May 8, 2024

I liked to drink a Coke every day but a couple yeas ago quit altogether with no effect of coca cola avoidance at all. You may have heard that if you drink one can of Coke everyday and you take that out of your diet then you will lose one pound of fat per week which works out to 50 pounds of fat lost in a year.

Healthbolt had the following info about the effect of coca cola and what happens to you when you drink a can of coke.

Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? It’s because it gets you high. They took the cocaine out almost a hundred years ago. You know why? It was redundant.

Effect of Coca Cola On Your Body

effect of coca colaIn The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.

20 minutes: First effect of coca cola on your body. Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (Theres plenty of that at this particular moment)

40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dialate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.

Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This effect of coca cola is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.

The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.

The effect of coca cola caffeine diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.

>60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

The effect of Coca Cola After the rush

This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if you’re a smoker.) But, hey, have another Coke, it’ll make you feel better.

Yuck, this is not a nice message on what happens to your body as the can of coke goes through it but it is interesting. Now that we know the effect of coca cola maybe we should see the effect of chocolate next.

In researching some more I have found a few more great articles on the effects of Coca Cola. Livestrong talks about Sperm counts and the effect on stomach acid. Also this great youtube video about the disgusting effects of Coca Cola

192 thoughts on “The Effect Of Coca Cola On Your Body

  1. In the beginning, Coke was manufactured using Cocaine – This is where it got its name. The main consumers of Coca-Cola were overseas troops, fighting in the war. Cocaine, of course, helped to keep them on their toes, but many unaware soldiers came home addicted. hen Coca-Cola was discovered to produce adverse health effects, to the point that they had to change their “secret formula,” they had to find a replacement for cocaine that would still produce a comparable “zing.” Enter caffeine, an “acceptable substitute.”

  2. i used to drink a litre or two of coca cola every day.. one day, just out of the blue i googled the impacts of it on our body and it led me to this. now i have almost stopped drinking and i realise that my back aches and pains have totally disappeared!
    i would strongly suggest someone who is facing simillar problems like i used to to try and stop your coca cola intake and see for yourself how helpful it actually is!
    Thank you.

    1. that is true Faizana. I was just addicted to coke-cola in the January my colleagues and I we bought 2 liters coke everyday. on the 16th of Feb i collapsed and admitted in Hospital doctors did their research and do all the necessities but non of them could find or see what seems to be the problem. Last night after super I drank coke and the same thing I feel before i collapsed the I jumped for a glass of water then I realize that this should be the coke does this. and really when I Google about it also led me to this so as from today, I’m not going to drink coffee and coke.
      The only thing I also discovered about both of them I’m addicted to them. thanks.

  3. I was drinking several cans of Diet Coke everyday for decades. I stopped once, and after getting over the headache that goes with stopping the caffeine, felt okay. But I missed it, and gradually increased my amounts until I was drinking almost nothing else, including water. I have broken my back and my hip at a pretty young age, most likely from calcium leaching due to drinking carbonated beverages. Add the aspartame, and I was doing very bad things to myself. I had a wake up call recently, and gave it up cold turkey 52 days ago. I miss the thirst-quenching rush in the back of my throat, but am getting used to drinking only water, with an occasional Hansen’s sweetened with disgusting Stevia. Coke has no redeeming quality, nothing to add to your well-being. It creates a dreadful addiction. If I can, you can.

    1. I drink 1-2 2liter bottle of diet coke daily. My doctor says that soda will make bones brittle (due to the leaching of calcium) and that it will “blow out ” my kidneys…said I could end up on dialysis. I don’t drink anything other than soda. Guess I’ll try water, but I sure love the taste of soda.

    2. I averaged 8 litres of Coke a day.
      I picked up the dirty habbit when my son was diagnosed with cancer.
      Many a long hour at the hospital is what got me started.
      I stopped three weeks ago cold turkey and have braved the head aches.
      But why have I not lost a single pound in yet?

  4. I have been drinking coca cola since 1994, and havent looked back. I am 19. Lean, tall, and muscular, coca cola has done nothing but speed up my metabolism, which I love. It keeps my in check and I can still eat 3-4 square meals a day. Coca cola has done nothing but good for me. Lol.

    1. I WAS a regular (a couple of cans a day) coke drinker but never again. Last month I was rushed into intensive care and relatives were told that I had a 40% chance of pulling through. I had problems with my Liver called Non Alcohol Fatty Liver Disease. Obviously I did research about its causes each article I read stated that Coke was to blame, I am a mum to to daughters who need a mum so its a four letter word literally in this house now. The damage its done is not repairable. Please be wise in your choice of soft drink it could prevent this happening to you.

    2. I assume you are meaning this as a joke, to which i say hahaha 😀 if not, then i say hahahahahahahahahahahaha! according to you, you’ve been drinking coke since you were 1? that seems really unlikely, and don’t kid yourself, that’s not muscle, it’s fat and coke does nothing for your height, that’s hereditary, i used to drink 6 cans a day and i still ate 3-4 meals, your entire statement makes no sence, but if you’re so sure it does nothing to your health, then by all means, have another one 😀 <3

    1. Are you joking

      “Coke is good for you Pepsi is not good for you”

      Dont kid yourself…. if you drink to much of any soft drink you are doing damage to your insides!!!

  5. i will recommend people not to drink coke frequently but instead they can drink water to keep them healthy from outside and inside the body.

  6. I drink anywhere from 52-84oz of Coke per day. Yesterday I drank 146oz. I rarely eat real food because my stomach can’t handle it and my eating disorder is getting out of control. All I consume is Coke or coffee. I feel sickly constantly and the is melting slowly. At first it started out as funny because it was just an absolutely obscene amount to drink, but after a while my stomach began rejection solid foods and I’m just miserable. It costs 74 cents for a 52oz Coke at the gas station in town.

    1. are you kidding? i can bet so much money that the reason you feel so sick all the time is because of coke and coffee. you know how acidic that is? and by chance that you have acid reflux, it’s even worse. you probably dont even have to stick your finger down your throat, those two alone will have you vomiting. if youre trying to lose , eat a ton of vegetables and walk alot. drinking a ton of water also helps you feel better. always.

  7. Terry, not so fast, not true, water is a necessity the body craves via thirst so you dont die. This is a natural God given thing… caffeine is a drug which you can become dependent for no good reason then to feed the manufacture of that product more and more money as they keep you hooked!

  8. For starters, if you’re drinking 2 liters or a 12-pack of Coke a day, your problem isn’t what your drinking but the quantity of what your drinking. Too much fresh spring water will make you sick and possibly kill you. Moderation is the key. Also, the horror story about the effects of Coke, you could substitute any food or beverage in there. All foods cause chemical and metabolic changes. That’s why we eat and eat in moderation. A certain amount of these changes are necessary for life but too much can harm you.

    1. So to is to oxygen breathed in! But both water and oxygen are a necessity for life where as caffeine is not, made my man to hook you for the $$.

    2. I Drink 6 litres of coke a week im trying to stop drinkin coke but i cant its just i cant drink any other drink now and i cant even get the taste of coke now its just some differant taste cause im drinking it way to much, I Am Afraid About The Insides Of My Body What All The CocaCola Is Affecting my insides,

  9. This info has really opened my eyes and answered my suspected thought about my ever increasing gain.

    I guzzle my way through a 2 litre bottle of coke every day AND maybe another canned amount during the night if I wake thirsty. I don’t drink anything else apart from coffee (black with artificial sweeteners.

    I’ve been convinced I’m addicted to the stuff and would like to know if drinking a ‘diet’ version would make any difference?

    1. In answer to my own question, drinking pepsi max is the most tolerable, but only just. I went 2 days without touching the full-on stuff and I was nasty tempered and felt a sense of panic that there wasn’t anything to give me that same saticsfaction. Ah well, never mind, could be worse, someone might take my cigarettes away ! No replies thanks, no-one can say anything I haven’t heard before or that I don’t already know especially as I’m in the health proffesion!!

      1. You can kick the coke-a-cola habit, I know you can. I drank coke since birth…. In fact my third word was coca cola, (true story) my mom put it in my bottle. When I was in High School I quit drinking coke because I was into sports and being healthy. After a few months of being dry I tried it again and it tasted like bad chemicals you would clean with. Its now been about 10 years and I still don’t touch the stuff… not even if you put rum in it. I only came on this site to see if coca cola was good for your skin because I used to have good skin but now I don’t. Oh well it doesn’t look like I’m going to relapse any time soon, I’m just done with that life style lol. Yea really try to quit the cola and caffeine because it helps build kidney stones and you wouldn’t want that. Also artificial sweetener isn’t good for you just go for the real sugar.

  10. Anyone else noticed that cola doesn’t even taste nice. I stopped drinking it because it makes my thought dry and my muscles get involuntary spasm’s (on top of which, when I slowed down the speed I drank it I noticed it didn’t even have a pleasant taste) Personally, I feel much healthier for not drinking it and though I still consume a moderately high amount of sugar (can’t stand the taste of water so most fluids I drink are fruit juices, teas and milk shakes) my decreased and my general outlook on life has become more positive. However I can’t put this fully on stopping drinking cola as around the same time I became a vegetarian. Overall though I’m glad I gave up coke.

  11. For the last 30 years, I have been drinking at least a 12-pack of Coke a day. Sometimes, I’ll have as many as 18 cans a day. I crave it like a drug. I’ve kicked the habit a couple of times for a month or two, but always seem to fall back in the rut. I crave it for the following reasons: (1.) It gives me energy, which I need since I work at least 16 hours a day. (2.) It seems to fill my stomach when I’m hungry. (3). It quenches my thirst. (4.) It seems to calm my nerves when I feel anxiety (I have a very stressful job).

    So far, my health is excellent, although I could stand to lose 10 or 15 pounds. I’m sixty-three years old and look more like forty-three. I have more energy than anyone I know at any age, and I sleep only four hours a night. All of my medical tests indicate that I’m healthy. I don’t work out and I don’t eat particularly healthy– lots of fast food, snack food, and candy. It has caused some dental issues, as I’ve spent about $65,000 on my teeth in the last 15 years, and have to have my teeth cleaned every two months, even after flossing religiously. I also have to drink about 4 beers a night to go to sleep. But other than that, I’m fine.

    I know I need to stop or cut down. It’s bound to catch up with me eventually. It’s really hard to quit. It’s like a double addiction. I’m addicted to the sugar, and I’m addicted to the caffeine. After reading this blog, I’m more motivated than ever to quit, fearing kidney disease, cancer, or bone problems. I suppose we’re all affected a little differently, but I’ve probably pushed my body further than I should of already. Everyone’s comments in this blog inspire me to do better, but I’m not sure I can pull it off.

    Has anyone got any suggestions about how to kick this habit? I can only rely on my luck and good genetics for so long.

    1. yeah lol we both have the same exact story but im more younger then you from like 45 years or so and really just only eat dinner it substitutes for everything which is bad, everyone takes breaking a habit hard but to be realistic here i don’t give a shit for health i still have fun consuming it since it makes me the live of a party and outgoing it brings out my alter ego persona everyone loves to talk to me its like literally i high still makes you high and when talking to girls i drink it for no nervousness just calm, out going and i have notice my bones feel real weak and bad so i try compensating for it with double fiber and milk from now on. But u can’t stop drinking soda at all u need to take half the intake your taking now if you wanna stop and slowly learn to adjust and control your body to take less and less till u stop craving it and find another substitute for it when that can be hard cause anything like coke that does the same is also just as bad. There is a law i believe is “To much of anything is bad for you” I can quit but i don’t yet i need it until my life is more settled down and only use for anxiety, once again if you really wanna stop just drink less and less because stoping all intake ridiculously is gonna make you drink it even more and make you weird.

  12. I SAY YES TO LIFE! That means I will no longer drink sodas, I will drink mostly water and maybe some juices, I will continue to stay away from drugs, I will get exercise daily, and I will have a good hygiene. Pass this message to everyone.

    1. yes, the amount of sugar in coke can be detected in urine samples. I went for one when i had to have check up for diabtes and it turns out i had pre-diabetes.

  13. Wow, Terry! I think your entry, and I seriously read every single one, is the smartest and most polite way to say it!
    Everybody has a vice and most of the time vices aren’t healthy. I drink A LOT of Coke but am choosing to cut down and eventually stop due to a congenital liver problem. I assure you all being born with a bum liver has nothing to do with my Coke consumption. I digress…lol. What I’m getting at is moderation and exercise and ATTEMPTING change can go a long way to actually making a change. Nobody promised life would be easy, folks. Just be glad you still have one to live. =o)

  14. This article touches only on a few of the adverse effects of drinking soda over the long-term. For those who are not noticing any obvious physical problems such as gain, energy level spikes/crashes or mood swings may be kidding themselves. A lot goes on inside of you that you can’t see with your eyes or feel with any of your senses. Most don’t have any idea of what your body does automatically without your awareness to keep your blood at a constant 7.2 to 7.4 pH level. It begins to rob your bones, muscles and other tissue of the minerals they need to function properly. If it weren’t for your body going into ‘flight or fight’ mode you would die from over loading on such an acidic beverage. Best video I’ve ever watched, so far, on this subject here: <a!

    For those who believe it is or will not harm you, maybe if your belief is strong enough it won't. Nearly everyone believes tobacco is harmful. It's only a matter of time before sodas are viewed this way too. Until then…I choose not to drink them, as there are lots of alternatives to pop to drink. I have a hard enough time with solid food choices, and would rather get my calorie intake from more food than beverages. However, for those who side with the major beverage companies…they've succeeded in their marketing tactics with you. You are now dumbed down with your addiction. Have a nice ride! (smile)

  15. Im 18 and im addicted to coke i will drink 3-4 of them a day it just depends sometimes i’ll drink 6, im 5’11 and 180 pounds im a little chubby no big deal, i think this article over exagerates ALOT. Coke dosnt really make me crash at all idk why probably because im 18 and not 46. This artivle makes it sound like if you drink a coke a day in 2 years youll be 100 pounds fatter wich is not true, i’ll go 2 to 3 tears while staying the same again it maybe because im 18, i never exercise i eat pizza all the time, but i only eat lunch. Only one meal a day and im fine maybe a snack later but thats it. After eating only lunch for awhile i got used to it and i now just eat lunch so i say for you guys to try that if you wanna lose .

    1. You are only 18…guess what…the long term effects of coke alone on your body overtime is staggering. I’m only saying because I know. Drop the soda…your 30 yr old body will thank you for it later.

    2. You know yeah your 18 but you really should cut back on the sodas im a 20 yr old woman and when i was in high school i was way over for my height 5’1″ and weighed 174 at my heaviest i drank sodas maybe 1 or 2 a day and got exercise weekly in the form of physical training at least 2 times a week if not more i was an active student thanks to the jrotc program i was in plus i was in a extra curricular activity in jrotc all four years of high school and still was over i graduated and about dec of that year i decided to ditch the sodas and just drink tea or water anything but soda i lost 10 lbs in about 3 or 4 months and kept losing gradually over time currently i weigh 146 now. I try drinking a soda now i can only have maybe 2 or 3 sips and just the other day i drank a half a childs cup of diet soda and i swear i was having stomach cramps thanks to that i guess the longer i go without them the more my stomach cant deal with it. You should seriously think about at least cutting back if only one can do that to my stomach just from drinking one cup i never want to drink it again!

    3. Well one thing your wrong if you drink that much i bet you don’t realize it i been a coke addict also and its pretty right and sure it can exaggerate. I also basically eat only one meal a day and damn straight lol a bit chubby but no big deal i can’t gain 🙁 but if you do exercise everyday you will lose that and go back to just skinny it will be easy since you mostly consuming soda then food like me but when you do stop drinking soda you will CRASH and be sluggish I did a day w/o soda and i was slow, sluggish, couldn’t move, slow responsive and was moody with people i also felt that way also if i drank to much.

    4. How bout you grow a pair and just stop drinking. Don’t be a tool, and lose some weigh by getting a faster metabolism. Also Coke is really bad for you, but if you really like it there’s a drink like it that is also 0 calories but has no sugar, it’s called WATER. dsmfas

  16. I drink almost 2L of coke a day, (maybe more) I can’t remember the last time I had a glass of water. I just don’t like the taste of it. Coke is the only source of liquid I drink, it’s all I crave all day, everyday. How do I stop this ridiculous addiction???.

    1. Your body craves whatever you feed it the most. If you feed it water, in due time, it will eventually take over as a craving. The more water you drink, the more water your body will crave. You have to give your body a new habit.

      Good Luck!!!


      1. Terry, not so fast, not true, water is a necessity the body naturely craves via thirst so you dont die. Thirst is a natural God given thing… caffeine is a drug which you can become dependent for no good reason but to feed the manufacture of that product more and more money as they keep you hooked!

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