April 27, 2024

I liked to drink a Coke every day but a couple yeas ago quit altogether with no effect of coca cola avoidance at all. You may have heard that if you drink one can of Coke everyday and you take that out of your diet then you will lose one pound of fat per week which works out to 50 pounds of fat lost in a year.

Healthbolt had the following info about the effect of coca cola and what happens to you when you drink a can of coke.

Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? It’s because it gets you high. They took the cocaine out almost a hundred years ago. You know why? It was redundant.

Effect of Coca Cola On Your Body

effect of coca colaIn The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.

20 minutes: First effect of coca cola on your body. Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (Theres plenty of that at this particular moment)

40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dialate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.

Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This effect of coca cola is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.

The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.

The effect of coca cola caffeine diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.

>60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

The effect of Coca Cola After the rush

This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if you’re a smoker.) But, hey, have another Coke, it’ll make you feel better.

Yuck, this is not a nice message on what happens to your body as the can of coke goes through it but it is interesting. Now that we know the effect of coca cola maybe we should see the effect of chocolate next.

In researching some more I have found a few more great articles on the effects of Coca Cola. Livestrong talks about Sperm counts and the effect on stomach acid. Also this great youtube video about the disgusting effects of Coca Cola


192 thoughts on “The Effect Of Coca Cola On Your Body

  1. Why are there people backing up the can of s***? These are the people who have become addicted to this chemical sugar drink, and can’t stop, so they try and save there backsides by calling the maker of this piece of info. a lier. This guy really is correct. This stuff does crazy stuff to different parts of your body, yet because of your brain you enjoy the negative effects thanks to chemicals put into the drink. And it is a wonder why most people cannot live past 80. See the people who live long? it is because they avoid this crap and eat fruit constantly!.

  2. Well if you were to have a more active lifestyle, then perhaps you would not have to regret it so much. Coke is unhealthy if you don’t work it out of your system (if in excessive quantities). Either way, it would be difficult for anyone to drink 4 litres of coca-cola per day…

  3. iv been drinking coke for years im only 18 years oldi can drink up to 3 to 4 litrues a day . it has really effected my body . i have to take tablets every day because of it . it may taste nice but what comes with it is not worth it really . and is glad i came opon this site it has made me relses that bad effects of it to .when i didnt drink coke on one day i felt like i had no engery , or no suger in my body and felt really ill . . its up to peoples choce if that want to drink it or not .i wish i didnt .xx

    1. my partner seems 2 b the same he has 2 have atleast a 1 or 2 litres of coke a day if he dont then he complains that he has no energy and feels ill.. how can i stop him from drinkin coke.. im worried bcos his health has really gone down lately he was taken in 2 hospital with pains in his head and blacking out

  4. i drink like 2l per day and i want to ask can cola to eat my liver? or somthing to do bad with it? or to eat anything in body? ty

  5. I drink too much coke, I know it, admit it and keep drinking it. I crave coke and some days are like a landslide starting in the morning. I can’t imagine it would be good for the digestive system, liver, pancreas but would agree coke isn’t the only culprit causing ailments. What about that pie and ice cream, choc cake, choc bars…..any sugar products, fatty foods. Someone here asked if coke has any affect on blood count (anemia). I have heard/read that, coke (reg pop drinks), coffee or other caffeine products, can block the body’s ability to absorb iron into the body, as well as binding calcium for bones…..in the long run it will catch up with some people, but not everyone.

  6. Yeah I think there is a terrible fallacy which is founding this article. One way to differentiate between people who feel the effects of Coke and those who don’t is in terms of their daily activity level. I drink 2 liters of Coke a day (maybe a tad less), but in opposition, I work out, stay fit and I am always working/ thinking and using up my energy. Coca-Cola contains a lot of sugar which we should all know is made into energy. It is only when you do not use this energy that it turns into fat and has side-effects. Of course it isn’t healthy to drink Coke, but if you lead an active and otherwise healthy lifestyle, there is nothing to stop you from drinking a fair amount of Coke.

    Liz, your argument is flawed in that you don’t have any proven facts to support any of this. If you have noticed that there are a lot of over people drinking Coke (ignoring the fact that the majority of people in general drink it), then you must stop to consider the other factors that play a role in their health (you do not know when they started drinking it). You look at the majority of over people who drink Coke and then ask them how often they exercise, what they eat, etc. I think you’ll find that Coke will end up being the lesser of many evils (that is not to say that it makes no contribution at all of course).

    Blaming Coke is just an easy way around admitting that you have other health issues in my opinion. I have consumed it excessively for years and I am perfectly healthy (with healthy blood sugar levels and a perfect BMI). Get over it!

  7. Ive been drinking coke since i was 5 i’m currently 16 so ive been drinking it for a good 11 years for 4 years id power through roughly 5 liters a day only recently have i cut back i drink maybe 5-6 cans a day unles i have company then i drink more i experience no negative side effects at all i think of myself in good shape i weigh 165 lbs im 5’9″ and very muscular i bench over my body, i get out and am active daily there is no way coke is as bad as everyone says its just that more and more people live unhealthy lives and since they cant take responsability for their own problems they blame the soda industry and fast food companies, im not sayin its necisarily good for you i’m just sayin quit bitchin’ and get on the treadmil

  8. Damn man!I think i addicted to Coke.I cant stay a hour without drinkin.thanks for this article.i will try and stop drinkin

  9. Such a biased and incorrect article.
    the sugar is only less than half the recommended intake, and don’t worry about the phosphoric acid, theres more of that in milk or orange juice. although you didn’t mention carbonic acid??
    However I can’t say drinking coke all the time is healthy, but I still do it lol. and the effects of caffeine on nutrients in your system is negligible according to research

  10. Liz wake up. Coke has no long term side effects. Does not make you Obease. And certenly dosnt.. Do anything that was posted. You know.. Im fairly sure the op was thinking of the drug “coke” when they wrote this…

    I drink about 1.5 litres a day, fastest in my grade and never “crashed” (whatever that is..) this topic is terribly biased and was probally written by pepsi co.

  11. Coke is not as bad as you’ve portrayed it. I have drank coca cola for over 50 years and I am very healthy. I have never experienced any of these symptoms you wrote up there. If you have other health problems, I advice you to see your medical practicioner and not blame it on coca cola.

  12. It is true, come on people quit being in denial… I bet everyone here is over because they drink too much Coke. Jamie you maybe depressed if you can sleep all day and Craig it sounds like your a drug addict so you would not know how it affects you.
    Everyones system is different, but Coke does 99 percent of what this says!
    Wake Up!

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