years. That sucks but you can probably understand why.

Treat yourself better than that!  Take care of yourself in all ways, mind, body, and spirit.

Did you know that people diet and exercise less during November and December than at any other time of the year? That people tend to gain 5 to 10 pounds just during the holiday season?

Well for all of the fun of the holiday season I think that this is easily the best time of year to work on yourself and to lose – not gain . Below I have 10 tips that will help you avoid holiday gain but first want to tell you why you can and should avoid gaining and lose instead.

Avoiding holiday  gain
Avoiding holiday gain

The holiday season is a time when we interact with more people, we get to be more social and to eat great food often and to celebrate. The other thing that many people do is to reflect on the year and their lives so far and take the opportunity to make some real and lasting changes. This is the idea behind New Years resolutions but it could be so much more.

Don’t fall into the trap of gaining !

10 ways to avoid holiday gain

Plan holiday celebrations around activities – First to avoid holiday gain start a tradition of getting out and getting physical as part of the holiday celebration. Park and walk to view neighborhood lighting displays instead of riding around in your car.

Concentrate on quality, not quantity – What are the foods and treats that are special that you associate with the season? Concentrate on preparing or sampling only one or two special foods at each holiday celebration. If it tastes good to have one does not mean you need to eat two.

Keep a habit of planned physical activity – Part of taking care of yourself is by getting some exercise that will help you get energy and burn calories as well. Physical activity is the common denominator for losing and keeping it off. Just get that 30 minutes of exercise somehow during the day.

Never skip meals before or after a big celebration – This practice creates a famine-feast cycle. You need to eat smaller meals more often and if you go to a special meal starving you will eat way too much and feel sick from it after.

To prevent overeating at holiday celebrations drink a large glass of water before you eat, don’t stand near a food laden table, place food on a plate rather than eating straight from the buffet, and don’t eat while standing.

Put eating in perspective – Overeating at one meal does not spell catastrophe. But using it as a “mistake” that allows you to forget about walking or later food choices will make it become a catastrophe. Remember that your attitude is your strongest asset when it comes to managing your dietary and physical activity habits during the holidays, in addition to managing your stress. There has to be a give and take and eating has to balance with exercise. Tow wrongs won’t make it better on January 2nd

Spend less time in the kitchen – Do you really need to make dozens of different cookies, candies or breads? Also, consider modifying recipes for baked products by reducing the fat and sugar by one-third. There is options to use applesauce instead of butter and many more ideas

Rethink the food gifts you give – Consider replacing your usual box of homemade candies for the neighbors with an assortment of fresh or dried fruits and nuts, a loaf of whole grain bread, or a jar of your special pancake mix. Try your hand at a craft or give an IOU for a service, such as car washing, babysitting, or lawn work.

Go to the back of the line – Let others go before you in serving and buffet line; tempting items may be gone by the time you go through. Practice being a slow eater. Give your brain 20 minutes to tell your stomach that you are satisfied before going back for seconds.

Get adequate sleep – Chronic sleep loss may affect various components of metabolism that influence hunger and gain. Being tired also affects your mental ability to resist temptations. This tip alone will keep you alert and decisive to avoid holiday gain

Plan ahead – Schedule time for yourself and physical activity on a daily basis’ prioritize holiday celebrations to attend’ schedule weekly family activities; be adventurous with new fruits, vegetables, and physical activities.

Holiday Weight Gain is definitely avoidable

So you see, there are alternatives to the binging that happens at this time of year. I really want you to think about how you are treating yourself and not just get carried away with being slothlike and just giving into eating fast food and junk all of the time. You need to treat yourself better.

You do not need to worry about holiday gain this year just by following the 10 tips above.

10 thoughts on “How to avoid holiday gain

  1. I am very much thankful to the one who created this site, this is really a great help for me. I really agree all the principles for fitness that you had posted in your site. GOD SPEED.

  2. I truly feel for those who put on the pounds just looking at festive food. Fortunately I was born with a fast metabolism so have never had a gain problem. In fact at age 61 I’m only 20 pound heavier than I was in my 30s. Obviously spending hours in front of a computer I have to watch the “belly fat” thickening waistline, however, playing golf, working around the property (gardening, etc) and simple tasks like washing the car seem to take care of that.

  3. Couldn´t be written any better. Reading that post reminds me of my old room mate! He often kept talking about this. I definitely will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will use a great read. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I just discovered i added about 5kg already because of my increased sedentary lifestyle! Thanks so much for your advice will begin an exercise regime immediately.

  5. Great suggestion about drinking water before a big meal. In fact, most people forget to drink adequate water during the Holidays; instead they choose to drink hot (and usually caffeinated) drinks to stay warm during the winter such as coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. Consuming adequate water will keep the body hydrated and help flush out extra “junk” accumulating during typical Holiday eating!

  6. We can avoid holiday gain by using our common sense. It’s especially important in today’s economy-we can’t afford to gain and get sick which leads to co-pays and missed work. We all need to stay healthy and strive to reach and maintain a healthy so that we can look good, feel good, and save money! One way to save calories at the holidays is to stay hydrated, and watch what you drink. Calories from alcohol, egg nog, creamy hot chocolate, and the punch bowl really add up. Before you leave for the party, drink water to take the edge off your hunger and to stay hydrated. Lots of people confuse thirst with hunger, and eat when they are thirsty thinking that it’s hunger. A 20oz bottle of vitaminwater gives you healthy hydration with four B vitamins and 100% of your daily value of vitamin C, all for about 130 calories. If you do end up drinking alcohol, the extra hydration and B vitamins from the vitaminwater will make you feel better the next morning. During the holiday season, load up your fridge with a variety of flavors of vitaminwater to remind yourself to stay hydrated and on track with your healthy eating plan. It’s free of artificial sweeteners, sodium, artificial colors, and is also gluten free.

  7. I get fatter just thinking about the holidays….I always say YES to the goodies…but I make the body pay for my the gym…

  8. I’m going to watch what I eat this year. I’m going to say NO!! to the dessert no matter how tastey it looks…. ha

  9. Betty,

    That’s so funny you mention this. I’m a big fan of . Maybe it’s just my personality, but when I find something I like, I go crazy over it. Probably just a little bit of OCD disorder. Yeah, I think is a great recommendation for people to avoid that holiday gain.
    I am a maniac! The fitness maniac..

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