May 18, 2024

This is one of those kind of crazy questions but interesting at the same time, How to lose 100 pounds.

If you are very over how would you lose 100 pounds in one year? Well I have never had to lose 100 pounds but am up for the challenge of how it can be done.

Can you lose 100 pounds in a year?

how to lose 100 poundsFor more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle book review or my diet program review.

First of all lets all be aware that losing 100 pounds in one year is certainly possible. Many people have achieved this feat and many will lose 100 pounds in a year in the future.

The math of losing 100 pounds in a year

There is simple math in how to lose 100 pounds in one year you would need to lose eight pounds a month for a year which is about 2 pounds for week.

Losing two pounds per week is certainly possible but the problem is that it is hard to keep this rate up for an entire year. You will find that you will lose far more than 10 pounds in your first month and then your loss will slow down after a couple of months only to pick up again in the last few months.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Now As we all know there are two sides to the loss question: input and output that is caloric intake in eating and output when your metabolism is burning calories. This sounds easy and in fact it is an easy idea to understand and implement but it is very difficult to act on for any length of time.

Lose 100 pounds in a year plan

OK here it goes for how to lose 100 pounds in a year. First thing is to drop your caloric intake. For many people this may be really obvious but for most people it is a real education to find out what they are eating wrong and changing it.

First you will need to drop your calories that you take in probably significantly but take out some calories each week and watch how your body and energy react. Remember you are in this for the long haul not just a few weeks this time.

Your diet should get

  • 30 percent of its calories from protein,
  • 50 percent of its calories from carbohydrates and
  • 20 percent of calories from fats.

Remember fats contain twice the calories per pound that protein or carbohydrates contain so the fat level is actually quite low.

Next is to make sure that you are splitting your three main meals into six meals during the day to properly nourish your body and stop it from thinking that you are starving.

Drink lots of water. You will find that drinking a lot of water will help you lose up to 10 pounds all by itself in the first couple of weeks as your body stops being bloated and your equilibrium is reset.

Exercise to lose 100 pounds

Next is the exercise portion of your changes. Losing 100 pounds in a year just by eating correctly would be impossible as your body would quickly rebel against you.

You must get exercise for 30 minutes twice every day for six days a week. This means that some days will have cardio morning and night and some days will have one cardio workout and one workout.

The twice a day regimen is designed to keep you metabolism high all day instead of having it drop off 12 hours or so after your last workout, also having a lot of exercise will change the way that your body chemistry works.

The reason to do cardio is obvious and that is to raise your metabolism and burn calories.

How to lose 100 pounds

Doing weights is also very important as while you are losing you want to keep your muscle mass and of course muscle takes a lot more calories to maintain than fat so you will over time be burning even more calories than you are now.

The attitude that will lose you 100 pounds in a year

Lastly to lose 100 pounds in a year you need to change your entire attitude towards health, exercise, eating and your own confidence in life.

Making these changes may be very difficult but you are going to find that you have a much better chance of succeeding once you snap out of the way that you look at life and instead start to think about how your life is as a fit person.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Stop comparing yourself to the people around you and instead join a running club or come other club that promotes health and where the idea of running 20 miles on a Sunday does not seem crazy like most people think but is instead just a fun afternoon outing.

This may seem like an oversimplification of what it takes to lose 100 pounds in a year and maybe it is.

There will be high points and low points in the next year but you will learn from your accomplishments and defeats how to change yourself as a person and make consistently1 better choices.

Good luck to you. Let me know how things are working out in your quest in how to lose 100 pounds.

1,014 thoughts on “How to lose 100 pounds in a year

  1. Hey Charles Dickenson, What are you about 12 years old??
    I was once like you a skinny kid. I kept gaining . Hopefully your not as EVIL as you sound!! If so your going to have a sorry life. Have some compassion for pepole.

  2. how truly inspiring are all these stories. im 5′ and wiegh i guess 250-255lbs. i am 20 years old turning 21 in november and do not have kids…no excuse to be this big. i graduate in may and have dreams of moving to LA to pursue acting. i Have been over my whole life..and sometimes i feel that i haven’t contributed anything. i blame the wieght on not finding a boyfriend and being lonely when its my attitude i feel that really is the matter, i have no self esteem. Today in a long time i woke up at 430am and went to the gym and did th elyptical for 30 min, something changed. i hope to keep in touch with anyone who is at that point where enough is enough, where losing isn’t just something to think about but something accomplish. if anyone is willing to help me in anything even encouraging words than i will be gladly to do the same. my email is tO EVeryone and anyone who thinks there is no hope left, that there at a dead end…..i say enough of that, WE CAN DO IT!

  3. I have read through alot of these letters and I have to say that I am really inspired. I am 28 years old and I weigh 289 pounds. I have been on a quest to lose for awhile now. it really started when my husband and i got a divorce…He had met a younger, skinner girl and decided that I wasnt good enough for him anymore. It really hit me hard..I spent alot of time just wallowing and eating. I have decided now though that I want my life back and i want to love myself. Being a single mom and only having one income I have come up with excuse after excuse and I am done with it. Seeing that there are people out there that know how I feel and understand helps alot but the big thing is knowing that people are DOING it. You guys are an inspiration…I have a 12 month plan…I am going to check in periodically and leave updates..wish me luck!

  4. Hi Nela,
    you are doing awesome! Great Job. Well today was my weekly weigh in and it also is my one month annivarsary into this new life style. I started at 256 and today I’m at 247. -9lbs since May 22nd.

    I am so proud of my self. Next Monday, I’m hoping I’ll him my 10 lb mark. Can’t wait.

    Good luck everyone,

  5. Hi everyone. I’ve read all the comments since my last posting.
    Christina, thanks so much for all your good help here into helping us with some motivation if nothing else.

    For the last 4-5 years I’ve been 200 – 260lbs. and its time to say its enough. For the last 2years, I have heard nothing but comments on my from everyone friends, non friends, boyfriend, my family.

    The only person at that time that was on my side was my sister, who last year passed away but who was also giving up on me before her death.

    At that time I decided to do something, but more things went on.

    So on the 15th of june, I had decided to say ENOUGH!
    Because of being so big its best to start at small things, so every night I would go to bed early and wake up early warm up eat breakfest and go for a walk its about 2-3 miles that I walk every morning.
    When I come home I would go up and down the stairs of my apartment building at least 2 times.
    Than I would rest.
    I would eat again at noon or around one and do the same as the mornings, however I would eat small meals and eat a bigger one at around 5 pm because after 6 pm I do not eat at all but dring water.

    All the sweets and pops and stuff are out!!!!!

    So, first two weeks it would be just salads, fruits, vegetables, and sandwitches, and third week would be
    mac and chees and stuff like that but that week i would exercise extra hard.
    So since June 15th I have lost 8lbs and to be honest you cant see it but I feel so much better and its amazing knowing that there is people that support you in what you do.

    I also dont weigh myself too many times just once a week, than I notice the difference faster

    I wish all the luck in the world to all of you and I hope that you can continue trying to make a plan for you.

    I will also see if I can make a message bord where we can all plan everything so that way its easier on everyone else and we can post private messages and things like that.

    SO again, good luck and I know you can do it! YOU CAN!

  6. Hi Leslie and Erin,
    Both of your comments remind me of me. I too have a mom that is thin and struggles with her self steem. She’s 5’10 and weighs 145. Hello!

    Ever since I can remember she’s commented about my . I rememeber being 16 and weighing about 135 (if that) and her telling me I should watch what I eat and to look at the flabs under my arm because a 16 year olds arm shouldn’t look like that.

    Now at 250lbs I try not to go around her much because she always puts me down about my . I realize today that it’s her that is struggling with self identity. Love yourself first. Because if you don’t Know one else will.

    My husband is also an alcoholic. Where do I begin with him? I guess there is just to much to say but I will say this. We control our own destiny. Yeah, sure, mom and hubby caused me to stress out. But I ate because I was weak and let them control what I was feeling.

    Not anymore. You control your own destiny. I want to run and roll and jump with my daughter and so I have to say enough is enough. Take one day at a time. We didn’t get to this in one day and we’re not going to lose it in one day. Just stick to it. Learn that this is not a diet but a new journey to a healthier lifestyle that will last forever.

    I wish you guys all the look in the world,


  7. I have been over for over twenty years and I often wonder where it all started, I was thin for years, I believe it happened when I was pregnant with my middle son at any rate, I am no longer over I am obese, I weigh 242 and I am 5’5 I was up to 251 about ten days ago and that scared me so I have started to take action, one of the issues that really got me was the death of a relative who was obese for years and had diabetes, I have diabetes and I have been obese for years the only difference between her and I is I do not smoke. I realize that my eating issues are very emotional, I am in a bad marriage with an alcoholic so I noticed that my overeating is often triggered by episodes with him, but, I am really dealing with it this time, because I do not want to die at 49 plus, I am so tired of being called fat, my own daughter got mad at me and called me a fat pig and worse than that, plus when I was substitute teaching the kids wanted to know who the sub was and the kids said its the fat one, and that also triggered a change too, I have a blister on my toe so I cannot walk on the treadmill but as soon as that’s healed I am on the treadmill. But, I am thankful that I am not at my highest which was 269, As Jennifer Hudson said I’m changing

  8. It’s comforting to know that there are so many people out there going through the same struggles and are in similar situations as myself. Weight has always been an issue with me, it really became apparent as a 4th grader. I moved from my hometown to a bigger city and noticed that all the kids in this new place, especially the girls, had thinner bodies than me. I was beginning to wonder if people ate around here! I was always active, always riding my bike, running around, doing all the things that little kids did but I for some reason was always bigger. I didn’t eat that much either, I was too busy playing, that food was never an issue. But I think it was something my mom noticed too because she always made comments on how I needed to watch what I ate. That seemed to continue over the years and got especially worse and more hurtful into my 9th and 10th grade years. What didn’t help was that my mother is thin, not naturally mind you, she spent many years struggling with her own internal self-esteem issues and was bulimic. I sometimes think she took out her frustrations with herself on me. She became rather hurtful, like I said, and as a result, I quit eating. At the time I didn’t think I was anorexic, I just was never hungry. It was actually an aversion and fear of food, I was afraid to eat because I was afraid of the comments my mother would make. I did manage to lose a lot and by my junior year was down to 130 lbs. I don’t know what I weighed prior to that, but once I got down to that point, the hurtful comments from my mom stopped. For the first time in my life, I felt like my mother finally approved of me. Little by little, I allowed myself to eat again, I wasn’t afraid anymore of what she would say because of all the I lost. I found myself gaining a lot again, and when I got married at 19, I weighed about 180. My mother was back to the hurtful comments and she totally disapproved of my marriage, that sent me into a downward spiral and I gained more . I tried desperately to lose , so I went on the Zone diet and did manage to lose 26 lbs. which brought me down to 160. Unfortunately, that diet was too extreme and there wasn’t very many low-carb products out there at that time to give me the variety I needed, and I got burned out. I started eating “normal” foods again and quickly found myself weighing 200 lbs. After a miscarriage, I got so depressed that I stopped eating. I lost about 10 lbs. Then 5 months later, found out I was pregnant again. I was still rather over and was told by my doctor not to gain more than 15 lbs during my pregnancy. I tried so hard, but I was hungry all the time and by the time I gave birth to my daughter, I weighed 250 lbs. I somehow managed to lose and keep off 30 lbs. for the last 3 years, but I still hate the way I look and feel. I’m 5’4″, 27 years old and weigh 220 lbs. The last 4 years have been tough not only with raising my daughter, but my husband was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 6 months before our daughter was born. Then both my husband and I got laid off within 6 months of each other, found a new job quickly, but got laid off again the beginning of this year. I don’t talk much to my mom, we do visit from time to time and I know she wants to say something about my , I can see it in her face. My younger sister has lost quite a bit of , goes to the same gym as my mom, and they even take the same aerobic classes. As a result, they have a very close relationship. They’ve always been fairly close, and I feel like if I could lose and get down to 130 lbs, my mom would treat me a little better than she does. Maybe I could also keep a job better by being thinner….but most of all, I want to be able to do things with my daughter as she gets older. She’ll be 4 this year and I really don’t want her getting teased by classmates for having a fat mommy.

  9. Hello all. After reading through these comments I’m not only feeling motivated, but also relived. I am a 21 year old female who’s struggled with my whole life. Over the past few years I’ve bounced back and fourth between 250-280 lbs. I was glad to see several other young people on here who are going through what I am going through. My best friend had Bariatric surgery when we were in high school, and ever since then I feel like I am alone in my battle of the bulge. I know that I need to stop using other people as my excuse for not loosing just because I don’t want to do it alone. This is supposed to be when I am having the time of my life. I’m sick of letting my control my life.
    I’m going to college, and when I graduate I will be embarking on a whole new chapter in my life; I want to go into being healthy, confident and done with feeling like I’m not normal or good enough.
    I hope to keep hearing of everyone’s success. Good luck.

  10. Wow. This site is truly amazing. There are some very motivating stories on here; I do hope that you all keep updating your journeys.
    But alas, the reason that I had to search for this site.
    I am 13 years old, currently 215 pounds. I start high school in August, and I want those four years to be memorable. I want to change myself for the better and I want to remember myself as a victor in this battle that so many people go through.
    I never remember being skinny, but back then, it’s never been a real issue. When I started junior high school, I wanted to change my image as well. But I swiftly gave up on myself. I’m hoping that this will never be the case again.
    But I have some other reasons for losing , as well. I fear or my health, for one thing. I just don’t want to picture myself in a bed all my life because I’m too heavy to support myself. I have a dream; to be a novelist. That’s been my goal in life for as long as I can remember. I can’t achieve that goal when I’m 600lbs and stranded, alone, in a bed all my life.
    Another is because I’m a huge anime fan. Call me a dork, but I adore all that Japanese animation, dressing up and cosplaying, everyhing. Cosplaying is a hobby I’ve recently gotten into, as is the making of the rather elaborate costumes, and I’m hoping to lose as much as I can(All in a healthy manner, of course) so as to boost my confidence when I’m out at a convention. One I plan on going to is in January, so that gives me about 6 months to get in decent shape.
    And that brings me to my first question; what would be a healthy amount of to lose in that time?

    I’ve actually been on a loss journey for about a week now; basic near-nonstop water drinking, fruits and vegetables(which seem to be the bane of my existence, but I’m powering through), etc. I stopped drinking soda long ago, and I’ve recently stopped eating processed food, sweets, etc. I don’t eat red meat anymore, and a I only eat the leaner meats. But I’m planning to become a vegitarian in the near future, so I’ve also decided to stop eating mammals altogether. Next step, birds…

    Well, I feel like I’ve dragged on too much. I’ll soon be reading everyones success stories andtheir journeys to victory, and perhaps I’ll start cataloging my own walk along the right path, as well…
    Best of luck to everyone!
    Live long and prosper. ;3

  11. Hi Nela,

    The first thing you need to do is to get your Ex out of your mind. You need to get healthy for you. Look great for you! Run and jump and climb and roll with your son because You got healthy for you. When your Ex sees you and his mouth drops that should just be a bonus to all your hard work.

    And remember this your Ex is your Ex for a reason. He made you feel bad about your self because he has low selfesteem himself.

    I got laid off of work in December and put on an extra 25lbs since then also. Stress has a way of releasing itself within our body.

    I made the decision only 3 weeks ago to change my life style. And notice I didn’t say, diet or lose . Losing will come with my new life style. I want to change the inside as well as the outside. Like I said in an earlier comment…my is an issue daily for me. Think about it, we watch TV and see a beautiful woman, we think of our own , We’re in the shower and we think of our , look in the mirror and think of our , get dressed, think of our . Even in intimate situations…I more worried about what I look like then what my husband sees. I my self must have thought about my 50+ times daily. It comsumes me. And the funny thing …12 years and i didn’t do anything about it…I let this problem get bigger and bigger.

    Until three weeks ago, I said enough is enough. And I’ve never been more motivated. I have a 14 month old daughter. And I don’t ever want her to go through what I have gone through. There are enough problems in this world she’ll face and does not need to be one of them.

    There is no magic pill, no great secret in a book…it’s simple…eat right, exercise and drink, drink, drink water.

    So simple huh? Well I know how are body will trick our brain into thinking we’re not like those skinny girls in the gym…we can’t exercise that much? It’s just not me? I can’t eat that healthy chicken, I want that hamburger and fries and that extra large soda for 30 cents more. No we need to teach our bodies and brain to work nsync together. You need to get off your butt, small steps and work up to that hour in the gym then the hour in half then two if possible. You need to say no I don’t need that hamburger, I’m fool because I made time for me and ate my healthy breakfast, snacked, lunch, snacked, dinner, snack and drank so much water my body is full and a hamburger wouldn’t fit if I wanted it to. Soon the cravings go away. Like me 20 mins in the gym turned to 30, 40, 60 and now 90 mins in the gym. And it feels so good. I don’t care how much I sweat and breath hard. If someone has a problem they can more further away from me. (Not that that has happened).

    Yesterday I did my first spinning class. 45 mins. I thought I was going to throw up. All these skinny ladies were keeping up and looking awsome…and there I was not being able to keep up…having to slow down…feeling like if I wasn’t so embarressed I would get down and just walk out. OMG…and woman that I didn’t even know were telling me…just a little bit more. Asking if I was OK, breathe. Come on you can do it just keep pedaling. Today my body feels like a bus hit me. But I’m so grateful to those skinny ass woman…because they kept me motivated and helped me through it. After the class this woman came up to me with her 130lb self and told me” When I first started 2 years ago I weighed 270lbs. I couldn’t keep up the way you did”, Don’t quit! Come back next Wed. it’ll get easier as you keep going” She gave me a hug, and then said, “I’m so proud of you”. Can you believe it, this beautiful 130lb woman told me she’s proud of me. I was so red still and trying to catch my breath and trying to stop my legs from shaking so bad. When I got to my car I started crying and laughing. My daughter was laughing in the car too. I was laughing because I had made a joke earlier to myself while looking at that one girl in the class… I was like, why are you here? God answered me…She was here to stay healthy and to be there for me. It’s a life style…you don’t lose the and then go back to your old life style. You stick to this for life.

    So sorry for this long reply. I just want to give you the motivation I’ve been getting. You can do this…We can do this!!!!

    With love and Support,

  12. Hi.
    I’ve read all your comments and its nice to know that I’m not alone.
    I’ve always been a plus size and as someone said earlier, I was always the one people staird at, laughing, comments, and so on. My ex and I split up last year (2008) and since than I’ve gained at least 20LB if not more, I also have a kid whos 16 months. When I look at him I start crying because I want to be the mom thats appropriate for my age and no one to laugh at my kid telling him “is that your grandma?”… makes people look older…I should know!
    I really, really want to lose the and show my ex that I can do it because he always though low of me and not only him but everyone else.
    I’ve tried so many things, so many pills, diets and stuff but nothing helps at all. I have even paid thousands of dollars for those gyms that really didnt help because there is no MOTIVATION at all and from no one, I just wish I could do it.
    Although, as someone said earlier, its easier to say it, than do it.
    I know I can, I just need a push…

  13. 3 weeks later and I’m still on it. Down 6 lbs. 249lbs. Eating is getting even better. And I’m still working out almost everyday. Today I’m going to try Spinning. I’m scared. When I was about 200 lbs I went to spinning classes and I remember my butt hurting and barely keeping up. But I was always trying new things and not sticking with it. Never being motivated.

    Today and tomorrow and for the rest of my life I’M MOTIVATED. DROPPING THE LBS OFF LIKE IT’S THE THING TO DO.

    Wish me and my butt luck today.

    Congrats Latasha and every one else sticking to it.

  14. I started my diet & exercise regime on April 13th 2009 – starting was 217. I am 5’5 and 40. I ave been up and down all my life but never this up. I was stunned wen I saw that – and a picture of me from behind ! As of May 18 – on a diet of 1000 calories per day and walking about 2 hours a day my weigt was 200.4 – almost 17 lbs in under 5 weeks. It was really motivating- but it is still hard because my goal is 126 -132 and I know that it will slow down a lot!

    I found tat writing down every single thing i eat- no matter how small- has really helped me.

    And for you chocoholics- sugar free fudge pops are only 35-40 calories each! Cream pops are 20! Also – the lite breads really elp me too.

    Best of luck and may God bless!

  15. Hi Needtodoit:

    I’m 33 and weigh 255…I ask the same question. How did I get to this point? The scary thing for me is every female in my family is obese. We’re not close, so I never got to talk to them about the issues that they have dealt with. But I know my issues. Iknow how it it feels like to be the fattest one at the party, the fattest one in the room anywhere. I know what it feels like to walk into a clothing store and see so many cute things and know that nothing will fit me…not even the plus sizes sometimes. I wish that every other minute my thoughts were not consumed by my .

    So I know my issues…and now I have a one year old daughter. My worst fear is that my baby will grow up and be over . I don’t want her to have the stares, the comments, the laughs. I don’t want my little girl to be like me and laugh at her self. Make jokes and put an act on. Like she’s ok with how things are.

    I have a journal…and last week I was reading past entries. And I noticed my was an issue in every entry. I tried every diet out there. But what I didn’t try is sticking to just plain common sense. Eating healthier, drinking water and exercising.

    I joined a gym. The first day I went my heart was pounding when I walked in. But I said to myself, who care what people think. I got on the treadmil and walked for 20 mins. And when I got off…I left feeling good. And you know what??? I didn’t really notice anyone staring at me. There was actually other obese people working out. Today a whole week later, I was on the treadmill for 40 mins and then did some strength training. I even met a friend at the gym…she weighs about 160 lbs…but she helped me today to use the s.

    My daughter goes to the Gym with me and goes to the day care. Sticking to this, she’ll think working out and eating right is the norm. Something that I didn’t grow up with.

    I’m still having trouble eating right. Because let’s face it…I’m on a limited budget and eating healthy can be a bit expensive. So in the past, I remember I would go on this kick to lose , and I would go buy all these frozen Smart One and healthy choice dinner and lunches. Buy the egg beaters and all this other diet stuff.

    What I’ve done this week since I only go to the market every two weeks is…I make my self eat breakfast early. For example: today I ate 1 1/2 hard boiled eggs and a small bowl of maple brown sugar oatmeal..with my coffee.

    I forgot to eat a snack.

    For lunch I ate a turkey sandwhich and half a cup of beefaroni.

    snack – fruit (watermelon, jicama and oranges)

    For Dinner I ate…A porkchop, rice, beans ( and since my husband had to have it) macaroni and cheese out of the box.

    snack – pinapple/cocunut icecream

    See…it’s not perfect. But way better than before.

    No soda, no juices….I drank a gallon of water. And it wasn’t hard either. After the work out I could drink 60 oz of cold water easy.

    I figure the further I go the better I’ll get.

    Just find your motivation and start. Baby steps. I’m working out everyday. And after doing some research today…I’ll start a workout in the morning too. Have you tried the walking DVD’s. They give you a good work out and all your doing is walking.

    Wish me luck and I wish you all the look in the world. If you’d like to email me, my email is I would love to hear from anyone that can be supportive.


  16. Hello all! I’m 29 years old and weigh about 345 pounds. I don’t know how it got so bad, where it all started or how there is ever going to be any other way of living. But I have to start. I have people who love me, amazingly enough, that I’m disappointing everyday that I don’t take care of myself. I feel so trapped, vicious cycles all throughout my life. It’s time. So, where do I start? Any advice on where to start? I’ve been thinking of Lindora or going to my doctor to see what my insurance covers as far as nutritionalists or loss specialists. I need to do some relearning.

  17. Well I guess I’ve not posted in a short while because I’d not reached the 100 lb loss yet, but am now at 105 lbs and I started in August 2008. I know I’ve posted how I’ve been eating if you go back and look for my name on the posts. I know it’s a great accomplishment but I still feel so fat sometimes! lol It’s our body image and well the fact I still have 57 lbs may have something to do with it. I get so sick when I see the biggest loser contestants lose this much and more in 16 weeks. lol Now I do have to exercise regularly if I want that scale to go down, in the beginning just diet was enough… I Hope you all see it through it has made a huge difference in quality of life and self respect and love for myself…

  18. I don’t know how many times I have started trying to lose . I’ve tried all the latest fads and pills and still don’t have the motivation to do anything. I still have 140 pounds to loose, but it seems as if I can’t get past 239. Thats with Alli and SlimQuick, trying to eat right. I just give up after a week. I’m going to work out a menu while my daughter is asleep this afternoon and try to get back on to my 6-week body makeover. My husband lost 40 pounds on it before he went to boot camp.

    Another thing I am trying is a video log on Hopefully this will keep me motivated enough to stay on track. I need all the help I can get!

  19. I am finally going to start my challenge tomorrow! I am very nervous! I hope I don’t give up.. I plan on being very positive which is a whole other battle itself 🙂 I can do it!! I plan on working out 2x/day to TurboJam (I ordered well over a year ago and watched it once) and take walks, and eating a lot healthier! Good Luck to me and Good Luck to everyone else! We can do it!

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