May 1, 2024

This is one of those kind of crazy questions but interesting at the same time, How to lose 100 pounds.

If you are very over how would you lose 100 pounds in one year? Well I have never had to lose 100 pounds but am up for the challenge of how it can be done.

Can you lose 100 pounds in a year?

how to lose 100 poundsFor more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle book review or my diet program review.

First of all lets all be aware that losing 100 pounds in one year is certainly possible. Many people have achieved this feat and many will lose 100 pounds in a year in the future.

The math of losing 100 pounds in a year

There is simple math in how to lose 100 pounds in one year you would need to lose eight pounds a month for a year which is about 2 pounds for week.

Losing two pounds per week is certainly possible but the problem is that it is hard to keep this rate up for an entire year. You will find that you will lose far more than 10 pounds in your first month and then your loss will slow down after a couple of months only to pick up again in the last few months.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Now As we all know there are two sides to the loss question: input and output that is caloric intake in eating and output when your metabolism is burning calories. This sounds easy and in fact it is an easy idea to understand and implement but it is very difficult to act on for any length of time.

Lose 100 pounds in a year plan

OK here it goes for how to lose 100 pounds in a year. First thing is to drop your caloric intake. For many people this may be really obvious but for most people it is a real education to find out what they are eating wrong and changing it.

First you will need to drop your calories that you take in probably significantly but take out some calories each week and watch how your body and energy react. Remember you are in this for the long haul not just a few weeks this time.

Your diet should get

  • 30 percent of its calories from protein,
  • 50 percent of its calories from carbohydrates and
  • 20 percent of calories from fats.

Remember fats contain twice the calories per pound that protein or carbohydrates contain so the fat level is actually quite low.

Next is to make sure that you are splitting your three main meals into six meals during the day to properly nourish your body and stop it from thinking that you are starving.

Drink lots of water. You will find that drinking a lot of water will help you lose up to 10 pounds all by itself in the first couple of weeks as your body stops being bloated and your equilibrium is reset.

Exercise to lose 100 pounds

Next is the exercise portion of your changes. Losing 100 pounds in a year just by eating correctly would be impossible as your body would quickly rebel against you.

You must get exercise for 30 minutes twice every day for six days a week. This means that some days will have cardio morning and night and some days will have one cardio workout and one workout.

The twice a day regimen is designed to keep you metabolism high all day instead of having it drop off 12 hours or so after your last workout, also having a lot of exercise will change the way that your body chemistry works.

The reason to do cardio is obvious and that is to raise your metabolism and burn calories.

How to lose 100 pounds

Doing weights is also very important as while you are losing you want to keep your muscle mass and of course muscle takes a lot more calories to maintain than fat so you will over time be burning even more calories than you are now.

The attitude that will lose you 100 pounds in a year

Lastly to lose 100 pounds in a year you need to change your entire attitude towards health, exercise, eating and your own confidence in life.

Making these changes may be very difficult but you are going to find that you have a much better chance of succeeding once you snap out of the way that you look at life and instead start to think about how your life is as a fit person.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Stop comparing yourself to the people around you and instead join a running club or come other club that promotes health and where the idea of running 20 miles on a Sunday does not seem crazy like most people think but is instead just a fun afternoon outing.

This may seem like an oversimplification of what it takes to lose 100 pounds in a year and maybe it is.

There will be high points and low points in the next year but you will learn from your accomplishments and defeats how to change yourself as a person and make consistently1 better choices.

Good luck to you. Let me know how things are working out in your quest in how to lose 100 pounds.

1,014 thoughts on “How to lose 100 pounds in a year

  1. It’s been one month for me and I am down 10 pounds! The best news is I dropped my BMI to 40, lost body fat, built muscle, and feel great. I’m part of a wellness group and the goal is to be the healthiest we can be and loss is a reslut of the efforts.
    Loving the 1 mile daily walks! This week I am adding resistance exercises to my plan. I don’t take any days off from walking. I drink half my body in ounces and swapped all oils for extra virgin coconut oil. I’m taking 6 TBLS a day now, half in my morning shakes, the other half in cooking.
    Congrats to all you losers! I mean that in the best kind of way. 🙂

  2. Hi all well I’m posting again to update you on my results. My last post was on 3/31/10 and I was 213lbs. then. Well its been a month and I have lost an extra 10 lbs. I am now down to 203 lbs. IN ONE MONTH!! I’m super happy knowing that I started this journey on 2/15/10. So in total I have lost 28 lbs. in 2 1/2 months. I have been eating better than I ever have in my life. I definitely cut soda out of my life and drink LOTS of water now and to be honest I don’t miss it at all. Well I have been asked by many how I eat and how much I exercise so here it goes. It is not super healthy but it works for me. Hope this helps some of you on your journey. I try to eat 1200 calories a day but everybody is different so you can go on google and find out how many calories you need to lose . Everybody is different so don’t do the 1200 calories because those 1200 calories are for my height,, and age which is 24. I feel great guys and I’m a mother of 3 and I am starting to look so good I can’t wait to see what happens in 6 months!!! Sorry for the long post but I have given this to my friends and family and it is working for everybody. Hope it helps you too. Let me know if it works for you. You can e-mail me at Good Luck guys I will update you guys next month!!

    9:00a.m.-I have a wheat sandwich. 2 pieces of Weight Watchers whole wheat bread at 90 calories for 2 slices. With 3 slices of ham 60 calories.. I get the Oscar Mayer smoked ham and a slice of Weight Watchers yellow cheese 44 Calories. In total I have 194 calories for breakfast.

    10:30a.m.- I have a 100 calorie snack. That Nabisco makes…they have all kinds like Lorna Doone cookies, Chocolate Dipped Pretzels, any one of those snacks or I’ll have a bowl of fruit. Not a huge bowl just a smaller sized bowl. I’ll eat fresh strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, an orange or an apple. I try to have anywhere from 100-150 calories at this time.

    12:00p.m.- I have a Weight Watchers Smart Ones or a Lean Cuisine any kind you like I try to eat different varieties as long as it’s under 300 calories (which most of them are)! Along with my Weight Watchers lunch I have an 80 calorie yogurt the Light & Fit brand and they are actually pretty good because they don’t have that sugary aftertaste. So that leaves lunch at 380 calories tops! I personally take a multi-vitamin right after my lunch as my body is not getting all the vitamins and nutrients it needs just from dieting alone.

    2:00p.m.- I have either another 100 calorie snack or I’ll have a bowl of fruit. Not a huge bowl just a smaller sized bowl. I’ll eat fresh strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, an orange or an apple. I try to have anywhere from 100-150 calories at this time.

    4:00 p.m.- I’ll have another yogurt Light & Fit or Weight Watchers yogurt no more than 100 calories or I’ll have about 15 almonds. Whatever works for you.

    5:00p.m.- I’ll have another wheat sandwich. 2 pieces of Weight Watchers whole wheat bread at 90 calories for 2 slices. With 3 slices of ham 60 calories.. I get the Oscar Mayer smoked ham and a slice of Weight Watchers yellow cheese 44 Calories. In total I have 194 calories again.

    By this time I have anywhere from 1100-1200 calories in my system.

    6:30p.m.- At this time I’ll usually go to the gym. I spend about 30 min. on the stairmaster, elliptical, or tradmill. Whatever I am in the mood to do. I usually try to burn anywhere from 350-400 Calories. I’ll also work on my arms,legs,and stomach for a few minutes and then I’m out the door. So I’m at the gym for at least 45 minutes.

    Say I had 1200 Calories in my system before I left for the gym… So I just finished my workout and lost 400 calories. So I am down to 800 calories.

    7:45p.m. or 8:00p.m.- I get home and I have dinner. At this time I make me a Smart Ones or Lean Cuisine or I’ll make a salad with fish or chicken or fish and chicken with veggies. I try to vary everyday because those frozen foods have alot of sodium in them. So try to vary. Along with dinner I’ll have a Jello or whatever I feel like eating whether it be something sweet or salty it depends what I am in the mood for so long as it is 100-150 calories. By this time I would have anywhere from 350-400 calories back in my system add those 400 calories to the total of calories you came back from the gym with in my case 800.

    All in all i have had 1200 Calories for the day and lets admit that is a lot of food but that is because I measure my calories. I feel full all day and not only that if you are eating all the time your metabolism speeds up because you are eating every few hours. Which helps you lose . Also DRINK LOTS OF WATER it helps keep you full. I try to drink a bottle with every thing I eat.

  3. Nicole,

    Make sure that you are taking your days off because this is where you will get you gains. Make sure that you don’t drink too much water because it will keep the on you. Drink enough to keep yourself hydrated. Continue to stay off of the sugar and you will keep loosing the so you can reach your target .

  4. well im 14 and weigh 215 pounds. my little sister who’s 12 and weighs 200 pounds. my mom who’s….47 or 48 and weighs 215 pounds we’re all gonna try this. and see if it works. i have been on a diet for about 2 months and i stoped drinking soda , and i use to be 232 pounds. but that was just cuz i stoped drinking soda and drank LOTS of water. but i did’nt really exercise…at all. i did just go to the gym the other day and i felt like i was gonna pass out!. but im planing on doing the “30 minutes twice everyday for six days a week” thing. so yeah , hehe….this is gonna be interesting 😀

  5. i’m a 24 year old guy and I have lost more then 90 pounds in 8 months i weighed myself when i was 300 pounds i do know i was heavier then that at one point but i could face the scale but i felt like an idiot letting myself getting to that point, i am now 212 pounds my short term goal is the 100 pound mark. but my ultimate goal is to be around 170-180. also i have done little to no excersise. I have had full intentions of exercising but just havent gotten around to it (procrastinating). i have paid for a gym membership but have yet to go to it yet, losing this wait so far has litterly been a roller coaster, very very frustrating when my goes up 5-10 pounds in a week but extremily satisfying when people (sometimes poerople I don’t know) notice the i have lost, also going down pants sizes is awesome too. my biggest advice is common sense, if you know it’s probably not good for you don’t eat it. cutting out nearly all fast food was my biggest life change because it almost seems ridiculas the amount i used to eat particularly if you look at any of their nutritional guide. don’t be fooled by subway although you can for eat fairly healthy at subway the reality of what people normaly eat there is as bad as the standard burger fry combo. pop is out and most junk food, after a couple months i don’t miss it and if anything i wonder why ate I the junk before. it’s not easy at first but it does get easier. also I do cheat occasionaly because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to keep up with eating the way I have been. As long as the vast majority of what i eat is healthy i continue to lose .

    so here is hoping in august i’m 200 or less

  6. Losing 100 pounds in a year is not difficult, the most difficult part is KEEPING 100 pounds off after the first year, or for that matter the first 6 months.

    I agree with some of what this article says, but not all – you do not need to exercise as much as the writer suggests, I actually think what is suggested here is way TOO much exercise and unrealistic – lets be honest who has an extra 30 minutes in the morning to do some sort of workout BEFORE getting read to go to work?

    I lost 100 pounds on a diet and exercise plan that wasn’t that hard to follow, and I’ll share the basics with you:

    Eat Less, Exercise More

    Thats it. I ate a lot of salad, fish and chicken – cut out breads pastas and starches, limited sugars to things like salad dressing or condiments, drank a LOT of water and walked at night after work. I walked about 1.5 miles a night for months, the same route, 4 to 5 nights a week. Once I could actually see the coming off I gradually started jogging the same path and also added sit-ups (would do as many as I could then try and increase over time), maybe 100 -200 at my peak RIGHT before going to bed.

    I lost about 100 pounds in just about a year – maybe less time.

    Keeping it off was not as easy, as I now find myself about an extra 50 pounds from where I started the first time (although its now been 9 years since I lost the , I gained all that back within the first 3 years). In order to keep the off you MUST make a lifestyle change, and the fact is the first thing you want to do after “dieting” for a year is reward yourself and your new body by eating all the crap you liked when you were fat, because you are skinny now. It doesn’t work, you gain it all back and sometimes a little more.

    I guess to sum it all up, losing 100 pounds is not hard at all, keeping it off is more difficult.

  7. part 2 – Oh and did i mention I lost 4lbs in 1 1/2 weeks?! I am so excited about going this way and I dont consider this a diet, at all. its just a change in eating habits and making sure I eat more than I have previously. I honestly wasnt eating as much as i should have been and didnt realize it until i started keeping track. on the days I am really hungry and only have 230cals remaining for the day, i will just eat a bowl of high fiber cereal. Sometimes apple jax. I eat more than just chicken. lol

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need assistance. Im all ears!

  8. Ok.. so i have been struggling with eating right and exercising. FINALY found something that works for me. First i put my daily calorie intake to 1900.. then dropped it slowly down to 1500. i have been losing with keeping track of my calorie intake using the website. this also shows the % amt of other intake, like fiber, sugar, sodium, cholesteral, ect. Seeing how much of my food was sodium and sugar made me realize what i thought was good for me, wasnt. Now most of my sugar intake is from fruit, NOT fruit juice! It also keeps track of your water intake, which Has been a game with myself and a co worker.. see who can get their glass full to the rim. This site also will track a lot of other stuff and has many tools. track exercise, add recipes for calorie consumption, set a calorie goal, tracker, BMI.. i can go on and on. this is how I found the below information.

    I now eat a high fiber breakfast and eat 1 protein at every meal. follow the 4-3-2-1 rule for the most part and occationally i will eat a little more than the 1500. 4-fruits/veg 3-protien 2-whole grain 1 ‘extra’ up to 200 cal snack. (this is the biggest loser diet, also, and guess what? It works for me) I make 4 meals of 375 calories. (4×375= 1500)

    I hope this helps others out there, as this has helped me IMMENSLY!

  9. Hi, My name is Rebecca. I am 13 years old and I 213. I am a VERY picky eater so I’ve gained most of my over the years in junk food and lack of exercise. For my graduation I want to be 30 lbs. lighter and by the time I start hight school 50lbs, My goal is 133 lbs. Right now., I am on the south beach diet. It is amazing. I have lost 8 lbs in 4 days. At my heaviest I was 221. But when I looked I’m the mirror, I felt 1000 lbs. This information was really helpful and I have already cut out LOT’s of calories from my diet. I am going to try to exercise more often and stick to it.

  10. A Little Clarity

    To all of those who are reading this and particularly to those slamming the need for exercise. Here is how loss works: Calories eaten minus calories burned = lost or gained. Your body naturally burns X amount of calories per day whether you run a marathon, or sit on your ass, BUT if you’re burning less calories than you’re eating, then you will gain . It’s that simple.

    The logic behind exercising while dieting is because it allows you to consume more calories without gaining , or it allows you to lose at a quicker pace (if you’re cutting calories needed AND exercising).

    Above I commented that we all Burn X amount of calories per day. The reason I used X vs. a set number is because that number varies per person, so while some people may indeed find success by cutting their calories and not exercising, others may find that approach impossible because they’re still eating more calories than their bodies need – even when they think they are dieting.

    The long and short of it? Yes, you can lose without exercise, but some people will find it particularly frustrating and difficult to do without exercise. If you are someone who can be relatively inactive and still lose , great! but if you’re new to the loss / fitness world, don’t count on it for your particular situation.

    The secondary reason that exercise is pushed when people are trying to lose is that it is not healthy to live a lifestyle that doesn’t include some form of exercise. If you’re already committing to a serious lifestyle change that includes a loss program – especially one as aggressive as losing 100 pounds, why not take that small extra step and begin incorporating the benefits of fitness? It WILL make the loss easier / faster, and the longer term health benefits you gain from exercise are worth the effort and difficulty.

    With all that said, I am NOT trying to sell you anything, I have no ulterior motives in getting people to hit the gym, buy exercise dvd’s or home fitness equipment, I just have the utmost respect for anyone considering or taking this journey and I’d hate to see you slow your progress, or become frustrated by your results due to bad advice on a blog.

    The one last point i’d bring up – non-related to exercise is expect to hit plateaus. What the author means about your body rebelling against you is complex, but in simplified terms, you should expect to see big results when you first begin a loss program – your body is not used to the changes, and as such will respond quickly to them. However, over time, the changes will not be as dramatic as you may first see as your body and metabolism adjust to the changes you’ve taken on. DON’T lose heart, don’t think that you need to cut out more food (that is counter intuitive, cutting food can lead your body to think that you are starving, which can lead your body to slow your metabolism and store food as fat – instead of burning it as fuel.) Stick with your program, if you’re exercising, consider changing your routine somewhat (if you run 3x a week, try lifting s (if you don’t have a gym, pushups, sit-ups etc can work – google your options.) or swimming – if that’s an option to re-engage your body.

    Sorry for the lengthy post, but you can do this, and you can count on exercise to help you do it faster and to increase your overall health – not just your .

  11. Hi, Im am 15 years old, 180 pounds, and hoping to lose 40 pounds by the end of the year. My Dad was over and he started to exercise and lost 50+ ounds. Im hoping that walking and eventually jogging every day will help me lose . Any ideas on what to eat?

  12. Hi, I am a 15 yr old girl. I use to weigh about 250lbs. To me in order to lose you have to have a motivation to do so. For example my motivation is my boyfriend. I have a book that i keep track of my diet. On the front of the book i have a picture of my boyfriend. Everytime i see the picture i tell myself not to give up. Thats not all though. In order to lose , you really have to want to do so. I am currently at about 200lbs now. All i do is eat healthier, an excersise alot more in between homework and getting ready fr school. Losing feels great. You gain confidence in yourself and you feel like you have more energy. If i can lose the so can you guys and girls. GOODLUCK.! ;]

  13. Love all the ambition! I am a mom of 4 boys ages 4, 5, 8, and 9.Everytime I had a baby, I added another 20lbs to my body. Finally, though, I discovered Jazzercise! They are all over the world! Anyway, the one I go to has childcare for $1 while I go and dance! I don’t have to trek through a big parking lot to get inside or even search for a parking a spot. This makes a big difference with a child by your side. I started doing it to improve my self esteem and now I am losing …and I don’t want to eat the crap I ate before. My body just wants something better. I hope to lose 100 lbs in a year, but I really want to keep it real so if I crave something I shouldn’t be eating,I satisfy my craving but I limit myself on it. I make sure I know how many calories are in it.

  14. well… I’m 19 and I have hypothyroid disease and PCOS, so it’s rather hard for me to lose , but a whole mess of other problems. But, medicine thankfully corrects the issues some, but for years I’ve felt like it was just impossible for me to lose and I’d always be the stupid fat girl, it really sucks. My mom says I’m built like a poptart X flat stomach, but really wide. I’m 380 now. I tried to go to the YMCA, but I feel so embarrassed there especially when I’d go up to the communal workout room and there’s all the guys and thin pretty girls and the personal trainer keeps coming over and bothering me its like omg go away it’s awful enough without you standing there staring at me. and my skin is so pale I get so red. damn irish genetics XD hahaha but… I’m going to Malaysia next year, in July with my mom, so I really really want us both to lose . For me, at least 100 pounds, and for her she’s only 223 so maybe just get her below 200. To make things worse though, because our schedule is so busy, and because we dont really have money now, we can’t afford the gym membership! 🙁 but, thankfully, my boyfriend he bought me a Wii with the Wii Fit Active and Golds Gym workout games n stuff, and they’re actually really cool. I figure, if I do those, plus run/walk everyday, I should be able to lose the , plus I wanna start taking the pill Phentermine again, because when I was 16 I took that and it really helped me to lose that initial , I lost over 60 pounds in like 5 months. If anyone wants to contact me, maybe we can help keep each other motivated 🙂 my email is goodluck everyone!!

  15. The more over you are the easier it is to lose . The reasons are myriad. First off when you 200 pounds 2 pounds is only one percent of your . Secondly to have as much body fat as it takes to be morbidly obese you have to consume way more calories than need so when you reduce caloric intaqct from the massive amount you natural lose . Thirdly morbidly obese folks tend to be very sedentary so the sudden increase in activity also causes some immediate lose. As you get closer to your goal you’ll have to work harder/smarter to achieve the same results. I’ve lost 100 pounds and have another 125 to go. The first hundred took 6 months walking everyday and increasing the distance everyday. I’m up to 10 miles a day and I do some old fashion exercises now, push ups and jumping jacks and crunches now too. I’m 49. By 50 I want to weigh 225 my 50. I’m 6’2″ tall and actuallt big boned, so that will be a great for me. I’m looking into Alton Brown’s method for how he lost 65 pounds in 6 months.

  16. Hi all, I started eating healthier on February 15, 2010 because I reached a point in my life where I was fed up with what I looked like. I was looking in the mirror one day when I got out of the shower and I was like “Wow man I really let myself go” but I’m happy to announce that as of today I have lost 18 lbs. and went from 231 lbs. to 213 lbs. I have been eating healthy food and working out for about 45 min. 6 days a week at my local gym. I am so happy to see how my body is slowly changing. I can’t wait to lose more !! It’s so good when people notice and compliment you on the way you look because it gives you more motivation to keep losing. One thing I would suggest while dieting is to determine how many calories you need in one day for your age, height, and . Stick to that amount and throw a little exercise in there and you’ll see a big difference. Also if you’re going to the gym try to take a buddy who has the same goals as you and if you don’t have one should take your Ipod with your favorite music or plug your earphones into the TV (if that is available in your gym) and watch your favorite shows while you get a workout! Good luck to all of you in your quest!! I will check back in, in a few months and update you on my quest!! Good luck guys!!

  17. I have not posted in quite awhile, but have been reading the new ones as they come in. 32 weeks into my program and I am down 58 pounds. I am feeling great, looking better, and am very happy with my progress. I joined a family friendly gym, and started out walking a mile on the treadmill 2 days a week. I am now up to 2 miles 5 days a week. I started out just tracking my calorie intake per day and stuck to a 1400 calorie diet. I did not lose as much as I had hoped using this system, and found it much easier to join a program and use the packaged lunch and dinners. (I prepare my own breakfast and snacks) Yes, it is pricy, but a heart attack and/or other health issues caused by being obese are so much more – so I justified it and did it. It works for me, and I am beyond happy with the results.

    Good luck to everyone, and I hope everyone is doing well.

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