May 15, 2024

What is the Master Cleanse Diet?

master cleanse diet
master cleanse diet

I believe no matter what some people say that the master cleanse diet is a great idea for everyone to try at some point. I will tell you a bit why.

Most of us go through life having some up and down days and exercise or try to eat better to improve how our energy, concentration and look are. Not trying to hard but doing what we can.

Well for some people that is just not enough. I know that years ago I was the picture of fitness and then through some bad decisions my body started feeling not so great. My wife had to do one of those one day cleanses and I jumped at trying it as well just for a lark on a Sunday.

I can tell you I felt great the next day and for weeks afterwards. That one day cleanse changed the way I looked at cleanses although sometimes the medical community is slow to pick up on the results.

Master Cleanse Diet

Anyone that has listened to the Howard Stern show on the radio, or has seen the movie Private Parts has seen Robin Quivers, the straight girl to Howard’s crazy antics. Well I just ran across a quote from a People magazine article where she said the following about doing a detox cleansing called the Master Cleanse diet:

“This wasn’t about loss,” says Quivers, who traces her health problems to steroid-based medication that she took in 1989 to regulate her menstrual cycle, “I was really trying to regain my health, and that’s what it did.”

“She’s a whole different person, “says Howard Stern producer Gary Dell’Abate, “I’ve been with her 20 years, and I’ve never seen her this happy and confident.”

As a fitness and health blogger I get lots of people asking and commenting on how good cleanses are for them in general and the master cleanse diet it particular and I know that the medical community is split, but once you do a cleanse, a proper cleanse, you will see and feel the difference as your body becomes much more powerful and you have better concentration and clarity.

Many people will do some kind of fast or detox or cleanse or whatever you call it to lose and although you will lose some it is like starvation , it will come back over time. If however you do the master cleanse diet with the right idea, to make your body healthier and more efficient then you are going to jump start yourself to losing much more easily because you will be in fact making your body work better and you will not be fighting the toxins in your body at all.

What is the Master Cleanse Diet?

Out of all the cleanses out there I had heard that the Master Cleanse is the best one. The master cleanse is also known as the lemonade diet or the cayenne pepper and lemonade diet. The 10 day diet is the detox method that you hear about celebrities doing and having success with. I just also heard from my wife that the girls on The View were talking about the Master Cleanse last week and Beyonce used it in getting read for the movie Dreamgirls. The Master Cleanse diet is free and you can buy the stuff for it at the suppermarket but really it is very very tough to follow through on

Why is the Master Cleanse Diet Tough?

At the start of the Master Cleanse diet everyone is excited but after the first or second day a lot of people bail out. It is importnat ot go through the full 10 days of the Master Cleanse diet and after a lot of searching I have found a way that should help you.

I have found a great and cheap product that not only teaches you how to do the Master Cleanse but since it is so difficult for the 10 days it is also a guide on how to do the cleanse most successfully so that you do not quit half way through.

I have never recommended a fast or cleanse before because I never ran across one that had the support system for it. I could make up a cleanse right now that would probably be good but if I had no support system for anyone to go through is then what would be the point, by lunch the first day you would drop it for a hamburger.

Does the Master Cleanse diet Work?

Here are some reviews for the Master Cleanse Diet

master cleanse dietPersonally this FAST is working for me. This is my 6th day being on it and as of yesterday i’ve lost 10lbs.

master cleanse dietI just read a womans blog that did it and she said it worked but you only go on it for 10 days. Obviously only drinking liquid will make you lose

master cleanse dietFasting: As a way to cleanse the body or jump-start a -loss program, fasting has been recommended for years

master cleanse dietYes it does. I lost 18lbs in just 1o days. It’s awesome. But I recommend you get the book cause it’s not easy the first few days

master cleanse dietThe Master Cleanse claims to be a way to cleanse the body of toxins and remove the cravings associated with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and eating junk food. ‘Coffee, tea, and various cola drinks, as habit-forming beverages, also lose their appeal through the marvels of the lemonade diet

master cleanse dietNever fear, losing 10lbs is a fairly easy accomplishment for the master cleanse diet. I lost somewhere between the range of 20-25 lbs in 10 days.

Master Cleanse diet Support

I don’t want to go into detail on how each cleanse works and why but I think that anyone that does a cleanse accepts that it is a good idea and something that they feel has improved their health. So I will just go into the one that I am interested in letting you know about today.

Master Cleanse Secrets is nice and cheap at only $27 and is a support system in itself so that you can succeed. Again, it is not the type of cleanse that is only important but getting to the end which is the tough part for anyone. The Master Cleanse Secrets program even has a daily Journal which is great for keeping you on track but also an info book on the bodies four main cleaning systems and how they work.

Check out Master Cleanse Secrets Now and tell me what you think of the master cleanse diet, if you buy it today and email me at bill @ I will send you a little bonus of a 61 page book called Eliminating Stress and Anxiety from your life. I just urge you to try this master cleanse diet and see if it does in fact change your life.

472 thoughts on “Master Cleanse Diet

  1. tomorrow will be my first day of master cleanse! i have tried it last summer but it didnt worked out good, ended up i quit on the second day, but after i have read all of this statements, i feel determined.. wish me luck! 😀

    1. i started my cleanse today and i doing pretty good on it lots of fresh air is getting me through it i wish you good luck give it all you got

      1. I started my second “experience” with the Master Cleanse on March 21. As of this morning, seven days into the cleanse, I have lost 13 pounds. I do crave some solid food when my co-workers warm up their lunch or I am making supper for my kids, however, I have no aches and pains, no headaches, I sleep like a baby and am very much looking forward to transitioning to a low carb diet upon my resurfacing to the somewhat normal hunting and gathering I was used to prior to the cleanse!

  2. Started the MC cleanse today(March 15th). I am 5’3.5, 160lbs and am looking to change my eating habits and also lose a few pounds by March 26th.
    Is it safe to exercise while on this cleanse? Not extensive exercise but maybe a 40 minute walk on the elliptical?

    Will keep posted throughout my next 10 days.

    1. Hey about 2 years ago i decided to try this diet, i believed in it so much i challenged myself and said i would do it for 30dys. when i started i was a size 16, when i stopped at day 21(i couldnt make it to 30dys.), i wae a size 4/5. No lie, it really works, but u have to stay focused and dedicated. Im preparing myself now to start this amazing cleanse again. It not only helps with loss but it gave me energy, focus and was a mind cleanser as well. Good luck!

      1. hi, I have never heard about this cleanse until yesterday MAy 8, and I quickly bought all the stuff I needed and this morning started !!! I am not sure how everything works…. How many cups of the cleanse you drink and for how long I should stick with it! I am 5″ 3 and 155 ,I am a zise 12 and want to lose 2o to 30 pounds… I just need someone to guide me through this! Is there any other tips you could share with me!?

      2. thats amazing, i hope to that size, im size 16 now,and decided to do it for 20 days, so far i lost 9lb and my 5th day is over. hope you can tell me at what rate you lost the , and how u doing after yo stopped.

  3. I just completed 19 days on the MC and it was a truly gratifying experience for me for a number or reasons. I was never hungry, and it was not difficult for me to drink the lemonade. However, I did have problems with the salt water flush, so I had to vary the measurements ratio of salt to water to find a suitable balance, just as stated in the book. Nonetheless, I lost about 19lbs in that 19 days going from 300.3lbs to 281.6(I’m 5’10”). This plus the mental clarity and clearer skin is great, but the added, and in my opinion, superior benefit is that it has really changed my appetite for the better. Approaching the end of the cleanse, all I craved and continue to crave was fruits and vegetables where I used to constantly crave bread, sweets, and fried foods. I bought a juicer while cleansing, so I have been using that to juice all the fruits and veggies I can take and I couldn’t be happier with how I look and feel. It has truly set the stage for a much healthier lifestyle. Now, 1 week after stopping the master cleanse, I am happy to say I have not gained a single pound back, and I have actually lost about 3 more pounds(current : 276.4). I no longer crave junk food and sweets, and am able to get full off much less food than before. I will definitely be doing the MC again in a few months!

  4. hello fellow detoxers, so nice to find a group of inspirational people here to support!
    I have just moved to a new city and have been looking for work for almost 3 months now – it is getting demoralising and all that sitting on the couch and eating whatever I can lay my hands on has really taken it’s toll on my skin, my and my confidence. I find it so hard to get motivated to get off the couch and sometimes stay in my pj’s all day. I need a CHANGE. My tummy is so big and bloated it’s disgusting!
    So here I am, first day of the master cleanse. I hope to do 8 days before I leave for my brother’s wedding.
    The only thing scaring me is that I am going to a beach resort with my fiance tomorrow night for 2 days and it might be a bit miserable for him to be with me (and for me to avoid the food).
    Keep up the good work everyone and wish me luck!x

  5. hi um, im only 16 years old but I really dont like myself at all. I’m not even five ft and i weigh 140 i just want to get to 120 before my 17th brithday so i can get this tattoo ive wanted for so long. I’ve been taking alli and working out every single day for an hour sometimes more. its been 2 months on it and i only lost five pounds. i can not wait any longer to be happy with myself. I’m actually drinking the cleanse right now its not too great. i already feel a bit light headed and it taste makes me shake a little but i have to do this and i hope i can. my mom doesnt know im doing this and when i asked her to buy me the pills that make it pass she said no and i dont know how to use the salt water flush nor do i want to gain from doing that.
    I read a lot about it it said its important to take something so i’m going to have to get it myself very soon since i already started it. I just hope i can do this and feel better about myself and have other people stop calling me names. the maple is kind of making want to puke it up when i drink it but i want this so bad that i will not give up.

    1. Hey, you know your supposed to mix them altogether right… kidna sounds like your drinking the syrup seperatly??? :O oh my goodness…

    2. What I usually do is half of what is required in the recipe of the maple syrup , sometimes i switch it out completely with agave (probably not the best idea but yes that stuff is nasty)
      another approach you can try is get your favorite 0 cal teas and soak them into the mix
      warm up the lemonade drink and bam you don’t notice it as much!
      or have tea as a chaser..
      good luck!

    3. hey there:) How r u? How’s your loss prgress been coming along? Well i read yur comment and I jus wanted to say that I understand what it’s like to be made fun of….It’s not fun, nor is it easy….I jus wanted to say-keep yur head up and keep moving forward. Dont give up on yourself and ask our creator to give you hope and to help you to believe in yourself…..Focus on loving yourself more than what THEY have to say. You’re worth it. Lose the for you and then celebrate yourself! Ok? God bless you my dear………..

  6. Day 1 on the Master Cleanse. I tried once before but wasnt prepared well enough so gave up. This time I have done my research and I know what to expect so I know I will last the whole 10 days. I’m keeping an open mind about whatever loss I will achieve I havent even weighed myself just measured as I believe inch loss is a lot more reflective that . Anything will be good. I would love to hear about other peoples experiences and symptoms. Day 1 is going ok I am not really hungry although I have a slight headached. Nothing unbareable though. Will write again tomorrow. Good luck peeps x

    1. I have done my research and plan to do master cleanse in next month, I get 10 days off work. I’m so excited. Please update, did you last for the whole 10 days. How was it? 🙂

    2. Today is day 1 for me, my boyfriend and I are doing this together. The lemonade drink taste pretty good, the detox tea is nasty, I was only hungry today because I know I didn’t eat but around 11:30pm/12am I am hungry, my boyfriend has been hungry all day and he wants to give up. I will come back tomorrow to let yall know how it’s going.


    1. do you take anything for your hypothyroidism ? Has that helped? And have you told your doctor you were going to try the cleanse ?

    2. Hey – your situation sounds like mine.. what kind of tests did they do to figure out it was a thyroid problem? Any symptoms I should look out for besides the gain?

    3. I’m in a similar situation. Over the last couple of years I”ve put on about 25lbs., unexplainably, and it’s been driving me absolutely crasy. I’m a regular exerciser, eat healthy, and have done just about everything to lose to no avail, but on the most part the pounds juskt keep piling on (very frustrating)…the best I’ve been able to do in a given week is not gain despite great effors to lose. Always tired, lack of enegy, lack of sleep made exercising very difficult. Have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism…Now everything makes sense but losing the is still a problem (typical with hypothoiridism). Would like to hear feedback from people in similar situation that have finished the MC. I’m very inspired by what I’ve read but remain concerned about negative consequences on a deficient thyroid. What are the Doctors saying?

  8. sheilap thanks for the motivating words and good luck to you to. Is Trader Joe’s in the states or the UK? I been looking for the syrup myself and cant find it thanks in advance for any info x God luck to everyone xx

  9. BellsKel…. If you have a Trader Joe’s in town they have the best prices for the Grade B syrup, Whole foods also carries it. I haven’t found it anywhere but the natural food stores. Costco for lemons is also your best best. The syrup is kinda spendy, but if you consider that it is your nutrients for 10 days it isn’t bad. If you are doing the cayenne pills instead of whole cayenne, Walmart carries that. Good luck to you! You will feel amazing and so proud of yourself once you complete this cleanse:)

  10. Hey, I’m really thinking about starting the cleanse. I was wondering where the best places would be to find all the right items? Does walmart sell the grade b maple and other items needed? And how much does everything together normaly cost? Thanks

  11. This is day 3 of the master cleanse! I did my first cleanse Jan 3rd last year for 12 days…. I have never felt so amazing! It cut my cravings for cheese, coffee, fried foods, and junk food. I lost 10 pounds and felt so revitalized… This lasted for quite awhile, until I slowly started introducing the cruddy stuff back into my diet. I am so looking forward to that wonderful feeling again.. it is all mental, so if you really put your mind to it you can succeed.. Good luck to everyone starting a fresh:)

  12. Oh dear please do excuse my grammar it seems no matter how many times I read & corrected my comment, mistakes were still left in my comment sorry about that x

  13. Wishing you all a Happy Belated Xmas & a Happy New Year and maybe the New Year bring you all; Good Health, Love & Happiness, Peace & Tranquility, Success, Good Fortune, Many Blessings and above all Faith and God in your lives. xx

    Hi everyone, I have been reading most comments and I am very well motivated and moved by the great results. I would like to congratulte everyone who has completed their mission and has lost .

    I just received The Master Cleanser – By Stanley Burroughs , I have everything I need except for the Genuine 100% pure maple syrup and of course the oranic lempns which will be baught last. I am aiming to do 40 days in one go or breaking my days in 10’s till I reach that 40 day goal. Will post again when I am almost ready or after I have started mean while I am preparing myself psychologically because after all it’s going to not only a lifestyle change from than on but it will be a very difficult journey and a bit nervous about failing so preparing myself mind & body.

    I wish all best of luck and you can do it.

    Mush Love wicker @)~)~~~~ xx

  14. just finished my swf.. this is my 3rd attempt at the mc in 4 years.. the 1st time i wasn’t prepared.. the 2nd i lasted 3 days.. this time i will succeed. i am prepared.
    everyday i eat clean, all organic, limit my gluten. i supplement with genuine health greens+ daily detox, protein shakes, maca, lugol’s iodine and i have a far infrared sauna.
    i have done every cleanse/detox/colonic irrigation, etc. my body needs more. i wish everyone the best of luck and love now and for 2011 and for ever..
    master cleanse day #1.. so far so good!

  15. starting the master cleanse tomorrow..
    excited but nervous!
    haven’t decided how many days im gonna go for..
    but hopefully ill be able to push through at least the first 3 days

  16. Really good post.

    I completed 28 days of the HCG diet just before Halloween and had great success. Lost 24 pounds in 28 days. It’s a drastic diet (500 cal/day) but it works and actually isn’t as tough as it sounds.

  17. I am on day 7 of the Master Cleanse and I have lost 8lbs, well, I had lost 8lbs, I did the salt water flush this morning and it made me gain back 1 pound which pissed me off. I had been just doing the laxative because I couldn’t swallow that salt water but wanted to make sure I cleaned my digestive system so did a flush this morning. I am going to excersise tonight and hopefully be back on track tomorrow. After this, I plan to adhere to the Eat Right for Your Blood Type Plan and really change my eating habits. I am 5′ 7 and weighed 211 when I started. I gained 10lbs on a recent cruise which is why I started the MC. I plan on doing another cleanse after New Year. I have lots of people who want to try it with me, but I must say this is not easy. Even though I am not hungry, I do want to eat.

  18. This is the first time i did the master cleanse. I watch the movie Foodmatters.TV and was stuck. I wanted to clean my body. So i google and found the MC.
    I got the book. I read it. 3 days later i start the MC. I am now on my 5th day. IT IS AWESOME. I lost 8lb in 5days. The 3 and 4th day was the hardest. I workout everyday and feel great.
    5 more days to go. I want to lost 20lb. i am 5,8 and 160lb. But today i can’t see any lemonade on more. I wanted to throw up. I hope to push though the next 5 days.

  19. Great review! I love the master cleanse.. although I’ve never managed to do it for more than 3 days, I still see great results from it:)

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