May 5, 2024

For many people knowing how to lose 20 pounds in a month would be a dream.

Put that dream right in front of you because I am saying that there are ways that you can lose 20 pounds in a month.

To get started on any loss goal is easy but you need a strategy and tactics in place to know how to lose 20 pounds in a month.

Your strategy towards any goal is the broad strokes, the big concepts that are important. Here is your loss strategy

  • Increase your resting metabolism
  • Reduce your calorie intake
  • Quickly burn calories during cardio and workouts

Now that you have a strategy to lose 20 pounds in a month so now you need the tactics that will make it a reality. You need radical changes to lose 5 pounds a week.

Your tactics are the individual things that will make your dream work out for you.

What you need is a strategy to lose 20 pounds in a month so now you need the tactics that will make it a reality. You need radical changes to lose 5 pounds a week.

How to lose 20 pounds – Eating Tactics

Plan your eating the day before – If you plan your eating the night before then you are not going to have to worry about getting into a struggle of eating these crappy foods and instead will know what you are going to eat when.

Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day – This is going to help you to raise your metabolism. When you eat often you are sending a message to your body that you are not going to starve and that you will always have enough to eat.

Have leftovers a lot to make it easier to eat good food – If you make giant helpings of meals then you will have lots of leftovers to choose from.

One of the problems that I always hear from people is that they are worried that if they have to eat really often then they will spend their whole life preparing meals. this is just not at all the case.

Eat meals that are small – One thing that drives me crazy is how we allow our bodies to waste food. It is hard to find a steak smaller than 8 ounces in a restaurant but did you know that your body has almost no way for digesting and using more than 4 ounces of that steak?

How to lose 20 pounds in a month
How to lose 20 pounds in a month

Eat lots of fiber – Fiber will increase metabolism and make you healthier by cleaning out toxins.

Drink lots of water – Who cares what the so called experts say. Water makes your metabolism faster and makes you feel great

How to lose 20 pounds – Exercise Tactics

Exercise twice a day – One 20 minutes workout in the morning and another one in the evening.

Do weights once every second day – Getting muscle will help your body burn more fat. The muscle takes a lot of calories to maintain while fat takes nearly none.

Split your cardio workouts between high and low intensity – High intensity to burn a lot of carbs off and low intensity to finish of the fat hanging around

Cardio is 20 minutes of hard cardio – Hard cardio is defined as keeping your heartrate up around 80% of your max. This will raise your metabolism for a long time 12 – 24 hours.

Walking or casual exercise can be an hour long – This is a great way to burn fat as you can exercise low impact by walking for an hour.

Weights should be basic exercises – Basic exercises are things like squats, bench presses, lunges, military presses. These exercises work a lot of muscle groups at once.

Healing between workouts is most important – Now that you are working out it is a good idea to get a lot of rest and sleep so that your body can recover. Your body only recovers when you are sleeping or at least resting.

Surgery Tactics

Obesity experts say the new techniques help fill a large gap in treatment options between lifestyle interventions—such as diet, exercise and weight-loss drugs—and bariatric surgery.

The most popular of the new approaches so far is the intragastric balloon, which has been used in Europe for years. It is inserted down the patient’s throat with an endoscope, then inflated in the stomach with saline to about the size of a grapefruit, leaving less room for food. After six months, the balloon is removed to minimize complications, with six more months weight-loss counseling.

Patients are advised for the first few days to consume only clear liquids to minimize nausea and other discomfort. Within a week, they can resume normal eating, but many say they quickly feel full.

There are no guarantees of course that you will lose 20 pounds in a month but just look at this plan of attack. Is this different than you are doing now? Are these new lifestyle changes possible for you? It is all up to you to see what radical changes that you can make in your life and what they will lead to. Good luck in your quest and at the very least you now know how to lose 20 pounds in a month.

995 thoughts on “How to lose 20 pounds in a month

  1. Hi , I will B 14 this September and I’m 58 kilo and my Hightower is about 1/55 . Everybody says I’m not fat . But I’m horrible , I’m a short , fat girl who is young , I’m scared 4 my health and my future . And I usually don’t drink so much water . Plz u gotta help me ….

    1. Me too.. 🙁 I am 5 1/2 ft tall and 140 lbs everybody said i am not fat.. i look horrible. i want to lose 20 lbs in a 1 month. I am so down!!! 🙁

    2. you first have to start drinking more water because water helps flush out all the toxins in your body. i had to start learning how to drink more water too. you can also switch sugary drinks and sodas for the little packets that you put in water. those are sugar free and taste just as good. my biggest problem is the foods i eat though. i’m learning how to not eat so much junk food and substitute unhealthy foods and snacks for something healthy. i also exercise more. being active is important in helping you lose . i’m trying to lose 20 lbs. before my senior year this year so i have to put my mind to it. you’ll get there though. i think you can do it!!

  2. Hi, I’m 16 years old. I weigh 140 pounds. I won’t even go in public in shorts,bathing suit or a tank top. as a child i was small. When I turned 14 I started gaining . SO I’m trying this out! I hope it works! Summer is here! I wanna look good for once. I hope it works <3!! 😀 Ill post if it did , ill post exactly what i lost! K here we go(:

  3. i am 5.7 and weigh 120lb. people may think i am slim but i feel fat. i want to loose all the fats i have in my body whcih is impossible. i hate fats but i dont diet at all. i am very healthy becoz i eat healthy and regularly.
    i do bit of exercise every alternate day but i want to loose atleast 10 lb. what should i do? i dont even loose 2lb.

  4. 14 years old, 5’5, 125 pounds! I used to be an enthusiastic athlete, and had well toned muscles all around. Recently I had gone through some depression, and gained 20 pounds in fat. All my muscles also melted away and my stamina is basically down to an all time low. I have a little less one month until graduation, and not only do I want to look better in my dress, I want to shed my blubber. I’m starting this plan, and will comment again if it has worked! Wish me luck! 🙂

  5. I am 26 and 5 foot 1. Right now I weigh 149 lbs. I lost 10 pounds in the past month after being diagnosed with idopathic innercranial hypertension. This just means that I have fluid on my brain that my body is unable to remove on its own. The cause is not known, but I have been told that losing can make it go away. I feel like I am not losing fast enough. If this disease progresses for too long I can go blind. I brought a treadmill and run on it for 30 minutes every other day. I am also following a diet given to me by my doctor. Oatmeal and banana for breakfast, turkey on wheat for lunch, and regular dinner. I also can only drink milk, orange juice, or water. The medicine I am on makes me very tired all the time, and the diet is very hard to stick to because it is the same thing everyday. I have to have foods that are high in potassium, and drink so much water everyday that i feel like I might throw up, but the medicine also dehydrates and causes body cramping. Any good meal plans that people know of that can help me stick to diet. Also any good over the counter products for energy that are safe. Thanks 🙂

  6. I am 20 and a whopping 205lbs. at 5’2″. I was a cheerleader in high school, weighing 128 until I got pregnant at 16. I got up to 178lbs. by the end of my pregnancy and lost twenty immediatly following my sons birth when I was 17. I just kept gaining and gaining and gaining! I will try this technique and post again!
    Any additional tips would be awesome!

  7. I am 20 yeras old 5’3 and 135 pounds. I really really really want to lose 20 pounds by june (so in like 2 months) before I go back home. I feel over . For the past 3 weeks I have been eating salad, drinking lemon water, green tea and eating nuts as snacks, and oh ya drinking a lot of vegetable soup. I also workout 2 times a day.

    I dont seem to be losing anything can someone please tell me where i am going wrong

    1. Maybe you need to drink more WATER and look at your workouts closer and see if you can make them a little more challening hoped this helped Bye!:)

  8. ladies with the babies. What i do is get up and hour earlier to workout, therefor I dont miss out on family time. you will feel better about yourself throughout the day because you already got your workout in, and then when it becomes bedtime you dont have to stress about it 🙂 you workout while the kids are still asleep. So far a great method for me 🙂

  9. Ok here is My story Im 32 5.5 and 220lbs. I have 3 kids and am a stay at home mom who homeschools. Since my last child I gain 30lbs. depressed and feeling bad about my self. I have to do something. My struggle is I am careing for 3 kids. 2yr old and 4yr old and a 8yr old. My days consist of teaching, girls scouts, tutors, playgroups, 4-H, preschool and many meetups. Any mother with any tips out there. I have tried walking but the 2 and 4yr old wont walk long and they hate being in one of those jggin strollers. I have a gym member ship but I find my self feeling guilty when I have to drag all 3 kids there to work out. I would love to work out every day but is it wronge to drag my kids to the gym everyday for an hour a day so I can work out? We have a tread mill at home but every time I ry to step on it the kids get into something or some proble comes up. By the end of the day I a so tired I dont want to think about the gym. ANY TIPS OUT THERE..

    1. I get the guilt thing…I have 4 kids. What I have learned is that it is ok to take an hour or two to take care of yourself. I am a much better mom when I take care of my needs too. It kind of like on an airplane when they tell you to put on your oxygen mask first and then help the children beside you. You can’t continue to help others if you are depleted yourself. I’ve done and continue to do a combination of different things: some workouts are done at 5 am before the madness begins in the house, I play ball with others moms after the kids are on the bus and we bring our little ones, they play together on the sidelines while we play ball, and yes I’ve hauled my kids to the gym day after day. We’ve also signed up for family fun runs with even my 2 year old running parts of the race and riding part of the time. What I’ve discovered is that my kids actually like going to the gym and playing with kids…they miss it when I’m sick or do my early morning workout. It’s just become part of their schedule too. Plus I think it’s good for my kids to see me be active and set and accomplish goals like running a half marathon. My advice: drop the guilt and be the best you personally can be! Good Luck!

    2. Hi, saw your post. I am 5’6′ and 205. I was wondering if you have tried tony horton’s 10 minute trainer? I have this product and doing only one 10 minute workout a day for two weeks I lost 7 pounds ( not just water since I actually lost 2 inches around my abdomen).

    3. I think that bringing the kids to the gym with you is a great idea. I have done it with both of my boys. I am also a stay at home mom and I find that the playroom at the gym is great social interaction for the children. Bringing the children to the gym also shows them that you are practicing a healthy lifestyle and they will want to follow you in that lifestyle. I say go to the gym it gives you an hour or so to yourself (and god knows us stay at home moms need that) and it allows your children to play with others. Good luck, I know you can do it!!!!

    4. Kate,
      First of all you have two options 1 get healthy, lose by working out and eating better or 2 continue to gain and risk health complications later on in life, I understand it is difficult but it is more important for you to take time for YOU if you don’t now you might not be there later for your kids plus if they see you living healthy then you can be an example for them. I recently started watchers I love it I don’t do the meetings but I do the program it works, and if you can’t work out you still lose because you are changing your eating habits, please don’t feel bad for working out if it is just impossible to go to the gym get a video just get moving 🙂

  10. i am15 an i am 5’2 an my is 132 pounds i have really bad asthma an i ganid alot of from taken meds but now i am off of them its still really hard an hurts to work out an stuff but now i, off the meds an i wanna lose but i dont know how to not being able to do that much with my asthma. i just wanna go to the pool wit my friends an look good in a bekkini there all around 105!! i just wanna feel good about my self an like who i am!

    1. this may sound way off base with the issue but hear me out. my daughter has had asthma since she was a few months old and when she got into her high school years the changes in her body seemed to cause her more frequent sinus and ear effections that cause her to have bad asthma symptoms. mean while she started gaining (she was always under) around the belly, arms and face along with developing chronic sever headache and stomache aches nearly everyday of the week. other symptoms were acne all over her body. eventually after several rounds of testing with negetive results she finally retested positive for celiac disease and shortly thereafter fructose malaborption disorder. she has removed all gluten and fructose and some other sugars as well as taking lactose suppliments each time she eats dairy. (she eats mostly proteins, potatoes,rice, plain yogarts, some cheese, mushrooms, olive oil, and ocassionally berrys, diet sprite, and smarties candy(glucose)) nearly all of her asthma symptoms have deminished, she is off the years of steriods and inhalers and sinus steriods and hasn’t had but two rounds of antibotics for infections verses the 20 some rounds each year(but does take occasional treatment before exercise) AND within abit over a month 23 pounds just came off like that. it was a very hard process to not eat most of what everyone else eats because of these carbohydrate metabolism disorders , but now her exercise(she has even worked up to higher impact cardio levels) and scale are steady, and equally as exciting is the lack of frequent headache and stomach cramps AND lack of asthma symptoms that has caused her and I as her mother many sleepless nights over the years worrying about her catching her breath. I would have never correlated these carb disorders with asthma but it seemed they disrupt other systems in your body by knocking down your immune system in your digestive area causing an overly reactive mucus production interefering with her respitory system(ears nose and bronchial tubes). Early on her doctors said she would outgrow asthma but she didn’t until these changes took place. I am sad that I didn’t know to make these changes for her early on to spare her years of sever asthma medications that were so hard on her body and didn’t always work well. just want to spread the word since your dealing with both issues. even if you dont test positive for these at your age try to remove these things from your diet and i bet you will start seeing a difference in your wellness and loss within a few weeks , even with only little to moderate exercise. Again this is just a different perspective of what you might be going through.

  11. I am 12 almost 13 and i am 5′ 5″ and weigh 150lbs. I think im fat but my friends say no but i cant pull of a bikini and they all can. this summer i want to wear a bikini and look good for my bat mitzvah in may. Any ideas on how to get 20lbs off without excersising everyday i am wayy to busy! Thank you!!!

    1. i WOULD LOVE TO BE 150LBS. at 12 your young dont worry about loosing worry about being healthy. eat healthy foods and have a good time 🙂

    2. please don’t listen to ppl when they say u r 2 young to lose ….there r 4 yr olds that the same as u do…should they not lose ? they should…if u r mot happy with urself the do something about it…set a healthy gaol for youself…find out the average for someone your height and age and make that your goal…dont give in to pressure and starve yourself…that could kill u…i dropped 15 pounds this way…
      1) find your daily metabolic rate and eat under that calorie level….ur daily mb rate is the amount of calories ur body burns and whatever it doesnt is stored as fat..which u want to avoid…
      2) do a natural cleanse…a lot of the time excess and bloating…which makes ur stomach look bigger…is due to excess in the body and since ur a teenager it the waste is likely to cause acne…epsom salt is what i used…it is a natural salt and is safe enough to be used everyday..mix it with 8 oz of lukewarm water, hold ur nose and chug it down…make sure u take it after eating…u will get used to the taste after about a weak…dont use pill laxitives…they r very harsh on the body and does not cleanse very well and they also put u in a great deal of pain…natural is better and epsom salt is also good for dozens of other reasons such as clearing up acne and epsom salt is very inexpensive..
      3) eat lots of fruits, veggies and lean meats…oatmeal is great for breakfast….a small amount of it is very filling…also stay away from white breads pasta and rices…it it is brown it is good…wheat bread and whole grain breads are great….also dont eat any granola bars that r over 90 calories…special k and fiber one bars r great…if u eat them in moderation..and the best part is that u can eat SUBWAY…the whole twelve inch subs r great…u can eat any of them that are on the calorie list in the store… and also try special k cracker chips…thay r wonderful and 27 of them r only 110 calories! and drink plenty of water…
      4) last but not least exercise for 45 minutes 3-4 times a week…i used billy blanks tapes but the new thing is zumba…i havent tried it yet but u should! ddancing is a lot more fun..
      remember that u can do what u want with ur body as long as it is healthy…ur body will thank u and u will feel a lot better inside and out…at first when u step on the scale it will feel like it isnt working but what a lot of ppl dont know is that ur body loses at its own pace no matter what u do…just find that willpower and keep will all work out in the end…goodluck!!! and have a happt bat mitzvah!

  12. I am 46, 5’2″ and weigh 160. How can I lose 20 lbs in 1 month and keep it off? I have tried the carb diet, calorie/fat diet, watchers. I know that losing the right way is basically a lifestyle change. I just get discouraged when I see other people lose fast and I gain. Help!!!

    1. I have also tried the Atkins ,Dukan Diet, and Weight Watchers and nothing is working! I am starting my workout routine again and this time sticking to it! I am just going to watch my calorie intake, and use my BodyBugg to monitor my calories burned you might want to try that, check out Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme…I have both of those and I am going to follow Chalene’s routine it is supposed to be guaranteed to work!

    2. Hey guys number one rule always drink water and eat 2 bananas for Breakfeast. That will speed up your metabolisim and help keep of unfriendly . If you have hanging fat take warm water and alcohol mix it together and put it on your tummy after every shower gets rid of hanging skin. Drink water before and after every meal, eat salad with no dressing for your snacks, have a normal dinner. You should be drinking 8 glasses of 8oz water or more a day thats all you need. Do a lil belly dancing if you are good at it you can do it anywhere with little to minimum movement at all this creates the hips and shape and proves to be more effective.

  13. What is up with all theses kids trying to lose ? WOW lol, anyways here’s my story.. As a teenager I lost about 80 pounds and after 5 years I couldnt keep up with my unhealthy lifestyle so put it all back on. I am 24 now and had a baby 9 months ago. I started to lose in November lost 22 pounds since then lately I havent been losing a lot cause I guess my excercise routine was too short. Now I walk 1:30 and a half a day to 3 hours a day and eat about 1000-15000 calories a day I drink plenty of water, I avoid sugar and I currently 225 pounds and mesure 5 foot 8. I know it seems heavy lol, but I dont look my . According to a calculator I found online an hour and a half walk at moderate speed for my and age burns 608 calories. Do you think if I keep this up, I will get back into the 100?s soon like 4-5 months?

  14. ok so im 14 and i weigh about 186 and im a size 13 in jeans and what i want to do is lose that up to 120-130 and anybody knows what size i will be ? in jeans and i really need help on how to lose weigh fast im going to high school next year and i dont want to get picked on please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I have exactly the same problem! I am 14, weigh around 185, and I am a size 12/13 in jeans! I’m trying to lose before I take a cruise in 3 months, so I need to lose a ton of to wear a bikini. Plus, I don’t want to be fat in 9th grade!!!

      1. dude, it’s simple logic. all you have to do is eat right and burn more calories than you take in. not that difficult…

    2. take up online belly dancing its wonderful and drink water when you wake up. Drink water before and after every meal. Make sure you are drinking hot unsweeten tea everymorning to clean out your bowls. Did you know your bowls can up to 40lbs by itself wow now thats unhealthy talk to your doctor kids is not all that important in high school its your interest that counts. I have been there if you hang out with loosers you will be one but dont beg to be with other people make your own group. I was a losser because I had a friend who was a losser that I pretected, who ended up dating the popular guy in my school(Currently married to I just finished high school 2years ago) for saving myself dont feel pressured to do anything that doesn’t seem right to you. Belly dancing or hip hop classes will give you a shape and let you shine at your school not every girl can dance you know. Take up an online class during the summer and graduate high school with a certificate in certain field that will make mom and/or dad buy you a car for graduation. High school flys by and when your out never matters again until your reunion lol. Find me on facebook if you need me. SierrahDunn holla. lol

    3. I’m 14, 5’8 and 175 pounds. I’ve lost 45 pounds this year. Thing is, I basically live off of fiber mixed with water, snow peas, and radishes. I work out everyday, at 5 am and 4pm. An hour at 5, three at 4. I suffered from Anorexia, AND bulemia at one point in life. I gained back 60 pounds last year, and I am determined to loose it all. My advice; FIBER FIBER FIBER! Water, veggies, workout, ect.

  15. ok so im 14 and i weigh about 186 and im a size 13 in jeans and what i want to do is lose that up to 120-130 and anybody knows what size i will be ? in jeans and i really need help on how to lose weigh fast im going to highschool next year and i dont want to get picked on please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Last year I weighed 160 pounds and my friend sprained her ankle so she was out of pe for a month, and she was the fastest runner in my class. So That whole month I sprinted in pe when we were runnin, and our coach made us run for 5 min or longer. And I never had time to eat breakfast otherwise I would be late everyday for school. And for lunch I ate a salad and a bottle of water. And I ate whatever I wanted for dinner, but only a small portion and a side of salad, and water. So by the end of the month I lost 12lbs:)

  16. Yep. It works – these are all great pieces of advice – it you do them religiously (it’s not that hard!) the will come off – fast – IMHO…while the 5-6 small meals per day is the most critical – each and every one of them is important – the will come off!! I happened to give up starches, sugar, most wheat products and have a rule about “no calories from liquids” (i.e., I don’t drink beer or any alcohol – sometimes one glass of wine with dinner and never right before bedtime) I have lost 17 pounds in one week.

  17. hi im 12 5’3 140 pounds i want to lose 20 at the end of this month please help!!! hoow can i do it?!?! i already lost 30 but i need to lose 20 more and i willl be happy help please!

    1. SLOW DOWN!!!! At your age if you are unfortunate enough to be over then I feel for you. But also at your age you don’t need to take drastic steps to losing . If you want to lose then follow these simple yet very hard steps.
      1. Turn down the sugar. You will be told to eat candy’s and desserts “because you’re young, you’ll burn it off”. Politely say that you see that you’re heading down a road you don’t want to travel and have decided to take care of your body. If you have something sweet tell yourself that you only need a taste (one helping) and don’t go back for seconds. Also, it would be wise to keep these treats and desserts to twice a week. Keep track of when you’re eating them, which brings me to my next point.
      2. Journal. Lots of kids keep diary’s and journals where they write down the important things that happened to them that day. This journal will be your food and exercise journal. There is no need at this point to write out calories in and calories out but writing down what you eat will be a great tracker tool for you. Let’s say for example that you decide to have a pop and chocolate bar or bag of chips when you watch a movie. That’s fine, just write it down. But the next day if you’re tempted to have a pop or something that you shouldn’t indulge in, writing that down on paper will be tough. As for exercise, if you play basketball, soccer, hockey, football, jog, swim, wrestle, play with your dog, throw a frisbee, ANYTHING, write it down. All of these activities help you burn fat, build muscle and gets fresh air into your body. Do some sort of exercise everyday. Ask your mom to go for an hour walk at night or go for a bike ride with a friend. Remember to write it down though. At the end a “good day” you’ll see that you had great healthy foods, you did some activities and didn’t have any foods that will keep your body unhealthy.
      3. Understand. Understand that parents will feel bad because ultimately they are the ones who helped your body become unhealthy. They love you more than you can imagine, however some of their choices allowed you to be unhappy with how you look. That’s okay. Let them know you love them too, but this isn’t the way you want to live and that you are unhappy. Then ask them for help on choosing healthy foods that are high in fiber, protein, healthy carbs and fats and even more fiber. A little tip, eat the foods that surround the perimeter of the grocery store, and stay away from the aisles. Those aisles are filled with tons of stuff that will make you weigh a ton. Eat bread but limit it to whole grains and to only one or two slices. White bread basically turns into sugar in your body, and we don’t want to ignore our first point!
      4. Have fun! All of this can be a lot of fun when done properly. Help mom and dad with the cooking and grocery shopping, riding your bike, having fun with friends. Keep in mind that sugars are there only to taste and not indulge. Take your time with your loss goal. There is no way and no reason for you to be focused on losing drastic at your age. It would be unhealthy and you would likely put it back on because you would rebound back to your old ways. Nice and easy. By the time you’re in high school you’ll be healthy, fit and ready to take on the world!!!
      I hope nothing but the best for your future and the rest of the people on this forum!!!

  18. Hey sherinne. I also have a daughter she will be 5 months this month. I live in Florida. Sure I would love the support I just don’t know a private and safe way to give you my email. If you have a Facebook you can look me up my name is mia brydon.:)

  19. Hi im 21 years old am 5’3 and weigh in at 175. I just had a baby 4 months ago and I really want to get down to at least 140 pounds( I have a rack lol) I’m very depressed in the situation I’m in and I want to feel better about myself and be happier. I’m looking forward to trying this plan out I’ve tried others before and it is really hard to stick with it but I’m willing to try once more. What I need is someone to back me up and help me get there. We can help eachother out:) if there’s anyone out there let me know.

    1. hi i am 5’4 and 21 yrs old myself my daughter would be six months this month and i weigh 174. i wanna lose formy birthday which is 1st march and for my anniversary 2nd april. so if u want we can both help each other out. i would like the company. i live in Trinidad and Tobago

      1. are you serious? just take a moment and look at how stupid you sound like. there’s NO possible way that you can be 140 pounds by march first. just no way. you posted this on february 10 and march 1st would be in a matter of only about 20 days. . .

    2. Hi Mia,

      We could be a support for one another! I’m sure your week on your way, I on the other hand just started today. I’d like to drop about 45lbs. I’m currently 5’3 175lbs 32 years old blah oh well let’s do this!


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