May 5, 2024

Fat loss for Idiots
Fat loss for Idiots

Fat Loss for Idiots is a site and diet that my wife had learned about from her stepmom. Initially I looked at the Fat Loss For Idiots website and saw that after clicking though a bunch of pages of information I found that the program was only $39.

As a fitness and health enthusiast I know that there are no easy ways out of  losing so when I first saw all of the hype around fat loss for idiots I was of course initially skeptical. I have scoured the internet looking for more information on the Fat Loss For Idiots program and would like to present this to you here so that you can make an informed decision when you visit the Fat Loss For Idiots site.

Lose Weight Fast with Fat Loss for Idiots?

Fat Loss for Idiots claims you can lose 9 pounds lost in 11 days.Wow, is this possible? You probably have your doubts but I know because I have seen it happen, with the right diet and exercise program you can lose and lose it quickly.

The basics of Fat Loss for Idiots are based around four basic principles:

1. The Food that you eat is decided by a special Diet Generator on the website
2. You Eat 4 or 5 times a day until you are satisfied but not overfull
3. You go on the diet for 11 days and then take three days off and eat what you want
4. You do a bit of walking everyday

You do not live on this diet for life but instead Fat Loss 4 Idiots teaches you how to eat correctly and after you have lost your you know how to maintain at a good healthy . After that quick loss it is important that you continue eating according to the plan and get some exercise of any kind and you will continue losing weight. The way the diet cycles means that you should lose every week with no bad weeks at all.

Fat loss for idiots Meal Plan

Fat loss 4 Idiots Meal Plan
Fat Loss for Idiots food is made up of lean proteins,fruit and vegetables, and the sources of fat come from whole foods (such as cottage cheese or eggs). There are some starchy carbohydrates (such as oats and pasta). The day is divided into 4 meals that should be eaten at a maximum of 2 1/2 hours apart. There is no calorie or carb counting, no limit on portion size – Fat Loss for Idiots says you “just eat short of being full”.
After the 11 day meal plan there is a 3 day “cheat” – where you get to eat whatever you want. Then you are back into the 11 day plan again.
The real difference between the fat loss for idiots plan and other plans is that the diet is purposely confusing your body so it never thinks it is starving. This is not a new meal program in that regard. Body for Life and other programs have long advocated confusing your body by having a day or more off of the diet so that you are in more control of how you eat. Fat Loss for Idiots does a good balance of this.
The meal plan is created by selecting from a list of preferred foods that you select before letting the diet generator do it’s work. These are then used to generate your meal plan.
For people that do not eat meat there is also an option for a veggie fat loss 4 idiots. You can select this option and as a vegetarian you will have that option to go with your eating style.
Fat Loss for Idiots also includes a very extensive handbook that teaches you how to to eat, how not to eat and what is important in your goal of losing weight.

 Fat loss 4 idiots

Exercise on Fat Loss for Idiots

Fat loss for idiots is a diet program. One thing and one thing only. The people that come up with the fat loss 4 idiots meal plans look at you as a person that is trying to diet and lose over the short term so they do not really worry to much about exercise, with one exception, they expect you to walk once a day.
What is Good About Fat Loss For Idiots?
fat loss 4 idiotsThere is no magic behind Fat Loss for Idiots but really what it is a good focused meal plan and sensible exercise for beginners.

  1. Although this may not seem like much it is very important in my mind to be doing something that will give you the satisfaction that you are making the changes in YOUR life that will help you lose weight.
  2. This diet will work for you. Weight loss is quite easy on this plan
  3. You can buy the food at the grocery store
  4. And the simple fact is that at $39 fat loss 4 idiots is much cheaper than even a couple of weeks of Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers.
  5. 60 Day guarantee if you are not satisfied

What Is Wrong With Fat Loss For Idiots?

I have a couple of issues with Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The first is the stupid sales pages. It is hard to take a diet seriously with funny pictures and ugly pages. But don’t be mistaken, this diet sells millions every year and only on the internet.
The only thing missing in this is this program is an exercise plan. So for Fat Loss 4 Idiots as a bonus I want to give  you four free e-books that will help you. Just purchase Fat Loss 4 Idiots though a link on this page.

These bonus e-books are:

  • 101 Diet Tips (A great addition to everything else you will learn here)
  • Skyrocket Fat Loss (A Tom Venuto Interview that spans 41 pages)
  • Training and Nutrition Secrets (65 pages of secrets that almost no one knows)
  • Losing without starving yourself (61 pages about…well I guess the title says it all)

After you have purchased Fat Loss 4 Idiots just email me at bill @ nadraszky . com (just click the link) and I will forward the books to you.


Fat Loss for Idiots Reviews

Well this was the part that really floored me. As a fitness pro I see this crazy little diet and I could imagine that it would work for a few people but I have had 100s of positive reviews for this. Here are a sampling of those reviews.

:): “I started this diet 3 days ago, and have lost 2 and a half pounds so far.”

😛 “I have now been on this diet for 11 days and have lost 6 and a half pounds. I am very happy with that, especially since I have not exercised or done the recommended walking.”

😯 “On Fat loss for idiots I lost 7 pounds the first 11 days! I’m happy with that considering (like I mentioned) I had not done the suggested walking.”

I really liked this diet, the best part comes after the 11 day period and you can eat anything you like

I can definitely say a BIG yes!! I was 205lbs and in 3 months had lost almost 45 pounds!! This diet really works, especially if like me, you are a meat lover. Don’t fret about the 1 day of fruit and veggies, anyone can diet for a day! and the next day you get to eat, eat, eat!! This diet saved my life! GO FOR IT!!! All I did for exercise was walk. I was so happy when after three months I went clothes shopping and those size 12 pants slid right on, (I was wearing 16 before diet!) I let out a big whoop!! and the sales girls started laughing, it was great, I had been way over for 25 years.

Down another .5 of a lb this morning. Total = 6 lbs on day 5!!!

My Fat Loss for Idiots Recommendation
Fat loss 4 idiots guarantee

I am a big fan of Fat loss for idiots for no other reason than it is nice and simple, and it really does work, if you follow a diet that changes what you eat and moves you in a better direction nutritionally than what you are now.

And hey if it does not work you can just get a refund, 60 day no hassle guarantee! No Risk and a great plan to lose with Fat loss 4 idiots!

I have people emailing me all the time asking what they should eat and how to lose weight. If you have finally decided to give up on those crazy diets, pills, and broken promises. Then stop giving out good money after bad and pick up the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet today and get started to finally leave your “fat” problems behind you. Click the button below to go to the official Fat Loss 4 Idiots site to learn more.


Fat loss 4 idiots

1,416 thoughts on “Fat Loss for Idiots Complete Review

  1. Thanks Janice. 🙂

    Good luck Mee. And if it turns out that you gained a couple pounds don’t let it get you down. Get back on the plan and lose those extra pounds.

  2. hi guys, we all seem to be doing great……i’m dreading my in after a really bad weekend today has gone really well so far, dinner soon and that’ll be it for the night but i think i’ll make i’ll let ye know how the in goes cross ye’re fingers for me…thanks x

  3. Oh who cares about differences in sizes… YOU’RE IN A 34!!!! Yahhhh!!! So happy for you Mike. I can’t wait until I can say the same. 🙂

  4. Betsy – good job!! 3 lbs in just a couple days. Very cool. And there are actually some bananas on the plan. I always include the banana shake on mine.

    Janice – 2 lbs, there you go. Makes up for some of those frustrating .2 days and such. Keep it going.

    Diane – Have a good trip. When you get back I’d like to see what happens when you do the hour of brisk walking each day for like 3 days in a row. Just to see what happens.

    Big Sexy – wow no gain on your off days. That’s great. I fully expect to gain 2-3 on mine. But I got to have me some pizza. 🙂

    My update – Starting day 8. Veggie day. Was dreading this day, but I made up some veggie chili last night and that will make it much easier. Might have made it too spicy though. Started sweating after a few test bites last night. 🙂 Anyway, I am down 7 lbs so far on this cycle.

    Oh and another thing that made me smile all day. I went shopping at Old Navy yesterday. Needed a new pair of jeans. It seems like yesterday that size 42 waist was fitting tight on me. The jeans I bought yesterday? Size 34’s. 🙂 Granted Old Navy stuff fits looser than most. But I’m still happy.

    Good luck all.

  5. Well, started the diet on Saturday and here it is Monday and am down 3 lbs!!! What a surprise! Especially since I didn’t get to follow the diet on Sunday-niece had a birthday and family had a get together. I was careful about off plan food though. So today I am doing my fruit day.

    As far as Bananas, I don’t know if this helps but they are higher in the Glycemic Load numbers. Not the same for the other fruit on the plan. Now don’t ask me what the Glycemic Load means but it is rated to the Glycemic Index and I know this plan seems to really be based on the GI and food eaten together. I love bananas too and have missed them. But if it works for you to eat them, then go ahead. I am sorry to see peaches go out of season.

    Janice, Way to Go.
    Diane, Don’t give up. It is a struggle but you are doing so good.
    Big Sexy, Yeah for you-Good Luck on cycle 2.
    Mike, you have done such an awesome job and thanks for all the support
    Granny, Hope you are doing well on the plan.
    Mee, I have heard the weighing debate and can’t honestly say what is better. I like to weigh every day but many people say you shouldn’t. Decide what is best for you!
    Salena, any updates?

    If I missed anyone, I am sorry. You guys are doing all so good. Keep up the good work. I only have 4 days more (total of 6 days) as I have another business trip on Friday but plan to get back on the plan as soon as I get home next Thursday.

  6. Wait for it… 2 lbs down from yesterday!!! That’s a total of 4.8 lbs on the morning of day 5. 🙂 I’m very happy with that, mostly because it means that I 259.9 lbs! I’m out of the 260’s! Well, obviously if I’m not careful I’ll slip right back in, but its only day 5 and I’m really hoping to lose another 3-4 lbs this time around so that woiuld put me firmly in the mid 250’s.

    This makes me very happy.

    I went for a really nice walk yesterday so I think I’ll repeat that today and hope for another lb loss tomorrow. Ciao peoples!

  7. Hi Guys,
    I’ve just finished my 3 off days and I’m glad to say I didn’t gain any I’m still 234. What I did on my days off I still had a meal plan and kind of based it on the 11 day meal plan.

    Friday 11/6
    meal 1: 1 cup Cereal w/1/2 cup non fat milk and whole banana
    meal 2: Fruit – Apple, Strawberries and Banana
    meal 3: Applebee’s – Steak and double veggies (didn’t get the loaded mashed potatoes which I LOVE)
    meal 4: Frozen Yogurt
    Plenty of water

    Saturday 11/7
    meal 1: again Cereal w/banana
    meal 2: Salad
    meal 3: 1/2 Subway sub
    meal 4: Fruit – Grapes Strawberries and bacon
    Plenty of water

    Sunday 11/8
    meal 1: Fish and Grits
    meal 2: Smoothie – Yoplait has new Smoothie out which is frozen fruit w/yogurt pieces, you just put it in a blender w/non fat milk. Please believe it when I say it’s thick and delious!! And it make 2 smoothies but since I’m using it for a meal I drink the whole thing.
    meal 3: 2 slices of pizza and 2 beers
    I had 4 cookies (homemade) and ate those thru out the day.
    I was still full from the pizza that I didn’t have a meal 4, I just drank water until bedtime.

    I think if you plan your meals ahead of time it still gives you the freedom, but also gives you the feeling your still on the 11 day plan so even when you have those cheat time it doesn’t feel guilty because they are your cheat days.

    I start cycle 2 today so I’ll keep you posted. To everyone that’s having a hard time stick w/it I’m really hoping cycle 2 is end great. With the workouts I’m putting I’m expecting to lose about 5-6 lbs on cycle 2 if it’s more great.

  8. Weight this AM 141.4. Its not the “under 140” I wanted by this trip I am taking today, but at least its better than yesterday. I’m off for a couple of days. Hoping not to add additional lbs. while I’m gone–will do my best.

    I wish the best for all of you over the next couple of days, and I look forward to reading your posts when I return.


  9. Diane – I know how frustrating it is to work at losing and not get anywhere. That’s where I was until I found this diet. I hope you find something that will work for you like this is working for me. Don’t give up!!

  10. PS — Sorry, don’t mean to be a downer. Just searching.
    You guys are all doing amazing, and it is inspirational to read your posts.

  11. Thanks for the comments.
    No, I am not taking in 1200 calories per day, and while I understand the theory that you have to eat calories to keep you metabolism up, when I DO eat 1200, I gain to about 145 and stay there, except anytime I over-indulge it creeps up to 150. I speak from many years of experience on that.

    And NO I do not exercise enough, and I need to. I will make that a goal. I have exercised quite a lot in the past, and it hasn’t seemed to help UNLESS I was restricting calories to under 1,000. When I was very thin and not eating (I used to eat between 200-300 calories per day), I was a dancer, so got a lot of exercise then. But, as you know after quite some time of that I became illso lets not go there.

    I do keep intending to take my diet journal to a doctor and show it to him/herhowever, I have this fear of not being believed for the same reason that people say, œwell, you aren’t eating enough — it just doesn’t seem to make sense. When I was on watchers a couple years ago, they said I wasn’t eating enough (I was supposed to be eating 20 pts. Per day, but I was only eating 15 to 18). So, I upped it to 20 and gained for the next 3 weeks, until I gave up.

    I do know it isn’t my thyroidthat’s been tested many times, not because of issues, but other things. I do believe it is due in part to many years of starving myself, and I don’t know how to fix that.

    Anyway, I’m not giving up yet. I’m going to keep on trying. And I will keep on reporting with the hope of your support.

    Thank you all so much,

  12. Down another .9 lb today for a total of 2.8 lbs on the morning of day #4. I’m pretty happy with that. I went for a nice walk today to get my metabolism going as well. Hope I see a nice drop tomorrow.

    Granny – As Mike said, it seems as though most people gain back 2-3 lbs over their cheat days. I think the cheat days are very important because those cheats tell your body that its not starving and that it can rev up your metabolism. Just try not to go over board on your cheat days and watch your sodium intake.

    Diane – Are you actually satisfied when you stop eating? I know that I eat more than what you’ve written there. Honestly, I find that when I relax and just enjoy the food, I get more results. Even splurges like eating frozen yogurt on days that its not on the menu helps me lose more. You need the fat to rev your metabolism. Maybe you’re not balancing it enough. I really don’t know. I hope you figure it out.

  13. Diane – tough to say exactly. But looking at the amount of food you are eating it almost seems like you are not getting enough calories daily. Could be that your body is going into starvation mode and not burning fat like it should. Do you think you are even taking in 1,000 calories daily? Should be taking in at least 1,200. Are you drinking all the water that is suggested? What kind of exercise are you doing. Sometimes you hit a point where walking alone won’t do it anymore and you have to change it up a bit.

    Granny – From what I’ve seen it looks to be pretty common for many people, including myself, to gain back 2 or 3 pounds on the cheat days. But if you start another cycle right after that you usually drop those pounds in the first few days.

  14. hi everyone,

    I just completed my first 11 days and lost 11.2 lbs. I’m worried that over the next 3 days I will gain some or all of it back.. what has been others experience with the “3 chat days”?
    thank you for your input

  15. Hi there, I’ve had a bad weekend, have been out almost all weekend so the diet hasn’t gone well but I guess these things happen, tomorrow I’ll get back on track and I finish my first cycle on friday so hopefully I’ll reach my goal of 168 if not well I only have myself to blame!! I feel great following the plan so I’m going to make an extra effort to follow the plan exactly till friday….not sure if i should myself tough any suggestions??? I’m afraid I’ll have pilled back on what I lost..should I give myself till maybe wedensday morning and then in?

  16. Okay — so this is why I get frustrated. I’ve followed the diet (except some minor issues and a little extra wine) and this is what happens:

    — Had not been dieting for a while. On Friday, Oct 30 was 141.(?)
    — Pigged out over the weekend
    — Tues, Nov 3, Weight 144.4, started diet: MEAL 1, 9AM 1 egg, 1 strip turkey bacon
    MEAL 2, 12:30PM, 2 slices cantalop, bunch grapes, 6 strawberries, 4 Tbls lite whip creme
    MEAL 3, 5:30PM, 3 slices lunch meat roast beef slices (on 1 slice lite pumpernike, that was not on the diet), small green salad with lite balsamic vinigar dressing.
    MEAL 4, 8PM, 1 oz cheese; 9 oz red wine

    — Wed, Nov 4, Weight 141.2: MEAL 1, 8AM Strawberries, apple, cantalope & grapes
    MEAL 2, 11:30am SAME
    MEAL 3, 3pm SAME
    MEAL 4, 7PM 1/2 plain bagel w/4 slices ham,
    10PM 8 oz red wind.

    — Thurs, Nov 5, Weight 140: MEAL 1, 8:45AM, 1 oz cheese, 1/2 cup cottage cheese
    MEAL 2, 12noon, 7 shrimp w/cocktail sauce, 7 cashew, can green beans
    MEAL 3, 4:30PM, 1 cup frozen yogurt;
    MEAL 4 7PM, 1 filet of chicken cooked in crock pot with spices.

    — Fri, Nov 6, Weight 141.4: MEAL 1, 9:30AM, 2 scrambled eggs
    MEAL 2, 12:30PM, 1 kiwi, 2 bowls pinto beans with barbeque sauce & garlic salt
    Skipped a meal, did not have time
    MEAL 3, 6pm 1 filet tilapia (in place of tuna salad)
    7pm/10:30pm total of 10 oz red wine

    — Saturday, Nov 7, Weight 140.4: MEAL 1, 9:30AM, ¾ cup cottage cheese, 5 macadamia nuts
    MEAL 2, 1:30pm, 2 strips turkey bacon, 2 scrambled eggs (pan sprayed w/ PAM, Molly McButter for flavor)
    MEAL 3, 4:30PM, 5 slices peach, large bunch grapes
    MEAL 4, 7PM cashews (unrecorded amount), 3 oz cheese, 2 olives, 1 tortilla chip (we were watching the football game, I ate a chip and didn’t keep up with the cashew amount)
    15 oz red wine

    — Sunday, Nov 7, Weight 142.2!!!! — Why does this happen? This happens all the time. It goes up and down, and today I actually 1 lb more than I did Oct. 30th.

  17. I’ve been eating jalapeno havarti. It’s absolutely delicious and when combined with spicy buffalo turkey it makes for a pretty satisfying meal.

    I’m always surprised now at just how fast I get to satisfied. I had half a chicken breast and some cottage cheese with a handful of peanuts for supper and had to stop before I finished because I was getting uncomfortable. Too big portion sizes has always been a problem for me and really having to notice your satisfaction level is helping me so much. Knowing that you only have to wait 2.5 hours to eat again if you get hungry also helps a lot.

  18. Janice – I read online that Goat Cheese in many cases is healthier than cheese made from cows. Lower in fat, calories and cholesterol. I can’t stand fat free cheese’s. So I have been eating a reduced fat medium cheddar that I can cut pieces of it off the block.

  19. Tried something different today for my snack. I hope it doesn’t bite me in the ass. Under cheese slices it just says “regular cheese slices” so I’ve been getting Colby or Hvarti, stuff like that. Today I saw some plain goat cheese on sale and I LOVE goat cheese! So, I got it and spread some on two slices of turkey then roled them up and ate them like that. It was delicious and very satisfying because of the richness of the goat cheese. I don’t see it being much of a problem as it is just another “regular” cheese. What do you all think? I also only ate a bit of it in case it impeeds my loss.

    I haven’t tried sausage since starting this. Although I love fatty foods (as shown by the fact I need to lose so much ) but it always seems so fatty that I just hate the feeling of eating it. So, that turkey kalbasa sounds like a good alternative to me. I might just try it. Although, I do think that bacon is my happy place and what keeps me sane throughout this process. Bacon and cheese. 🙂 Oh, and frozen yogurt. 🙂

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