May 2, 2024

Fat loss for Idiots
Fat loss for Idiots

Fat Loss for Idiots is a site and diet that my wife had learned about from her stepmom. Initially I looked at the Fat Loss For Idiots website and saw that after clicking though a bunch of pages of information I found that the program was only $39.

As a fitness and health enthusiast I know that there are no easy ways out of  losing so when I first saw all of the hype around fat loss for idiots I was of course initially skeptical. I have scoured the internet looking for more information on the Fat Loss For Idiots program and would like to present this to you here so that you can make an informed decision when you visit the Fat Loss For Idiots site.

Lose Weight Fast with Fat Loss for Idiots?

Fat Loss for Idiots claims you can lose 9 pounds lost in 11 days.Wow, is this possible? You probably have your doubts but I know because I have seen it happen, with the right diet and exercise program you can lose and lose it quickly.

The basics of Fat Loss for Idiots are based around four basic principles:

1. The Food that you eat is decided by a special Diet Generator on the website
2. You Eat 4 or 5 times a day until you are satisfied but not overfull
3. You go on the diet for 11 days and then take three days off and eat what you want
4. You do a bit of walking everyday

You do not live on this diet for life but instead Fat Loss 4 Idiots teaches you how to eat correctly and after you have lost your you know how to maintain at a good healthy . After that quick loss it is important that you continue eating according to the plan and get some exercise of any kind and you will continue losing weight. The way the diet cycles means that you should lose every week with no bad weeks at all.

Fat loss for idiots Meal Plan

Fat loss 4 Idiots Meal Plan
Fat Loss for Idiots food is made up of lean proteins,fruit and vegetables, and the sources of fat come from whole foods (such as cottage cheese or eggs). There are some starchy carbohydrates (such as oats and pasta). The day is divided into 4 meals that should be eaten at a maximum of 2 1/2 hours apart. There is no calorie or carb counting, no limit on portion size – Fat Loss for Idiots says you “just eat short of being full”.
After the 11 day meal plan there is a 3 day “cheat” – where you get to eat whatever you want. Then you are back into the 11 day plan again.
The real difference between the fat loss for idiots plan and other plans is that the diet is purposely confusing your body so it never thinks it is starving. This is not a new meal program in that regard. Body for Life and other programs have long advocated confusing your body by having a day or more off of the diet so that you are in more control of how you eat. Fat Loss for Idiots does a good balance of this.
The meal plan is created by selecting from a list of preferred foods that you select before letting the diet generator do it’s work. These are then used to generate your meal plan.
For people that do not eat meat there is also an option for a veggie fat loss 4 idiots. You can select this option and as a vegetarian you will have that option to go with your eating style.
Fat Loss for Idiots also includes a very extensive handbook that teaches you how to to eat, how not to eat and what is important in your goal of losing weight.

 Fat loss 4 idiots

Exercise on Fat Loss for Idiots

Fat loss for idiots is a diet program. One thing and one thing only. The people that come up with the fat loss 4 idiots meal plans look at you as a person that is trying to diet and lose over the short term so they do not really worry to much about exercise, with one exception, they expect you to walk once a day.
What is Good About Fat Loss For Idiots?
fat loss 4 idiotsThere is no magic behind Fat Loss for Idiots but really what it is a good focused meal plan and sensible exercise for beginners.

  1. Although this may not seem like much it is very important in my mind to be doing something that will give you the satisfaction that you are making the changes in YOUR life that will help you lose weight.
  2. This diet will work for you. Weight loss is quite easy on this plan
  3. You can buy the food at the grocery store
  4. And the simple fact is that at $39 fat loss 4 idiots is much cheaper than even a couple of weeks of Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers.
  5. 60 Day guarantee if you are not satisfied

What Is Wrong With Fat Loss For Idiots?

I have a couple of issues with Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The first is the stupid sales pages. It is hard to take a diet seriously with funny pictures and ugly pages. But don’t be mistaken, this diet sells millions every year and only on the internet.
The only thing missing in this is this program is an exercise plan. So for Fat Loss 4 Idiots as a bonus I want to give  you four free e-books that will help you. Just purchase Fat Loss 4 Idiots though a link on this page.

These bonus e-books are:

  • 101 Diet Tips (A great addition to everything else you will learn here)
  • Skyrocket Fat Loss (A Tom Venuto Interview that spans 41 pages)
  • Training and Nutrition Secrets (65 pages of secrets that almost no one knows)
  • Losing without starving yourself (61 pages about…well I guess the title says it all)

After you have purchased Fat Loss 4 Idiots just email me at bill @ nadraszky . com (just click the link) and I will forward the books to you.


Fat Loss for Idiots Reviews

Well this was the part that really floored me. As a fitness pro I see this crazy little diet and I could imagine that it would work for a few people but I have had 100s of positive reviews for this. Here are a sampling of those reviews.

:): “I started this diet 3 days ago, and have lost 2 and a half pounds so far.”

😛 “I have now been on this diet for 11 days and have lost 6 and a half pounds. I am very happy with that, especially since I have not exercised or done the recommended walking.”

😯 “On Fat loss for idiots I lost 7 pounds the first 11 days! I’m happy with that considering (like I mentioned) I had not done the suggested walking.”

I really liked this diet, the best part comes after the 11 day period and you can eat anything you like

I can definitely say a BIG yes!! I was 205lbs and in 3 months had lost almost 45 pounds!! This diet really works, especially if like me, you are a meat lover. Don’t fret about the 1 day of fruit and veggies, anyone can diet for a day! and the next day you get to eat, eat, eat!! This diet saved my life! GO FOR IT!!! All I did for exercise was walk. I was so happy when after three months I went clothes shopping and those size 12 pants slid right on, (I was wearing 16 before diet!) I let out a big whoop!! and the sales girls started laughing, it was great, I had been way over for 25 years.

Down another .5 of a lb this morning. Total = 6 lbs on day 5!!!

My Fat Loss for Idiots Recommendation
Fat loss 4 idiots guarantee

I am a big fan of Fat loss for idiots for no other reason than it is nice and simple, and it really does work, if you follow a diet that changes what you eat and moves you in a better direction nutritionally than what you are now.

And hey if it does not work you can just get a refund, 60 day no hassle guarantee! No Risk and a great plan to lose with Fat loss 4 idiots!

I have people emailing me all the time asking what they should eat and how to lose weight. If you have finally decided to give up on those crazy diets, pills, and broken promises. Then stop giving out good money after bad and pick up the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet today and get started to finally leave your “fat” problems behind you. Click the button below to go to the official Fat Loss 4 Idiots site to learn more.


Fat loss 4 idiots

1,416 thoughts on “Fat Loss for Idiots Complete Review

  1. Good luck Kevin. Looks like it worked for you in the past. No reason to think it won’t this time. Stick to the plan and have at it.

  2. Starting it again. Last time I did it i lost 20lbs. Got off of it and never continued. I am on my 3rd day of the first cycle. My start was 364.5, wish me luck!!!!

  3. I agree that the cheat days can be tough. But reading what Big Sexy ate on the cheat days it was really not that bad. She continued to eat pretty healthy for the most part. Not sure if I could do it myself. After eating what the plan calls for for 11 days I just need to have some junk. Even if I pay the price of gaining a few pounds back.

    Unfortunately I don’t think my current metabolism is fast enough to eat 3 days of junkfood and not gain any pounds LOL. Even if I exercise on the cheat days.

    Would be nice to pick up my next cycle at the I ended the previous one though.

  4. Ok, I just read Diane’s post from above about her time away.

    Diane – I don’t know your exact measurements or anything about you really because of the anonimity of the internet but from the comments that you say you got over your little vacation, I worry that perhaps you see yourself in an unhealthy way. It may be that these people are quite large and just think that anyone normal sized is “skinny” but in my experience people don’t use the word “skinny” lightly.

    I just hope that you are using this problem in a healthy way. If I’m overstepping then I appoligize but I just want everyone I’ve been chatting with to be happy and healthy.

  5. I agree that the daily walk is an important part of this diet and of life in general. This diet doesn’t advocate heavy workouts but it does say 2 half hour walks at a good pace. I take that to mean that an hour long work out is good each day. They just mean that any more exercise than that will require eating more calories per day than they prescribe us to eat. That’s all.

    I have my veggie day tomorrow. I’m actually kind of looking forward to making the chili from all fresh natural veggies. I’m also going to be making those refried pinto bean wraps. I’m going to make sure that I don’t add any salt to anything I make. I’m at 6.5 lbs now but I want to make it to 8-9 lbs by the end of this cycle. I’m pretty confident that I lost something today, maybe not the 1.5 lbs that I lost from yesterday but I’m hoping for at least half a lb.

    I’ve been thinking about the cheat days and how we’ve mostly shown that gaining back 2-3 lbs is normal. Big Sexy didn’t gain any back so I am going to really try not to gain back any of my loss this time. It just sucks to be working this hard to lose amazing amounts of just to gain back 1/3 of it over the course of three days. Ok, its not THAT hard but still its monotonous and that gets hard eventually.

    Anyway, that’s just what I’m thinking right now.

  6. Janice – Yes I used canned cut tomatoes. And the spicy veggie juice I used also had a lot of salt. I guess I’ll have to cut up my own tomatoes the next time I make it.

    Diane – Welcome back. I still think if you are able to do the daily walking it might help. I’m very lucky that I have a decent treadmill at home or I would not be able to do it. Also I don’t know if it’s helping me much or not. But I’m taking a green tea extract supplement to help give my metabolism a daily boost.

    Since I have been doing the plan with the daily walking with great results I am not to anxious to try the plan without doing the walking. But it would be interesting to see the difference.

  7. So, I was away for 2 days where I ate a hamburger, fries (twice), a 3/4 of a big waffle with fruit, syrup & whip creme, bread & lasagna — and listened to people say to me “no wonder you’re so skinny, you don’t eat anything!” and “you’re going to get sick if you don’t eat any more than that” (granted these people were larger than me). Meanwhile I gained OVER 3 LBS!!!!! 141.4 to 145. This is insane. I want to be 127. There has got to be a way. There is a doctor here who has extremely good results, but he is terribly expensive and I know some drugs are involved which I really didn’t want to do. I am so frustrated.

    I started back this morning with Veggie Day. Breakfast was 1 sv. pinto beans w/1/2 oz cheese. Lunch was a veggie salad with lite balsamic Vinaigrette. Snack, in about an hour will be losts of broccoli with lemon juice. Dinner will be the rest of the beans with some cheese on them. Only had 22 oz of water so far today, so need to add to that. Maybe tomorrow I’ll step on the scales and have a happy surprise. Maybe this is all the salt in the fries and lasagna. Maybe I’ll lose my mind. I need to start walking again. Maybe I’ll go to the gymbut its so cold and rainy and yucky.

  8. Mike – You ended up using canned tomatoes didn’t you? When I used them my loss stopped dead in its tracks too. Sodium is a killer. I’m using fresh tomatoes and all fresh herbs and spices for mine. It’s only worthwhile if it helps you lose. 🙂

  9. Betsy – Good job. Sounds like this cycle is going well for you.

    Janice – Nice loss. Looks like you are on your way to achieving your goal this cycle.

    Mee – I have substituted regular yogurt for frozen. It’s not much of a treat, but it’s probably more healthy. I don’t see that it would make a big difference.

    My update – Slooooowwww loss the last two days. Think I might be retaining some water. The chili I made for veggie day was very good, but it was also packed with sodium. Hopefully the pounds will fall off these last two days of the cycle. Regardless it’s still been quite successful. Starting day 10 and I have lost 8 lbs this cycle so far.

  10. Mee – Where are you that frozen yogurt isn’t good? The UK? We have delicious choices here. I got cherry vanilla this time around but last time I had brownie chocolate. 🙂

  11. Janice- I wish frozen yogurt was as nice here as it is in america, plain yogurt is a lot nicer here, and it’s easier for work too, that’s why I asked I can’t really see how it would be any different so i think i’ll give it a go and see what happens….thanks

  12. I’m down another 1.5 lbs!!! This brings me to 6.5 lbs on the morning of day #7. I’m so psyched! I didn’t expect that from yesterday but then again I did have only a .2 lbs loss the day before so it was probably a combined loss from two days and I was retaining water or something.


    Mee – I’ve never used regular yogurt insted because I would just never think “hey, I’m going to give up my one treat this cycle!” haha

  13. Hi guys hope we’re all well…..quick question does it make a difference if you have normal yogurt instead of frozen yogurt??? Thanks x

  14. So excited! Another 3/4 of a lb puts total loss at 4 1/4 lbs. Starting my 5th day so 4 1/4 for 4 days is not bad at all. Haven’t done the exercise that I should and have had small off plan slips and still have the loss. Yeah!

    Hope that the rest of you are doing well! Can’t wait to hear the updates.

  15. Well, I didn’t really get out for a walk today but I did follow my diet so I’m still hoping for a loss tomorrow morning. I would just really love to make it to 8-9 lbs this time. I’m also going to try to not gain back any of the over my 3 cheat days. I’m going to plan out my days like Big Sexy did. I can have pizza if I want, I just have to fit it into my plan.

    I’ll check back in tomorrow morning.

  16. Mee, hang in there. Get back on the plan and those 4 lbs will come off with more to follow. I know it is hard but nothing good comes easy.

    Janice, hope you feel better soon. That is great that you have lost 5+ lbs!

    I am happy, I now have lost 3 1/2 lbs. Am starting my 4th day. Hope the loss continues!

  17. Mumble, only lost .2 of a lb this morning. I was feeling terrible last night so I ate some frozen yogurt to make me feel better. I still feel miserable today but I hope that I can control what I eat and be down tomorrow. 5.1 lbs down. Still better than a kick in the head. 🙂

  18. Hi guys in this morning and i was up 4lbs not happy about that at all… cycle finshed friday so i’m going to work extra hard to lose them, but my gaol of 168 won’t happen now and that has really got me down this mornin…..

  19. Blah! I think I’m getting H1N1…boooo!!! I feel like a bag of crap and I’m not even sure if I have full blown swine or just a really bad cold. My glands are swollen right now and hurt so bad that eating isn’t really on the fore of my mind. Thank God for the frozen yogurt I bought for tomorrow. Between that and cottage cheese I think I’ll have food to eat tomorrow. 🙁 Heading to bed now. Bye.

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