May 18, 2024

This is one of those kind of crazy questions but interesting at the same time, How to lose 100 pounds.

If you are very over how would you lose 100 pounds in one year? Well I have never had to lose 100 pounds but am up for the challenge of how it can be done.

Can you lose 100 pounds in a year?

how to lose 100 poundsFor more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle book review or my diet program review.

First of all lets all be aware that losing 100 pounds in one year is certainly possible. Many people have achieved this feat and many will lose 100 pounds in a year in the future.

The math of losing 100 pounds in a year

There is simple math in how to lose 100 pounds in one year you would need to lose eight pounds a month for a year which is about 2 pounds for week.

Losing two pounds per week is certainly possible but the problem is that it is hard to keep this rate up for an entire year. You will find that you will lose far more than 10 pounds in your first month and then your loss will slow down after a couple of months only to pick up again in the last few months.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Now As we all know there are two sides to the loss question: input and output that is caloric intake in eating and output when your metabolism is burning calories. This sounds easy and in fact it is an easy idea to understand and implement but it is very difficult to act on for any length of time.

Lose 100 pounds in a year plan

OK here it goes for how to lose 100 pounds in a year. First thing is to drop your caloric intake. For many people this may be really obvious but for most people it is a real education to find out what they are eating wrong and changing it.

First you will need to drop your calories that you take in probably significantly but take out some calories each week and watch how your body and energy react. Remember you are in this for the long haul not just a few weeks this time.

Your diet should get

  • 30 percent of its calories from protein,
  • 50 percent of its calories from carbohydrates and
  • 20 percent of calories from fats.

Remember fats contain twice the calories per pound that protein or carbohydrates contain so the fat level is actually quite low.

Next is to make sure that you are splitting your three main meals into six meals during the day to properly nourish your body and stop it from thinking that you are starving.

Drink lots of water. You will find that drinking a lot of water will help you lose up to 10 pounds all by itself in the first couple of weeks as your body stops being bloated and your equilibrium is reset.

Exercise to lose 100 pounds

Next is the exercise portion of your changes. Losing 100 pounds in a year just by eating correctly would be impossible as your body would quickly rebel against you.

You must get exercise for 30 minutes twice every day for six days a week. This means that some days will have cardio morning and night and some days will have one cardio workout and one workout.

The twice a day regimen is designed to keep you metabolism high all day instead of having it drop off 12 hours or so after your last workout, also having a lot of exercise will change the way that your body chemistry works.

The reason to do cardio is obvious and that is to raise your metabolism and burn calories.

How to lose 100 pounds

Doing weights is also very important as while you are losing you want to keep your muscle mass and of course muscle takes a lot more calories to maintain than fat so you will over time be burning even more calories than you are now.

The attitude that will lose you 100 pounds in a year

Lastly to lose 100 pounds in a year you need to change your entire attitude towards health, exercise, eating and your own confidence in life.

Making these changes may be very difficult but you are going to find that you have a much better chance of succeeding once you snap out of the way that you look at life and instead start to think about how your life is as a fit person.

Do you hate cardio and still want to lose weight? This plan may be exactly what you are looking for Check it out now

Stop comparing yourself to the people around you and instead join a running club or come other club that promotes health and where the idea of running 20 miles on a Sunday does not seem crazy like most people think but is instead just a fun afternoon outing.

This may seem like an oversimplification of what it takes to lose 100 pounds in a year and maybe it is.

There will be high points and low points in the next year but you will learn from your accomplishments and defeats how to change yourself as a person and make consistently1 better choices.

Good luck to you. Let me know how things are working out in your quest in how to lose 100 pounds.

1,014 thoughts on “How to lose 100 pounds in a year

  1. I’ve been trying for months, reading this page, planning my loss. But I haven’t had the motivation, to my shame. I hate being 235 pounds. I want to get down to 115 or less so I can enlist in the navy when my husband graduates from prototype. I want to do all of these things, but I just don’t know how to get motivated. I’m ready to loose the , I know how and what I have to do, I just can’t seem to get myself started. Any advice?

  2. Im 18 years old and i ed 240 pounds. Ive never been the girl that was average size. I have join watchers and the gym. It has been 3 weeks and i have lost a total of 15 pounds. I can notice the difference and i am very much motivated to keep on going with this.

  3. My name is Vee. I am 21 years old. 5’7 & 270 lbs 🙁 My goal is 150lbs, which means I have to lose a total of 120lbs!! I start my diet tomorrow 2/23/2009. I’m gonna be doing the WeightWatchers program. I hope to weigh ATLEAST 180 lbs by this time next year. Wish me luck! and good luck to all of you!

  4. I just wanted to tell you how inspiring you all are. I just want to throw in what I have found works for me. I have lost 30 lbs and have a few more to go but was reading the posts and wanted to share. This is all really about self improvement one day at a time. And it just doesn’t apply to it can apply to anything. Maybe you want to improve your career, home etc. You can’t do it just by sitting on the couch and surfing the net. Of course none of are perfect but sometimes to get out of our rut and change our situation we need to do something with 100% effort. You need a total life style change if you have bad habits like I did.

    Make yourself a schedule that shows what time you will get up, how much time for work (work, studying, household duties, working out etc.) and how much time you have for leisure activities. Stick to the schedule. Life isn’t easy, there is alot of work and effort that needs to be done to get us where we need to be. Schedule when and how much to eat. Get as much knowledge as possible concerning nutrition and health. First thing is to get up off the couch and stand up. If you have to sit down during the day be at your desk at work or at a table at home. Do not lay around in bed or on the couch. I am really bad with this and could do this most of the day if I could. I have seen the problems that this creates both mentally and physically and it is a big problem.

    I really felt unhappy about my health and my appearance so this is what I use to stay motivated.
    I visualize what I want to look like and how I want to feel and from this day forward I can improve myself one cell at a time. I can be what I have always wanted to be. Well maybe I can’t be a supermodel but I can feel like I am improving me. We can be the star of our show. We all have the power to do this. Choose only nutritious foods and visualize that each thing that you put in your mouth has the ability to rebuild the cells of your body and transform every unhealthy body part including your brain if you are depressed as I have sometimes have been. I try to concentrate on the the vitamins and nutrients going in. In your mind’s eye visualize your internal organs processing the healthy food and making repairs to the unhealthy abused parts. If you mess up and eat something unhealthy think of it as damaging your future you. If you are thinking of negative things about yourself and reach for food take comfort in foods that will rebuild what you don’t like about yourself. I visualize during exercise that my heart and lungs are rebuilding themselves. My skin is improving and I am becoming more beautiful and healthier with each work out. I hope you all reach your goals..

  5. Congrats on the new beginning. I started watchers a few weeks ago and lost 7lbs so far. Last 2 weeks have only lost 1lb, each week. If you find yourself hungry, eat filling foods like chicken. Most protein foods are filling foods. Fill most of your diet with high fiber/protein and you should see a difference. If you find yourself hungry between meals, eat an apple or orange. I cut a lot of starch/sugar/carb foods out of my diet also. Small changes make a big difference. Romaine lettuce has more nutrients that your body needs, where as iceburg lettuce has nothing. With Protein, eat until you feel full. Dont limit yourself to small portions. I try not to limit myself to portion sizes unless its fattening or sugar foods. Spaghetti, use whole wheat vs plain. The Whole Wheat/grain will fill you much faster and you will eat much less in the long run. I should really do my own blog for this stuff. lol As far as exercise, some of us found that if we ate and apple before working out, we arent as hungry after. If you are, tell yourself its your metabolism at work. 😀 I try to stay away from snack bars but will occasionally have a fiber one bar. Some of the Slim fast bars have alot of sugar, watch that. compare them to the fiber one bars. Another trick is to drink 8oz of water before every meal. this fills you up so you aren’t eating as much.

  6. This is my 4th week and I have lost about 10lbs. I’m keeping a food journal as well and it has confirmed that I’m an emotional eater. I hate that I think about food often so I have been trying to keep myself busy during the day. I’m now at the point that I am exercising three times a day (morning, noon and night) because it help me take the edge off of wanting to eat. I have found that in the evening after jazzercise, I am really really hungry! Instead of munching on chips, I’m eating 2oz protein and a fruit. After I have taken my shower, drunk my water and I’m still having a sweet craving, I will just eat a Slimfast snack bar. (The peanut butter crunch is absolutely delicious) One day, hopefully I will have the will power to turn away from it but for right now – I would rather eat a 100 calorie snack bar than down a whole bag of hershey kisses. Now if only I can stop getting on the scale every day……..

  7. I’m down 4 more pounds bringing my current total to 16 pounds lost. I have been keeping a food journal and writing down what I’m doing when I get the urge to snack, and what foods I most crave. I know I can’t do the typical salad type diets because unless its a hot meal that I stand up feeling full from I end up fighting the urge to snack all night long (and usually losing that fight) – so what I’ve been doing the last couple weeks is preparing the properly portioned meals, and then doing things like baking several carrots in tinfoil and reheating them when the urge to eat becomes unberrable. Somehow, the cooked carrot is more satisfying then a raw one…. however, I also read that this isn’t a great thing to do because you aren’t teaching yourself that being hungry is ok; but I think its better then tearing into a bag of chips or having a 2nd (or 4th) helping of dinner….

    How does everyone else deal with the sudden urge to eat?

  8. I have been pretending that my gain isn’t an issue. Well I went shopping and went from a 16 in jeans to a tight 20. I am 32 years old, I have three boys at the ages of 11yr.,8yr., and 13 months. My current is 234 pounds. I weighed 116 when I got pregnant with my first child. I would like to see 130 again. I need to get this off.

  9. Hi. My name is Jessica and Im 15. I came to this site because Im 235 lbs. I plan to lose 100lbs in a year and some of the stories here really inspired me.
    Feb 15, 2009- 235 lbs
    Feb 16, 2010- 135 lbs

  10. I am 25 years old, 26 in June, and my boyfriend and I are both over. I am about 270 or so and he is just a few lbs lighter then I am. He wants to see us both get thinner and healthier together as he says “i want you to be around for a while” and with my family background having a lot of diabetics in it he worries about it getting ahold of me, thankfully it has’nt yet. So I am starting my journey to lose , I would love to be able to lose 100 lbs but even 70-80 would be great and I am making him stick to it with me so we can be healthy together. I do use food as a comfort for stress and at times in my life depression, so giving up some foods specificly on taste not hunger is my biggest hurdle to pass. I hope that myself, and all of you have exceptional results. good luck!!

  11. Nicole – Thank you for your post. That is such a great outlook that the hunger is your metabolism working. I was very happy that my hunger and cravings were mostly gone (from eating lots of protein and no sugar ) 🙂 but the last two days I’ve been trying to eat more often and now I am starting to get hungry but I have to change things up as I am slowing down on my loss too much – so time to kick it up and pick up the slack. 🙂 I love your idea of 2 oz of protein – I can’t do the water with meals because I found it slowed my digestion so if I don’t remember to do the water at least a half hour before a meal I don’t drink with my food. hmmmm I do find the morning bottle of water and bedtime very helpful (then I also have to get up early cause I gotta go go!!) lol So that gets me out of bed. Yep, I know bout strawberries and actually any fruit now that the artificial sugar is no longer consumed everything tastes sweeter – even the size 18 jeans I just squeezed into. 🙂 Stay in touch! 🙂 I’ll try and post in a week after kicking it up!!

  12. Tere – It may seem that your posts are one-side but I’m sure your loss journey has motivated a lot of people who have passed by this post. I will start posting more often. The hardest thing for me has been cooking and making sure I have food on hand to eat. I’m eating 5 to 6 times a day with a 2oz protein at every meal. Hopefully I’m not going to get tired of the egg whites, grilled chicken, and tuna any time soon. It’s great being hungry ever 3 hours because I know my metabolism is working. I have also been doing the 2 mile walk away the pounds in the morning and the evenings I go to Jazzercise. The water hasn’t been that hard because I drink a 16oz glass of water when I wake up, and then 16 oz with every meal. When I exercise I’m drinking about 20 oz of water each session. When I go out, I make sure I have water with me as well – I find that sipping on my water replaces my desire to sip on a Big Gulp Pepsi.

    I haven’t had a soda, candy bar, cupcakes etc in two weeks and the cravings are slowing going away. Last week, I wanted a hostess cupcake often but I find this week the cravings aren’t so bad. I would never have thought that I would have been happy with eating strawberries for something sweet. lol Two weeks ago that would have been the topping.

    Roberta – That’s great that you were able to find a family friendly gym. I homeschool as well and have to juggle trying to get the exercise in with the kids.

    Good luck to everyone! I can’t wait to hear how everyone is doing!!!!

  13. I am not close to the 100 lb mark; but I took the first step 5 weeks ago and joined a gym. I have children; and I homeschool, so one of the biggest things standing in my way was “what do I do with the kids”? So I found a family friendly gym and the kids are able to play basketball, racketball, volleyball, and partake in a few children’s yoga/fittness classes while I walk on the treadmill or around the indoor track. We all swim (me laps, them for fun) 3 days a week, and then we all go to the gym every morning and they play while I walk/exercise. Its only been 5 weeks, but I’m down 12 lbs! (I am about 75 lbs over)
    I hear you when you say tomorrow never comes Jude. Its taken me 8 years to finally “do” something about my . I took a friends advice and wrote down everything standing in my way of getting fit and making changes, and once I was able to see them all at once on the same piece of paper, it was easier to formulate a game plan and get things started. I am quite new to the loss challenge, but it is going really well. I wish you luck!

  14. Help! I rather die than be fat any longer. I just can’t get started. I keep saying I’ll start tomorrow. But tomorrow never comes.

  15. Nicole Thanks for the feedback – sometimes it’s hard coming on here and just posting – it feels very one sided. 🙂 I am down 73 lbs and the has slowed down now but I’ve not been kicking myself (too much anyway – lol) since I only started this 5 1/2 months ago. I believe my pitfall is saving my calories for the evening and that I need more exercise – both things I need to work on and yeah, the water is hard as well and I do know if I don’t drink the water I don’t flush the pounds. 🙂

  16. Nea says:
    September 9th, 2008 at 3:44 am

    Nea… you have like the exact same story as I do … If you’re reading follow-ups I just want you to know that there’s another nursing student out there with the same issue 😉

  17. Hello everyone, like most people who’ve posted here, I need to lose 100 lbs (some of you’ve already done it! WOO HOO!) I have weighed between 265 & 295 ever since I was 15. Before that I was always a little chubby, I didn’t know much about metabolism or healthy eatting really and I tried to lose my chub and ended up destroying my metabolism by under eating. When I reached my goal I went off my diet and gained 100 lbs by eating how I had normally eaten before the extreme diet. It was devastating and I’ve never been able to lose it. I’ve gone up and down ( primarily up) and now have settled at about 280 lbs. I’m sick of my body thinking that 280 is it’s normal .

    One website that has helped some people I know is It has free exercise and meal plans, and a calorie/nutrition tracker. It has a lot of great features. I haven’t used it extensively but I may incorporate it into my plan. has some information reguarding minimal physical activity to maintain health.

    A health professional I was having a conversation with said that many people have an improvement in with 18 miles a week and nearly everyone does at 25 miles a week. Walking or running doesn’t seem to make much of a difference except it saves you time. Right now I’m trying to get 10 miles a week and when that becomes easy I’ll add a couple miles and maintain that for a few weeks until I get to 25 mi/week.

    Remember, 21 days is the minimum to make a new habit. You can’t get rid of old habits without replacing them with new ones. If it’s a habit you’ve had for years and years it will most likely take more than 21 days. I made myself give up candy and drinks with added sugar. After 3 weeks It wasn’t even hard to stay away from them. I lapsed at a party & ate some candy and now I crave that stuff again. But another 21 days (3 weeks) without it and I’m sure I’ll be able to say no again.

    Working out doesn’t have to be expensive. SparkPeople made an exercise plan customized for me using only equipment that I said I already had. All I have is a couple s and access to a friend’s treadmill. I don’t really like the treadmill though so I try to get a friend to take a walk with me.

    Get a partner in crime-er-health. 🙂 Make goals to stick to together. My friend & I are both trying to do 10 miles & increase to 25. She’s in a lot better health than I am already, but we’re both pretty unfit. We keep a private blog where we post our progress every monday. This is the start of week 3 so I’m really hoping that in a year I’ll only be doing maintenance.

    My ultimate goal is to be healthy at graduation from Nursing School in May 2010. Nurses are supposed to be a health model for the community. I won’t feel proper being an obese health professional.

    Congrats to all in your success and I wish will power to all those who would like the same results!
    Here’s to healthy people in 2010 and beyond! 🙂

  18. I am 23 and need to lose around 150 – 160 lbs i can never seem to stick with diets or ” lifestyle changes ” does anyone have any suggestion on how to get the off quickly before i am to old to do anything with my life? i cannot realy afford a personal trainer at the gym currently and dont know what exercizes to do to burn fat and stuff please help

  19. Hello my name is Brandy. I have been over my whole life and after having two children in 20 months it has gone up to 310. I am in seriously poor health and need to lose 130 pounds to decrease my risk of heart failure and diabetic stroke. I need to join a gym but every time I go all the thin people stare at me like they had never seen a fat girl before. I was wandering if anyone else felt so bad about themselves in that situation and if anyone had some advice. I think the idea of a gym sounds healthy and fun. At on gym they did not even wanna answer my questions about becoming a member.

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