May 5, 2024

I like to kick start my day by getting some exercise in the morning. As you may or may not know the morning is the best time to exercise and there are several reason for this.

First of all when you get up and workout right away whether running, biking, swimming or doing weights, there is nothing to really stop you.

If you wait until the evening you are often stuck because you can have commitments that will get in the way and as we all know if you do not make time for exercise it will disappear very quickly

Another reason to workout in the morning is to get your metabolism going and to jump start your body and mind for the day ahead.

There is nothing like getting your heart rate and sweat going. After getting a workout in the morning you have a clearer head and a lot of energy. This is one of my main reasons for getting my morning workout in.

morning exercise

Lastly, the best reason for working out in the morning is that you will raise your metabolism and will burn more calories in the morning.

If you were not to work out in the morning then you would keep that slow metabolism until lunch but if you do get that workout in you are going to be pumping up that metabolism and burning lots of calories.

One more tip. After you workout in the morning try to wait an hour or so before you eat. There is a good fat burning going on right after your workout and if you eat right away then your body will not burn the fat but instead will take the glucose out of what you have just eaten.

4 thoughts on “Exercising in the morning is important

  1. Sumo wrestlers do not eat before morning exercise because they want to gain . Not eating keeps their metabolism low. They gorge after the morning exercise and then rest, enhancing their efforts to gain .

    Hence, a little food before that morning workout will jump start the metabolism and allow it to operate at a higher level during exercise. Eating afterword is important, but only eat a small amount. Keep eating small healthy, metabolism friendly amounts throughout the day.

    My two cents!

  2. “After you workout in the morning try to wait an hour or so before you eat.” Wrong. Your body needs the calories you lost immediately after you exercise. Waiting to eat will only raise lower the metabolism you were trying to raise while exercising. Eating right after will replenish your body so that it won’t go into starvation mode (e.g. using the foods you eat later as storage).

    Overall, great article. I was very curious about exercising in the morning, and now I am sure to try that out!

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