April 26, 2024

X-Weighted is a TV show that is shown on the life network here in Canada. The idea of X-Weighted is that the story of regular people losing weight would be interesting to watch and in fact it is.

The host of X-weighted is a trainer from Edmonton by the name of Paul Plakas. Paul is a great host for a weight loss show because he goes into peoples houses and is not afraid of offending them with his tips and is really great for giving workout ideas.

Also, as a Canadian Paul is never an ass but he doesn’t give anyone much of a chance to make any excuses either.

I watched X-Weighted a couple of times last season but earlier this week was a standard episode that I thought was great to watch especially for the lack of hype that this show uses to bring across the idea of weight loss over a longer period of time.

The structure of X-Weighted is that you will have an intro where you see the life situation of someone that wants to lose weight, then Paul Plakas measures and weighs the person, looks in their kitchen and does a fitness assessment. Using supplements for his body hes able to overcome some barriers others can’t.

Later in the show you have workouts and a midpoint weight in and finally at the end there is an official X-Weighted final weigh in. Great drama and great info all in an hour

Anatomy of an X Weighted Episode

x weighted

The X-Weighted episode that I saw started with Michelle, a lady that was over weight and would like to lose 50 pounds.

She had problems with one of her three children being Autistic and becoming a problem and her whole family leaned on her for support in various parts of their lives.

Because of Michelle’s work schedule and early mornings she would eat out at fast food places once or twice EVERY day. Now we know this ladies background.

First things first for the meeting with her trainer. Michelle laid out her situation and then told Paul that she wanted to lose 50 pounds in the next six months.

Her trainer talked to her about her exercise requirements, eating requirements, tested her current level of fitness and then followed her around for a day. A couple of day later Michelle met with her trainer for a training session and then we get to see how Michelle reacts over the next few months to life, changes and loss.

In the end Michelle lost I believe 44 pounds and was really happy with how things went for her  weight loss. Her life was a series of traumatic events over the time of her weight loss and it really makes you feel for her and her family.

X-Weighted is a great show in that it really walks you through how real people lose weight while living their regular lives, this is a classic idea of a reality show where the people are in their own surrounding much like our own and every great result is hard fought.

X-Weighted is on in Canada on many nights of the week on the Slice Network (formerly the Life Network).

106 thoughts on “X-Weighted

  1. I find this article helpful for me cause I actually believe some of the myths that are listed on the article. This article brighten up my minds and made me decide on which would be helpful for me or not. I would share this with my friends who are also on weight loss.

  2. Hi i am a very depressed person because of my . I am 5 ft and weigh about 165 to 170 lbs. I cannot bring myself to go outside thinking people are looking at me. At one point I had to go to the emergency room and was waiting to be checked in when a nurse asked me if i was in pain and i said yes so she to pick up the phone on the wall and somone would be with me soon. I picked up the phone and it was the caseroom. Needless to say I was quiet upset as I am a 54 year old women. Life is like living in a bubble and I cannot bust it to get out. I have no support from family only disgust. I need motivation and shown how to eat right and exercise properly. I have a son whom I gave up for adoption 35 years ago and now we have found each other on facebook but I cannot bring myself to visit him due to my self image. I want to enjoy life again and love myself again. Life is short and and i really want to be able to smile, laugh and socialize again. Please could you help me it would be a breath of fresh air and a new start for me. Thank you……..

    1. Hi Linda,
      My recommendation is to count calories. Sites such as MyFitnessPal.com and caloriecount.about.com have FREE tools to log everything you eat. The minimum you should be eating is 1200 calories a day, and at your size it is probably a very good number to stick to. I am also 5′ and started out at 167 lbs, stats similar to yours; using just these tools I’m now at 138. (With frankly minimal exercise – I’m not going to lie, I’m lazy. Exercise HELPS loss, but the diet is FAR more important and makes the REAL difference. You DON’T have to exercise just to lose , although it is certainly beneficial for your health.)

      The best part of using this method is that you will learn what foods fill you up for less calories, what recipes work, and what needs to/can be cut out of your diet. But if you want to indulge in a treat once in a while, it’s possible – the key is simply portion control and moderation.

      Some key advise: fast food is OUT. One fast food meal can EASILY be 1200 calories, and not very satisfying because it is so low in actual nutrients. Stick to salads when you eat at restaurants, but be careful, not everything that’s a “salad” is healthy – pasta salads are out, order dressings on the side, stir-frys are iffy because the oil the food is prepared in gets absorbed and adds a LOT of unhealthy calories. The best thing is to eat out at places that have nurtritional guides online – google the restaurant name along with “nutritional information” and you will often find the part of their website that tells you how many calories everything in their menu contains. When a restaurant doesn’t, that’s okay too, just order whatever looks healthiest on the menu. And it’s okay of course not to finish your food/take leftovers home, as restaurants tend to sometimes go wayyy overboard with portion sizes.

      When preparing food at home make sure you ask yourself if you’re hungry or just bored – don’t eat for pleasure to comfort or reward yourself. Eat to nourish yourself.

      Within a couple of months of sticking to this new lifestyle you will find that you will crave “bad things” less and less. Exercising portion control will get you in the habit of eating less in one sitting. I used to be able to eat a massive amount of food, like a whole pizza in one sitting, now I just start to feel ill if I overeat. It is not a DIET; it is a LIFESTYLE.

      Good luck and I would love to hear back from you.

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