May 19, 2024

For many people knowing how to lose 20 pounds in a month would be a dream.

Put that dream right in front of you because I am saying that there are ways that you can lose 20 pounds in a month.

To get started on any loss goal is easy but you need a strategy and tactics in place to know how to lose 20 pounds in a month.

Your strategy towards any goal is the broad strokes, the big concepts that are important. Here is your loss strategy

  • Increase your resting metabolism
  • Reduce your calorie intake
  • Quickly burn calories during cardio and workouts

Now that you have a strategy to lose 20 pounds in a month so now you need the tactics that will make it a reality. You need radical changes to lose 5 pounds a week.

Your tactics are the individual things that will make your dream work out for you.

What you need is a strategy to lose 20 pounds in a month so now you need the tactics that will make it a reality. You need radical changes to lose 5 pounds a week.

How to lose 20 pounds – Eating Tactics

Plan your eating the day before – If you plan your eating the night before then you are not going to have to worry about getting into a struggle of eating these crappy foods and instead will know what you are going to eat when.

Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day – This is going to help you to raise your metabolism. When you eat often you are sending a message to your body that you are not going to starve and that you will always have enough to eat.

Have leftovers a lot to make it easier to eat good food – If you make giant helpings of meals then you will have lots of leftovers to choose from.

One of the problems that I always hear from people is that they are worried that if they have to eat really often then they will spend their whole life preparing meals. this is just not at all the case.

Eat meals that are small – One thing that drives me crazy is how we allow our bodies to waste food. It is hard to find a steak smaller than 8 ounces in a restaurant but did you know that your body has almost no way for digesting and using more than 4 ounces of that steak?

How to lose 20 pounds in a month
How to lose 20 pounds in a month

Eat lots of fiber – Fiber will increase metabolism and make you healthier by cleaning out toxins.

Drink lots of water – Who cares what the so called experts say. Water makes your metabolism faster and makes you feel great

How to lose 20 pounds – Exercise Tactics

Exercise twice a day – One 20 minutes workout in the morning and another one in the evening.

Do weights once every second day – Getting muscle will help your body burn more fat. The muscle takes a lot of calories to maintain while fat takes nearly none.

Split your cardio workouts between high and low intensity – High intensity to burn a lot of carbs off and low intensity to finish of the fat hanging around

Cardio is 20 minutes of hard cardio – Hard cardio is defined as keeping your heartrate up around 80% of your max. This will raise your metabolism for a long time 12 – 24 hours.

Walking or casual exercise can be an hour long – This is a great way to burn fat as you can exercise low impact by walking for an hour.

Weights should be basic exercises – Basic exercises are things like squats, bench presses, lunges, military presses. These exercises work a lot of muscle groups at once.

Healing between workouts is most important – Now that you are working out it is a good idea to get a lot of rest and sleep so that your body can recover. Your body only recovers when you are sleeping or at least resting.

Surgery Tactics

Obesity experts say the new techniques help fill a large gap in treatment options between lifestyle interventions—such as diet, exercise and weight-loss drugs—and bariatric surgery.

The most popular of the new approaches so far is the intragastric balloon, which has been used in Europe for years. It is inserted down the patient’s throat with an endoscope, then inflated in the stomach with saline to about the size of a grapefruit, leaving less room for food. After six months, the balloon is removed to minimize complications, with six more months weight-loss counseling.

Patients are advised for the first few days to consume only clear liquids to minimize nausea and other discomfort. Within a week, they can resume normal eating, but many say they quickly feel full.

There are no guarantees of course that you will lose 20 pounds in a month but just look at this plan of attack. Is this different than you are doing now? Are these new lifestyle changes possible for you? It is all up to you to see what radical changes that you can make in your life and what they will lead to. Good luck in your quest and at the very least you now know how to lose 20 pounds in a month.

995 thoughts on “How to lose 20 pounds in a month

  1. I’m 12 and I’ve been overwight since I was 8 years old. Last year I lost about 5 pounds then during the summer I gained 5 pounds from that time to this time I have gained 25 pounds in 6 months. But i’m not big I look healthy and slim.But when I go and look at myself I don’t feel that way.I weigh 122 pounds.:S .For my age and for my growth I should weigh between 90 and 110 pounds . But I don’t I try to eat really healthy but then I cheat I don’t do alot of exercises so I’ve got cellulite on butt it’s not much but it’s I need to start working on myself and taking care of myself I hope this works.

  2. hi i am kay and i am 12 yrs old. i wiegh about 150 and am 5′ 1”. i dont look like i am that big but the truth is that i am. im really not that comfortable with myself. i wear long and big shirts to cover up is hard cuz most of my friends r skinny and i feel like the odd one out. sometimes i try to eat healthy but it soon day ill have motivation and the next day ill want to like eat a whole buffet.i know that it is my fault that i eat a lot,but i also know that i can lose the .the thing that makes me mad the most is that my mom can wear my clothes but i cant wear just puts me down.anyway my goal is to lose 20 lbs.i hope i can conquer it….

  3. Okay.. All the people on these post saying that us teenagers are over reacting or we dont need to be worrying about our as much as we do, are wrong. You people always say that the choices we make now can change the rest of our life? Well, its the same with . Im not saying they need to go starve them selves because that is definietly not the answer, but dont tell them just to be active because that doesnt always work. We do need to diet & exercise regularly & some need to lose thats why their on this website so keep your opinions to yourself because that is not ALL we need to be doing. I weigh 140 pounds & im 15. I want to lose but you should all be thankful that not all of us are choosing to starve ourself & cause more problems. I hope this diet works as much as everyone else does.

  4. hello.
    I have had an eating disorder, which i have/are still trying to overcome after six years. it controlled my life to the point of having to admit myself into therapy and if it wasn’t for that step, it would have been the hospital. it started as anorexia and progressed quickly to making myself sick throughout the day. simply reading the young ages on here, and feeling the pressures you face makes me so sad. i can’t give you any advice to make you feel better about yourself, or make you feel beautiful. but life is too short to be consumed in your , or feeling as if you can or CANT eat this or that. i know its hard, its a disease and society and the media puts so much pressure on women to look a certain way.i still think about it everyday. but if you have thoughts like that, do it the healthy way. if you lose an insane amount of , quickly, you will just gain it back, and put yourself through torture again. no matter what anyone says, no matter what people may make you feel like, remember, that you are beautiful, that there are people who love you for YOU. not what you could be if you lost or what size pants you wear. and that you have so much to focus on than and things that will fade in time anyway.

  5. Im 14! i weighed 148 it doesnt seem that bad but my body fat is 35% its been 5 days and i lost 2 pounds im doin good with loosing the weigh so far but i ecersie in the mornin for 20 mins eat grapefruit and toast for breakfat go to school, eat blue berries for snack and lunch low fat yogurt and 2 fruits. my cravings for bad foods has stopped im happy! i need to keep going though!

  6. Okay girls!! Look here.. many times we look at ourselves and say “I am fat” well if you eat right and exercise that will go away! Stop eating the junk and move around, join a sport. You young girls should NOT be obsessed by , and if you are then maybe your priorities are in the wrong place. You are still growing and you must be active! If you have a negative self image and say you are fat then guess what you will believe it! So stop!!! Everyone needs to ask themselves this questions..”Do I workout, Do I eat right , Do I sleep enough, Am I doing everything I need to do to reach my goals and Do I have a positive mind set?” If all these answers are yes.. then you are healthy and slim, if not then you need to make the change.. not complain!!!

  7. i am 15 years old, and i weigh 160 pounds. my friends say im not fat, but i dont believe them cause when i compare myself to them, im the fattest one there. 🙁

  8. I HATE my body. i feel so ugly. i am 195 and am only 5’6 im like a freaking cow at least that is how i feel. All of my friends say im not fat when they really dont know and they are just trying to be nice. It bugs me when they say that i have been struggling with and i really need some help. i am going to florida in a month and a half and want to be able to wear a bikini there. So i am going to try these tips and see if they work.

  9. im 13 years old and im sick and tireed of getting looks from people who are smaller than me. im 127. and all my friends are smaller than me and they say im not fat but i know there saying it cuz there my friends. i really want to get down to at least 105. but i have tried eating fruits all the time and drinking lots of water and it didnt work. i run at least a mile and a half with my cousin whos practiceing for her race and she encourages me to keep going. but running all this has lead me to thinking i need to lose more and i dont know what to do. i really at thinking im fat. but wow i just dont like what i see im the mirror. 🙁

  10. all u people that feel like they are too fat or need to lose ….u are all beautiful. no matter how skinny u get,if u dnt feel good about urself and love urself u will never see it. its hard to do in this world ware people can be so harsh and judgemental…but u shood reely understand that its all in ur head if u think they r better than u. eating right and exercising is great.being healthy will make u feel better, but i hope nobody stresses about it. much love and i hope things get better for everyone:)

  11. Look, I really dont get some u females talking about o I am 11 or 12 or w/e age and I am 120 or 130, and I feel fat, like WTF come on now be forreal. I will go crazy to be even close to the size. I am 22 yrs old and 5’7 and I wiegh 267, so I know. I am trying to lose at least 20 to 25 pounds a month and I know I can do it, and no I am not starving myself because that wontwork. I tried already LOL. But any way wut I do now is wake up in the morning and eat one cup of special K and a half of cup of 1 percent milk, for lunch I eat one of my lean cuisin meals and eat fruit in between and drink lots of water and v8 juices takes vitamins and Than for dinner I have my usaul or a bowl of special K. When I started this like 3 weeks ago I was 276 and 2day I am 267, But I coulda lost more but I was cheating by eating chips and stuff but i know I can really do it. I started forreal this time today wich is 01/26/2010 an I will be back a week from now and keep u all posted on wut im doing every week and see wut happens. and plz for yall young girls 120 is not bad at all, be thankful ur not my size cuz trust me its hard

  12. I am glad to see that those in their teens are taking their issues seriously. I am 44 and have a chronic illness. In the last 7 years I have quit smoking and was put on prednisone for a rare allergy to my pet birds. I am 5’2″ and four years ago I weighed over 200 pounds. I lost about 30 pounds then some came back. Since June of ’09 I have lost 35 pounds. I need to lose another 25 and have hit a plateau.

    These hints will really help me.

  13. I wanna try this too. I’m 12 and yeah I wanna look like my friends and stop feeling bad when things don’t fit. I’m kinda around 120 so I’ll try this and in a month I’ll come back

  14. Hi my name is Sandra. I just turned 17 and Im really worried about my . Obviously, my friends who are bigger than I am stress that Im not big and its not that Im big, but that my stomach is just a little bit too big for me to feel comfortable in a bathing suit and my thighs. I maybe like 140 now and I know the reason why. Im looking for a good workout plan that I could do and still tackle school and babysitting. Im going to Florida with my band at high school and I want to be able to lose maybe 15-20 before spring break. I want to feel comfortable with my body, even if those around me and my friends say I look fine. Could you please help me figure out how to lose that much by then?

  15. Ok, u girls here im 12 and when guys say ur fat u arent is just that they to be cool. You see just last week my friend called his girl a whore just cuz everyone else was saying it. Me personally i dont care how fat or whatever there body looks like i love a good personality.


  16. Im 12 i weigh 129 or 130 i hate being bigger than all my friends so im trying to get healthier and slim down and my sisters 20 and we can wear each others shirts shes tall and thinner then me. I want to lose some . Its hard but il do it if I can put my mind to it.

  17. i guess some of us aren’t alone? this really is a teen magnet for losing . well, i’m 15, 5’3 and i weigh about 148. this really shocked me, cuz about 2 months ago, i was 138, and ever since i left school & moved back to cali, i gained a lot. my ideal was always to be around 120-118, ever since i was 10. LOL, it’s been my new years resolution since like ’06. i try diets but i always end up cheating. i just haven’t found the right motivation, yet. i’m soo not happy with my body, i have a shape, but the problem is my ass, stomach & thighs. yeaaa, i’m tired of the BS that i get from people saying that, ‘oh, your not fat, just thick’ i just end up saying, IDGAF, but i really do. i’ll try this & some of the tips other commenters added. hopefully it works. fingers crossed* i’ll check back in a month if this works, and if it doesn’t i won’t come back ;P

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