May 15, 2024

For many people knowing how to lose 20 pounds in a month would be a dream.

Put that dream right in front of you because I am saying that there are ways that you can lose 20 pounds in a month.

To get started on any loss goal is easy but you need a strategy and tactics in place to know how to lose 20 pounds in a month.

Your strategy towards any goal is the broad strokes, the big concepts that are important. Here is your loss strategy

  • Increase your resting metabolism
  • Reduce your calorie intake
  • Quickly burn calories during cardio and workouts

Now that you have a strategy to lose 20 pounds in a month so now you need the tactics that will make it a reality. You need radical changes to lose 5 pounds a week.

Your tactics are the individual things that will make your dream work out for you.

What you need is a strategy to lose 20 pounds in a month so now you need the tactics that will make it a reality. You need radical changes to lose 5 pounds a week.

How to lose 20 pounds – Eating Tactics

Plan your eating the day before – If you plan your eating the night before then you are not going to have to worry about getting into a struggle of eating these crappy foods and instead will know what you are going to eat when.

Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day – This is going to help you to raise your metabolism. When you eat often you are sending a message to your body that you are not going to starve and that you will always have enough to eat.

Have leftovers a lot to make it easier to eat good food – If you make giant helpings of meals then you will have lots of leftovers to choose from.

One of the problems that I always hear from people is that they are worried that if they have to eat really often then they will spend their whole life preparing meals. this is just not at all the case.

Eat meals that are small – One thing that drives me crazy is how we allow our bodies to waste food. It is hard to find a steak smaller than 8 ounces in a restaurant but did you know that your body has almost no way for digesting and using more than 4 ounces of that steak?

How to lose 20 pounds in a month
How to lose 20 pounds in a month

Eat lots of fiber – Fiber will increase metabolism and make you healthier by cleaning out toxins.

Drink lots of water – Who cares what the so called experts say. Water makes your metabolism faster and makes you feel great

How to lose 20 pounds – Exercise Tactics

Exercise twice a day – One 20 minutes workout in the morning and another one in the evening.

Do weights once every second day – Getting muscle will help your body burn more fat. The muscle takes a lot of calories to maintain while fat takes nearly none.

Split your cardio workouts between high and low intensity – High intensity to burn a lot of carbs off and low intensity to finish of the fat hanging around

Cardio is 20 minutes of hard cardio – Hard cardio is defined as keeping your heartrate up around 80% of your max. This will raise your metabolism for a long time 12 – 24 hours.

Walking or casual exercise can be an hour long – This is a great way to burn fat as you can exercise low impact by walking for an hour.

Weights should be basic exercises – Basic exercises are things like squats, bench presses, lunges, military presses. These exercises work a lot of muscle groups at once.

Healing between workouts is most important – Now that you are working out it is a good idea to get a lot of rest and sleep so that your body can recover. Your body only recovers when you are sleeping or at least resting.

Surgery Tactics

Obesity experts say the new techniques help fill a large gap in treatment options between lifestyle interventions—such as diet, exercise and weight-loss drugs—and bariatric surgery.

The most popular of the new approaches so far is the intragastric balloon, which has been used in Europe for years. It is inserted down the patient’s throat with an endoscope, then inflated in the stomach with saline to about the size of a grapefruit, leaving less room for food. After six months, the balloon is removed to minimize complications, with six more months weight-loss counseling.

Patients are advised for the first few days to consume only clear liquids to minimize nausea and other discomfort. Within a week, they can resume normal eating, but many say they quickly feel full.

There are no guarantees of course that you will lose 20 pounds in a month but just look at this plan of attack. Is this different than you are doing now? Are these new lifestyle changes possible for you? It is all up to you to see what radical changes that you can make in your life and what they will lead to. Good luck in your quest and at the very least you now know how to lose 20 pounds in a month.

995 thoughts on “How to lose 20 pounds in a month

  1. Katy,

    Reaching your goal is possible, but you will have to make drastic changes to your current diet. Make sure that you are eliminating sugar, because this makes you hold on to . Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day.

    Don’t get on the scale every day to weigh yourself. This will really effect your efforts, so don’t do it. Only weigh yourself ounce a week.

  2. Hi Patrick,I’m 14 going to be 15 on the 26th of this month. I weigh 170 pounds. I want to lose 20 pounds by September, I’m swimming everyday for about 30 minutes but that is about all the exercise I’m getting. I don’t eat much but I don’t know what to eat so that I can lose . Also, is this enough exercise a day?

  3. oh and i need advice fast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna be at 140 in 2 months and i am 5’1

  4. hay i am 11 years old an i am at 167 pounds i wanna be at 90 or 100 pounds in 5 months any advice? can i lose 20 pounds in 2 months is it possible? please i need advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Evelyn,

    It would be very hard to loose 20 pounds in a months time, but their are some things that you can do now so you can start loosing .

    1. Eat very small mini-meals every 3 hours

    2. Try to get in as much exercise as you can.

    3. Drink plenty of water and cut out all of those sugary drinks.

    Evelyn if you do these three things and stay consistent you will be on your way to loose those 20 pounds.

    Hope this helps!

  6. Hey, I am 14 yrs old. I’m 5’2. i dont look like i have belly fat but i do and my arms are starting to get lightly bigger i have lost a little but i alwasy gain it back. Now i am trying to lose 20 pounds but i dont kno if its possible to loose it in a month. i need help please do you have any tips i will be starting school soon!

  7. Leila,

    Sit ups is considered spot treatment and it’s hard to tone up the abs with just this type of workout. You would literally have to starve yourself to be able to loose this kind of in such a short period of time. Make sure that you are running or jogging and you will be on your way to loosing the .

    Note** Try some of the exercise ball routines that I have above. They will help flatten out your stomach.

  8. Well, I am really going to try this! I am 5’4″ and 182 pounds. Yes, I am fat…but I want to lose twenty pounds by August 17th, almost a month away. Can anyone guarantee me loss mostly in my stomach if I do situps? I heard this would strenghthen stomach fat…but I am skeptical. I do NOT want a six pack!

  9. Janie,

    Don’t let your friends get you down! You will show them all when you loose the . Just use this as personal motivation to help you get the off. You can loose the by eating very small amounts of food every 3 to 4 hours to boost your metabolism. Also make sure that you are getting plenty of cardio exercises.

    Janie don’t give up you can do this!


    You have the right idea! Just make sure that you write all of your goals down on paper because this will have a great effect on you loss outcome. I will give you a link to a 3 day diet that you should try. It will help you get started in your loss, make sure that you print it out and try it!

  10. Hello, my name is Kaite. I’m 17, 5’8, and about 170 pounds. I jog everyday (but sundays) for about 30 mintues. I really want to lose about 20-30 pounds healthly. Can you help?

  11. heyy my friends call me mickey 😛 i am 13 and i am currently 140 lbs i hate the way i look right now i am over 5 ft tall i think lol XD and i want to lose 40 lbs in 2 months b4 school starts, my plan is to work out every day including lifting s and all that stuff, drinking water and going on a healthy diet, but idk the right foods to eat, so if any body had any suggestiosn that would help soo much ty 🙂

  12. hey uhm, im 13 im 5’8 and i weigh 175. i REALLY want to loose at least 15 pounds before august 9th because thats when school starts.. i just hate being what i look like, every time i think bout how fat i am i want to cry.. my friends say im not big or anything i just have stomach fat, so do you have any technique to loose the in like 4 weeks?? (: thankk youu!!

  13. Angie,

    You might want to check with your doctor because some medication actually make you gain . Just start making healthier choices every day and before you know it Angie it will be part of your life.

    Let me know if you need any help!

  14. Patrick thanks for responding.

    I forgot to mention also that I have low thyroid problem which makes my metabolism burn slow. Am on meds but I have not lost a lot of . I will start the exercises and eating more frequently healthy and small snacks. The truth is that I starve myself. Many times am not hungry so I don’t eat. I pretty much don’t eat until my stomach hurts. What are healthy quick snaks.

    Again thanks for your time and help.

  15. Hi,

    I am 27 years old 5’4 and I weigh 180lbs. I have three children and after each child I gained 20lbs for each child. I am over and my skin is saggy and hanging. I will be having plastic surgery in August and will like to lose 20lbs by then so they can work better on my body. I will be having a tummy tuck. Please help me in how to start this process…


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