May 8, 2024

Fat loss for Idiots
Fat loss for Idiots

Fat Loss for Idiots is a site and diet that my wife had learned about from her stepmom. Initially I looked at the Fat Loss For Idiots website and saw that after clicking though a bunch of pages of information I found that the program was only $39.

As a fitness and health enthusiast I know that there are no easy ways out of  losing so when I first saw all of the hype around fat loss for idiots I was of course initially skeptical. I have scoured the internet looking for more information on the Fat Loss For Idiots program and would like to present this to you here so that you can make an informed decision when you visit the Fat Loss For Idiots site.

Lose Weight Fast with Fat Loss for Idiots?

Fat Loss for Idiots claims you can lose 9 pounds lost in 11 days.Wow, is this possible? You probably have your doubts but I know because I have seen it happen, with the right diet and exercise program you can lose and lose it quickly.

The basics of Fat Loss for Idiots are based around four basic principles:

1. The Food that you eat is decided by a special Diet Generator on the website
2. You Eat 4 or 5 times a day until you are satisfied but not overfull
3. You go on the diet for 11 days and then take three days off and eat what you want
4. You do a bit of walking everyday

You do not live on this diet for life but instead Fat Loss 4 Idiots teaches you how to eat correctly and after you have lost your you know how to maintain at a good healthy . After that quick loss it is important that you continue eating according to the plan and get some exercise of any kind and you will continue losing weight. The way the diet cycles means that you should lose every week with no bad weeks at all.

Fat loss for idiots Meal Plan

Fat loss 4 Idiots Meal Plan
Fat Loss for Idiots food is made up of lean proteins,fruit and vegetables, and the sources of fat come from whole foods (such as cottage cheese or eggs). There are some starchy carbohydrates (such as oats and pasta). The day is divided into 4 meals that should be eaten at a maximum of 2 1/2 hours apart. There is no calorie or carb counting, no limit on portion size – Fat Loss for Idiots says you “just eat short of being full”.
After the 11 day meal plan there is a 3 day “cheat” – where you get to eat whatever you want. Then you are back into the 11 day plan again.
The real difference between the fat loss for idiots plan and other plans is that the diet is purposely confusing your body so it never thinks it is starving. This is not a new meal program in that regard. Body for Life and other programs have long advocated confusing your body by having a day or more off of the diet so that you are in more control of how you eat. Fat Loss for Idiots does a good balance of this.
The meal plan is created by selecting from a list of preferred foods that you select before letting the diet generator do it’s work. These are then used to generate your meal plan.
For people that do not eat meat there is also an option for a veggie fat loss 4 idiots. You can select this option and as a vegetarian you will have that option to go with your eating style.
Fat Loss for Idiots also includes a very extensive handbook that teaches you how to to eat, how not to eat and what is important in your goal of losing weight.

 Fat loss 4 idiots

Exercise on Fat Loss for Idiots

Fat loss for idiots is a diet program. One thing and one thing only. The people that come up with the fat loss 4 idiots meal plans look at you as a person that is trying to diet and lose over the short term so they do not really worry to much about exercise, with one exception, they expect you to walk once a day.
What is Good About Fat Loss For Idiots?
fat loss 4 idiotsThere is no magic behind Fat Loss for Idiots but really what it is a good focused meal plan and sensible exercise for beginners.

  1. Although this may not seem like much it is very important in my mind to be doing something that will give you the satisfaction that you are making the changes in YOUR life that will help you lose weight.
  2. This diet will work for you. Weight loss is quite easy on this plan
  3. You can buy the food at the grocery store
  4. And the simple fact is that at $39 fat loss 4 idiots is much cheaper than even a couple of weeks of Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers.
  5. 60 Day guarantee if you are not satisfied

What Is Wrong With Fat Loss For Idiots?

I have a couple of issues with Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The first is the stupid sales pages. It is hard to take a diet seriously with funny pictures and ugly pages. But don’t be mistaken, this diet sells millions every year and only on the internet.
The only thing missing in this is this program is an exercise plan. So for Fat Loss 4 Idiots as a bonus I want to give  you four free e-books that will help you. Just purchase Fat Loss 4 Idiots though a link on this page.

These bonus e-books are:

  • 101 Diet Tips (A great addition to everything else you will learn here)
  • Skyrocket Fat Loss (A Tom Venuto Interview that spans 41 pages)
  • Training and Nutrition Secrets (65 pages of secrets that almost no one knows)
  • Losing without starving yourself (61 pages about…well I guess the title says it all)

After you have purchased Fat Loss 4 Idiots just email me at bill @ nadraszky . com (just click the link) and I will forward the books to you.


Fat Loss for Idiots Reviews

Well this was the part that really floored me. As a fitness pro I see this crazy little diet and I could imagine that it would work for a few people but I have had 100s of positive reviews for this. Here are a sampling of those reviews.

:): “I started this diet 3 days ago, and have lost 2 and a half pounds so far.”

😛 “I have now been on this diet for 11 days and have lost 6 and a half pounds. I am very happy with that, especially since I have not exercised or done the recommended walking.”

😯 “On Fat loss for idiots I lost 7 pounds the first 11 days! I’m happy with that considering (like I mentioned) I had not done the suggested walking.”

I really liked this diet, the best part comes after the 11 day period and you can eat anything you like

I can definitely say a BIG yes!! I was 205lbs and in 3 months had lost almost 45 pounds!! This diet really works, especially if like me, you are a meat lover. Don’t fret about the 1 day of fruit and veggies, anyone can diet for a day! and the next day you get to eat, eat, eat!! This diet saved my life! GO FOR IT!!! All I did for exercise was walk. I was so happy when after three months I went clothes shopping and those size 12 pants slid right on, (I was wearing 16 before diet!) I let out a big whoop!! and the sales girls started laughing, it was great, I had been way over for 25 years.

Down another .5 of a lb this morning. Total = 6 lbs on day 5!!!

My Fat Loss for Idiots Recommendation
Fat loss 4 idiots guarantee

I am a big fan of Fat loss for idiots for no other reason than it is nice and simple, and it really does work, if you follow a diet that changes what you eat and moves you in a better direction nutritionally than what you are now.

And hey if it does not work you can just get a refund, 60 day no hassle guarantee! No Risk and a great plan to lose with Fat loss 4 idiots!

I have people emailing me all the time asking what they should eat and how to lose weight. If you have finally decided to give up on those crazy diets, pills, and broken promises. Then stop giving out good money after bad and pick up the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet today and get started to finally leave your “fat” problems behind you. Click the button below to go to the official Fat Loss 4 Idiots site to learn more.


Fat loss 4 idiots

1,416 thoughts on “Fat Loss for Idiots Complete Review

  1. Hi, sorry to be a pester; I just wanted to ask a few questions before I purchase this diet, if that’s ok.

    I am a vegetarian; I’m aware that there is a vegetarian option for FL4I, but I wanted to know if nuts are required for it, because I absolutely cannot stand nuts. It’d get put off very quickly if they were something I had to have.

    Also, is this diet expensive to maintain? The diet itself seems reasonable enough, but will it stack up a large bill buying the foods to follow it?

    Thanks for your time, and congratulations to everyone who is making progress – keep up the great work 🙂

    1. I have a question. Can you take supplements while you on this program? I am taking multi vitamins, probiotic and Mega 3…… Thank you

  2. I have tried many diets in the past i.e slimming world, watchers, although i have had good losses with them I would have to say that FL4I has given me the best loss. However i do find the 2nd cycle isn’t as effective as the 1st one which is exceptable because the 1st weeks tend to be more water loss. When I do this diet I find it nearly impossible to complete the whole 11 days without a cheat day, i find my sugar level drops and i start to crave home cooking meals. I once did 11 days straight and found it really hard because all i kept thinking was ‘hurry up let my cheat days come’ plus i dont like having 3 cheat days as i find this is too much, makes me feel gulity of eating because im scared of putting the back on. The way I do it is 6 days on 1 day off, another 6 days on and 1 day off, atleast this way Im not waiting dear life for my cheat days and plus im not over loading myself in those 3 days, i find 1 day off is good enough. Your prob thinking that makes 12 days in total with 2 cheat days in one cycle, yup and for the extra day i just pick a day i enjoyed the most. As for the losses I would say i lost 11 in the 1st cycle, 5 in the 2nd cycle, 9 on 3rd, currently on 4th, i know it will slow down but so far so good and good luck to everyone

    1. Hi! I originally did The Diet Generator starting on April 1, 2009. On August 1, 2009 I had lost 72lbs. I then went on vacation and had a hard time getting back into it when I returned. I would go on and off until eventually by a year later I had gained back 40lbs. I have been hovering around that until 3 weeks ago when I decided it was time to get serious again. I have lost 15 lbs. the first 11 day cycle, and now I am in day 4 of the 2nd 11 day cycle. The only problem is that I have to replace some foods. I dod not like bacon so I eat sausage instead. The only green veg. I like are green beans and broccoli. I do not like fish at all so my menu has alot of chicken and eggs (I eat egg beaters except for when it calls for hard boiled eggs). Sometimes, when I do not have time to scramble eggs I will eat a hard boiled egg instead. I do not like oatmeal, so I each a bowl of cheerios with sweet n low and a small amount of 1% milk. I do not drink milk plain, so I eat a small container of cottage cheese, the small cups by Breakstone. So you get where I am going with this. It has not seemed to hinder my loss, as long as you have “equivalent” replacements. Once in a while, instead of chicken I will eat a boneless pork chop. I feel this helps me be able to follow it and not cheat. The first time 2 years ago, on my first cheat days, I overdid it and went crazy, and gained 6 lbs. So now, I only do 2 cheat days instead of 3, and do not go nuts in trying to eat everything I missed on the cheat day. I also have found that belly fat goes way down, and I have alot more energy. I also take a daily vitamin. I have high cholesterol, and it came down quite a bit even though you can eat things like cheese, sausage, bacon, eggs, etc.

      I say give it a try for at least 4 weeks before you make your decision whether or not to stop it or stay on it.

      Good Luck to you all!!

      1. thanks Wanda for your review i to have done this diet and also found that i am able to replace foods instead of milk i eat yogurt…when i am tired of hard boild eggs i will have scrambled etc. i have printed out my 11 day menue and am starting back on Sunday i desperatly need to lose my first 10 lbs. to get the ball rolling again.

    2. Hey – I was considering buying this information but I don’t have time to cook and certainly do not enjoy cooking. This could be one reason why I’m 50 pounds over. Well, that and having a baby. Would something like Jenny Craig work better for me since I do not cook?

  3. Hi
    We appreciate your efforts and the help you are rendering to many of us. I just want to share an advice to you, please consider renaming your site Fat Loss for Idiots. The name is disrespectful to the audience and the rest of the readers, moreover, makes you sound like you are a vulg and mean person who is disrespectful to people, but full of insults. The name also puts people to interpret you are mocking people who are fat, meaning they are idiots for geting/being fat.

    Emmanuel M. Mbao

    1. You are right! We should name it “Fat Loss for Sensitive Morons” Get a grip and stop being a fatty! Emmanuel, no likes a whiner and you just need to accept the product. Follow the plan and when you drop the , maybe you won’t be as sensitive about this.

  4. Hi all, I just thought I would give an update since I tried this diet back in September 2010. As I think it is fair that it does not work for everyone and I also think that a lot of people have used the diet and put back on since they used it. It certainly is not sustainable and not a quick fix, which we are all searching for! I tried 2 cycles of this diet and stuck to it, the only thing I faltered on was adding pineapple to the cottage cheese. I started at 171lbs which I had dieted down to very slowly then I maintained for a number of months. I was desparate to kick start, so paid for this diet. I put on 5 lbs at the end of the 2 cycles. I have now been on a calorie restricted diet which is very nutritious and enjoyable. I am never hungry. I even get to have a glass of wine (or 2) and some pringles I eat a wide variety of food. I walk with my little dog (xmas present) around 90 minutes a day. My loss has been very slow, I have lost 6lbs. whilst this may not sound encouraging when you want to look in the mirror and see a new you. But as you know it is so easy to put the on and it goes off so sloooow!! I really think I have got the hang of it now. I feel in a happy place now that I am following an eating plan that contains all the foods that I enjoy. I wish you all good luck with this eating plan but at the end of the day we all need to overhaul longtime the things we eat take some steps to increasing our exercise, even if it just walking;-)

    1. Hi Carol, Thank you for posting this. I was just thinking of posting about my recent experiences with this diet as well. I tried this diet many times, as you can see from previous comments, and would often lose , but would also end up feeling sick and gaining back what I had lost. So for the last couple of months I’ve been trying to research what the best nutrition is for the human body. Via YouTube, I ran across a book by one of the top international researchers, T. Colin Campbell, called The China Study. It’s available at the library, or of course you can buy it just about anywhere. Campbell presents research that links disease and nutrition, and divides disease into diseases of poverty and diseases of affluence. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer are all diseases of affluence, and the links he reports between these diseases and nutrition are startling and for me pretty conclusive. His conclusion is that we are not meant to eat animal protein at all. Period. This is not a diet but a lifestyle change — I will never “diet” again. I started changing what I ate a couple of weeks ago and am losing 3-4 pounds a week, but more than anything is the sense of freedom and relief from not having to live and eat based on a diet. I am also eating more food now than ever and paying much less attention to what I weigh, and NO attention to calories — woohoo!

      The title of the book refers to one of the major studies he conducted, but the book presents the findings of 75 research studies. It is well written and understandable but also jam packed with footnotes to the actual research. So, what should we eat? Go to, search for the book, search inside for “cannellini” and it will take you to some pages including page 243. I’ve printed out this page and use it to develop my meal plan. Anyway, I just wanted to share with you all as so many have been encouraging in our attempts to battle the bulge. Hope it helps. And thanks to all…

    2. Carol, good work! It’s all about eating right and making smart decisions. (Taco Bell at 2 AM is never a smart decision as I am sure most of us have discovered) Anyway, you have the right idea about doing some exercise. It’s not easy, perhaps while you are walking, you can mix in some 20-30 yard sprints. The idea is to ratchet up your intensity little by little so it will not be too painful all at once. Good luck Carol and keep up your commitment to yourself. There is a poem called “The Man in the Glass” that reminds me that the only person that you are cheating is yourself if you fall off the wagon.

  5. Hi all, I just thought I would give an update since I tried this diet back in September 2010. As I think it is fair that it does not work for everyone and I also think that a lot of people have used the diet and put back on since they used it. It certainly is not sustainable and not a quick fix, which we are all searching for! I tried 2 cycles of this diet and stuck to it, the only thing I faltered on was adding pineapple to the cottage cheese. I started at 171lbs which I had dieted down to very slowly then I maintained for a number of months. I was desparate to kick start, so paid for this diet. I put on 5 lbs at the end of the 2 cycles. I have now been on a calorie restricted diet which is very nutritious and enjoyable. I am never hungry. I even get to have a glass of wine (or 2) and some pringles 🙂 I eat a wide variety of food. I walk with my little dog (xmas present) around 90 minutes a day. My loss has been very slow, I have lost 6lbs. whilst this may not sound encouraging when you want to look in the mirror and see a new you. But as you know it is so easy to put the on and it goes off so sloooow!! I really think I have got the hang of it now. I feel in a happy place now that I am following an eating plan that contains all the foods that I enjoy. I wish you all good luck with this eating plan but at the end of the day we all need to overhaul longtime the things we eat take some steps to increasing our exercise, even if it just walking;-)

  6. Let me also mention that I am one of those people that gaines wait from LOW -CARB diets and could never do those but I did not think that this would apply as low-card since you can have veggies and I just had a bunch of fruit all day!

    Thanks for any advice! I just don’t know what i’ll do if I gain after 11 days of this!!

    1. Hi BS, I’m interested to know how you did after the 11 days. I also weighed the same as you starting out and want to reach the same goal, plus I am the same height. I just finished the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet, minus the exercise, and only managed to lose 5 lbs in total! I also put ON during one of the cycles. I’m wondering if it’s worth buying the FL4I.

  7. HELP! I am on day 2 on the diet (fruit day) and not only am I starving b/c I do not really feel up on fruit but I also have GAINED 3 lbs from when I started. I know you are not supposed to check the scale yet but I was feeling so bloated and had to check. Is this normal or am I one of the rare people that need to stop this diet immediately and go to something else. I have not changed anything but this diet so I just wanted to get some clarification if this is normal and I just need to stick with it. I have not cheated at all in the past 2 days and I am eating every 3-4 hours.

    I wouldn’t have even gained 3 lbs from eating french fries all day! 🙂

    Thanks for your help as FL4I is brand new to me!!!

  8. Also-can I have stevia (natural sweetener-not like splenda) and a little bit of cream or skim milk in my coffee every morning? It doesn’t discuss this! Thanks! 🙂

    1. I think stevia is okay, but include the cream/skim milk in your caloric calculations — technically you’d have to select “mlk” as a food but…

      BS, as you can see, you can tweek and fudge and try a lot of different things, and you may or may not get great results — the problem is that if you do a lot of tweaking and don’t get the results you want, don’t blame the diet

      read through the instructions at the bottom of the generated diet and through the online info and of course if you have more questions as you proceed feel free to post — that’s what forums are for 😉

  9. Hey guys!

    I am so sorry for all of the questions…I just signed up and got my first menu. I did about 3 different menu’s until I found one that is suitable for my lifestyle. I do have a few questions.

    1.) I have a freezer full of tilapia….can I have tilapia instead of sea bass? Instead of chicken on days when I just have time to bake fish?

    2) As ya’ll know if has odd combinations and I cannot eat fish for bfast which it has me doing a lot. If it says cheese, grapefruit, fish (sea bass) for one meal and it says you only have to eat one of the items or all of them….could I really just have grapefruit and cheese and then add the fish to another meal where all I have is green beans and salad? Do ya’ll see what I am asking? As in, can you just have the list of foods for all 4 meals sometime through the day or do they have to be eaten at one particular meal and together?

    3.) Can you bake your fish with a little extra virgin olive oil or not? Not sure how to cook a lot of these items.

    Thanks SO much for answering all of my questions. I promise once I get the hang of it I will not ask so much—this is just totally new for me. Thanks also for your support! 🙂

    1. Here is my experience — you will need to find what works for you (refer to the instructions at the bottom of your menu & the online handbook):

      1.) I have a freezer full of tilapia….can I have tilapia instead of sea bass? Instead of chicken on days when I just have time to bake fish?

      you could try switching, though there may be a reason to avoid (I don’t know fat content, etc.) i’d give it a shot, but if it says chicken, have chicken — the goal is to vary the proteins and trigger certain metabolism reactions

      2) As ya’ll know if has odd combinations and I cannot eat fish for bfast which it has me doing a lot. If it says cheese, grapefruit, fish (sea bass) for one meal and it says you only have to eat one of the items or all of them….could I really just have grapefruit and cheese and then add the fish to another meal where all I have is green beans and salad? Do ya’ll see what I am asking? As in, can you just have the list of foods for all 4 meals sometime through the day or do they have to be eaten at one particular meal and together?

      you are free to change the ORDER of the meals, but don’t MIX the content — if a meal has only proteins, have only proteins — if only carbs, have only carbs — you don’t have to have a particular meal for breakfast

      3.) Can you bake your fish with a little extra virgin olive oil or not? Not sure how to cook a lot of these items.

      The food preparation guidelines should be at the bottom of the menu plan — it’s BROILED fish, right? You could be fine adding olive oil, but you may not get the results you want as fast as you want — everyone is different — perhaps try spices instead of adding olive oil

      As far as cooking, I avoid items that need to be cooked so I’m not in the kitchen, but for others that’s not an optoin

  10. HELP! I am about to sign up for FL4I online. I am getting a new laptop in about 3 weeks, am I able to use the sight from another laptop and print the meal plan from another laptop or is it only the one you sign up on?

    Also, does anyone know if this diet works for someone who just needs to lose 15 lbs. I weigh 127 and am short (5’3) so just need to get back to my normal 112. It is hard for me to lose without an exact plan as I always just go without eating and then do not lose a plan and realize this is unhealthy to. Thanks for any help!!

    1. Yes, all you need to sign on at anytime is your log in name and password.

      My friend uses it to lose 5 pounds on a ‘regular’ basis — after holidays, etc. As long as you don’t do it for too long and then eat balanced, if you can lose without eating anything that’s okay as well — lose 5, then eat healthy for a week, then repeat. Just don’t send your body into ‘starvation mode.’ Most of what you lose in the beginning of any diet change seems to be water anyway.

      This diet is great for breaking the sugar / carb addictions. Then because it’s very simple and convenient it’s easy to follow.

      Let us know how it goes for you.

      1. Diane-Thank you so much for responding and letting me know I can use the plan on different computers!

        Would you recommend I purchase the “Beyond Calories” as well or is the basic enough? Also, how many cycles do you think it will take me to lose 15 lbs….do you really lose 9 the first week if you exercise and if you stick with it.

        I cannot do it by not eating b/c every time I do that I do not lose anything. I am hoping that eating every 3 hours instead of not eating will help move these recent gained 15 lbs.

        As far as the carb/sugar addiction…THAT”S ME!!! But I would be able to eat those on my days “off” and still see the scale go down right?

        Thanks again for your help~Have a wonderful day! 🙂

      2. At the time I signed up, I purchased both the 11-day and the Beyond Calories. The Beyond was too much work for me ;), and the Idiots worked fine so I just stuck with that.

        The way the program works is that during the 11 day cycle you lose a certain amount — say, 9 pounds the first cycle. Then you will likely gain back a couple of pounds on your break. Then you will go back to losing on the 11-day cycle, though it may not be 9 pounds this time, it varies. So for 15 pounds it’s possible you could lose it in 2 cycles.

        There’s really only one way to find out — just do it 😉

        You may also see if you can find out which carbs are your triggers — and see if you can develop eating habits that are nutritionally sound that help you avoid those carbs. And notice how little food you can actually eat and ‘survive’ — so that when you go ‘off’ the diet you won’t go back to plain old over-eating.

        Don’t worry about exercise during this diet. If you can do the walking, that’s great, but don’t try to do too much or you may bust the diet by needing more calories than you’re taking in and really starve your system, and perhaps binge.

        This is a good time to learn to listen to your body and take note of what you’re eating, how much, when, etc.

      3. I would DEFINITELY get the Beyond Calories “just in case” because you cannot buy it separately. It was the opposite for me as it was for Diane…the diet plan generator was too much work! The same foods over and over gets old and too much prep. With the meats that had to be cooked, the diet generator would never give me the same thing 2 days in a row, so if I wanted to make double the first time around, I’d be eating 3-5 day old leftover shrimp, etc. Same thing with the fruits/veg, so produce would go bad. For cost reasons, I would end up switching stuff out…which you’re not supposed to do…so of course, I would end up falling off the plan.

        Also, the food combos are weird (who wants to eat shrimp and a banana milkshake together?), so again, I would switch out and couldn’t stick to it. The beyond calories has 4 food groups…1 veg, 1 protein, 1 fruit, and 1 big “wild card” list that contains everything from the other 3 groups. An example of a meal would be “eat 1 item from group 1 & 2 items from group 2” or “eat 3 items from group 3”. It was much easier for me, because you’re eating REAL meals (like 1 meat with 2 veggies), & you can mix and match depending on what you actually have on hand. Of course, you can also eat the extra shrimp/chicken 2 days in a row if you want, without being stuck eating 4 day old leftovers. 😉

      4. In addition to my last post:

        As for the part I said about “REAL meals”…they’re not all sit down meals like the 1 meat/2 veg. You may have a meal of 2 proteins or 3 fruits. For the 2 proteins, you could have some almonds and a piece of string cheese or sandwich meat, etc. Just wanted to clarify so that you didn’t think they were all sit down meals, but that you CAN have sit down meals, which is not really possible with the diet generator. (I started craving veggies really bad when I would make my family dinner and everyone else would have asparagus, zucchini, etc. on their plate and I’d just be eating some bland grilled chicken!) Anyway, there are plenty of “take and go” type foods, A LOT(!!!!) more variety as far as the allowed veggies, fruits, and meats, plus you choose what you have on hand with the Beyond Calories, so it’s very convenient.

      5. Priscilla-Thanks for your input too. I am confused though….is Beyond Calories a completely different plan or is it still for 11 days? Which one will allow you to lose the most the quickest b/c sad to say that is what I want to do. Just curious. I am signing up tonight and starting tomorrow so just wanted to know if it was separate or in addition to FL4I! Thanks! 🙂

      6. It’s a completely different plan. The diet generator is 11 days off, with a 3 day break, so a “cycle” is technically 14 days, because you’re not starting a new cycle until day 15. Beyond Calories last 10 days and the “break” is optional, so on the 11th day, you can take a break if you like, or you can jump right in to day 1 again.

        Some people have had great results with the diet generator, but I could never make it through a full cycle because I either wouldn’t have the food on hand for that the menu told me to eat that day, or I was just plain tired of eating whatever it was I was supposed to. Like Diane said, the only way to find out (which works best for you) is to just do it. I couldn’t STICK TO the generator plan, and no diet is going to work if you don’t stick to it.

        That’s why I said I would buy Beyond Calories just in case, because it can’t be bought separately…if you later decide you want to try it, you’ll have to buy the original plan (that you’ve already paid for once) again, just to have the option to add B.C. on to your purchase.

    1. I can definitely say a BIG yes!! I was 205lbs and in 3 months had lost almost 45 pounds!! This diet really works, especially if like me, you are a meat lover. Don’t fret about the 1 day of fruit and veggies, anyone can diet for a day! and the next day you get to eat, eat, eat!! This diet saved my life! GO FOR IT!!! All I did for exercise was walk. I was so happy when after three months I went clothes shopping and those size 12 pants slid right on, (I was wearing 16 before diet!) I let out a big whoop!! and the sales girls started laughing, it was great, I had been way over for 25 years.

  11. This program is very good, especially because it focuses on real food you can eat that is good for you and will help you lose . Excellent website by the way !

  12. A lot of people seems to be satisfied with the results they got. I think I might try to give this a try.

  13. Hi guys, Ive read all your comments and am truly inspired by all your progress! Wow . You guys are rock stars! I am looking to lose about 30lbs. I have done this program awhile ago and lost 7lbs. I tried again but my biggest problem is discipline and sticking to it. I tried again several times but would mess up, get discouraged, and start over…and over and over. So this time, since I seem to need variety, will try Beyond Calories. It seems like a lot of eating but you have to eat small enough meals so as to not get full. About 6 meals! Will Im game. I am 167 right now. OK this is the first day of Cycle 2. Has anyone had as great as sucess as they have on this regular program that most of you seem to be one! Also this program doesnt say anything about water, walking, or what to expect – just “enormous loss”. We’ll see. Ok bye and good luck to everybody!

    1. Hey vada, I can totally relate! I had no problems staying on plan (meaning, without cheating…other than the fruit day…I had to substitute one of those meals with a handful of almonds! ) that first cycle – I lost 7.5 lbs. Then the cheat days came and I haven’t been able to get back on it. It’s not even necessarily “bad” foods that are my problem…I’ve been craving vegetables! The allowed veggies on the veggie day leave a lot to be desired! I had also bought the Beyond Calories & was really wanting to hear testimonials from that. It would be a whole lot easier for me to stick with it because it has so many more choices in all the different food categories, but I’m wondering what results people have had from that compared to the diet generator.

      This is the first time I’ve posted on here, but I’ve read every single post. Just wanted to “de-lurk” to say good luck to you & please keep us updated! 🙂

      1. Hey, I take it you’re doing the beyond calories rather than the diet generator. I’m starting the BC today and I’ll be posting how it goes. I like the diversity of choice too and the extra meals during the day. It feels like I’m never hungry and I can have actual meals for dinner and lunch rather than weird combinations.

  14. I am not sure about splenda, but I can tell you that one of the core beliefs of this diet is that you do not want to radically raise or lower your blood sugar and strangely some sugar alternatives will fake your body into doing that anyway.

    I wrote a post a couple of years ago about a study that showed that if you drank regular soda or diet soda your body would react with the same insulin response.

    You want to keep blood sugar stable because peaks will make you binge and drops will leave you with no energy looking for another peak. It is no win roller coaster

    1. Try to stay away from splenda and other artificial sweetners because they are full of toxic chemicals that are not good for you. Use Stevia or Truvia instead. They’re natural and will make anything taste sweet. Hope this helps!

  15. Roy–this blog has a few errors. Its actually supposed to be a minimum of 2.5 hours according to the official website. Also, at the beginning it says you have 9 days on 2 days off, then later it says 11 and 3. The truth is 11 and 3, so I would go by what the official website says.

  16. Rebecca–part of this journey is getting over the “i’ll start tomorrow” concept and learning to eat well within our lifestyle. Maybe for the party, you could know what your meal options are for the day and see if there’s anything there to eat that’s on your menu for the day…OR if you are bringing food, bring a tray of all the stuff YOU can eat….like deli meat and cheese tray or a fruit tray if its fruit day. Hope that helps.

  17. Hi Everyone, I started the FL4I diet yesterday. I have to say the only time I was hungry was between meal 3 and 4 because I had meal 3 at 4:30 then immediately after I had to prepare food for my daycare kids! TORTURE!!! They had corndogs and french fries and I am so used to picking at the food that it took a lot of self control.

    For Kate who was asking about the herbs and garlic, Fat Loss 4 Idiots FAQ’s says that you can use the condiments and spices on the approved list AND you can use any other condiment or spice that is calorie free. I’m not sure if Garlic has calories, but i know the spices don’t so go for it. What I did is got boneless skinless chicken thighs for my chicken days and salted and peppered them. I baked them in the oven then topped them with bbq sauce and baked them a little more. They were delicious!!!

    Today is my fruit day too…and I have to say, I’m kind of excited. I checked off deli sandwich on the food generator list so it says to have a deli sandwhich for meal 1 then fruit the rest of the day. I ate my sandwich and then made 3 tupperware containers of fruit salad. I put in oranges, strawberries, grapes, kiwi, and apples. I squeezed extra juice from the oranges in for liquid and to help the apples not brown as fast and I have to say, it looks delicious. Oh, and it says to use fresh strawberries but I used frozen ones…(the ones with no sugar) and put them in a ziplock last night with the juice from an orange and let it sit in the fridge overnight…so today, they are juicy and soooo delicious looking. In an hour and a half I can try them!!! Kind of excited… I am not a fruit fan, but it looks really good as a fruit salad. Anyways, hope that helps. I’m glad I finally found a website that has REAL users talking about their experience!! Good luck everyone! Lets do this!!


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