May 18, 2024

This is one of those kind of crazy questions but interesting at the same time, How to lose 100 pounds.

If you are very over how would you lose 100 pounds in one year? Well I have never had to lose 100 pounds but am up for the challenge of how it can be done.

Can you lose 100 pounds in a year?

how to lose 100 poundsFor more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle book review or my diet program review.

First of all lets all be aware that losing 100 pounds in one year is certainly possible. Many people have achieved this feat and many will lose 100 pounds in a year in the future.

The math of losing 100 pounds in a year

There is simple math in how to lose 100 pounds in one year you would need to lose eight pounds a month for a year which is about 2 pounds for week.

Losing two pounds per week is certainly possible but the problem is that it is hard to keep this rate up for an entire year. You will find that you will lose far more than 10 pounds in your first month and then your loss will slow down after a couple of months only to pick up again in the last few months.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Now As we all know there are two sides to the loss question: input and output that is caloric intake in eating and output when your metabolism is burning calories. This sounds easy and in fact it is an easy idea to understand and implement but it is very difficult to act on for any length of time.

Lose 100 pounds in a year plan

OK here it goes for how to lose 100 pounds in a year. First thing is to drop your caloric intake. For many people this may be really obvious but for most people it is a real education to find out what they are eating wrong and changing it.

First you will need to drop your calories that you take in probably significantly but take out some calories each week and watch how your body and energy react. Remember you are in this for the long haul not just a few weeks this time.

Your diet should get

  • 30 percent of its calories from protein,
  • 50 percent of its calories from carbohydrates and
  • 20 percent of calories from fats.

Remember fats contain twice the calories per pound that protein or carbohydrates contain so the fat level is actually quite low.

Next is to make sure that you are splitting your three main meals into six meals during the day to properly nourish your body and stop it from thinking that you are starving.

Drink lots of water. You will find that drinking a lot of water will help you lose up to 10 pounds all by itself in the first couple of weeks as your body stops being bloated and your equilibrium is reset.

Exercise to lose 100 pounds

Next is the exercise portion of your changes. Losing 100 pounds in a year just by eating correctly would be impossible as your body would quickly rebel against you.

You must get exercise for 30 minutes twice every day for six days a week. This means that some days will have cardio morning and night and some days will have one cardio workout and one workout.

The twice a day regimen is designed to keep you metabolism high all day instead of having it drop off 12 hours or so after your last workout, also having a lot of exercise will change the way that your body chemistry works.

The reason to do cardio is obvious and that is to raise your metabolism and burn calories.

How to lose 100 pounds

Doing weights is also very important as while you are losing you want to keep your muscle mass and of course muscle takes a lot more calories to maintain than fat so you will over time be burning even more calories than you are now.

The attitude that will lose you 100 pounds in a year

Lastly to lose 100 pounds in a year you need to change your entire attitude towards health, exercise, eating and your own confidence in life.

Making these changes may be very difficult but you are going to find that you have a much better chance of succeeding once you snap out of the way that you look at life and instead start to think about how your life is as a fit person.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Stop comparing yourself to the people around you and instead join a running club or come other club that promotes health and where the idea of running 20 miles on a Sunday does not seem crazy like most people think but is instead just a fun afternoon outing.

This may seem like an oversimplification of what it takes to lose 100 pounds in a year and maybe it is.

There will be high points and low points in the next year but you will learn from your accomplishments and defeats how to change yourself as a person and make consistently1 better choices.

Good luck to you. Let me know how things are working out in your quest in how to lose 100 pounds.

1,014 thoughts on “How to lose 100 pounds in a year

  1. Tere – Thank you for keeping an update on your journey. I feel encouraged. I hope you continue to post about your lost journey.

    I started out this past Monday (1/26) at 308 lbs. I’m following the Six Week Body Makeover. I have had the program for a couple of years but could never stick with it past the first couple of days because of severe headaches and not keeping up with cooking healthy. This time around I feel more committed. I want to make a healthy lifestyle change. I don’t want to have cravings for sodas, candy and fast food. I’ve read somewhere that once you kick the habit, you won’t have those craving anymore. I’m praying that is the case. I’m currently exercising twice a day mid morning/evening – 30 minutes Walk Away the Pounds and 30 Minutes of Aerobics.

    I liked the suggestion of a food book that was mentioned. I want to track my results each week to know what is working and what’s not working. Good luck to everyone!!

  2. So many of you have such encouraging stories. I weigh 230 lbs at 5’4″ and 40 years old. I had three children in 3 years beginning at age 34, and very little of my 90 lbs total gain came off. In August, 2008, I was on my way to walk in the park when I was involved in an auto accident and shattered my knee. It has been an awful, uphill battle, but I know if I am ever going to be able to walk again and play with my children, I’ve got to lose and take the strain off my knee. I have struggled with my to some extent throughout my life but had been able to maintain a fairly active lifestyle. I am beginning my journey now and will keep posting to be accountable and to encourage others. I hope the best for everyone that has posted, and congratulations to those of you who have met your goals!

  3. Elizabeth, I have lost 70 lbs – finally broke thru a plateau that lasted 3 weeks but for fast food I have a caesar side salad (which is $1) (pitch the carrots) and use 1/3 to 1/2 of the caesar dressing and I ask for a tendergrill breast diced in a pouch for $1.50…. A friend of mine got a lap band and for me it’s helped me so much to realize that it’s all about portion control… You CAN do this, I swear if I can do this anybody else can!! I started about 8/15 at 332 lbs and am 261 1/2 now and I can’t even tell you the energy that I have and how happy I am!! It’s about you!! Good luck.

  4. My name is Elizabeth my whole life i have been over . i dont ever remember being “normal” i turned 19 a few months ago and i weigh 310. Its embarassing for me to look at myself. I think about how it would feel to shop at a regular store and how it would feel to walk up to my classrooms and not feel like im going to pass out. I have eaten fast food my whole life. MY WHOLE LIFE! My dad was a single parent and he just gave us fast food because he was always working all the time and never had time to cook. I was so used to eating junk all the time i never stopped. Its hard to believe you can do something when it feels nobody has your back. I know one day i will do it. i just hope it wont be to late.

  5. Hello everyone I am 29 years old and I 309 and I will be having my 2nd child on April 1st . I really would like to do a complete life change after i have my baby. I know that it is going to be hard so i would be grateful for any feedback on how i can do this life change so i can be able live and see my children grow up and have children.

  6. hi ana ! i know how u feel .. i use to binge eating too … know when i feel emotional, i take my journal and say how i feel !! i dont think about the food while im writing… u should try it

  7. Hey every1,

    feeling really terrible today i read all the amazing journeys every1 is on but i cant stick to it i manage 1 or 2 days then as soon as i have an arguement with my family or work is really hard i reach out for the food and binge eat so much. i looked at myself 2day for a long time in the mirror and i feel sick with what i saw and i know i have so many health issues but i am so scared to go see a doctor because of what they might say. i just feel it wont work for me and i will always be the fat girl that sits in the corner trying to hide but cant because she is so big. i just wish someone could give me advice about binge eating or emtional eating how to avoid it. and i hope everyone is successful in their loss

  8. Hi everyone, I am surprised at all the recent posts from very young people – I don’t mean any offense but it’s the same patterns of wanting it all and now. I really encourage you to read thru the posts and try to see some of the journeys and the lessons others are doing. For me (42) I had to realize this was for life, this was for me and of course I have not met my goal yet but I am down about 65 lbs now and I started on about 8/15/08 I still have a long way to go but I wish I could really tell you how awesome I feel and for you to be able to really understand it, my life has improved in so many ways that I did not expect, I have tons of energy and really I started just controlling diet and went adding exercise now it’s very comfortable for me to eat the way that I do it feels “normal” I wanted to be normal for a long time – I’ve had to learn portion control, I’ve learned to taste and enjoy not just eat – sometimes I just want that first bite (and sometimes 2nd) 🙂 I don’t drink anything but 1 coffee in a.m. (with splenda and no i did not give up the 2 T of cream) and water all day long – I could do soda but really I think that was the problem before and it was a temporary crutch but I find I don’t get hungry (mostly) when I stay away from it so I do. My poison was sugar so I avoid that 100% unless it’s natural as in a fruit (I eat 2 a day) this is forever, this is for me, I hope you find this or you and stay the course, you don’t need to win some sort of deadline make sure your goals are realistic and be good to yourself. Learn to love yourself and do this for you. Wish you all the very best luck and you can do this – every day is a chance for success!!

  9. Crystle, that diet sounds really unhealthy. You will probably end up putting on extra . Your body will go into shock with the food deprivation and start storing more fats. Believe it or not, eating four to five small healthy meals a day will allow you to lose more . Hope I was able to help.

  10. Hi. I am 26 years old, and I weigh 260. I have gained 120 pounds since graduating, and would love to get back to at least my high school . My goal is to be between 140-160 by this time next year. I have tried some other diets, but i really want to do it this time with plain old exercise and eating right. I just had a baby five months ago, and I am determined to be able to chase him around next winter without getting winded or tired. Everyone else here has such amazing stories and I hope to add to them. If anyone at all has any tips or inspirations please let me know. I could really use someone to talk to who is going through the same ordeal. You can reach me at

  11. Heyyyyy,, i’m 17 years old, nd for as long as i can remember i have always been over,, im about 240lb if not more nd its gettin me really depressed cos its effecting me at school and goin out, i dnt like goin out the house that much cos i feel that uncomforable… i have tried dieting b4 but it jst doesnt work…. i really want to loose this nd get down to between 10-12 st … but the prob i am a reallllllllllllllllllll fussy eater so that doesnt help so im askin if anyone might have any pointer or jst in genral help with the eating part,, can’t explain what i mean any better.

    I’ve read some of the comments nd there pretty amazing well to be they are =]



  13. I made my comments to this post back on November 28, almost 45 days ago and was motivated at the time. I fell back into overeating and you know the story.
    About the 10th of December after bingeing on my favorite foods I sat in my lazy-boy chair and had to unbutton my pants to breath. They were so so tight and hurt. My skin on my belly was getting sore, I believe from the formation of stretch marks. Later that night I got on the internet and found a 12 step program I thought would help with this food addiction/obsession and found some places I could go for 1 on 1 support and group help. It has paid off in many ways so far.
    I went for a Dr. visit and told him of my desire to lose and had an idea of what would be neccessary. He and I took a picture together in his office that day and I pray, as I say goodbye to every pound that drops off, I won’t ever have to deal with that pound again. I have found that I cannot stay disciplined and adhere to a healthy plan of eating on my own and I had to call on divine intervention and ask for the power to overide my human weaknesses.
    The scales said I had lost 19 pounds this morning and I have 81 pounds to go till I get to a healthy .
    I get emails occasionally from this site and always enjoy getting them and I encourage everyone to keep their morale up and keep doing whats working for you.
    The clothes that were so tight are now comfortable to wear and look forward to being able to one day wear nice clothes that fit and look nice on me.
    God Bless to All!!!
    Chip K. Nashville, Tennessee

  14. I set goals as a reward to myself then set a new goal. I dont make it so off the wall that its impossible to do, but it definately gives me something to work towards. I have long term and short term goals/rewards. Otherwise, id lose interest and end up gaining again. changing the way you eat is the big key here along with drinking LOTS of water. I’m in routine now with my water. I wake up and drink a glass of ice cold water. I get to work, fill up with more water. Lunch time.. water Once in awhile I will add a drink packet for some flavor but I make sure theres not sodium in it. I found Walmart brand is the only brand that doesn’t have all that extra stuff. Make healthy choices and drink plenty of water. Junk food doesn’t even grab my interest anymore. I was in a watchers meeting and they hand out these 1 point peanut butter chewy bars.. it was really small. It took me like 20 minutes to finish mine. Others had theirs gone before I had opened mine. Everyone is different and need to find what works for them. If carbs are your downfall.. cut back. Dont stop it completely. People that are over arent always over because they eat to much. They dont eat enough. I was eating once a day, twice if I’m lucky. I learned that you had to build up your metabolism and eat at least every 2hrs small healthy choices. Plus drink the water. Tea is ok as long as you aren’t pouring the sugar in it. <~~Guilty of that. So i dont drink tea and dont like coffee. Find your trigger food. Most people its choc.

    These are some rules I follow or at least try my best to as far as food consumption:
    Bad foods
    Pizza, soda, pasta, baked goods, fried foods, high sugar like candy, Rice.. thats just some of the stuff i keep in mind while shopping. Then theres filling foods that are healthy choices. So much to learn and I only found this stuff for myself by research and diets failing. Atkins made me realize how much back carbs I was ingesting. I actually backed off A LOT after doing the atkins. Fililng foods I found by doing the fatloss for idiots diet.

    DJ is right. a 3 or more day binge is bad!

  15. It takes time, and almost all of us cheat once in a while. It helps to know in advance what you will do when you DO have a bad slip-up (the tollhouse cookies or super supreme pizza or whatever)…recognize it will happen, and have a plan to get back on healthy eating track. I liked the diet plans at website for Brigham and Women’s Hospital
    -have used the 1200 and 1500 calorie plans for ideas, great browsing at that site for information also. I try to plan one day a week to have some kind of meal that I usually wouldn’t make part of my regular diet, now that I am sure I can generally stick to a diet that keeps me on track toward goal.

  16. Hi everybody,

    I usually just like to read blogs but hopefully my post will help someone in someway because i saw soooo many post from the young people who should NOT be dealing with this issue and it made me reflect on myself. I am now 38 years old and can remember trying to lose as far back as elementary school. Over the past 20 years, i have wasted thousands of dollars on diet foods, meal plans, pills, and equipment that i either eventually gave away or threw in the trash. I have lost 100+ pounds on 3 separate occassions using different “diets” and gained it all back 1) medifast 2) Atkins 3) Fat Fast.

    I think it’s great that there are so many resources and outlets for young people today to find help and support. I remember trying to diet when i was younger and there was no discussions ANYWHERE about loss except the Richard Simmon Show:) I’ll try and keep it short and sweet but out of all my attempts to lose , I did not continue eating the same way and doing the same things I did to lose the . It’s not a short term diet until you reach a number or size but how you need to eat for life. Find an eating plan you can live with and stick with it for life if you want to keep it off. Don’t try a quick fix to lose if you can’t eat that way long term because it will put you on a life long roller coaster of ups and downs. I know alot of people say set goals but i disagree. Don’t put pressure on yourself to lose some astronomical amount of in a few weeks or months. It may take years and its going to take a lifetime to keep it off anyway so no hurry. Don’t stop or give up if you cheat or are not losing fast enough. Don’t let the scale control your life. If there are foods that cause you to cheat, learn to create a healthier version you can have. Real food is better than prepackaged anything and stick to plain water, tea, and coffee. Stop with all the mixes, diet soda, and even premade protein shakes and make your own smoothies. Basically try and eat cleaner, get some physical activity everyday–walking, standing, stretching, journalize, and stay motivated. Any movement is better than lying down or sitting down. Don’t focus so much on not wanting to be fat but focus on turning yourself into the person who will consistently do the same things for the rest of your life to achieve and then maintain a healthy . Oh yeah! Don’t turn one treat into a 3 day binge. 1 treat will not cause a 5 pound gain but a 3 day binge will! And if it takes a long time to lose or your body stalls, don’t say screw it and head to the nearest food court. Log on and just read for inspiration and drink water when you’re down and out. Sorry i lied, this post was not short but hopefully sweet:)

  17. Hi, I am 18 years old and I weigh in at 260 pounds. I read this page and Im going to give it a try lose a hundred pounds in a year. I have gone on diets and exersize but my problem is being consistant, I seem to give up to easily. I think its because my family puts a lot of presure on me to lose the , and I tired of it. I really do want to slim down for myself by its hard staying motivated, any advise?

  18. Hope everyone had a great holiday and is off to a great start. For me the weigh loss journey started on Aug 15th at 332 lbs. I am VERY happy to report that I am 269 so I’ve lost 62 lbs in about what 4 1/2 months. 🙂 It was really slow in the beginning and I never really exercised much until recently – it seems after losing 50 lbs my body just BEGGED to move and I realized I was dancing all the time to the radio so I am slowly exercising (and sore) but I don’t want to overdoo it – just dancing, walking and doing stuff like squats, touching toes, etc and my body just feels soooo good. Skin? yep, that is a fear and I’ve actually been watching it hang and then pick up – it’s been scary at times – specially the double chin (which I do exercises for and have seen it drop and pick up twice already) and my breasts have just been a mess (going from a DDD now to a DD) but they fell, came up some, felt empty and well you know what? I don’t really care what any of my skin does!!! I will lose the and reach my goal and give my body time to catch up and shrink and if it doesn’t well then we’ll have to get all that surgery and if it leaves scars and they are too ugly – heck I’ll get tatoos!! lol As long as the fat is gone I will deal with the skin later!! 🙂 Best of luck to everyone, yes, you can do this. It’s about eating less and moving more.

  19. oh and danielle, i think about loose skin CONSTANTLY!! it’s so unfair to not only live life fat and have to go through soooooooooooooooo much just to lose the , but also to have to fear loose skin in the end when we finally reach our goals!!!!! BLEH.

    this fear has actually been part of my self-destruction in the past, like what’s the point if i’m gonna look gross in the end anyway?? but then just recently i realized that it doesn’t matter!! i’ve got this to lose, for my health, both physical and mental, and if in the end i’m left with flaps of loose skin then i’ll deal with it at that point and no sooner!

    let’s all try our best to get through this without worrying about the exact end results and do things the right way (eating right and exercising, not depriving/starving ourselves, lose the steadily and not too much at once) and maybe we won’t ever even SEE that loose skin! and if we do, like i said before, who cares?? hey, there’s always lipo! and i am totally serious about that…. as an added incentive, i am putting a few bucks in a piggybank for every pound i lose and i plan on using this money to reward myself for goals reached along the way. and hey, instead of a shopping spree in the end, maybe i’ll use the cash for some cosmetic surgery instead, if i end up needing it to complete my transformation!!

    …but again whatever, let’s just get there first!!!!! : )

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