May 19, 2024

This is one of those kind of crazy questions but interesting at the same time, How to lose 100 pounds.

If you are very over how would you lose 100 pounds in one year? Well I have never had to lose 100 pounds but am up for the challenge of how it can be done.

Can you lose 100 pounds in a year?

how to lose 100 poundsFor more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle book review or my diet program review.

First of all lets all be aware that losing 100 pounds in one year is certainly possible. Many people have achieved this feat and many will lose 100 pounds in a year in the future.

The math of losing 100 pounds in a year

There is simple math in how to lose 100 pounds in one year you would need to lose eight pounds a month for a year which is about 2 pounds for week.

Losing two pounds per week is certainly possible but the problem is that it is hard to keep this rate up for an entire year. You will find that you will lose far more than 10 pounds in your first month and then your loss will slow down after a couple of months only to pick up again in the last few months.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Now As we all know there are two sides to the loss question: input and output that is caloric intake in eating and output when your metabolism is burning calories. This sounds easy and in fact it is an easy idea to understand and implement but it is very difficult to act on for any length of time.

Lose 100 pounds in a year plan

OK here it goes for how to lose 100 pounds in a year. First thing is to drop your caloric intake. For many people this may be really obvious but for most people it is a real education to find out what they are eating wrong and changing it.

First you will need to drop your calories that you take in probably significantly but take out some calories each week and watch how your body and energy react. Remember you are in this for the long haul not just a few weeks this time.

Your diet should get

  • 30 percent of its calories from protein,
  • 50 percent of its calories from carbohydrates and
  • 20 percent of calories from fats.

Remember fats contain twice the calories per pound that protein or carbohydrates contain so the fat level is actually quite low.

Next is to make sure that you are splitting your three main meals into six meals during the day to properly nourish your body and stop it from thinking that you are starving.

Drink lots of water. You will find that drinking a lot of water will help you lose up to 10 pounds all by itself in the first couple of weeks as your body stops being bloated and your equilibrium is reset.

Exercise to lose 100 pounds

Next is the exercise portion of your changes. Losing 100 pounds in a year just by eating correctly would be impossible as your body would quickly rebel against you.

You must get exercise for 30 minutes twice every day for six days a week. This means that some days will have cardio morning and night and some days will have one cardio workout and one workout.

The twice a day regimen is designed to keep you metabolism high all day instead of having it drop off 12 hours or so after your last workout, also having a lot of exercise will change the way that your body chemistry works.

The reason to do cardio is obvious and that is to raise your metabolism and burn calories.

How to lose 100 pounds

Doing weights is also very important as while you are losing you want to keep your muscle mass and of course muscle takes a lot more calories to maintain than fat so you will over time be burning even more calories than you are now.

The attitude that will lose you 100 pounds in a year

Lastly to lose 100 pounds in a year you need to change your entire attitude towards health, exercise, eating and your own confidence in life.

Making these changes may be very difficult but you are going to find that you have a much better chance of succeeding once you snap out of the way that you look at life and instead start to think about how your life is as a fit person.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Stop comparing yourself to the people around you and instead join a running club or come other club that promotes health and where the idea of running 20 miles on a Sunday does not seem crazy like most people think but is instead just a fun afternoon outing.

This may seem like an oversimplification of what it takes to lose 100 pounds in a year and maybe it is.

There will be high points and low points in the next year but you will learn from your accomplishments and defeats how to change yourself as a person and make consistently1 better choices.

Good luck to you. Let me know how things are working out in your quest in how to lose 100 pounds.

1,014 thoughts on “How to lose 100 pounds in a year

  1. Hello everyone my name is Michael and i am 23 years of age and a father of two about two and half weeks ago i went to the doctors for the first time in like 5 years and my was 319 lbs and my doctor told me that if i do not change my eating habits i am going to be dead within 5 years. That scared me to death. So that day i was determined to do something about it especially since i want to become a police officer. So what did i do? I am drinking only water and cut my calorie intake from approx. 4000 calories a day to between 1200- 1800 calories a day. the first few days with out sweets or soda i was miserable feeling gittery and all that but now i am feeling great. I have lost 11 lbs in two and half weeks and my family has said they notice a difference in my stomach already. Starting tonight i am going to go out rain or shine and start jogging as long as a can then walk back home. at least a 30 minute routine and when i wake up take walks to get the day started. Will check in about a month and let you all know how everything is going. Good luck to everyone else.

    1. congratulations Michael… i am so happy for your success….i just got my blood work….i have high suger and wt is-280…i am going to start like you…….

  2. Hello,
    I have decided enough is enough. I am going to lose this and like most, read and read many plans to lose and knew what to do; but somehow it falls short. I have lost 40lbs in the past but as I have gotten older, the energy seems to not be there.
    However, I feel that this is the time to lose. I am on 5’2 and almost 240 pounds. I am going to reach my goal!
    happy loss everyone!

  3. Hey guys/gals, this page has gotten me motivated to get back on that healthy wagon. Last year I’d say I lost about 40 pounds in around 5 months, so it seems I was on the right track to that 100 pounds in a year. But, life and laziness caught up to me. I decided I wanted to go to grad school for my MBA right after I got my Bachelor’s, so I started skipping workouts to study for the GRE, eating whatever was around, and lying to myself about what I was doing (“I’ll go to the gym tomorrow”, “one burger or three won’t kill me, I deserve it”). I’m 24, 6’6 and weigh about 310 currently, I’ve gained about 15 pounds since I first got lazy. To top it off, I’ve recently acquired a goal of joining the Air Force OTS to become an officer and then eventually become a special agent in the FBI. Minimum enrollment in the Air Force for a person of my height is 242, but I want to be around 220. I’d say I’m athletic for a person of my size, but running is the bane of my existence, and there’s a 1.5 mile run in the prereqs, which worries me, even when I was working out regularly I got winded during a run easily for some reason. I’m still in grad school and am working (at PAPA JOHN’S for god sakes, no temptation there…) so finding time to workout and eat right is going to be a struggle, but I’ve done it before so I can do it again. Any suggestions would be wonderful though.

  4. hi everyone, just checking in since its been a while…

    im approaching the date that one year ago i decided that enough was enough and i was going to get healthy and loose 100lbs in year…i cant believe how quickly a year goes by when you are a busy mum…

    i cant say that ive lost 100lbs but i have lost 85lbs in 11 months…go me!

    i didnt quite reach my goal…BUT THAT IS OKAY! i changed my lifestyle and didnt go on a diet so i have no doubt that over the next year i will reach my overall goal of loosing 140lbs…

    with that 85lbs ive lost a total of 55 inches off my body and gone from a size 30 to a size 16/18…

    keep up the great work everyone…!

    1. CONGRATS Stacey! I’m so happy for you! I hope that in 11 months, I’ll be able to say the same! I have lost 11 pounds since I first found this site 54 days ago and it was all because of the motivation I got due to stories like yours. Thanks for sharing!!

    2. congrats, you are an inspiration !!!!! please tell me how you did it as I would like to lose about 120 total. Even by telling me what you eat in a day will help loads….Thanks Bonnie

  5. My names Morgan, I’ve left comments on here before I had planned on losing 100 pounds in a year and yet I’m at my same . My grandfather passed away this past year and its been super hard on me, but I’m ready to get back on track. I’m 19, and I weigh 295. My #1 issue is just getting motivated. :/ nothing seems to motivate me anymore. Any advice?

    1. The one truth about getting healthy is that you cannot do it and maintain it without motivation and motivation can only come from within. There has to be something inside you every minute of every day driving you to your goal.

      My father died of a heart attack at 51 when I was a small kid. This wasn’t enough for me.

      My blood pressure was starting to creep up. This wasn’t enough for me.

      High cholesterol (not super-high but high). This wasn’t enough for me.

      My family begging me. This wasn’t enough for me.

      Would avoid going to doctor when I had a cold because I didn’t want to hear about . This wasn’t
      enough for me

      Incredibly severe sleep apnea. This wasn’t enough for me.

      Busting out of my already significantly large clothes and being on the border of not being able to buy a simple t-shirt in a store (I would buy XXL then stretch the daylights out of it). This wasn’t enough for me.

      Missing out on any good “year end deals” on clothing because who the heck carries a discount jacket in that size? This wasn’t enough for me.

      Always sitting at tables in restaurants because my stomach didn’t fit. This wasn’t enough for me.

      Stopped flying because I didn’t want to find out that I couldn’t fit. This wasn’t enough for me.

      This list goes on and on. I went to fat camp one year when I was a kid and lost a ton of then gained it back. I did watchers years ago, lost 26 pounds and then stopped.

      So, what was enough?

      I love my wife and I love life. I don’t mean that I love to live (obviously everyone does) but I actually LOVE my life. We don’t have children yet but an internal stipulation for me was that I cannot in good conscience have a child and not try m best to be there after I know the pain that losing a parent inflicts. And even if not, the thought of my wife having to survive me like that, and leaving her because I wanted another serving of French Fries.

      I jumped on the scale one day and saw 386 pounds and I completely snapped. Enough was enough. Throughout my life, I’ve always “known” I had to lose and even “wanted” to lose and even “set goals” for myself and never, ever met them.

      But I never really had a reason to. There was always time, always tomorrow, always next week, next month, next year until you wake up and you have arrived at tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. I finally got into my head what I was doing this for.

      I’m doing this because I’m a selfish bastard and I love my life.
      I’m doing this because I’m a selfless bastard and I love my wife.
      I’m doing this for my family, who has had their fair share of heartache.
      I’m doing this for any children I might have so they don’t have to suffer my fate.

      Basically, I’m doing this for tomorrow and the people I love. I’m doing this because I wouldn’t trade a hamburger for 10 extra years of life. I’m doing this because there isn’t a food in the world that is worth more to me than any of the things I listed above. Those are MY reasons to get healthy. Everyone needs to find their own and keep them in SHARP focus.

      When I walk by a piece of cake I say to myself, it’s OK, I can have that small piece. When I’m done with that piece and I want 5 more, I ask myself (LITERALLY ask myself): What do you want more? I have never answered myself with “the cake” since I’ve started taking this seriously.

      I cannot tell you WHAT will motivate you, only that you must find it before you start trying to get healthy. Focus on that. Write a list of things you want to do, people you want to be here for. You say that the loss of your grandfather hit you hard. Do you think your grandfather would want to see you unhealthy? The fact that you loved someone enough to have it hit you so hard would indicate that you likely are also loved yourself. In that case, don’t you want to be around those people as long as possible. Imagine yourself at the end of your life, those last moments, do you really want to think to yourself: I would give up my old lifestyle in a heartbeat if I could do it again so I could have more time.

      Look, not all fat people die instantly, or from being fat. You could get 100lbs lighter and get hit by a bus. But at least you will have done your best and that’s all anyone can ask.

      My goal is to tie penniless with my brain intact at as old an age as possible doing something really really fun (wink wink). How many fat 100-year olds have you seen?

      Time is not infinite, and contrary to the popular saying, there is NOT always tomorrow.

      Hope this helps you and others.

      1. WOW!! I have been over my entire life and always set goals for “tomorrow, next week, next month…” Never have I heard (or seen) anyone articulate so profoundly the reasons they hold for actually DOING IT NOW!!! I will take your suggestions, find my motivation, write them down with a viable plan of action and get it done! Hopefully, the next time I post an entry, I too will have achieved my goal.

        Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

      2. You said IT ALL! I have been looking and searching the internet for help as if I will get inspired from one person who has been in my shoes. I have lost before in the past. Twice actually. I have lost 75lbs in 4 months when I was 15 by eating way too little calories and doing Tae-Bo twice a day everyday. 2 kids later I gain it all back plus more, maybe even double. After I had my son who is now 3 I decided since I was a stay at home mom, the least I could do is lose . I was taking phentermine pills. I lost 50 lbs in 4 months. I felt GREAT! I couldn’t push myself to do it but everyday when I woke up I looked at my baby boy and told him, “mama is doing this for you” . I told myself, I need to lose for my kids, becuase I want to be able to run around and just feel good, look good, and BE HEALTHY!. My husband has always told me I look great. Never ever puts me down. But sometimes I don’t know if that is always a good thing. After I lost the I got a job that required me at a computer on a chair for 8hrs a day. At first I continued to workout and do the elliptical here at work. But slowly I started giving up. At that time, my dear friend passed away. I don’t like to blame it on that but when he passed I felt like a piece of me was gone. I gave up. Stop dressing up, no makeup, and ate what tasted good. After a yr, I gained about 50lbs. I finally was able to move on……. But then I fell in a depression mode. Til this day, I still don’t know why that happened because I am the most happiest person there is. I pushed myself out of that funk and am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy now but about 75lbs heavier. My life at the moment is great besides the fact that I am at my heaviest and 312lbs. I am only 25. This makes me feel horrible. I don’t feel pretty anymore. I sometimes almost feel handicap because I can’t bend down, get on my knees, walk a far distance, etc….. It is even embarrassing to me to be this size in front of my husband. I just feel like I need HELP this time. I have never had a problem sticking to my plan but now nothing motivates me. Today, I woke up and weighed myself and saw 312 on the scale. It scared me. I am almost 320. That is too close to 400. NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE THERE! Especially me, a young mother. After reading your post this caught my attention. I am having problems keeping myself motivated. ALL the same things you listed have gone through my mind. But when you break it down to what really matters it all makes sense. I can’t thank you enough for writing this. I never thought of that until now. I want to be here to see my daughter get married, my son grew up into a man that I know he will be, and grow old with my husband and be around for our grandchildren. I don’t want to cut my life short for that hamburger or coke that I wanted because it tasted so good for those 10 minutes and made me feel satisfied for only a couple of hours. Now to be honest, I don’t know if even this will work for me. I will need to keep reminding myself. I don’t want it to be to late until I realize I should have changed a long time ago. I plan to drop 100 pounds. I know my healthy is proably 140 but that is not even important to me. MY GOAL is to just be close enough to that number so I can set another goal that is not too far. I just pray that I can do this! I asm so tired of being tired all the time. I want to be a fit good looking mommy for my babies and a beautiful energetic wife for my husband. i just hope this is my time to shine and I get through it. Any encouragement will be accepted. And I hope that someone out there relates to me and I can help them as well as them helping me! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! I know this is a hard challenge but WE CAN DO IT!!…………………. LOVE


      4. thank you…….knowing that someone actually understands what and how I feel is motivation enough. thank you not only did you save your life. by posting that things that you did you have actually payed it forward and saved the lives of many who did not know how to put it together and say it. Thank you… are the guardian angel to many.

    2. Well I really don’t know what my problem is- I have never really tried to lose – but I know I am tired of being soo FAT- I have nothing or no one to blame- but I gues the fact that I’m a pig that likes to stuff themselves and lazy!!!! I am 5’4 and I think I weigh 270- I really hope next yr- i can at least weigh 160-
      i am do damn LAZY- and I have had 2 bags of carrots in the fridge and have not even touched them I do good for like two days and back to stuffing my face. I really hope I change my attitude, and start caring about being healthy- I guess since I’M ATTRACTIVE – my never really botheres to much- but I WANNA fit in cut clothes and have energy, an dlook SEXY!!! CONGRATS to all u peeps that FINALLY had enoughand made life style changes. I don’t want to diet -I want to control the portions and eat healthier- I’M GOING TO DO IT!!! I’M 27 and tired of being FAT-no children- so nothing holding me back but myself- I really hope I can lose 10lbs a month

    3. Hi ya Morgan,

      My name is Janelle and I weigh about 220lbs…I’ve been fighting an addiction to food for a long time, junk food is my coke and it’s terrible thing trying to change. I’m tired of being fat too I’ve been fat literally all my life one day I was at 150 I blinked I was at 180 and I woke up and I was breaking 200…I’ve tried all the diets, pills and crap on the internet but nothing has ever worked. I try not to let my bother me and most of the time it doesnt because I’m tall you can hardly tell I weigh as much as I do, but like you I want to fit into clothes and have energy I’m tired of sleeping in till half 2 everyday and then just going to work and eating or drinking every night…I know I have to change. I’m going to do it as well, maybe we could try it together I was hoping to loose 85lbs in a year. I’m living in America right now for university but I want to go home and surprise all my mates in London so here also nothing holding me back but me…I’m starting today I looking at my clock it tell me it’s half one in the morning so, when the gym opens I’ll be there…and I’m just going to do it…the first step I took was throwing away a box of ice cream in my freezer. =) hard but I did it…So this time next year well actually sooner prolly July…Hoping to be 135…Good Luck

      1. Compulsive overeaters will always overeat and there is no CURE. I had the gastric bypassc operation 12 years ago with a of 310. I lost 100 pounds in nine months but experienced anal fissures, tooth loss, explosive poop sessions, hair loss and anemia. I started to regain within 3 years and was up to 340 only this time had a host of health problems. At my wits end I slowly started to eat a plant based diet and walk one hour a day. When I started i could not even walk a block without thinking I was going to have a stroke. Tonight as I sit here and type this I just returned from my nightly 90 minute walk and I weigh 196. I have kept over 100 pounds off for five years by giving up wheat, dairy and meat although I do eat fish and eggs 3-5 times a month. The majority of my diet consists of plants. I make a great veggie curry! I also eat walnuts and almonds in very limited amounts and somtimes dark chocolate and peanutbutter. Frozen blueberries with stevia, powdered dark chocolate and a few almonds all stired up in almond milk has replaced my Ben and Jerrys addiction.

        I lost the over a four year period by changing what I eat. I am still a complulisive overeater but you cant get to 300 pounds on a plant based diet. It just aint possible.

        I am free and you can be too.

        Operations and diets are not the ansewer. Turst me. Look into following a plant based diet and you will lose in a real and lasting manner.

        God Bless you and best wishes.

  6. hi everyone! im so proud of all of you that lost ! and those that are on the right track by even being on this site 🙂 well i have been getting discouraged. I weighed 273 last year. i started trying to lose in february and have lost about 40lbs. i am hovering around 230. I got down to 226, and was having trouble losing more. so i decided i needed to introduce more veggies and fruits, and ive actually gained . i am now back up to 228-230. not much gain, but its just been in the last couple weeks. so im getting discouraged. I am a full time student, mom, and have a full time job so fitting in my work outs is more difficult, but im doing my best. I work at a middle school so ive been off work for the summer. I was at a plateau at the beginning of the summer at 246. I started hitting the gym daily and was losing about .5lb a day. finals started the end of july and i think thats when it started to get bad. i was sitting a lot writing my final papers and started skipping the gym to meet deadlines. but that was over a week ago and ive been trying to get back in the gym. i went today, did 30 min on the treadmill, and a few strength training right after. yesterday i was busy so i did strength training at home, no cardio. but the issue im having is this: before i was not depriving myself at all. I had oreos in the house, i’d eat a couple a day. if i wanted it, i ate it. i just watched my portions. but i decided i wanted to try and be healthier so i started eating more fruits and veggies and (ok admittedly this was about the same time i was at the gym less than daily) and since have been hovering, not losing anything, and in the last couple days gaining a couple lbs. its so confusing, some people say just watch your sugar/carbs, some say work out daily, some day dont cause it strains your body. some say eat less, others say dont eat too little. well eating too many calories really isnt my issue. surprisingly, for someone who’s over 200lbs i rarely eat more than 1500 calories. (since feb anyways) honestly at times i have trouble making sure i get more than 1000. so i read all about the starving mode your body goes into, and start trying to eat more often, healthier. and like i said, not losing. the school year is starting up again next week and im nervous about having even less time for the gym since i have to get up and get my two little ones ready, and be at work by 730, then go straight to night classes from 4-10 pm. thats only two nights a week, but the other nights i will be doing homework! i plan to go to the gym mon/wed/fri after work for an hour before i pick up my kids. i plan to keep watching my sugar, drink less diet pop (cause i do, and i know, i shouldnt), eat less of the foods i want in smaller portions, and more of the foods that are healthier, in healthier portions. i guess i just need someone to tell me if im doing ok. what i should change, etc. yell at me 🙂 send me down the right path. cause its been 6 months, and ive only lose like 40lbs.

    1. Bahbee,

      Without literally knowing everything it’s really hard to help.

      Let me start with telling you not to sweat the day-to-day movements in . A woman’s will fluctuate a lot more due to water retention during the month versus a man (the same happens to my wife).

      As far as advice:

      My own belief is that carbs/sugars should be minimized, and only really come from fruits. That said, I also believe there is such a thing as over-dosing on fruits. They may not have refined sugar but it’s sugar nonetheless. I’m not saying never have sugar, I have it every day with a piece of candy or something, but I firmly believe that maintaining sugar levels in your body instead of constant spikes and troughs is the better way to go.

      I find the 1,000 calorie number surprising. Are you sure you are measuring this correctly? 1,000 calories is incredibly low. In addition to being low, I don’t see in your post above anything on protein, which is what you really need. I’m not talking Atkins protein, I mean that your meals should contain protein and whole grains to help keep you satisfied and avoid the drastic sugar spikes.

      I consume about 1200-1500 calories, and granted I am a large man, it’s still not exactly a ton of food, and 1,000 would be even less. I literally eat a piece of chicken for dinner (1/2 breast OR a thigh OR leg) and single sourdough pretzel.

      The reason I’m not sure about 1,000 calories is frankly that your (or anybody’s) loss is the result of creating a calorie deficit. Exercise is NOT the main driver of loss usually. You need to run a calorie deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1lb. Working out heavily for 35-45 minutes will get you 400-600 calories probably. Working out 3 days per week will then burn 1200 – 1800 calories, only 1/3 to 1/2 lb per week. Working out also helps you better burn/metabolize what you do eat so I don’t want to minimize that. But what you should take away from my statement is that the main driver of loss for you will be a calorie deficit. If you are really consuming 1,000 calories per day you should absolutely be seeing some loss. What I am trying to say is that if I were you, I would re-analyze what you are eating, re-calculate the calories and don’t estimate portion size…measure. My guess is that you are over 1,000 calories.

      If you are not, but even if you are, look at what makes up those calories. Fruits and vegetables are great, but that is not a balanced diet and honestly, (some) fruits are huge on sugar.

      For what it’s worth my typical daily intake is:


      1 serving Fiber one original (I call it rabbit food)
      1 serving 1% milk
      1/2 large banana
      1 cup V8 Acai Juice (yes, sugar sugar)


      4-6 cups of baby spinach
      1/4 cup of beans
      2 oz grilled chicken
      1/4 cup broccoli
      1/4 cup cherry tomato
      1 oz cheese
      some onions
      some mushrooms


      Grilled chicken piece (1/2 breast or thigh or leg) with skin
      some BBQ sauce (used on chicken when cooked and then some on the side…)
      1 sourdough pretzel or a serving of blue tortilla chips


      2 starbursts and an individual Hersheys Milk Chocolate/Toffee/Almond or a White Chocolate mini Reese’s PB Cup.

      That’s it. This works for me. If I am hungry in between I will eat a small amount of almonds or another nut. I get my protein, dairy, fiber, fruits & veggie requirements with this. If there is cake at work, I’ll have a piece, so what. But generally speaking, this is my intake. I exercise before breakfast every day.

      This is not an ideal diet from the sugar standpoint as I should really be eating 6 smaller meals but I just don’t always have time and this is much easier for me to follow.

      I know I type long messages. But don’t get discouraged, and certainly don’t give up the gains you’ve made to date. Hope this helps

    2. You know, I forgot the encouragement part and putting things in perspective for you here….

      40lbs in 6 months! Why are you disappointed?

      If I ask you today, would you like to lose another 40lbs in 6 months what would your answer be?

      Sure, having lost it already would be great, but you are still incredibly successful. You dropped nearly 15% of your body in 6 months. You’ve done wonders for your health.

      Said another way, you lost 40lbs in 24 weeks or roughly 1.7lbs per week. Healthy loss is 1-2 pounds per week and you are closer to the 2pounds side.

      Don’t worry about what numbers other people do, you are your own person with your own circumstances.

      If I told you that in another 6 months you could be at 190lbs would you really complain? How about another 6 months from then and you are at 150? That would be a total loss of 120lbs in 1.5 years. How is that a BAD thing? Chin up, keep working it. Chip away one day at a time, 1-2lbs at a time and you will turn around in 1 year and be AMAZED.

      1. well thanks for the encouragement! i tell my friends not to comment too much on loss they notice, it makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason, but we all went out to dinner the other night and a couple of them whispered that i looked great 🙂 ok ok, so its nice to hear.

        i count my calories with myfitnesspal app on my phone. a typical day for me:

        fiber plus bar for breakfast: 120 calories
        sargento cheese stick for brunch snack: 50 calories

        turkey sandwich for lunch:
        natures own whole wheat (2 slices, 50 calories each)
        sara lee honey roasted turkey which is like 60 calories for 4-6 slices
        sometimes i add a 100 calorie tub of pringles

        an apple for mid day snack, usually 50-100 calories

        part of a chicken breast with broccoli for dinner

        basically, my meals rarely exceed 200-300 calories. i cant find it in myself to eat more because it feels counterproductive. i can get obsessive about things like this, i had to stop weighing myself once because i would weigh every couple hours and not want to eat anything so the scale wouldnt go up… but that was a long time ago. i just get worried that i could very easily develop an eating disorder, in highschool it was pretty bad. i was thinner, but was never happy with it. i wouldnt eat for days at a time. im trying my best to be healthy, which is why when it doesnt work, i worry about getting discourage. me being discouraged could end up with me dangerously dieting.
        anyhow! im an adult now, and smarter.

        i eat off of salad plates and never go back for seconds. i honestly dont eat much. its kind of a challenge to keep myself snacking, which is why i keep the cheese sticks, or yogurt, or sometimes ill have a 1/2 cup cottage cheese. i have a lot of 100 calorie snack pack things in my house.. which might be a problem, low calorie, but most of that stuff is carbs and sugar.. like cheezits and oreos and what not. i am fighting headaches today from not restocking on coke zero. im trying to be good and stick with water. but i do have some sugar free koolaid that i drink once or twice a week. i also have fudgesicles my kids and i will have after dinner, they are 40 calories.

        so ive heard eating too few calories can also be an issue. but then most people say as long as there is a deficit there should be results. it confuses me so much!

  7. First, I would like to thank the owners of this site who finally came to their senses and stopped requiring registration to post.

    That said, I have an update as well. When I last posted I had just crossed into 2XX – lb realm.

    I am happy to report that as of the end of June, I crossed the 100lb loss mark, so I lost 100lbs in about 5 months. I currently weigh in at 273lbs or a loss of 113lbs so far. This month was an interesting one as I had two week long vacation where I gained 3 and 4 pounds. Do I feel bad about that? NOT FOR ONE SECOND. I enjoyed vacation, I loved eating bad food as a guilty pleasure and skipping a workout here and there…it’s a VACATION!

    Here are the great parts about my GAIN that have literally left me with all the confidence in the world:

    1. I ONLY gained 3lbs and 4lbs, we could argue much of that was water . Even if not, I hate foods that were just plain BAD. Steaks, cakes, ribs, chips, frozen custard (it’s like ice cream but has more fat…yay) YUMMMMMMY. I ate all this but never pigged out on it. Sure, I ate more than normal for my new lifestyle but LESS than I would have in the past.

    2. I lost the the following week. Whereas I used to things like: oh well, I ate badly on Saturday so the weekend is shot, I might as well pig out. Or, more to the point for this vacation: I was bad all week and now I’m back so the week is shot, I might as well have those fries….I DIDN’T. The day after I got back, I was up at 5:30am and back doing my cardio routine. My eating habits returned back to their pre-vacation level. There were none of my usual excuses…none. I went on vacation, it was a nice break, but now I’m back to real life.

    The other nice part was that my family hadn’t seen me and didn’t know I was losing so I just showed up and surprised them. The response is something I’ll never forget.

    So I sit here now, 6 months into my journey, confident that I will succeed, and a mere 50lbs or so from my goal of 225lbs (I am still a big big guy). My resting heart rate is down from 75 to 50 or so (at times when really relaxed I hit 46). My blood pressure is now 117/72 from 140/95. I don’t have cholesterol numbers because I was too much of a chicken to go to the doctor before to get it checked out…that’s all going to change. I never even had a primary care physician for simple things like colds because I didn’t want to hear the story about my .

    So I will end my ramble here and close it out for the time being with a “good luck” to all.

    1. Mike,

      I just had to say congratulations!! What you have accomplished is so remarkable and you should be so incredibly proud of yourself. You are truly an inspiration.

      I have 130 pounds to lose and when I read stories like yours I feel so motivated. Thank you thank you.

      Well done!

      ~ Gina

  8. Wanted to drop in and give an update. I began the “drop ” quest back in February. I had thought I was at 333. Turned out I was actually at 345, due to a broken scale at my place. So, now that I am down to 260, that means a drop of 85 lbs… still another 55 to go to get to my goal…but it is within sight now.

    The best part is how this is happening. I am, for the first time since college, not starving myself to lose or trying some ridiculous fad diet. I have changed my eating patterns – and am exercising 5-6 times a week. Doing eliptical, s and swimming for now. Actually considering P90X for Sept-Oct-Nov for 3 months. We’ll see. But this is the most confident I’ve felt in my physical appearance in over 20 years. Yes, I’ve lost before, but I was never convinced it would stay off. So, must admit, this feels different and better. I am healthier, my blood pressure is at 111/69. My cholesterol dropped by 25% since March. My resting heart rate is as low as it was in college.

    Thanks for the support members/posters here supplied early on – that’s the one piece of advice I’d give – be sure to stick with it until you get past the mental hurdles – these days I am excited to be working out – and upset if I miss a day. If you can get to that point, you’ve won more than half the battle. Enjoy yourself and revel in each success!

    1. That’s really good, SoonTo BeFormerBigGuy, thank you so much for the advice, I will definitely take that on board. Keep it up. I will let you know about my progress. Thank you.

    2. Congrats, keep it up!

      I’m going to be doing starting stronglifts 5×5. I feel like P90X is for people who are already able to do things like pullups 😛

      Let us know how it turns out.

    3. SoonToBeFormerBigGuy,
      Can you give me a sample meal plan and exercise regime you use. I’m currently @ 323 and wants to get down to say 215-220

  9. Hello, I started my loss Journey in April but i had my final exams and I put all the back on and even more. So I have just started my loss journey again on Monday the 8th of August and this time I am hoping that I will not stop until I reach my target . The plan is to cut out Carbs and Sugar, Eat about 1000 calories a day in fruits, vegetables, protein and nuts. I work out twice a day 6 times a week, both cardio, resistance and training. I need to loose 140 pounds to get to my target . Please wish me luck. I am a lover of rice and trying to cut that off has been very difficult but I am going to keep trying and I wont give up.

    1. Yosi – best of luck! One thing I would recommend – is to NOT completely cut something out if you plan to return to eating it. Moderation is much better than cold turkey. Yes, it will take longer to lose the – but my experience has been if you completely cut out carbs, and then eventually re-introduce them, the tendency is to gain all the back and some (again) – as I have done and you discuss above.

    2. Yosi,

      I say this as someone who has been where you are and with nothing but good intentions: you are setting yourself up for failure.

      If you are 140 pounds over, you didn’t get there (and neither did I) by consuming normal portions and healthy food. The idea that you will be able to cut down to and successfully maintain 1,000 calories per day when you were likely consuming 3,000 – 4,000 before is just not a realistic goal for most people as it take a tremendous amount of willpower and can be dangerous.

      Additionally, you cannot cut out something you love completely because it sets you up to binge on it later. Case in point, you were dieting, then something came up and you went an over-consumed in part to make up for time lost.

      Additionally, your workout plans are also really high. Going from completely sedentary to ultra-active overnight is another thing that is setting you up for disaster.

      This isn’t to say it can’t be done, just that people are unlikely to be able to keep this up from what I have seen.

      Take me, for example. I have so far been very successful in changing the way I lived and I did so by flipping a switch. One day I just said, “enough” and went from all the things that got me to 386lbs and started eating better and exercising 3 days per week.

      I never counted calories (but a few months ago and calculated an average day and realized I had cut to 1200-1500 per day) and I never, ever deprived myself of anything I loved. I still eat pizza (home-made and better than store bought) and can go to any restaurant I want. If I have a bad day I shrug it off and move on to the next. So, note that I did immediately change to 1200 – 1500 calories per day but not by “not” eating a food I loved, just less of it. This also meant that if I wanted an extra something, if there was a birthday cake around for instance, I didn’t eat the whole thing since it’s not like I haven’t had it in 6 months, but rather a small piece. My premise was simple: reduce the white food in my diet (this will naturally cut down carbs drastically). Minimize white flour, salt, sugar, potato. I think cauliflower might be one of the only good “white” foods and milk of course. If all you do is cut those down, you are essentially on a low-carb diet. Again, I say cut-down because if there is a piece of cake or whatever…game on.

      As far as exercise, I started at 3 days a week just to get into the rhythm, then 5 days, now I’m between 5 and 7 depending on what other things I happen to be doing during the weekend (if I spend the day painting or going to the driving range I forgo the workout.

      It takes a lot to really make this a life pattern and for me, it’s important that I always keep focused on my goal: HEALTH not loss, and that I understand that I can easily slip into my old ways. No matter how thin I eventually get, I will always be a fat person, even if in a thin body. My goal is to get healthy and stay healthy. This is why I am “dieting” the way I am, because it is how I hope to stay forever. Can you really live with giving that stuff up forever? Working out like that forever?

      Take your time and think about what it will take to keep you on the path. The reason you fell off before was because your lifestyle hadn’t changed yet, you were just going through the dieting motions. If you change your lifestyle, truly change, then exams, kids, work, cannot get in your way because it will be a disruption to go OFF your lifestyle. People are generally lazy and comfortable with what is familiar as their daily routine. But if you make your routine so punishing that you can’t wait to get off it, you will get off it, fall back into old ways, and be exactly where you started.

      Just my $0.02….okay $0.04

      Best of luck!

  10. Hey everyone I haven’t posted in awhile, but just wanted to say that I finally lost 150 pound’s, it took me a year and 4 months and I still have 120 more to go but I’m on my way there… How did I do it is what everyone always ask, let me tell you diet and exercise is really the way to go, I cut out all the bad junk and replaced it with good things, vegetable’s, fruit’s, and exercise 5 nights a week. It’s hard giving up all the good foods you come to love, but they are only killing you in the long run. If you would like some tips let me know and I’ll send them your way, I believe everyone here has the power to change too, it takes time and isen’t going to happen overnight, but IT CAN BE DONE…..Take care and stay strong.

    1. Phyllis,
      I am SO PROUD of you for what you have accomplished! I, myself, have been playing the game far too long. I once lost 30 lbs, but then I have to have a hysterectomy, my mother was diagnosed with cancer and I used food to cope. I also am a full time mother, wife and student! I start out great in the AM and by the evening I am too tired to try..and usually eat whatever..even when I am not hungry.

      I am hoping you can give me some pointers to stay motiviated.

    2. Hi It is nice to see it is possible to lose 100 lbs in a year. I am 32 mother of 3 kids and am morbidly obese. I weigh 280 currently and need to lose 100 lbs to start. My problem is I started exercise program at Curves and then have been sick with bronchitis and pneumonia. I have asthma which have battled with all my life. I want to lose but not sure how to plan an exercise regimen and diet. Please send me suggestions as being over is affecting my life and kid;s life.

    3. hey you really blew my 260 pounds and have tried every diet possible..i dont really have a problem exercising as i usually run about a mile a night but i have a problem with the food i eat..i am 17 and live with my parents. i dont have a job so i eat whatever they bought.which usually isnt too healthy..what advice do you have for me? btw. you really motivate me and make me believe its possible

      1. Well I’m proud of you for wanting to make a healthy start. I know what it’s like living with people that don’t want to eat healthy. Try to get more vegetable’s into your daily diet. Fruit’s are good also. But limit those to a few time’s a week. If you must eat what everyone else is having make your portion’s smaller, only eat half of what you would normally eat. Try to plan your meal’s ahead of time this way you won’t be tempted to overeat. Count calorie’s if you need to and make each meal around 400 calories, (it took me a while to learn how to do it) have a small snack in between each meal but don’t go over 100 calorie’s.. If you drink soda replace that with water. Don’t eat after 7pm, that is really the hardest to do but it can be done. Cut out the junk food’s I know it’s tempting to eat cookies and cake’s and such, but after you see the scale go down in number’s your going to want to keep going at it. Exercise is also key if your already running a mile add a few 10 minute workout’s in between there. I hope this helps you some. Good Luck.

    4. Hi Phyllis, that is awesome on your loss. I am 45 female @ my hightest ever 300+! I have done it all,, i have lost a ton and gain a ton + back! Any encourangement you have and easier ways that will help me with this battle. I am starting from this day forward to change my eating habits! Wish me luck and any tips please send them, here is my e-mail

    5. Awesome Phyllis! I started the Michael Thurmond’s 6 week body makeover yesterday and even at day 2 I know that it isn’t going to work because the “allowed” foods are ones that I don’t even like. I’ve decided to just watch portion size and only eat foods grilled, boiled or broiled, etc. and use the exercises in the plan and ride my exercise bike. Not sure what else to do but I have to do this to live – no kind of bariatric surgery is an option because my insurance excludes it.

      I have tons to lose and would love any advice…pointers, etc. to get me on the right path.

      And Mike…..I saw myself in everything you said as to why I haven’t done it. Now at 365 at age 42 I do it or I die, simply as that. Just seems impossible but I’m determined.

    6. Please send tips my way phyllis. iam 223lbs with fibroids that i am currently scheduled to have removed. i believe they assisted in steady gain. but b coz i work 2 jobs and my schedule is difficult to squeeze in workouts and i don’t eat enough calories but need assistance in the nutrition side of things. sometimes due to tumors i am full after 1 meall all day. please let me know how you lost the lbs my goal is to lose 115lbs as i am under 5ft although i don’t look as big as i weigh and don’t have high blood pressure nor diabetes or anything yet. i won’t to avoid it and lose before surgery.

  11. Obesity is a big problem in my family. When I was younger I could better manage it. But after having three kids in five years my blew up. I went from 125 to 245. I’ve been working out for a week and and eating healthier. I’m down to 238 but I have a long road ahead of me. My biggest enemy is myself. This isnt the first time I tried losing . I get discouraged and give up. I started keeping a journal about my progress. From how I feel to what I ate and how much exercise I done each day. I started doing zumba and hip hop abs. I love to dance and this makes working out fun and something I look forward to doing. I’m not doing this just for myself I also want to set a good example for my kids. I want them to see me and be proud and make healthier choices in life.

    1. Don’t give up! I am in the same boat.I really do have sruggles with overeqting and picking junk. Good for you for starting to exercise. When I do I know it makes me choose a turkey sandwich over a cheeseburger. I know theere is no magig pill. I did try the sake at get up and get moving site and because of the fiber it has helped me droop 10 pounds pretty fast. I have been drinking them dialy for breakfast.
      you have to do the www. before the getupandgetmoving
      Anyway I just love the hip hop abs and I do it at least a few times a week. My biggest problems with appitite control. many of my friends have had gastro surgery and I just don’t wasnt to have surgery.

      1. Everybody everybody everybody everybody EVERYBODY who has the gastric surgery either relapses or has severe complications. I don’t know why people are so high on a procedure that has such a ROTTEN track record.

  12. it absolutely stinks being fat. im not just over .. according to my BMI i am morbidly obese. I STILL CANT SINK THAT INTO MY HEAD. and at 16 years, 5″6 and 260 lbs i know i need to change. its really hard being with all your skinny friends and being the ” fat girl”. So this summer im kickstarting my workout. i started with some cardio and a little bit of toning and yoga. I really enjoy jillian michaels circuits and things involving dance. i HATE being on machines to work out. i even go runs with my friends around the neighborhood. i want to be at least 150 lbs but i know its going to be hard but every little step counts!

    1. I am in the SAME position you are in except I am three years older. I can relate to you very much. What do you plan on doing to lose some ?

    2. Its very hard being over . But we can do this. We don’t have to always be the “fat girl” If you like to do dance workouts try Zumba and hip hop abs. I do both and its a blast.

    3. I cut out carbs and lost 40 pounds in a few months, working on another 30. I eat carbs once in a while, berries, veggies everyday. High fiber once a week like corn tortillas or fiber one cereal. Other than that I follow Adkins. I spin a few times a week and just started with s. Good luck to you all, lets keep going.

  13. Quick update:

    For the first time since I can even remember, my does not start with a 3 but instead with a 2. That’s over 86lbs down since Jan 24. This is a HUGE goal for me which is what I want to talk about.

    What this means to me: that was the last time in my life the freaking scale will ever read above 300lbs. I am not done by a long shot but 300lbs just seems like the biggest “holy grail” for big boys. I am no longer the of the average NFL lineman….I can now use a standard ladder that holds 300lbs and not have to buy a ladder that holds 375lbs (and remember that when I started I couldn’t even get on those technically). Next stop, the 250lb ladder.

    But this does bring to light: goals.

    My ultimate goal is to get healthy as I’ve stated. But at 386 lbs I wasn’t looking at 300lbs…not even close. My goals were:

    10lbs lost – (376)
    5% lost – (367)
    350 lbs
    10% lost – (347)
    330 lbs – just seemed like a logical next step
    15% lost – (328)
    315 lbs – next logical step
    20% lost – (309)
    306lbs – lightest I can remember being since college
    300 lbs

    Upcoming goals:

    25% loss – (290)
    286 lbs – 100 pound lost
    275 lbs – seems like a good number
    30% loss – (270)

    After this, I will make up more goals as I don’t know where/how I will be at this point. Internally, I have times when I want to hit these numbers but in reality I know they will come when they come and I’m not going to freak out. Once I get to 270 I’ll decide on more goals but 10lbs at a time after I hit 270lbs sounds pretty good to me.

    What I want people to take away from this is that when I weighed 386lbs I had absolutely no plan or goal of hitting 300. I made stuff up as I went along. I can daydream all day and think, “it would be great if I were healthy tomorrow.” but I remind myself it takes time. My goals were generally small and realistic and I would encourage you to do the same. If/when I let myself at 386lbs look out and think…wow, I have to lose 135lbs at least, I nearly broke broke down. The trick was to psych myself up for little goals along the way. I didn’t list it above but there were a few weeks where I just couldn’t break through the 330’s and it was driving me crazy. My short term goal just become to get through to 329.

    Keep sight of these little goals and little victories and you get addicted to the feeling of hitting them. When I hit a goal I am just thrilled and if not, I make sure to stay on to achieve it. Once you get into this cycle it helps you keep on the path because you want to keep that feeling up! It becomes easier to say, “NO” to some things when you remember you just crossed a milestone and you don’t want to give that one back!!!! I just crossed 300, I never want to go back and would not be happy to see it so not only am I working towards my next goal, I am working to make sure I don’t give this one back.

    Again, sorry for rambling. You can all do it.

    1. Your story was so encouraging Im just starting a workout regime to a healthier lifestyle and I really needed the encouragement and positive response and to see that its possible im suppossed to go on my first vacation and im nervous about going because it was a story on the news where a woman was put off the plan for being over or asked to buy an additional seat i feel like i have alot of confidence and if that happened to me it would make me just die i dont want to be put in that position so i have decided to lose not just for that reason but it let me know that i must have some insecurities about my if that issue bothered me enough to make me nervous about a vacation which everyone loves good luck with ur future goals hopefully ill be on the same track soon

      1. Wow, I SO know exactly the position you are talking about.

        When I was at 330lbs I could barely get the normal seat belt in an airplane around me…would have to put it around my waist and have my gut hang over it.

        I’m a big guy anyway, 6’1″, very large frame, so I like sitting in emergency seats and I was once told I couldn’t sit there but they didn’t come out and say why, but I knew why.

        That was at 330, and I wasn’t even going to try at 386 so I know EXACTLY what you are feeling. It sucks, really sucks. In August I will be taking my first flight since 2007 and I can only do it because I finally know that I will fit in the darn seat and be able to get the buckle around my (still) substantial waist. This is a business trip to boot and can you imagine having to tell your boss/company that you had to buy 2 tickets?….I would be mortified, even though I, like you, was never really embarrassed about my size, but I guess that only goes so far until a spotlight gets put on it.

        As I said though, make yourself really small, achievable goals and you get completely addicted to it!

  14. im 19 years old and i 280 lb i also have PCOS and was told to do a low GI diet and exercise. i have been walking on average 5km a day starting yesterday.

    im fed up of being fat im fed up of walking into a shop and looking on the racks and thinking these will never fit me so why do i bother, i dont wear fancy clothes because i dont feel i am worth it.

    any help would be appreciated any support etc


    1. You are worth the fancy clothes. The first step to loss is believing in yourself. I know its hard I’ve struggled with it often. But say to yourself you are worth the fancy clothes and you CAN lose the . Walking is great exercise. Find a workout that you find fun. Not all of them have to be boring. If you aren’t doing something you like or find fun chances are you will quit doing the workout. I’m sure you already heard to drink more water. It really does help. You feel full. Use a smaller plate when you eat. It helps me to eat less. Quit drinking soda, that alone can help lose . Also try keeping a journal of your progress and write down everything you eat, drink and how much you exercise. Also be sure to keep in mind your wont fall off overnight, although I wish it would 🙂 . It take hard work and determination. Make realistic goals for yourself. Like 2-3 lbs a week. that will be 8-12 a month which is definitely a good thing.

  15. I am tired of being fat! I want to stand without hurting, walk without getting out of breath, make love to my husband without being so self-conscious, ride horses again, fit in a booth in a restaurant, ride a roller coaster, try on clothes that did not come from the plus size section, eat out without feeling like everyone is saying “If she wouldn’t eat that, she might lose some .”. Well, I finally realized that no one held me down and forced the food in my mouth and no one made me NOT exercise. So, I am making changes! I have been reading and it looks like a consistent opinion is that I should exercise more and reduce my caloric intake. That’s a no-brainer, right? I also see that 5-6 small meals daily will help. I am going today to join our local Curves. I have started a food diary today and am going to be keeping up with my calories. I am 42, 5’4″ and about 280 pounds. I would like some idea as to about how many calories I should be taking in a day and how much time I should spend exercising to help me lose about 120 pounds in the next year. I saw on the newsstand today an article that said “Get bikini ready for summer”. Hahahaha….. I will settle for being one-piece ready by next summer! Any advice is greatly appreciated. Also, if there are other ladies around my age and with my similar circumstances who would like to start an email/facebook support group, I would love to get together. I am looking for friends who I share with while offering support, understanding and sometimes a good swift kick in the pants kind of honesty. Email me at: Please don’t email me trying to sell me something or get me to sign up. Those kind of people will be hunted down and dealt with! Only serious responses please.

  16. I went to the doctor about 12 weeks ago and was weighed in at 318. It was a shock. I’d only ever been over 300 once in my life. I thought i was about 275-285 (which I would have thought was too big, anyway) I used to be really athletic and in shape and want to have that kind of body again. For many years I’ve been quietly depressed and unhappy, and gain has been one of the big side effects of that. I’ve done diets, I’ve done some other things but the always came back. I made a commitment to myself I would bring my from 318 to 205, and my BP back down from the 159/102 mark to at least 120/80. Here’s what has happened so far, almost 3 months in….

    — 1st week I stopped eating after 10 pm. I began stretching and walking 1.5 miles each day
    – From Week 2 thru week 5 I changed my eating habits so that I eat 4 times a day, not 2 like before. I eat less each sitting, and never after 8:30 pm. I began to workout once a day – what was a cross between walking and jogging – between 1.5-2 mi a day – I called it shuffling….plus some basic s.
    — from week 6 thru week 9, I began to get closer to actually jogging. I am eating better foods for me. Cut out fried and greasy foods almost entirely by this point. Lots of fruit and veggies and protein.
    — from week 10 – week 11 – I increased to 2.0-2.5 mi per day and upped my pace as well. I am now eating 4-5 times a day and drinking 1/2 gal – 1 gal of water each day as well.
    — just ended week 12 – I am up to an average of 3.0 mi per day and am actually running again. My food intake is the same, and I am feeling lighter in my step and de-toxed from all the water intake.

    After 3 months, I got on the scale again – I’m down to 281. That’s 37 lbs in 3 months gone, baby, gone! I can feel muscles in my thighs, calves, shoulders, biceps and even way deep underneath in my abs. Took my BP – it is down from that ugly 159/102 to 117/79. I still want to lose another 76 lbs, and know I can do it if I just stick to the plan, and keep on working hard. I feel great compared to a few months ago. I am removing stress from my life, I am adding joy. Music has helped with the workouts, writing down the food I’m eating (and how much) has helped with the eating.

    I hope to come back here in another 3 months and share more great news. Also, congrats to all of you who are making this happen for yourselves. For those stuck or feeling helpless – I think most of us have been there – and all I can say is – you can do this, too. Consistency and wanting to make a permanent overall change is the key. This isn’t an 8 week or 26 week or 52 week plan – it is setting new habits – and changing old ones. You will have bad days, you will have good days – and you will get there.

    Running started out as shuffling – then went to jogging and is now almost back to running.

    1. I have seen a lot of comments about Atkins and other diets here. I did South Beach. Lost 100 lbs. Stopped strict S Beach regimen; it came racing back in 6 months. Plus found 20 more lbs.

      I recommend avoiding at all costs any “DIET” – and simply changing your eating habits, a little at a time, over time.

      1. Atkins is not really that healthy in the long run. Just cut the sugar and white flour and eat healthy food, Yes get rid of those bad habits but don’t turn to fat like Atkins would like you too you will end up with a bad heart problem. Big heart problem

    2. Thank you for sharing your story with us. The low glycemic index is your lifeline to maintaining a healthier you. I’ve lost ten lbs only but I’ve embraced this index and it has help me understand how different foods literally affect the body.

  17. My is coming off super slow. I am eating throughout the day and am also exercising. Is there anything I can do to speed it up??

    1. Dianne,

      I have questions for you:

      What is slow?

      – Remember that healthy loss is categorized as 1-2lbs per week. It is frustrating as all heck but that is what it is. It sounds like nothing but remember this: 1-2lbs per week is 52 – 104 lbs in a year….that’s right, in a year! It’s 26 – 52lbs in 6 months. Who would complain about that? All of a sudden, what seems like really slow loss has turned significant. And is 6 months really a long time…?

      What is the rush?
      – As I said below, my goal is health not loss and I would encourage you to focus on that.

      As far as what you could do to speed it up…in a healthy way…I’m not sure. I would take a very hard look at exactly what you are eating throughout the day and when you are eating it. While reducing your calorie intake is obviously critical, you need to eat the right type of foods. Think about this: you could, theoretically, eat only 1200 calories of pizza per day, but I don’t think anyone thinks that would be healthy for you.

      Sugar is evil, and salt is not your friend either from a water-retention standpoint. Try to reduce the “white” in your diet (sugar, salt, bleached/processed flower/pasta) and increase fruits and veggies. Make sure the calories you consume are quality calories.

      I had a lot to lose, granted, and I get the whole “eating throughout the day keeps your metabolism up” argument but I am too busy to do it honestly. The I’ve lost so far is eating exactly 3X per day. 7am, 11:30am, 7pm. I don’t snack, I chew gum. Interestingly, since I hate wasting things like gum, I find that it stops me from wanting to eat anything bad as I would have to throw it out to do so. I literally chew gum from the minute I get to work up until lunch and then from lunch until dinner. 2 pieces only per day.

      Good luck.

  18. You Are Absolutely Capable Of Losing Weight

    I would usually feel in need of motivation when I was down on myself and lost my self-belief. If you’ve tried to lose before and for whatever reason you failed, it can be hard to keep that out of your mind. You can doubt yourself and feel scared that you’ll fail again. As a result of this – past failures and worrying about failing again, it’s hard to feel motivated to take action.

    This changed for me when I realized three things: First, that the past does not equal the future; second, that if other people can do it – so can I; and three, that there’s always a way if you’re committed.

  19. If your not use to exercise but you want to lose fast how much and how often should I start out?? HELP

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