May 8, 2024

This is one of those kind of crazy questions but interesting at the same time, How to lose 100 pounds.

If you are very over how would you lose 100 pounds in one year? Well I have never had to lose 100 pounds but am up for the challenge of how it can be done.

Can you lose 100 pounds in a year?

how to lose 100 poundsFor more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle book review or my diet program review.

First of all lets all be aware that losing 100 pounds in one year is certainly possible. Many people have achieved this feat and many will lose 100 pounds in a year in the future.

The math of losing 100 pounds in a year

There is simple math in how to lose 100 pounds in one year you would need to lose eight pounds a month for a year which is about 2 pounds for week.

Losing two pounds per week is certainly possible but the problem is that it is hard to keep this rate up for an entire year. You will find that you will lose far more than 10 pounds in your first month and then your loss will slow down after a couple of months only to pick up again in the last few months.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Now As we all know there are two sides to the loss question: input and output that is caloric intake in eating and output when your metabolism is burning calories. This sounds easy and in fact it is an easy idea to understand and implement but it is very difficult to act on for any length of time.

Lose 100 pounds in a year plan

OK here it goes for how to lose 100 pounds in a year. First thing is to drop your caloric intake. For many people this may be really obvious but for most people it is a real education to find out what they are eating wrong and changing it.

First you will need to drop your calories that you take in probably significantly but take out some calories each week and watch how your body and energy react. Remember you are in this for the long haul not just a few weeks this time.

Your diet should get

  • 30 percent of its calories from protein,
  • 50 percent of its calories from carbohydrates and
  • 20 percent of calories from fats.

Remember fats contain twice the calories per pound that protein or carbohydrates contain so the fat level is actually quite low.

Next is to make sure that you are splitting your three main meals into six meals during the day to properly nourish your body and stop it from thinking that you are starving.

Drink lots of water. You will find that drinking a lot of water will help you lose up to 10 pounds all by itself in the first couple of weeks as your body stops being bloated and your equilibrium is reset.

Exercise to lose 100 pounds

Next is the exercise portion of your changes. Losing 100 pounds in a year just by eating correctly would be impossible as your body would quickly rebel against you.

You must get exercise for 30 minutes twice every day for six days a week. This means that some days will have cardio morning and night and some days will have one cardio workout and one workout.

The twice a day regimen is designed to keep you metabolism high all day instead of having it drop off 12 hours or so after your last workout, also having a lot of exercise will change the way that your body chemistry works.

The reason to do cardio is obvious and that is to raise your metabolism and burn calories.

How to lose 100 pounds

Doing weights is also very important as while you are losing you want to keep your muscle mass and of course muscle takes a lot more calories to maintain than fat so you will over time be burning even more calories than you are now.

The attitude that will lose you 100 pounds in a year

Lastly to lose 100 pounds in a year you need to change your entire attitude towards health, exercise, eating and your own confidence in life.

Making these changes may be very difficult but you are going to find that you have a much better chance of succeeding once you snap out of the way that you look at life and instead start to think about how your life is as a fit person.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Stop comparing yourself to the people around you and instead join a running club or come other club that promotes health and where the idea of running 20 miles on a Sunday does not seem crazy like most people think but is instead just a fun afternoon outing.

This may seem like an oversimplification of what it takes to lose 100 pounds in a year and maybe it is.

There will be high points and low points in the next year but you will learn from your accomplishments and defeats how to change yourself as a person and make consistently1 better choices.

Good luck to you. Let me know how things are working out in your quest in how to lose 100 pounds.

1,014 thoughts on “How to lose 100 pounds in a year

  1. This article has been helpful! I am one if the people who wants to lost 100 pounds!! I jus started at a gym, what equipment would be best for me to use? I want my belly,thighs and arm fat gone!!!! Thanks so much 🙂

    1. Ask a gym member, they should be more n happy to help you about the machines and their uses! And yea, i am in the same boat to! Lose a 100 pounds so i can join the military. Keep at it and dont give up! Also music helps while working out big time! =)

  2. If you really want to lose you will need to change three things. You will firstly need to change your diet. You don’t have to go on a diet and cut down what you eat. Just replace all of the unhealthy stuff you currently eat with healthier options. Secondly you have got to exercise. You don’t have to go all out and go till you pass out. Just what you are comfortable with. Walking, biking and swimming are brilliant cardio exercises. Esp swimming which works the whole body. Once your comfortable with the pace you have set then up it another 10-15 mins and so on. Thirdly you need a powerfull motivation in order to keep going. Something that means more to you than anything you have. Something you would give anything for such as being able to see your kids grow up or gran kids grow. Untill the 4 of Jan I couldnt find a reason and up untill that point I was in a really low place and just wished it would end. But I found a reason to do this and although I’m only quarter way there it is what keeps me going. And like the previous post said I’m now addicted to losing . Also music helps me while I’m exercising. Little lyrics such as ‘ what’s worth the prize is always worth the fight’ which is from the song if today was your last day motivate me to keep going. I also allow myself 1 day a week (sunday) where I can relax and not think about the gym or my diet and can eat a good relatively healthy meal (usually a roast dinner) knowing that I have earned it. You say that your 52 and I know I said you don’t have to diet just change it but I chose to diet because I’m 25 now and don’t want to be knocking on the pearly gates in the next 10 yrs or so. How ever you chose to go for it I hope it works out for you and you reach your desired so good luck.

  3. I’m 52 years old, weigh 308 lbs, and want to get down to 185. Need to lose123 pounds. Any help appreciated. I don’t want to diet, I just want to develop new, sustainable, behaviours.
    Many motivating posts here.

    1. You can do it just go out and find people who like to walk and ride bikes for fun instead of going out to the latest restaurant or having cookouts. If you cannot find anyone you can do it yourself. You can move while watching tv shows, tv commercials, or just do it while sitting down and moving. Anything is a start and there are a lot of healthy foods out there just them out and learn how to to make them yourself. Once the start coming off you will be addicted to loosing more than eating your favorite fat saturated meal or sweet.

      1. I’ve picked up on exercise but it sucks walking in the winter with all our slush, ice, and snow. Anyway, am walking for 2 miles, about 5 times per week and doing about 40 min of cardio at the gym another 3 days per week. Doing light , trying not to injure myself, about 30 min twice per week. Looking like I’ll have to up my gym visits and as the weather improves I’ll incorporate more walking, and cycling outside. I do ride a bike. Thanks for your support.

    2. At 308lbs, I’m guessing that bike riding is maybe out of the question and walking is great, if you don’t have to go too far, right? Well, I’m almost in the same situation I guess. Only my left hip was crushed and rebuilt 6 years ago and I’m now at 228lbs, trying to get down to my goal of 135 to be healthier and to get the hip replacement that I need. I have been charting my activities and food intake on WebMD. I cut out all fried foods and Most breads and use my Wii tennis twice a day for about 1/2 hour each time. I also need to use a shopping cart to take off of my hip, but I wander a grocery store reading food labels A LOT now. It’s informative and it burns calories. Just remember, any and all activity that you add burns calories. Dishes, sex, laundry, browsing in stores… anything.
      And look for comparable substitutes to the foods you are accustomed to. If you like chips, try lite or fat free chips, the Lays ones are great. I buy single serving bags of these at subway or the minimarts. If you like miracle whip, use the easy squeeze lite mw, or lite mayo. You’ll be surprised at the difference in calories.
      Heres a lunch sandwich I want to share with you. It’s a favorite of mine now and only has about 210 calories
      1 natures own whole grain sandwich round
      1/4 of a med sized apple sliced thin
      1/4 of a cucumber sliced thin
      handful of raw baby spinach
      1/2 pkg Buddig meats, any all packages are 90 calories if u use the whole thing
      1 1/2 tblsp miracle whip lite
      1 tablespoon mustard, mixed with 1/2 pkt of stevia sweetener
      Pile it all on the round and enjoy, it’s very filling , gives good fiber and lots of other nutrients

      1. Hey, Kim…I actually meant the above statement re biking for you. Yes, I do like riding a bike, even at my . As soon as the snow melts I’m going to consider using my bike a lot more, even for work (a fairly long ride and am not certain I can do it often as I use my car for my job too).
        I’m with you on the carb. i read the book Wheat Belly, and have been eating far fewer carbs overall. I am trying to obsess less on my intake and just am getting use to smaller portions. My danger time is the evening, and I have to confess, I like my alcohol too much. Am trying only to drink on weekends, if at all.
        Thanks for your feedback.

    3. Hi there I am a tad younger but I know what you want to achieve.. I started at 327 pounds and am now at 272.. I lost my first 50 pounds with minimum exercise (walking here and there but thats it) the loss was related to the way I started to view food. (thats a long story)
      I eat of everything (except bread and pasta, very very rarely do I eat those) the difference is in what amount… I keep my calories to 1800 or so a day (10 times the i am aiming for which is at around 180)­.. trust me when your body goes from eating 2500-3500 calories a day to 1800 it reacts.. but dont overdo it… the first 2 weeks is hardest not snacking on everything or eating huge amount of things (I always keep baby carottes, blueberries or a piece of fruit around in case i am very hungry). I would say i eat about 5-6 times a day (about 300 calories at a time). I dont count calories very specifically but I know what they are worth.. exemple I know that an egg is approx. 100 calories, that a slice of bread is about that too.. (yes it may vary between 85-115) but I dont get too obsessive about it. I do however give myself 1 meal of whatever I want during the week..and sometimes i dont even want to be that bad.. ill have something i wouldnt have like hotdogs, i no longer have this need to indulge in large amounts of food (and thats something as I ve been a plus size girl since im 13)… I am down almost 3 sizes and I have about 3 to go..

      I havent given myself a specific goal as I have noticed that sometimes i lose faster and then other times I might stay at same for a week or two.. I try to have tiny goals and trust me it is more motivating to see the little picture then the big one… like one of my firsts goals was to get under 300.. boy was I happy to see 299… since then its been 10 lbs goals.. out of the 90, the 80s and now i,m 2 lbs away from out of the 70s. 🙂 I see the difference in my clothes (im almost out of plus size clothing.. wow to be able to buy clothes anywhere that is a dream of mine).

      ok im rambling on if you want to talk..

      1. I enjoyed your ramble, Celina…. good work. Keep it up. You’ve motivated me and, even though I’m a guy, I too look forward to actually being able to shop for clothes without having to go to Mr. Big and Tall!!! (which is super expensive, by the way)!

  4. If you are determined enough to lose then 1 year is not that long for you. Just continue to monitor your diet and you’ll be surprised to have a fine body physique.

  5. Hi there, very inspired by all of your postings! I am 32 y.o. female and just got the nerve to buy a scale today. I weighed in at 250.4 🙁 that’s the highest i’ve ever been. I started changing my eating habits last weekend and went to a cool kickboxing gym today… the front desk guy was kind of a jerk but the trainers were cool so I will probably start going. 🙂 I finally feel motivated to lose this and am accepting what I need to do. 100 pounds as least. I feel sad because this happened before. I was up to 245 about 6 years ago and I lost about 100 the old fashioned way through lots of cardio and eating right… a few ex boyfriends, parents divorce, and some job changes later here I am again. Well, I guess if I did it before… I can do it again? I have to. I hope I can make a life change this time for good. Any support is appreciated! And any advice too! 🙂

  6. Just completed week 4 of my diet and exercising and really going great now. I set my self a year to lose 98 pound which would take me to my ideal body of 14 stone. As of last Tuesdays weigh in I had lost 18 pound and now tonights weigh in I have lost 26 pound. I’m absolutely thrilled to bits with this and although I know this pace won’t last it would be brilliant if I could lose twice as much by my birthday in July. Good luck all and keep going.

  7. Just done my weekly weigh in for the 3rd week now which I’m doing every Tuesday night. I started out 3 weeks ago weighing 294 lbs. At my last weigh in I was down to 284 lbs. Now tonights weigh in I am down to 276 lbs. I couldn’t believe I had lost so much from my last weigh in and had to weigh my self 3 times to make sure and came up with same each time. I’m over the moon with this because I have worked really hard over the last 3 weeks with my diet and the gym and getting good results from it now. Can’t wait for next weigh in now and hopefully ill have lost even more. Just incase any of you haven’t settled on a diet yet I settled for the soup diet and seems to be working now. Just an idea some of you might want to try. Good luck with whichever diet and execise regime you all choose to stick with and once again hope you all reach your goals.

    1. I’m in the same boat you are. I weigh 289 (was weighing 180 when I was married), and need to lose it bad. my family is over, so having a hard time but going to start this program and hope it helps. I dislocated my knee in a work injury so it’s hard to do some exercises and running, but hopefully cutting calories will help. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I need help!!!!

      1. two words, Wii Tennis. My hip was crushed and rebuilt with screws and plated, too young for hip replacement and was in too much trauma for the surgery at the time of the accident. Also , many many moons ago, a crushed rt knee cap so I get where u are coming from. Wii tennis is great . you can work up a real sweat and not have to do any bouncing around on your lower joints, you just sort of sway with the motion of the swings, also the Wii baseball is great. I’m not the only one touting Wii. I’ve volunteered at nursing homes where they use the Wii even for people in wheelchairs, because ANY exercise is good exercise.

  8. I enjoyed reading some of the posts. I need to loose at least 100 pounds, but have very bad knees. I have no friends or support network so I am hoping that this will be the place for me. Thanks everyone.

    1. may have the support you need. It’s all FREE and there are teams you can join and people you can connect with…of all ages.

    2. Try looking online , utube or arthritis websites for videos of chair/sitting exercises. There are some really good ones that basicly involve using light free s or exer-bands for your arms while “marching” while sitting. These are great for toning and strengthening your erector muscles, lower back and tummy because they insist you sit up straight while doing them. If this is uncomfortable, try using a small, child’s playground ball to support the arch of your back while in a straight backed (diner or conference room style) chair, leaning back onto the ball. This helped me because it took some of the stress off of my hips and knees and acted like a tri pod of support while exercising.

    3. I too have had problems with my knees and also swelling. Oddly enough after I excercise I really feel better. I don’t seem to have as many problems with my knees as well. I am just starting and I am 5’5 and weigh 346. I started slow but within two weeks I was walking a mile and a half and ridding almost two miles on the bike at the gym. Who Knew!

  9. Has anyone looked into Juicing to help aid loss? I watched Fat, Sick, and Almost dead on netflix and it had me thinking. Even if you did a 7 day juiceing detox, you can lose anywhere from 10-40lbs! Throw in exercise and watch the drop. I am getting a juicer and trying it for at least a day and see if I can handle that.. then take it 1 day at a time. Some have done it for 60 days and lost up to 110lbs. If this will help get my energy back, clear my skin issues with hives/rashes, ect.. It is worth the effort. Purchasing my juicer tomorrow. everything I have read about juiceing showed nothing negative. You are getting the nutrition your body has been missing. I havea recipe that I will try and I have been told it almost tastes like lemonade.. I might like this after all!

      1. Juicing is great but can get VERY expensive. Just a thought and something I did last year was I bought several packs of seeds (cucumber/tomato/spinach/peppers/onions) and planted them indoors. Planted WAY more than needed and offered to a local friend who has an annual garden. I told him he could have all of them (dozens and dozens of started plants) if I could pick when needed. He was thrilled not to have to buy the plants and tilled up several extra rows in his garden. I spent about $60 and juiced fresh juice for $0 all summer. Just a thought.

        Good luck to all!

  10. Hello All,

    Long time no post…partially because every once in a while the site owners decide to require registration to post and then reverse their decision when they see that nobody is posting at all…..anywhoo…..

    Tomorrow is the 1-year anniversary of my journey. I have lost 130lbs over the last year…dropping from 386 to 256. My goal at the moment is 225 lbs so I am almost there. Pant size went from the 60+ neighborhood to 40-42″ I no longer have to buy big and tall crap and fit into XL jackets and shirts now. Bloodpressure went from something like (and I forget exactly) 130-140 / 90-95 to 117-120 / 70-75 along with seriously good triglyceride levels and healthy HDL levels. LDL still a little high but that isn’t necessarily all related and I need a follow up study because there are 2 types of LDL and they think I have the “good” type and not the bad one. Resting heartrate started 75-80 and it had dipped into the low 40’s but has settled in the mid-50’s. They think the low 40’s was my body adjusting to just being a lot smaller and still having a larger blood volume.

    Truthfully, I reached this 130lb loss months ago but have been flat from Thanksgiving through now…and I am actually thrilled about it because I ate like a pig (for my new lifestyle) and managed to still hold steady. Also, now that it’s all over I got right back on the horse.

    I wish you all luck! If you have questions, feel free to ask or search for some of my posts below, also posted under my name “Mike”

    1. hey Mike , congrats . Just wanted to let you know your post’s changed a lot in me , from 240 pounds i came to 170 pounds . If possible drop your email id

  11. Well started week three of my challenge to lose . Going to gym 2hrs a night 6 nights a week and diet is going good. Not had a drop of alcohol for 2 weeks now or a cigarette in that time either. I started out at 294 lbs I now weigh 284 lbs and am feeling great. Still a long way to go but I’m determined to reach 200lbs by next january. Hope you all keep working towards your goals an reach them. Good luck all.

  12. Hi, I’m 13 soon and I weigh 124 pounds Im sure I’m really fat I hate being fat! I feel like all my friends are skinny and then there’s me I’m sick of it. I am really sporty, I dance for 9 hours every week and go swimming 3 times a week, I eat really healthily however I’m really fat!!!!!! I started a diet and more exercise plan 2 weeks ago and so far I have lost 6 pounds but I really want to lose 29lbs in 74 days and I need some really good tips please Because I just need to lose !

    1. Oh hunny pie. Don’t even consider losing 29 pounds from a fairly normal 124 . At 13 your body is still changing and for a girl that’s even more the case. You didn’t say how tall you are. If you are doing all that exercise, I am betting you are a really healthy 124 lbs. You simply must remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and that 9 times out of 10 those really skinny girls don’t do any exercise other than texting so they look thinner and weigh less because they have NO muscle tone. What you are really seeing when you look at them is gristle attached to bone with a light skin covering. lol
      IF you really think you are over, ask your parents to let you see a liscensed nutritionist . This person is trained to look at you as a whole picture. Will look at your body, and your activity level and everything, then help you decide the best food choices for a lifetime of good health.

  13. Hi, I’m 13 soon and I weigh 124 pounds Im sure I’m really fat I hate being fat! I feel like all my friends are skinny and then there’s me I’m sick of it. I am really sporty, I dance for 9 hours every week and go swimming 3 times a week, I eat really healthily however I’m really fat!!!!!! I started a diet and more exercise plan 2 weeks ago and so far I have lost 6 pounds but I really want to lose 29lbs in 74 days and I need some really good tips please

  14. been a while since i logged on. I have been watching what I eat, I have completely stopped eating out for lunch. Every day I pack a lunch for work and I drink water only. so far I have been exercising 3x weekly. I an on my way to 100 lbs loss. I haven’t gotten on a scale as of yet. I guess I am somewhat afraid that I won’t have any results but I am not going to give up. I want my life back.Good luck to everyone here.

  15. So happy I found this site. I am 19, almost 20. Will be 20 in Sept. I weigh in at about 258 lbs, literally the biggest I have ever been in my life. I go to school full time, and study a fair amount of time. I have been big all my life and it’s really time to change. School starts in about a week or so from now, and my workouts will start immediately when I get back. I plan on hitting the gym for 1 to 2 hours 3 days a week doing strength and cardio workouts, the other 3 days a week I plan on doing small target workouts for about 30 mins in the mornings and evenings. I also plan on getting up every morning and walking for about an hour and maybe an hour in the evenings. I hope to lose about 110-120 lbs overall, with my ideal being at about 140 – 145 lbs. My diet will consist mostly of lowfat dairy, oatmeal, wheat bread, lots of fruits and veggies, and lean proteins. I will do monthly updates. I know I can do this, I need to not only for myself and my confidence but to motivate some of my roommates who also want to do the same. The three of us will be doing this together. Happy loss everyone !

    1. Hey, We are in the same situation my friend! I am 20 (just turned it) and i weigh about 244 (250 when i started) losing is tough in college. I figured out a plan though cause if you have work-study just do work-study at the gym if you can. Also use a salad bowl instead of a plate. It looks like more but it really isn’t and you only need one bowl, at least for me and even if I’m hungry I don’t get seconds haha. I’d like to email you or talk to you maybe once a month to talk about losing for a year. It’s gonna be tough but its do able. haha. Also I watch this Youtube channel called Shayloss and this guy shay carl lost 100 pounds in a year and he vloged about it. It was pretty cool. Well anyways good luck man!

  16. Been a week since I started to go to gym and diet. Been doing a hour in the gym every night except Sunday and cut my calorie intake quite drastically to around 1300 a day but not feeling hungry and got more energy now. I have currently lost 7 lbs over the last week and I’m starting to enjoy it. There are a number of reasons why I’m doing this and know I will do it. Mainly for my health but also because I miss the companionship of a woman in my life and

  17. Hello 🙂
    I will be 21 years old tomorrow, January 9th. I weigh 299lbs currently. I started dieting January 2nd and my first day at the gym was yesterday. I have lost 5lbs so far, my beginning was 304lbs. Cutting out soda helps a lot for me because I am usually a big soda drinker, but I’m happy to say I haven’t had one since I’ve started dieting. My goal is to lose 100lbs by January 2, 2013. My overall goal is to lose around 130lbs – 150lbs and I think I would finally be happy with myself. During the summer of 2008 my starting was around 250lbs – 255lbs and I lost 50+ lbs. I was extremely proud of myself, and wanted to keep going. I started dating my current boyfriend in November of that same year and I started gaining like crazy. We would go out to eat a lot just to have alone time and talk, which I know now was an awful choice. I have gained nearly 100lbs in the 3 years we have been together and that scares me. The weekend of New Years I was sitting in the living room and felt my heart racing for no apparent reason and at work I run out of breath just going up a flight of stairs… These two issues have been my “rude awakening”. I was already planning on losing as my “New Years Resolution”, just as most people do lol. But I am truely serious about getting this off !! I’m 21, not 80 🙁 I shouldn’t be having heart problems or running out of breath so easily. I want to have a happy and healthy family someday. I can’t live this way anymore !! I came across this site today and read a few of the other comments. I never really noticed how many other people are having the same issues as me, I’m happy I’m not the only one !! Good luck to everyone and don’t give up on your goals !!
    – Samantha

    1. Samantha,
      Your situation is mirror mind even though much older, this is how I had the creep on me. I remember when I was your age my mother would say ‘ loose the now when you are young now that I am twice your age I am still struggling with the . I need to loose 100lbs too, and have started. Remember your boyfriend wont put the on (well some dont) but you will. My blood pressure is high, my heart is racing, but I hope not to give up in this new life of loss. Also dont take any short cuts, do it by cutting calories and exercising.

      1. Ann,
        Thank you for the advice 🙂 I have cut out a lot of calories, I cut out soda altogether and that’s huge for me. The other night my boyfriend took me to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and I ordered a grilled chicken sandwhich and got a salad on the side instead of fries, I was proud of myself lol. My boyfriend has been dieting a little too and has been going to the gym, so it’s nice to have his support. Also, I go to an all girls gym with a couple of my friends so it’s not only supportive having them there, it makes it fun too. I try to calculate how many calories I eat during the day and base my workout somewhat on that because I work out at the end of the day (that’s the only time I really can). I feel so refreshed eventhough I have only lost 5lbs so far, it has motivated me a lot to go further. Good luck to you and your loss goals !! I hope the best for you 🙂

  18. Although I didn’t put any on over Xmas my has been slowly creeping up for for most of my adult life. I’m 25 and 6’1 tall and at the mo top the scales at 294 pounds. Haven’t been eating right since new year and had pretty much nothing for the last 3 days which I no is not good for me. Been feelin down about my for a long time and said to myself that is it. I have joined my local gym and going been twice this week and once I get into a rythem go more times. I am 26 in July and would love to be as close to 200 lbs as poss so goin to dig in and get my life back before its to late. Haven’t really set up a diet yet because like I said iv not been eating of late but would appreciate some ideas that have worked with the rest of you. Thanx and ill keep you all posted. Good luck to all of you and hope you reach your targets 🙂

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