May 15, 2024

I liked to drink a Coke every day but a couple yeas ago quit altogether with no effect of coca cola avoidance at all. You may have heard that if you drink one can of Coke everyday and you take that out of your diet then you will lose one pound of fat per week which works out to 50 pounds of fat lost in a year.

Healthbolt had the following info about the effect of coca cola and what happens to you when you drink a can of coke.

Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? It’s because it gets you high. They took the cocaine out almost a hundred years ago. You know why? It was redundant.

Effect of Coca Cola On Your Body

effect of coca colaIn The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.

20 minutes: First effect of coca cola on your body. Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (Theres plenty of that at this particular moment)

40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dialate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.

Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This effect of coca cola is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.

The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.

The effect of coca cola caffeine diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.

>60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

The effect of Coca Cola After the rush

This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if you’re a smoker.) But, hey, have another Coke, it’ll make you feel better.

Yuck, this is not a nice message on what happens to your body as the can of coke goes through it but it is interesting. Now that we know the effect of coca cola maybe we should see the effect of chocolate next.

In researching some more I have found a few more great articles on the effects of Coca Cola. Livestrong talks about Sperm counts and the effect on stomach acid. Also this great youtube video about the disgusting effects of Coca Cola

192 thoughts on “The Effect Of Coca Cola On Your Body

  1. I know from experience what constantly drinking soda does to you. If you completely stop drinking soda, I’m sure you too will know the reward. I quit eating all sugary foods and stopped soda, and began drinking about a quarter of a gallon of water every day for two weeks, and I lost a good 0.6 – 1.1 pounds a day. If you find it hard to quit, then throw the Coke out, or if you live with somebody who also drinks it, just avoid walking near it. If you see it, you’ll be tempted to grab one.

    Also, it’s not just Coca-cola that does this. All sodas are “bad” for you. Also, if you think you’re safe because you drink diet sodas – think again. Diet sodas are actually *worse* for your health, because although they have no / little real sugar, they use man-made sugar, which is infinitely worse, because your body doesn’t know how to break it down well, unlike real sugar, which it can.

    Overall, this article is a bunch of crap to me. 10 Teaspoons is not 100% of your daily intake, nor does the drink make you “high”. You make out Coca-cola to be a drug – a very bad one that make’s you vomit and destroys your body. It may be, but only if you drink tons of it. Its the fact that people who drink soda ALSO have other unhealthy habits that kills them in the end, whether metaphorically or literally is up to chance.

    1. Coke is all i drink if i can help it, i hate the taste of water or any type of squash etc, if i dont drink coke i feel like i am literally dying, my mother also drinks diet coke and she is the same it is all she will drink, do you have any more tips on how to get off this addictive evil stuff haha

      1. I forgot to mension i drink 2 litres of coke a day! i know thats why i need to get off the stuff

  2. Mom told me that I started drinking since i was crawling. I really like it, i cant help it, at least 1 liter a day. Although sometimes i find it not tasty (kind of rust or iron taste) i feel its not the same product all the time, anways. The thing is that, however the reason might be genetic, i suffer a lot from teeth problems. Now i have around 10 fillings in my mouth, and 5 more on the way my dentist said. Besides that, i have no issues. even then this is not cool, i am just 23 years old.

  3. Im gonna be honest, i realy dont drink it alot, there’s a point when i drink alot and i start to have a bad taste of the coke. There’s times that i dont like the coke, i taste it and then i wont drink it again. im 15 years old, and i don’t drink coke every day. I feel more active 🙂

  4. I am struggling with the Coke issue. I have lost 70 lbs. and it helped ALOT to just drink some water. As for the teeth discussion, I drank a 12 pack A DAY when I was younger. It just tasted SOOOO good to me. I had ALOT of kidney infections and alot of my teeth have had to be pull due to the decay cause by the acid in the Coke’s I have had 8 teeth pulled, I have NO front teeth and I can’t smile. Due to the CONSTANT bombardment of Coke hitting my front teeth with braces on it, it tore them up. PLEASE STOP DRINKING THEM!!!! That information as open my eyes to the problem of y I shit like shit after I drink alot of them over a course of time and when I drink alot of water and flush it out of my system, I feel like a million bucks.

  5. I myself am a 15 year old school student who hardly ever has coke considering the fact that my Mum is a dentist. However, i have been deprived of this coca cola substance over they years and now crave it more than ever. Its like pies, give someone pies a lot when they are young, they will get over it, deprive them and they crave it. I believe coke should be introduced to kids at the age of ten so that they dont drink a heap when they are older.

  6. Please understand that cola isn’t cocaine or heroine. (that’s a big stretch)
    As for the people’s language .. it’s more about education and less about what they drink. If you want to be really healthy then exercise more. Cola is bad mainly because it flushes those elements neessary for your bones/teeth development and maintenance.

    Most importantly: addiction affects people differently. (addiction center is in the brain and is different for everyone). Cola isn’t so addictive.. I believe that if you consume something every day for a year and then want to stop it’s gonna be difficult mainly because HABIT.

    1. One of the smartest responses on this post. People need to stop scapegoating products/restaurants (soda, fast food chains, etc.) and remember “everything in moderation”. People also need to consider that genetics play a huge part in how any substance will affect your body.

  7. ARe you people crazy!!!!!! those of you sayin’ am normal i drink 5 -6l..3l 2l each day and u think u are normal??? dude thats what it has done to u it has messed wit ur mind so much that..6L a dy is normal???!!! that in itself calls for serious diagnosis…crazy!!! u so high on it u won’t realise it till u drop u guys even go to skul..coz u sound extremely uneducated

  8. I agree with Kody all of this is just way over exaggerated, of course there are facts within this information, but there are quite a few things that just are overboard. I drink 5 sodas in a day, caffeine does the opposite affect on me i get sleepy, energy drinks make me sleep right after I drink them, and my blood pressure is spot on. The point is sugar and caffeine do not effect EVERY person the same way.

    1. Ok, I’m just going to be honest and say I drink about 4-5 cans of coke a day (below my average), and I’m perfectly fine…

      I’m a school student, I’m thin, and relatively fit…I have no desire to drink coke constantly, and could stop any time I wanted…

      Overall, I’m just trying to say…It’s not exactly a bad drink…It just affects some people differently…

      It couldn’t be classified as good, nor bad…cause many people can drink as much as they want and be perfectly fine at the end of the day…(plus or minus a bit of vomiting after the first 10 or so), just saying lol

      1. Come back in 5 years and try to say the same thing. It’s the long term issues that you have to live with.

      2. it’s so easy to say “Come back in 5 years and try to say the same thing…” annoys me to bits because you’re not really saying anything that you can prove

  9. I was drinkinf olmost every day one smoll bottle of diet coke I am very scare am I gona get sick I was reading how bad coca cola be for your health and I am quiting right now

  10. Can I also say my brain is fine to i am a company secretary and never had any problems with work I never have any trouble sleeping and don’t want to curl up in a ball a cry if I do not have coke I suppose it effects people in different ways

  11. Omg can i just say I drink a least 3 cans a day I’m a healthy size 8-10 my teeth are healthy and White ( and I smoke ) I also am fit and a ideal for my age I know coke is not as good as juice or water etc but I think as long as you look after yourself it’s ok you can not blame coke for unhealthy over people with bad teeth

  12. It must be affecting your language. Your body may be fit, but your brain is not. It is limited mostly to the foul parts of the English language.

    1. Boy do I agree with Marie..I hate that foul language. People seem to accept it these days but I sure don’t. Neither does God or Jesus. Foul language just shows a low life…I hate it and Im glad marie stepped up.

    2. Marie and Joan — I applaud you. That low, ignorant person has no respect for the value of life. He has no manners. Too bad people like that cannot think of something more creative to say.

    3. Words are just words. If you choose to be offended by them that’s your choice, but denouncing a valid claim because of profanity just means you’re closed minded and possibly a bit of a prude. Welcome to the 21st century, park your buggy and leave your dark ages thinking at the door.

  13. I have just recently started using coke only when I have end of year exams to do… I have like 8 exams to do at the end of the year because our exams are not semesterized so we have to prep for things for the entire year. I will stop until the next set of exams the same time in the following year. Well it makes me a little more alert I must say and decreases my fatigue. I find it is the last resort as I regularly have a good diet and get sufficient sleep but I still sleep in classes and can hardly make it through studies when I am home from classes. I am not a soda drinker or coke lover but i choose to go at edge of …… in desperation.

    1. Well depend if the ingredients affect your body in anyway, well sugar affects my skin so i got to watch-out for taking a lot of sugar in my system. read the ingredients, check with a doctor and find out if you got any health issues in the matter.

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