May 6, 2024

Often people are not really overweight but instead are just looking at how to lose 10 pounds that have been hanging around for a few weeks or even a few years that they do not know how to get rid of.

Well, I have a few ideas on how to lose 10 pounds now and fast that should get you on the right track.

How to Lose 10 Pounds

1.Β When trying to lose weight it comes down to energy in and energy out.

how to lose 10 pounds

There is no real way around this. To lose 10 pounds you need to burn 35000 calories


more than you take in.

The math doesn’t lie and you can’t lie to a scale either.

2. Most of our body is water and because of this, there is water retention.

Your body combats what is throwing off electrolytes or stress or other factors and it will naturally retain water.

3. Fat is high in calories. High water foods are low in calories. In order to change that input-output ratio, you need to raise the amount of low-calorie density foods and lower the amount of high caloric density foods.

So eat less red meat and fatty deep fried food and eat more fruits and veggies which are high in water content and nutrients.

4. All Weight loss comes with a reason. What is the reason that you want to lose the weight?

When you are hungry and drive by a McDonalds or KFC and just want to do drive-thru what is going to stop you? Certainly not losing weight.

Pulling this all together

So how do you pull all of this together? how can you lose 10 pounds?

  • When you want to know how to lose weight it comes down to planning.
  • Plan to drink a lot more water, it will make you pee more often but will also clean you out and give you move energy.
  • You also have to get more exercise and by exercise, I mean try to get one hour of exercise of any kind in a day.
  • This needs to be an exercise that you like and not exercise that just feels like work as that will not be sustainable.
  • As far as eating goes you will need to get back to those core eating habits of eating fruit and vegetables and reducing the amount of heavy carbs like rice and potatoes and make sure to eat often.
  • Eating smaller meals more often will keep that metabolism up for you.

how to lose 10 pounds

Here Are More Tips To Help Lose 10 Pounds

  1. Eat all your food in 5 or 6 meals a day instead of three
  2. Cut back on your White carbs (rice, potatoes, pasta) and substitute with vegetables, which are higher in water and nutrients anyway
  3. Exercise first thing in the morning by walking or light jogging or even biking for 30 to 45 minutes
  4. Drink water from morning until night to stave off those urges to eat more food and to keep your metabolism up
  5. Eat all your food in those 5 or 6 meals before 7:30 at night so that you are not going to sleep on a full stomach

Why Do you Want to Lose 10 Pounds?

Finally, if you want to know the real secret of how to lose 10 pounds you need to worry about why you are trying to lose weight. On those days where it is really tough to diet or exercise or make good decisions then you need to be very clear what the heck this weight loss sacrifice is for.

  • Is it going to make you more healthy, losing 10 pounds will make you a lot healthier
  • Or do you want to fit into smaller clothes?
  • Or is it a goal to prove that you are in control of yourself?

All of these reasons and more are important. Write you reasons down and post them up everywhere. Make sure that you never forget the WHY of how to lose 10 pounds.

So now you know what I know about how to lose 10 pounds the rest is up to you to plan, eat, drink, exercise and follow through on your goal.

315 thoughts on “How to Lose 10 Pounds – A Few Great Steps and Ideas

  1. This message is to everyone wanting to lose , but especially those under 20 yr. of age:
    1. Cut out all soda, speciality drinks (Fuse, Fraps) and fruit juices. Drink water or skim milk. You will lose 10 lb in one year if you currently drink sweetened drinks.
    2. Opt for fruit over cakes, biscuits, cookies, etc…
    3. Opt for yogurt (low fat) over ice cream.
    4. Opt for veggies over crunchy foods like chips, etc…
    5. Exercise really is your friend. Start slow if you’re more of a couch potato. Walk in your home, if you’re too embarassed to walk in public. Just turn on your favorite tunes and move.
    6. Imagine the way you want to feel (not ed down, bored, FAT) and go enjoy the outdoors. There’s beauty all around us and you are beautiful too..
    7. Remember always that God loves you and you are not alone.
    Hope this helps.

  2. Im 11 and my Wii Fit says i am over, im almost 7 stone and have been on a diet since summer 2011 but i lost and have gained some of it again so im thinking of eating 500 calories each day and burning off 700 each day

    1. Honey you don’t need to do this to yourself. Talk to someone that can maybe take you to a nutritionist, or try to make little changes in your eating habits like eating fruits instead of candy and drinking water and natural 100% juice instead of beverages, but you don’t have to starve yourself you can get ill. Talk to your parents or guardian or someone you know loves you very much and can teach you how to eat well or make healthier choices. Another thing, you are a kid go be it, play, do some sports, dance, bike, swim, surf. There’s a lot of good and entertaining stuff you can do that will help you feel better about yourself

    2. If you put yourself on a diet you will stunt your growth and health; your body needs calories to make you healthy and strong! Not giving it calories will only put it into starvation mode which was cut your metabolism by 40%. It is much better to eat when you are hungry, but eat healthy choices. Try Kashi cereals and lots of cereals/ breads with whole grains, pasta with red sauce; brocolli, spinach, tomatoes, lots of vegetables; and apples, bananas, and strawberries instead of ice cream, chips, or fried food. It’s okay when you eat these things a little bit, but making mostly healthy choices and eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and cutting back the sweets and fried food/ white bread or pasta will help you lose . Along with this, join a sport team and play or take up rollerblading! There are fun ways to be active and starving will only make your body worse. A body needs at least 1200 calories to function properly, but since you are only 11 and still growing you will need more than that. Don’t count; it only sets up a bad habit for the rest of your life. Just choose healthy options πŸ™‚ And talk to your parents about it if you can. Hope this helps!

    1. screw the wii fit I say!!! No one should be told by a video game that they are in any way over or under !
      At 11 you are still growing sweets :0)

  3. Hi, I’m 12 years old, turning 13 in April. I am 5’1 and weigh approx. 120lbs. I want to lose between 5-10lbs and lose some on my belly and thighs. I’m happy with my actual figure at the moment and I’m aware that my body is changing but I’d just like to lose a bit of so I can look good for my 13th and my summer holidays. Please help me. I don’t want to tell my parents, I’m not close to them, I wish I was. I want to keep it a secret without them getting suspicious. Do WiiFit work? I own one and don’t know if it actually works or not. Any advice?

  4. Please help! I’m like 5’3″ and last checked I am 175 lbs! I am sooooooo unhappy I’m only 12 but I need to loose ! I already go through enough depression being fat and having acne! I really don’t want to get a eating disorder though please help me get a specific routine to help this!

    1. Look up the UN diet. That’s what my parents, sister and I are on. I started on jan 29th and lost 15 pounds so far. I have cheated a few times because I went out or something but then the next day I just get right back to it. Eating healthy really is the key and then exersize.

  5. Hey!
    I’m female, 5’2′, 10 years old, 90 pounds, and 29″ waist. I’m thin, but I don’t have a flat belly…My gut is actually pretty flabby. I Irish dance 5 hours a week. Please help asap;I’d like a flat belly by summer!

    1. brandon and lucy this is a website for people over so just get off because weighing 90 and 77 pounds aint ncthing

  6. I am extremely concerned about all of the young kids (especially the ones who are younger than ten) on this website looking to lose 10 lbs. Do not take this the wrong way, I agree that if you are over, which is very sadly becoming more common in younger generations whether it be due to parenting mistakes or whatever else, I personally believe that if a 10 year old weighs more than I do at 22 years old you cant blame anyone but the parents, and I say this from experience because I have a younger cousin in this sichuation, but anyways like I was saying, if you are over then by all means you need to be doing everything you can to try and make a healthier life for yourself, however, when we have kids who have barely reached puberty saying they feel they need to starve themselves and are so uneducated that they think by not drinking water they are going to help themselves, that says something major about our society. I am just absolutely ashamed of what our society is becoming.

  7. Well I can’t believe it myself went to my weigh in at
    Weight watchers this afternoon and I lost 7 pounds in one week! I have gone from 10st9 to 10st 2 I can’t
    Believe it I have never lost 7 pound before in one week all I did was stick to my daily and weekly allowance and this bit is killing me I QUIT chocolate
    No chocolate anything my friend suggested that we
    Have a chocolate ban no choc cereals nothing chocolate at all oh boy it was hard as before I was eating so much chocolate but as soon as I stopped for.a week I loose 7 pound! Don’t think I need chocolate like I thought I did try that no chocolate at all …I can’t have any till 3 weeks time my 30 birthday
    Might not even want it ok maybe one bar !!!

    1. Fizz, whenever you have a crazy craving in the future try dark chocolate. It really is easy to get adjusted to and healthier than milk chocolate.

  8. I know it won’t work for everyone but in two words
    WEIGHT WATCHERS I actually lost 78 pounds with watchers I. Was 14st,6 at 4ft 11 and I got down to my goal of 8st 12 so that totals as five and a half stone but recently I have put on quite
    A bit as I have had stressful situations but I am back on the plan and I am really excited about getting weighed this afternoon…. Trust me if you follow the
    Weight watchers plan properly it works even if you go for a week give it a try you have nothing to loose except those extra pounds!

    1. “Who are you tellingg” Hi im cynthia and im in the same situation. Im 13 and im 5’9 and weigh 154, and i seem to not burn the belly fat off.

    2. stay active (walking running playing sports etc )and drink lots of water say bout 1 gal a day and smeller meals like a apple or some fruit every two hours this should help and stay away from soda and sweets

  9. I am 14 and 110 pounds im fine with my and also i go to a atletic school. When my mom was a kid like 16 she would not eat and always exersize and now she is fat like 300 pounds

  10. If gotten a little bit chubbier (10 pounds) and im trying everything to get it off, especially the legs (thighs). Help me to get it off please, maybe tell me an excersice to do?

    1. Hey! Taylor I have the same problem! I need to know how much you weigh so that I can help you. Also, if you could include your age and how much you want to lose, in how much time(days). The website that I have down is not about losing , but you should check it out. I wanna go through this together. I also have “big” thighs. I am only 12 years old and I weigh 110. I am mostly muscle, but I have “a lot” of body fat near my stomach area, and I’m trying to get rid of it. Please reply and thank-you for being honest!
      -Kyndal Robbins

  11. I’m really concerned as to why there are people as young as eleven looking on how to loose . When I was that age, I was more concerned about my Tamagotchi dying, not how much I weighed. I’m fifteen and I still don’t care. No people have posted is bad. You really don’t want to be too skinny, often that results in more health problems than being obese. Which you’re not in the first place. Also, being too skinny is really gross looking. No one wants to look like a walking skeleton. Please, PLEASE stop being so concerned with your . As long as you’re healthy, that’s all that matters.

    1. Hey! THEY CAN LOSE WEIGHT IF THEY WANT. You don’t need to be criticizing them about something that is no of your busness. And you should be concerned about your ! Please reply to me with your opinion of this! Thanks!
      -Kyndal Robbins

  12. I am 13 YO, I work out 3-4 times a week, for 1 hr. I am 5′ 7″ and 135lbs. I am by no means fat, however, I would like to get down to 120-125 lbs, with muscle. I can’t be eating 5-6 meals a day, seeing as I am a student. If anyone could post an exercise schedule or some tips, it would be greatly appreciated. (Please, mostly upper body exercises, seeing as I am recovering from left knee bursitis, a torn meniscus, ACL, MCL and LCL.)

    1. hey im 10 years old and i was 112 lbs and 4’11 and i lost 12 lbs by not eating for three days and avoided water since your body is mostly water you should try to reduce your water intake now im 90 lbs im still trying to ad muscle but if you slim down about 10 more lbs you can see the muscle your body has im on my 2 day of not eating and not drinking water hopfully i lose those ten lbs

      1. That is terrible for you, you need to eat in order to be healthier otherwise you may end up having an eating disorter, please eat.

      2. Drinking water helps you get rid of more . Your body will hold onto as much water as it can if you arent drinking enough. This means. you will actually lose more the more water you drink. Your body will be constantly hydrated, therefore not holding on to all the extra water …. You’re too young to worry about your as well! πŸ™‚ You’re lucky! You have a fast metabolism still, just be a kid, go play outside, you’ll be fine!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      3. For one, at your age you shouldn’t even be worrying about dieting unless you are a unhealthy ,
        food was made for a reason, to get rid of starvation, if you starve yourself you will cause problems with your health which can lead to very dangerous things that could make you end up in hospital.

        Even though you carry a lot of water in your body, you are still told to drink at least 2 glasses a day. You can still dehydrate easily.

        Also, Not eating doesn’t make you lose , at first it does but then when you start eating again, you will pack on the twice as bad and quickly. so your doing your self no good.

    2. Hey! Maybe I can help. I am only 12 years old, but you should still read this! I agree on the eating thing. I only eat 3 times a day and you should do the same! Below is a schedule I made up JUST FOR YOU. It is pretty much all upper body, comment on how you think about it! And it doesn’t matter what order you do this in!
      -Kyndal Robbins

      Day 1-
      – Stretch (so you dont hurt anything)
      – If you have s; lift 30-40 pounds in each hand while you are listening to music(do this for about 10-15 minutes- no Stopping/ Quiting)
      – WATER BREAK! Drink close to 1 cup of water (or more)
      – Get on a wooden or hard floor and for 1 minute each exercise do push ups, crunches, and plank NO WATER BREAK IN BETWEEN
      – WATER BREAK! Drink close to 1 cup of water (or more)
      – LAST THING! Repeat push ups, crunches, and plank. (one minute a piece NO WATER BREAK)
      – Water Break

      1. Hey Kyndal,

        I love your fitness enthusiasm, but even professional body builders take days off. At the age of twelve training is not only too early, but also dangerous as your bones and tissues are still growing. At this age you don’t want to risk straining, over exerting or tearing something that could lead to you suffering from long term health issues. Weights, especially 30 to 40 pounds like you suggested, are just WAY TOO heavy.

        Work out every other day doing the following:
        Push ups – 3 sets of 10 (or as many as you can)
        Crunches – 3 sets of 10 (or as many as you can)
        Pull ups – 3 sets of 10 (or as many as you can)
        Dips – 3 sets of 10 (or as many as you can)
        Broad jumps – 3 sets of 10 (or as many as you can)
        Skipping – continuously for 3 mins (or as long as you can)
        Front Plank – 3 sets holding hold for 15 to 20 seconds (or as many as you can)
        Side Plank – 3 sets holding hold for 15 to 20 seconds (or as many as you can)
        Lunges (without s) – 3 sets of about 30 to 50 paces (or as many as you can)
        Squats (without s) – 3 sets of 30 (or as many as you can)

        In the midst of all of this you should be having small sips of water, as drinking too much at once will result in you getting a cramp and not being able to complete the rest of the exercises.

        And make sure you get in a 30 to 60 mins. of cardio DAILY (or as long as you can) Of course the most fun way to get the heart pumpin’ is by playing sports/ games (soccer, basketball, tag, an adventurous bike ride) with some friends, so don’t struggle alone. When friends are involved they help make work seem like play and provide the necessary encouragement on days you really don’t feel like doing anything at all.

        If you don’t know what some of the exercises I suggested above look like, simply Google them and you’ll find examples galore.

        Finally eat healthy high protein, high fiber meals regularly and lots of water, but most importantly only do what you are physically capable of doing, or until a specific exercise is no longer a challenge for you. At that point you just increase the number of sets. Remember, you have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk, so to speak, so don’t stress your body. And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not use any s while doing any of these activities. As well, ONLY work out every other day. Your body NEEDS time to rest. Like I said before, any professional body builder will tell you that and they lift s for a living.

        Best of luck Kyndal and any other young people who come across this posting. Oh and don’t forget, with the average life span lasting about 74 years, you have a whole lot of time ahead of you to worry about things like how much you weigh, so just enjoy being less than 20 years old because you’re only young once.

        Take care!

  13. I’m 13, 5’4 and 101pounds. My goal is 90, but i can’t seem to resist food! I’m just printing out pictures of thinspo now to keep me motivated! I can’t eat five meals a day because i obviously go to school so i normally just dont eat lunch and then my parents wont let me out of the house without a ‘proper’ breakfast and then i have to eat a big dinner:/! i NEED to lose 11pounds!x

    1. Hey Isabella,

      Being motivated to lose is totally awesome, but being 5’4″ and about 100 lbs, you’re actually under according to your BMI (body mass index). In my imagination, you’re probably a twig, and losing another 10 lbs would most likely be unhealthy for you. You could actually stand to gain 10 lbs instead of losing them. Not that you should gorge, but make sure that you get the right amounts of carbs, meats, dairy, etc. Your parents are right to make sure you get good meals every day, but when you’re 13, you probably think that they don’t know anything (I know I did). Don’t worry about losing and being skinny; focus on being healthy, kid! It’ll pay off in the long run.


    2. seetie! I was 5′ and became 5’2″ in high school, weighed 95 lbs and everyone thought I was SKINNY! one of the smallest girls in the class, your is THIN right now!

    3. Oh, sweetie, do NOT look at thinspo. That’s promoting anorexia. That is horrible! You shouldn’t being doing that. You’re still very young, you don’t want to lessen your life-span on trying to look like a bag of bones. A lot of those pictures are girls who are anorexic and not healthy. Your hair will start falling off, your skin will dry, your teeth will rot and start to fall out. Do not fall for that.

  14. I am 15 turning 16 in july and i weigh 129-130 ibs & i’m 5’10 and i excercise around 3 -4 times a week. I feel like i have fat thighs and want to get rid of my little belly flab for a nicer looking stomach. can you help me? & i try to eat right everyday, there is usually one day where i will eat a bit more than usual but yeah an tips?

  15. I am 11 years old turning 12 in June and in the 6th grade and i weigh like 193pounds!! I am either 5’5 or 5’6 and i need to lose i came from private school and am now in public school and in private school noone really worried about their a lot and besides that i worked out and ran at the track anyways but now in middle school everyone is super skinny no fat on them whatsoever i mean i don’t get teased and to be honest with you at pe when i run my mile i get a decent time of like 9:08 out of 15 minutes which is better than most of the really skinny people do i mean everyone is as skinny as toothpics! i want to lose but i don’t want to look or be as skinny as them and get this this girl weighs 80pounds and thinks she is fat 80pounds in 6th grade and twelve years old!!?? anyways does anyone have any tips for me i sure would appreciate it if you did Thanks!

  16. Im 13 and the last time I weighed myself I weighed 111 pounds but I want to weigh 100 pounds because I feel like a fat ass even though my friends say im not but I still have a little bit of belly fat and I dont know how to get rid of it …I need help im tired of getting picked on :'(

      1. You are perfect right now!! The more you worry about now, the more obsessive you will be later. Your is where it ought to be for your age, just eat when you are hungry. If you find yourself obsessing about food, this is where the disorders will begin, please do not let this happen to yourself, enjoy the people around you, what you are learning in school, and your hobbies, you are young! Just so you know, we women have a tendency of worrying about because we compare ourselves to one another , we are competitive, and we want to impress the boys. Well, when it comes down to it, the boys want to be attracted to you, but attraction does not necessarily mean skinny, it changes for every guy, but most of all they want to see that you like yourself, and they see this through your confidence and interests. You CANNOT develop interests if you are too busy worrying about your . Worrying about your has the ability to take over your life, what are you able to contribute to your friends, family, and classmates, if this is your only major concern in life?

    1. your nine dont worry so much about losing enjoy like wait till later to worry so much about that. I’m sure your perfectly fine and healthy if you dont think you are cut down on soda and eat more veggies be safe

      1. Dont give her advice like that, she may take that advice and tgink “Since im nine I dont have to worry about or eating healthy”. That can lead to health problems and next thing you know she is going to regret what she did. Just eat healthy, exercise, and be focused onb why you are doing it.

      1. no its not alot at nine you havent hit your growth spirt yet. kids your age should not be worrying about your thats rediculous. varies between everyone if your 18 and 200 then you should be seeing a nutritionist about how to be healthier.

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