My wife starts her day looking at the headlines on the People Magazine website and this morning saw this article about to Biggest Losers having a baby....and there is a picture of how they look now. Marty Wolff and his wife Amy met during the third season of NBC's The Biggest Loser in 2007, got … [Read more...] about Marty and Amy from Biggest Loser having a baby
Archives for December 2008
The One Weight Loss Goal You Cannot Do Without!
If you are reading this article, you are either: Fed up of your fat belly and the taunts of your friends and colleagues regarding it! Eager to get into a two-piece and flaunt your sexy body on a sea-beach Served an ultimatum by your doctor that you could die prematurely unless you get rid of … [Read more...] about The One Weight Loss Goal You Cannot Do Without!
Truvia and Purevia as Stevia alternatives
Stevia has been used in sodas marketed as dietary supplements and in other countries for sweetening treats and other foods but before now was not officially approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Experts had predicted the FDA would approve before the end of the year and the market for … [Read more...] about Truvia and Purevia as Stevia alternatives
Beyonce and the Master Cleanse Recipe
Lots of people have asked about the master cleanse recipe, but before that there is a bit more to know. Beyonce Knowles-in recent times, days she became more famous for her sudden unexpected loss than either her vocal cords or sing ability. Once she claimed on a TV show to have lost almost … [Read more...] about Beyonce and the Master Cleanse Recipe
Simple Weight Loss Tips For Natural Weight Loss
There are several different ways to lose weight, but the general consensus is that by far dieting is the best and simplest way to get rid of unwanted fat. Now there are several kinds of fad diets available and then there are also a few healthy dieting programs which work quite differently. At first … [Read more...] about Simple Weight Loss Tips For Natural Weight Loss