I am never sure how many calories I am really burning when I do exercise. Quite often you will have a great workout and according to the numbers you only burned a couple of hundred calories. There is a lot more to calorie burning than what the numbers may say. Some question you should ask yourself … [Read more...] about Burning up calories
Cardio Workouts
Riding the stationary bike
Time for riding the stationary bike is coming quick. Well, winter is going to be kicking in here in Alberta soon enough. I have been riding my bike still and now this week is great but the weekend does not seem so good. This winter I will be riding a stationary bike that is sitting in the bedroom … [Read more...] about Riding the stationary bike
The Value of METs in Weight Loss Workouts
Every now and again you will get on a treadmill or elliptical trainer and see that it lists the number of METS in the workout, like me you probably glaze over it and just start. But this Mets number is very interesting and important. If you are anything like me it gets kinda confusing sometimes … [Read more...] about The Value of METs in Weight Loss Workouts
Exercise Tips for Women
Having a healthy lifestyle involves having proper exercise, as these exercise tips for women will show, and diet. Women nowadays are getting more and more motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle through proper exercise in order to lose fat and , to maintain their physique, and to have a longer and … [Read more...] about Exercise Tips for Women
What is Chi Running?
What happens when you combine running with the practice of T'ai Chi? The answer: chi running. When people first hear about it, they often ask, "What is chi running?". Chirunning, as it is also called, is a relatively new way of running that focuses on form and keeps you relaxed and meditative while … [Read more...] about What is Chi Running?