May 2, 2024

Often people are not really overweight but instead are just looking at how to lose 10 pounds that have been hanging around for a few weeks or even a few years that they do not know how to get rid of.

Well, I have a few ideas on how to lose 10 pounds now and fast that should get you on the right track.

How to Lose 10 Pounds

1.Β When trying to lose weight it comes down to energy in and energy out.

how to lose 10 pounds

There is no real way around this. To lose 10 pounds you need to burn 35000 calories


more than you take in.

The math doesn’t lie and you can’t lie to a scale either.

2. Most of our body is water and because of this, there is water retention.

Your body combats what is throwing off electrolytes or stress or other factors and it will naturally retain water.

3. Fat is high in calories. High water foods are low in calories. In order to change that input-output ratio, you need to raise the amount of low-calorie density foods and lower the amount of high caloric density foods.

So eat less red meat and fatty deep fried food and eat more fruits and veggies which are high in water content and nutrients.

4. All Weight loss comes with a reason. What is the reason that you want to lose the weight?

When you are hungry and drive by a McDonalds or KFC and just want to do drive-thru what is going to stop you? Certainly not losing weight.

Pulling this all together

So how do you pull all of this together? how can you lose 10 pounds?

  • When you want to know how to lose weight it comes down to planning.
  • Plan to drink a lot more water, it will make you pee more often but will also clean you out and give you move energy.
  • You also have to get more exercise and by exercise, I mean try to get one hour of exercise of any kind in a day.
  • This needs to be an exercise that you like and not exercise that just feels like work as that will not be sustainable.
  • As far as eating goes you will need to get back to those core eating habits of eating fruit and vegetables and reducing the amount of heavy carbs like rice and potatoes and make sure to eat often.
  • Eating smaller meals more often will keep that metabolism up for you.

how to lose 10 pounds

Here Are More Tips To Help Lose 10 Pounds

  1. Eat all your food in 5 or 6 meals a day instead of three
  2. Cut back on your White carbs (rice, potatoes, pasta) and substitute with vegetables, which are higher in water and nutrients anyway
  3. Exercise first thing in the morning by walking or light jogging or even biking for 30 to 45 minutes
  4. Drink water from morning until night to stave off those urges to eat more food and to keep your metabolism up
  5. Eat all your food in those 5 or 6 meals before 7:30 at night so that you are not going to sleep on a full stomach

Why Do you Want to Lose 10 Pounds?

Finally, if you want to know the real secret of how to lose 10 pounds you need to worry about why you are trying to lose weight. On those days where it is really tough to diet or exercise or make good decisions then you need to be very clear what the heck this weight loss sacrifice is for.

  • Is it going to make you more healthy, losing 10 pounds will make you a lot healthier
  • Or do you want to fit into smaller clothes?
  • Or is it a goal to prove that you are in control of yourself?

All of these reasons and more are important. Write you reasons down and post them up everywhere. Make sure that you never forget the WHY of how to lose 10 pounds.

So now you know what I know about how to lose 10 pounds the rest is up to you to plan, eat, drink, exercise and follow through on your goal.

315 thoughts on “How to Lose 10 Pounds – A Few Great Steps and Ideas

  1. I’d like to first start off by saying that the Atkins Diet, while effective, is dangerous, even detrimental, to your health. There is a better way that improves not only your , but also your health. It even diminishes, and gets rid of, your risk of heart disease/cancers/diabetes.
    Munny, if you really want to lose and improve your health at the same time, then don’t follow the dangerous, health-threatening Atkins diet.

    Read “Eat to Live” by Dr. Furhman. It really changed my life.

    1. Sorry but thats a bunch of BS, the ONLY time Atkins is “detrimental to your health”, is when people take the plans idea and run out and think they can have a pound of bacon every day and all sorts of high fat meat, and think the plan calls for NO fruits and veggies. And that is not what its all about…..Its main teaching is to eat unprocessed food, …..foods with ONE ingredient. etc…..It all depends on what people do with the information on what makes it healthy or bad.

      1. thats CORRECT! …So many ignorant people out there, have no clue about Atkins or south beach ..and LOWERING carbs not eliminating! The people such as those above more than likely have never even read the book.

  2. The South Beach diet helped me quickly drop 10 pounds, and then just staying active and limiting carbs (but I still had fruit and even once in awhile candy, sweets) If you aren’t in a hurry, the first 2 weeks on SB you will drop up to 10. I know some of it is water but trust me, you feel slimmer in your stomach and your clothes all fit you better, and it gives you confidence to keep going on your exercise/diet plan. YOu don’t even have to stick to South Beach, just find one that you can do for long-term. I wasn’t terribly over either, i’m 5’9″, I was at 150 pounds and after 2 weeks doing South Beach (the first 2 weeks are no sugar. no alcohol, fruit, sugar of any kind) i lost 10 pounds. After that I lost a few more gradually but I wasn’t strict with my eating, I just kept active during the day. I was a nanny in Chicago and I walked everywhere, played with the girl in my charge, did her laundry, etc. By no means did I “work out.” just stay active! πŸ™‚ Even just following the no-sugar thing for several days helps. You don’t have to follow a certain diet. Right now I am trying to lose about 10 pounds and then tone up (I did gain after I went on a cruise, then I got depressed and just said “screw it” and ate whatever I wanted. I gained back a lot of , but I knew what i was doing). I am drinking tons of water, limiting carbs (esp. at nighttime) and staying active. Again, walking, shopping etc is something easy that works. If anyone wants advice let me know. I am not someone who likes to workout or doesnt like to eat! lol. πŸ™‚

    1. I have been eating low carb for a few months now. I found a sweet called Cheesecake Ice Cream clouds that are 70 calories each and have ,5 grams of carbs. Google the title, it is delicious and may help your sweet tooth.

    2. Heii, i am 15 , 5’7 and i 152… i really want to loose . I dont like hambergers,poutine, pizza so i normally eat healthy things. I really like to eat fruits and vegetables. I find myself fat, but i really want to loose . i know i need to drink a lot of water ( which i already do i drink a water bottle a day ) and not to eat past 7:30 at night… Do you think you could e-mail me some tips..? i dont know what to do…i don’t eat breakfast in the morning during the week and when i go to school i drink my yupp, or eat my fruits at about 10:20, i eat my vegetables and eat my yogurt at 11:55 and for supper my mom makes healthy things ( sheperets pie, stew, (we dont eat a lot of junk) )… i reallllly want to loose like about 10 pounds… Help πŸ™ !
      My last hope is to stop eating, … because i know i could loose by only eating a apple and a yogurt a day. but i know it’s bad…any idea?

      1. your problem is that your not eating breakfast. dont wait until almost noon to put something in your body. the first thing you should do when u wake up is drink a big glass of water, then eat some fruit and a healthy higher protein lower carb breakfast, such as eggs, steel cut oats with almond butter, a little honey, cinnamon, greek yogurt, ect. Stay away from cereal its full of sugar. i dont care how healthy some cereal claims to be its processed and full of SHIT! 80% of loss is DIET CONTROL! so your obviously doing something wrong. your not terribly over at 152. SHEPARDS PIE IS NOT HEALTHY! its loaded with potatoes which is heavy starchy food = you will not lose eating this. load up on veggies and protein for lunch that way you wont crash and be hungry later in the day example big salad with chicken. and dont drench it in dressing, think olive oil and balsamic vinegar. add as much veggies as you want. snack on string cheese (the low fat kind), raw nuts, fruit, veggies. yogurt. dinner should not be your biggest meal of the day, it should be rather light. ask ur mom to make soups, stews, chicken, BROWN rice. when she does make something that isnt always healthy, PORTION CONTROL. its ok to have some, but dont over do it and eat until your satisfied not full. also stay away from juices (full of sugar) unless u make ur own and keep your carb and salt intake in check. when u eat something try to make sure its raw! veggies, fruits, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, some red meat, nuts, yams, are going to be your best friend. hope it helps!

  3. My height is about 5’4” and i weigh about 125 pounds. I really would like to lose about 10-15 pounds! My age is only 16 but i am working at a pool and sometimes I feel awkward because i do have that “belly” and not that thin/toned body that most of the girls at my school have. I recently dropped cheerleading so i am not getting to much exercise as i was getting so the is kind of just staying. i also feel that i eat too much junk food and not enough fruits/veggies/healthier meals. I don’t know what foods i should be focusing on eating and how i am supposed to loose all the ! I also don’t feel like i have anytime anymore because of school and friends! Any advice anyone has on quick/easy ways i could look ? πŸ™‚

    1. omg im the same person, i feel like shit constantly. GIRL, you are not alone! im 5’4 and i weigh around 125-128. its horrible cuz i have love handles too

  4. Just go on atkins diet for about 2 weeks and you will lose 10 lb or more ! works for me every time haha I say every time because i keep gaining and then I have to lose it again but atkins diet never failed me!

    1. Hi Visagederma…
      I just read your comment about atkins diet..could you please tell me does it really works and could you please tell me where is it available.

      1. Hi munny Atkins diet really does work, every time I need to shed few pounds I get on atkins diet. Atkins is a form of diet where you consume no or very little carbs and lots of protein for few days in a row. MY sample diet would be:
        Breakfast: 4 egg whites and 1 whole egg.
        Lunch: Chicken Breast
        Dinner: Turkey

      2. Yea, not a fan of the Atkins etc. the Central Nervous System (brain) runs off of carbs and carbs are your main source of energy. So if you want to lose the the right way, just consume at least 500-1000 calories less then you burn each day, while focusing on staying away from the wrong foods. (Anything white, which means rice, pasta etc.) and watch your portioning. Eating every 2-3 hours instead of 2-3 times a day is a much better way to eat and will help your stomach naturally shrink. Make sure you are adding cardio and strength training with s as well. If you do all of this, you should lose up to 1-2 lbs. a week the right way, while gaining energy, stamina, strength, and muscle, along with increasing your overall performance in the gym or where ever you work out. Don’t forget to stretch each day to increase flexibility, range of motion, energy, and overall performance, not to mention stretching helps avoid injury and soreness. Hope this all helps.

    2. Thank you so much for the information.Could you please tell this diet do you eat fruits or you completely avoid it. I stay in India and i am just trying to prepare my diet correctly so that i can loose .
      It would be really great full if you can help me in this and suggest me about the diet plan.
      Please do needfull.
      Thank You…

  5. Im 24 an hav 3 children two born by c_sections i got sterilised after last one due to majour health problems including bk n knee problems. I weigh in at 15stone n im only 5’1 someone please help me shead 4-5 stone i was a a size 8-10 before i had kids now im a 18-20 sometimes can get into a 16 but wud b happy at a 12-14 please help i am desprate my is makin my depression worse

    1. Terri, I know how you feel. I have 3 kids and I gained most of the with my last one. I tried everything to lose but had no sucess. Just eat healthy and exercise. I was so depressed for a long time and I just stopped eating. I ended up in the hospital because I stopped eating for 11 days to be exact. You are young, and you can lose the by just being active. Play with your kids, walk with them, ride bikes, even play at the playground with them and you will drop those pounds sooner than you think. Enjoy them and focus on them and you will soon notice all the just coming off. That’s what I did. Unfortunately, I know that after 30 it is harder to lose so I of course go to the gym as often as I can.

    1. mix pilates with cardio 3 days a week. Don’t eat startchy things. Instead eat veggies and drink PLENTY of water πŸ™‚ Good Luck!

  6. DRINK MILK! Reduced fat, or lowfat if you can bare it, but the protien intake is good and make sure the milk you drink is also fortified with vitamins A and D. This will help your muscles before and after you work out and coat you stomach and what not making food easier to pass and digest through. Eat six small balanced meals a day keep your metabolism going. You should limit what you drink to water, milk, and unsweeted 100% fruit/vegetable juice. Also cut sugar intake to little to none, and stop eating fast food! Im 5’9, and weigh 135, and thats still after having a baby just only months ago. I was 118 prior to having my son, but the I am now is much healthier, though Its good to still want to tone your self and be in better shape, just dont let your become a dibilitating mental state.

  7. As a woman ( so they tell me) at 25, I can tell you of a fantabulous way to lose quickly. CLEAN! Make house chores work for you. Climb those stairs with a vacuum. Works wonders. I recently got married (5-1-10) and was 235 5’6 . I got laid off in Jan of 2010 and in Feb received my final fitting on my wedding dress. Size 18w. You talk about gross feeling! My gawd I felt like a frickin cow. Thank goodness my grandmother is a seamstress, bc she had to take up my wedding dress four sizes! No kiddin folks. My mom told me a long time ago that an object in motion stays in motion. At 23-24 yeah I stl felt pretty but my body physically ached, I was tired all the time, and got every cold that I came in contact with. The only bit of info that I learned is that over people have stronger bones, so I had that going for me i guess. I now weigh in at 172 and can fit in AE jeans for the first time. I am confident, and it helps me succeed in day to day. I drank tons of water and ate less, but it was because we had no money! Now we are doing quite well but I remember that pain and I don’t want to go back there ever. Remember folks, clean. It’s good for you, helps you build muscle and you have a wonderful sense of accomplishment when finished. Water, and a blissfully clean house. Break a sweat. Let it fall over your brow and smile.

  8. Honestly, you don’t have to be a vegetarian or even eat a lot of vegetables to lose . Drink plenty of water (A good goal would be 60 oz. or so), avoid being a rambling eater (walking around and eating some random food every now and then), and most importantly, MODERATION. Nothing is good for you in high amounts. White bread gives you NOTHING good; switch to Whole Grain. It’s the simple things that will help you lose , not just eating less meat and more vegetables. I for one lost nearly a pound a day for two weeks when I started drinking water and quit eating sugary foods.

    1. I’m sorry but that’s the kind of BS people don’t wanna listen, loosing a pound a day for two weeks. Sorry it doesn’t work that way, there’s no way you can create a calorie deficit of 3500 Calories in a day, it is far more believable if you lost a pound a week and that’s far more healthy. I agree that eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly along with drinking a lot of water is the right way.

      1. Actually, if Damian had been retaining a LOT of water, it’s possible for him to have lost a pound a day if he started drinking more water and subsequently peeing more.

  9. I am supposedly 5 foot 1 and weigh 135 lbs now I am on the verge of joining the airforce and I need to lose about 3-5 lbs for my upcoming physical ..I am very active and eat fruits and veggies routinely..and drink alot and i mean alot of water..what am I doing wrong..? πŸ™

    1. Your problem is most likely that muscle s a ton. So if you are eating right and excersing, ultimately you are also building more and more muscle therefore you will probably weigh more.

    2. Most people are fixated on the wrong thing. Unless you are obese, the right measure is not your but it’s the body fat index, that is far more relevent. Also if you are exercising regularly remember you are burning calories and thereby fat, also at the same time you are building lean muscle, so don’t be disappointed if your is constant or even up slightly. The biggest improvement I saw with 4 yrs of regular exercising my fat index dropped to 16-17% (at age 49) from 24-25 without a significant reduction in .

    3. I am 5’2 and I weigh 130, I have tried cutting down on my intake and drink a lot of water and still can’t seem to drop 10 pounds I’ve gained.. I recently had surgery and my starting going up, even though it’s 10 pounds I can feel it. I just don’t want the to get out of hand. I’ just started getting some kind of exercise so I am hoping that the will start dropping soon. Good luck to everyone out there,

    4. I am 5′ 9″ and weigh in at about 160…. I have gained 10 pounds in the past 6 months, after i came back from a mission trip. I am only 14 but am veering toward joining the Navy sometime in my future. You said you were eating lots of vegetables and drinking a ton of water, but if you are doing alot of muscle workouts that may include running, lifting, pushups, etc. you may simply be substituting fat pounds for muscle pounds. I have had a few problems with this in the past. I used to weigh 195!!!! But went on a crazy workout and diet plan. Once I got down to a happy 150, i still wanted to loose a little pooch on my stomach. So i started doing wight lifting and muscle working, and ended up not loosing any , just substituting fat for muscle……. SO if you are doing alot of muscle workouts. Try doing some interval ( cardio and muscle ) training 3 to 5 times a week. But stick to tons of water and veggies and keep your eye on your goal. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  10. Ok I need help I really want to lose 10-15lbs before my homecoming gets here! I just graduated from college a year ago and I need to get this 15lbs off in 2months. I love carbs that’s probably my main problem and movie theater popcorn : ). I need to lost 15lbs of fat or either I need to turn that fat into muscle what can I do you guys? I know I will see my ex when I’m there all of the other lames I used to talk too! I also want to β€œstunt” on a few girls who always hated on me back in college. If I come back 15lbs lighter I know I can do it!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Hello everyone.
    So my story is a little different than everyone’s here, yet still some hoe relate-able.. What makes it really different is that I am 6 foot 1 and most of the comments here are from people 5’5” and under who weigh 120 and would like to weigh 110. I am 145(ish) and would like to weigh 130. It sound like a lot, but it looks good on me. I used to have a flat belly (no boobs) with thinner thighs, and teenytiny love handles. But they were cute. Now, Im working on a bit of a pot belly and the inside of my thighs touch. My love handles are also a grabbable. Though this is their intended use, I could do without them. Help..?

      1. Ok I need help I really want to lose 10-15lbs before my homecoming gets here! I just graduated from college a year ago and I need to get this 15lbs off in 2months. I love carbs that’s probably my main problem and movie theater popcorn : ). I need to lost 15lbs of fat or either I need to turn that fat into muscle what can I do you guys? I know I will see my ex when I’m there all of the other lames I used to talk too! I also want to “stunt” on a few girls who always hated on me back in college. If I come back 15lbs lighter I know I can do it!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      2. Yeah, well I was and I want to get back into it and it is a very critical industry. That’s what the general public doesn’t understand about modeling.. Most girls you see in Magazine Ads are not there to set any sort of standard for what should be the norm in American girls. Definitely not something a 130lb 5’6” girl should kill herself to be because 1.) They want you tall!! The taller, the better! So even if you have a cute face and a nonstop work ethic, it wont matter if you lose because that wont make you legs any longer! 2.) It is a highly competitive industry! If you are already self-conscious prepare to have your ego shattered because flaws will be pointed out on you that you did not even know existed on anyone! So basically, in order to meet the industry’s standards, you have to be lanky, flawless freak of nature who is constantly striving for a level of perfection that cannot be naturally reached by 99.89% of the public.
        But anywayyyyy,

        (Sorry for the rant, dont hurt me :-X )

        Im trying to get myself back to having that option to model because as Im getting older, I see the window of opportunity getting a little bit smaller. At 20 years old, this could be my last chance! Im trying to lose about 10-15lbs, and I cant seem to lose it as easily as my coworkers. All they have to do is cut out soda and bread, and BOOM 8 lbs in 2 weeks gone. I cut out soda in February, but I love juice. Cranberry, orange, apple, grape.. Im such a juice fiend. I cut out real bready-breads (no more bread bowls at Panera πŸ™ ) About 2 months ago and havent seen any real changes! Maybe its because I still take in other carbs like oatmeal, pasta, and crackers?

        I cut out real sugary foods as well.. I havent eaten a candy bar in 6 months, and I cant say its gotten any easier passing them up in the check out line.

        Consuming alcohol has slowed down from 10 beers every 2 days to 5 beers one night a week

        and going out to eat has slowed down to once a month.

        So even with my moderated diet, No soda, No bread, No candy, I still havent manged to lose the 10lbs Ive been tyring to lose since April! Well.. I have stayed completely true to no bread.

        What can I do to speed up this process? Im trying to lose this by Christmas or sooner!

        Thank you!

  12. Okay… it’s not just as simple as counting calories.

    The best way to lose is to minimize your sodium, sugar (fruit included) and carb intake and eat more lean protein and water-rich veggies. Sure, 2000 calories is 2000 calories – but if those calories are made up of sugars and carbs, your body will retain more water and you will not reach your loss goals as quickly. A high intake of carbs and sugars affect your workouts, as well. Rather than burning the fat that is stored in your body (which is what you want), your body will instead focus on burning the glucose that the carbs and sugars have created. The calorie burning process isn’t going deep enough.

    Proteins are stored and expended more efficiently by your body, and are a MUST if you are exercising regularly. Proteins help build the muscles you need to exercise safely. Increased muscle in turn increases your metabolism, which maximizes the amount of calories your body burns *naturally*. Proteins turn your body into its own well-oiled machine. Healthy, lean proteins are poultry, lean ground beef (90%+), fish, bison, venison…

    You don’t have to cut carbs and sugars altogether, just allow proteins to make up the majority of your caloric intake.

    If you plan on being on a high-protein diet for a long period of time, or forever, PLEASE make sure your meat is hormone and antibiotic-free. Ingesting all of that garbage can wreak havoc on your endocrine system and immune systems in the long run, which will have a negative affect on your loss and overall health.

    *Steps of soap box*

    1. Ok, if you really want to drop and keep it off your gonna have to work hard, and Kathaz I feel really bad for you, hope it works out. I myself have been skinny all my life, though I’m twelve right now, around 5″1inch, and I weigh around 85 lbs, my two brothers and I are in CC (cross country) my fourteen year old brother was over, not horrible, but maybe 10-20 lbs, after a season of cc (around 2 months) he lost around 30 lbs, not counting what went to muscle, he really slimmed down. But, it’s not just running, set a routine for yourself, once a week take a day off, once a week do lifting as well, and two of the three days left should contain a 1-2 mile speed run, go as fast as u can, DON’T give up, and do ur best to do better next time, don’t be disappointed if you don’t go faster. Also, Try to stick to the diets many others have said, do five miles each day you run, and each night before you go to bed do 50 crunches. Since your skinny you’ll lose about half as much as my brother did. But trust me, it works, I even shaved a few lbs, and gained a LOT of leg muscle, careful, if you go off from building up and sustaining leg muscle, you’ll lose it in a few weeks, and leg muscles, in my opinion, look great on people. I love my legs, lol. Hope it works for you, and I do know it’s past Christmas but, for anyone who wants to lose , this is the way to go. πŸ™‚ Try cross training, too. Good luck! πŸ™‚

  13. I’m a 15 year old girl soon to be 16 next week and I’m 5’2. I weigh 120 pounds but used to be 117. I really want to lose 10 pounds but I don’t know how I gained . I eat 2 meals a day breakfast and dinner and I sometimes go on the treadmill for half hour. I’m also in taekwondo which is intense training in days a week. So how did I gain ? I admit I don’t drink enough water but I’m trying more. I don’t eat much junk food anyways so what is it?
    Please help πŸ™

    1. Hi Rachel,
      I’m 16 years old and 5’2″ as well and I weigh close in range to you. 117 – 120 is a pretty safe range for us shorties, and with all the exercise you get, your recent gain was probably muscle, since muscle weighs more than fat. If it wasn’t, then amp up the number of vegetables and fruits in your diet and maybe even add something small in for lunch to regulate your metabolism a little more.
      Hope this helps!

    2. You need to be lunch. I know it seems like that would only make you gain , but skipping meals actually has the reverse effect because it slows your metabolism down. This is especially true if you work out that much. Good luck!! πŸ™‚

    3. u honestly dont need to lose . ur bmi is 21.9 and the maximum healthy bmi is 24.9 so honestly there shouldnt be any worries. go with bmi not how u look. if ppk make comment on ur look in a way thats about ur then theyre most likely jealous actually.

    4. You aren’t eating enough meals, you should consume all the food you eat in one day in 6 meals, not 2! Think of putting food into your body like a fireplace. When you put a large log in there and let it sit there, the whole thing will not get burned as quickly. The whole log doesn’t even burn, leaving large chunks behind (like fat). If you slowly put small pieces of wood, they get devoured by the fire and no chunks are left behind. Drink 15 glasses of water a day; it will keep you hydrated, speed your metabolism, and most importantly, fight off several cancers and diseases.

      Additionally, just because someone is skinny, does not mean they are healthy. I am 5’10” and I 187 pounds and have a large belly. I eat very healthy, drink plenty of water, and work out for nearly 2 hours every second day, and a half hour on the day I’m not training. I feel very healthy, am very strong and can out run lots of people. However, I still have fat and look chubby.

      JUST because a person is skinny, DOES NOT mean they are healthy. I am way more healthy than my doctor, well at least that’s what my blood shows.

  14. ughh…I’m 4 feet 11 inches and I weigh 98 pounds… Its not that I care that deeply about my but I’m short so I feel fatter than normal… My thighs are huge! I exercise a lot and eat balanced meals but i still don’t look the way I want to look. I feel so defeated…

    1. Don’t worry about anything i am as well 4 feet 11 inches and im only 14 (male) and i am 125lbs. your is perfect don’t worry! πŸ˜‰


    1. trust me on this one: if you want to lose the , you need to make some changes. Alcohol is one of the worst things to have when you’re trying to lose . Not simply because of the calories in the drink (although those do add up quickly when you count 4-5 drinks) but because of what alcohol does to your metabolism. As a depressant, alcohold slows everything down, and your metabolism can’t do it’s job. Believe me, I was a bartender once who had anywhere from 2 to 8 drinks a day. Alcohol completely wipes out all your hard work. When I’m trying to lose , I’ll still allow myself one glass of wine with dinner because I really enjoy it, but that’s it. You must make some changes if you want to see results.
      As for the veggies, find something you like, or find new ways to prepare vegetables that make them more delicious. If you’re going to lose , green, leafy stuff is still the best option.
      Last, once you lose the , you can enjoy yourself a bit more, drink a little more on the weekends, and still maintain a good as long as you continue to exercise and eat reasonably. Remember, there’s a difference in how you need to eat if you want to lose rather than maintain. Losing it is the harder part and requires some sacrifice. My advice is to lose the as fast as you can too, eating reasonably and exercising, which will allow you to go back to more normal habits quickly. The longer you’re on a ‘program’, the more craving you will have to binge, either while you’re still trying to lose the or even once you reach your goal.

    2. Okay, first of all NO, you do NOT need to drink on weekends. You arent old (and never ever tell yourself that)!!! Almost anywhere you look, one of the first things they tell you is to “Drink more water, watch your calories, and completely stop any alcohol intake”. You may think that “Oh, only beer is bad for me because it has yeast” But do not be tricked… You would be surprised of the number of calories in those Margaritas you have on the weekends with your girlfriends. So if you really put your mind to wanting to loose , you are going to have to make sacrifices. Now im not saying you have to drink water and only water for the to come off, but water, unsweetened iced tea and hot tea are great too. Remember that excercise, willpower, and eating the right foods are key in trying to loose . (But i also want you to remember that the clearer the liquids you drink, the healthier they are for you. But remember i am not talking about alcohol)…….

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